November 17, 2010 Commission MeetingNovember 1 7 , 2010 CITY COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS Agenda  Time certain  S upplemental Materials  Speaker’s List I nvocator memo Presentations & Awards list Addendum  Second Addendum Notice of closed executive session Afteraction Consent - Originals manila f older  Regular - Originals  Redevelopment Agency Agenda materials  Handouts folder  Lobbyist Log (See Handouts Folder)  Public Hearing Notice Ads (See Handouts Folder)  Log of Proceedings electronically recorded notes  Redrope files _ 1 of _ 1  DVD Burned - (See DVD F ile by Commission date)  Original Contents list to City Clerk  DVD 4 of 4 from Office of Communications  Lobbyist List (New)  Commission Meeting Notes from Rafael Granado  FOLDER PREPARED BY: __ ____ REVIEWED BY: ___________________________ DA TE: __ December 14, 2010 ___ F: \ CLER \ $ALL \ LILLY \ CONTENTS.FLD \ 2010 \ 11172010COMMMTG.doc