Tony A. Trujillo, Jr. Resume
Tony A. Trujillo, Jr.
1000 South Pointe Drive
Apartment 2104
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
305 - 428 - 5545 (office)
305 - 873 - 3992 (mobile)
Senior executive with over 20 years of diverse for - profit and not - for - profit management experience at
The Pankey Institute , the premier continuing dental education center , and at Intelsat , the world’s
leading satellite communications service s provider. Extensive direct operational experience
managing human resources, government relations, corporate communications and branding. Highly
effective in building and leading human resources teams, representing an organization before the
legisl ative and executive branches of the federal government , and develop ing targeted
communications programs. Also served on not - for - profit boards of directors and engaged directly
with not - for - profit and for - profit boards.
Pankey Institute career highlights include:
Strategic Planning:
Led first strategic planning exercise involving board of directors and management staff.
Succes sfully developed roadmap for the Institute ' s future, including strategic direction,
integration and execution.
Revamped all branding and marketing efforts to revitalize Institute image and
identity during a time of increased competition in the continuing dental education
market place .
Established and staffed development office to provide greater financial flexibility
and firmer financial foundation for the Institute.
2007 - Present P resident & Chief Executive Officer, The Pankey Institute
Responsible for all management functions , including finance, development,
marketing, strategic planning, human resources , communications, and facilities.
Intelsat c areer highlights include:
C orporate Integration:
Successfully led two integration teams - - Human Resources and B randing - - when
Intelsat m erged with PanAmSat in 2006. Human resources integration work focused on
staff s election and employee communications.
Achieved key goals of managing an objective staff selection process on time and
on budget, and keeping staff informed of integration progress continuously. Branding
integration work developed refreshed branding for the new company. Staff embraced
new mission, vision, and values of the company, which was key to the merger’s success.
Government Relations:
Created the Intelsat govern ment r e lations function to advocate Intelsat interests before
federal policy makers and served as the company’s lia i son to the Executive Branch,
Congress and the Federal Communication s Commission. Also established the
c ompany’s p olitical a ction c ommittee and managed program to encourage employee
p articipation . Managed the PAC ’s contribution strategy. Successfully represented
company’s position s to key policy and decision - m akers, r esulting in C ongress passing four
different amendments related to the ORBIT Act which mandated Intelsat’s privatization. All
four amendments were signed into law by the President.
Human Resources:
S uccessfully revitalized and managed all aspects of human resources , including
compensation, benefits, operations, and executive recruitment. Also led talent
review and succession planning exercises.
Served as management lia i son to the Compensation Committee of the Intelsat Board
of Directors.
Corporate Communications:
Extensive experience in all aspects of media relations, speechwriting, employee
c ommunications, c risis communications, and branding.
2001 - 2006 Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Intelsat Global Service
Responsible for human resources, government relations, corpo rate communications,
facilities management, and security.
During most of this transformational period when the company was privatized, sold to
private equity, then merged with second - largest competitor , was :
Directly responsible for all corporate identity and branding activities, including
development of a new logo , collateral materials, mission and vision statements.
This initiative resulted in a cohesive, strong corporate identity and a more
engaged workforce which was better aligned with the company’s business
priorities and commercial objectives.
The c hief spokesman for the company, with responsibility for developing and
executing media relations programs, community and charitable outreach
initiatives, speechwriting, and employee communications . As a result of these
efforts , Intelsat enjoyed an enhance d corporate identity and a better informed
An excellent communicator who was keenly aware of the importance of
t wo - way communications with all the company’s internal and external
stakeholders to achieve a unified organizational direction and c ulture.
Servin g on and working with non - profit and corporate Boards. E ffective in
engaging b oards in the strategic planning process to ensure clear and
appropriate corporate and organizational goals.
Managing directly over 50 employees and contractors and an annual operating
budget in excess of $35 million.
Responsible, as the senior HR executive, for developing and administering
compensation and benefits programs for the company’ s 1,100+ employees.
These successful programs enabled I n telsat to retain the best employees and
attract highly qualified new hires.
Known for a management style that was based on achieving consensus
whenever possible, that was collegial, yet results - driven.
2000 - 2001 Vice President, Corporate Communications, INT ELSAT
Responsible for all aspects of corporate communications, including media relations
speechwriting, employee communications and publications. Successfully led effective
communications outreach to stakeholders.
Also established first in - house government affairs capability and represented INTELSAT
b efore the executive and legislative branches of the Federal Government, and before the
Federal Communications C ommission.
1990 - 2001 Director, Corporate Communications, INTELSAT
Responsible for all corporate communications functions including media relations,
s peechwriting, employee communications, crisis communications and branding.
Additional Relevant Experience
Adminis trative Assistant to the Director General, INTELSAT, 1987 - 90
Senior Executive, Public and Media Relations, INTELSAT, 1985 - 87
Washington and Lee University School of Law, J.D., 1982
Vanderbilt University, B.A., 1979
Management and Leadership Training
University of Virginia, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration,
“ Creating the High Performance Workplace ,” A pril 1995.
Completed numerous company - provided leadership and management
d evelopment courses.
Board Representa tion
Served as the Intelsat representative on the Boards of Directors of:
The Satellite Industry Association (SIA)
As chairman of the Board of Directors in 2005, testified before the U.S. House of
Representatives Energ y and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on
Telecommunications on “ Public Safety Communication s from 9/11 to Katrina:
Critical Public Policy Lessons”
SIA is a US - based trade association providing worldwide representation for the
l eading satellite operators, launch service s providers , manufacturers , and ground
equipment suppliers.
United States Telecommunication s Training Institute (USTTI)
The USTTI is a non - profit joint venture between leading US - based communications
and informat ion technology corporations and telecommunications leaders of the Federal
Government who provide tuition - free management, policy, and technical training for
talented telecommunications professionals from the developing world.
The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation
The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation advances the work of noted science fiction writer and
futurist Sir Arthur C. Clarke. The Foundation’s chief goals are to stimulate creative
use of communications technologies to improve health, education and quality of life for
people everywhe re.
Washington S pace B usiness Roundtable
Served as chairman of the R oundtable, a l e adership forum for the promoti on of commercial
spa c e business and education in the National Capital region.
Available up on request .