Coverletter City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov Office of the City Clerk Tel: 305.673.7411 , Fax: 305.673.7254 March 11, 2011 Dear City of Miami Beach Candidate: Thank you for your interest in becoming a candidate for the November 1 , 20 11 City of Miami Beach General Election. Pursuant to City Charter 6.03 a candidate must reside within the City and be a qualified elector for at least one year before qualifying. Enclos ed you will find the information and materials ne eded to answer most, if not all of your questions related to the November 1 , 20 1 1 General Election. MATERIALS ENCLOSED 1) November 1, 2011 City of Miami Beach – General Municipal Election Information 2) November 1, 2011 City of Miami Beach - General Election Campaign Reporting Dates 3) Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, January 2010 4) July 20 1 0 Candidate and Campaign Treasurer Handbook 5) City Code Section 2 - 487 – Prohibited campaign contributions by vendors 6) City Code Sectio n 2 - 488 – Prohibited campaign contributions by lobbyists on procurement issues 7) City Code Section 2 - 489 – Prohibited campaign contributions by real estate developers 8) City Code Section 2 - 490 – Prohibited campaign contributions by lobbyists on real estate dev elopment issues 9) Form DS - DE 9 – Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates 10) Form DS - DE 84 – Statement of Candidate 11) City of Miami Beach website – Campaign Reports from previous General Elections http://miamibeachf l.gov/newcity/cityhall/election 12) Letter from Code Compliance regarding political signs 13) Code Sections 138 - 33 through 138 - 36 (SIGNS) 14) Blank Petition Form 1 4 ) Early Voting Schedule THE FIRST TWO DOCUMENTS A PERSON MUST FILE WITH THE CITY CLERK TO BECOME A CANDIDATE ARE: 1. FORM DS - DE 9 – THE APPOINTMEN T OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY 2. FORM DS - DE 84 – STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE THE CANDIDATE MUST FILE FORM DS - DE 84 – STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE – WITH THE CITY CLERK WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER THE CANDIDATE FILES FORM DS - DE 9 - THE A PPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURE AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY. The City of Miami Beach City Clerk’s Office is here to serve you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the City Clerk ’s Office for assistance at 305. 673 . 7411. T hank you and good luck! Candidate Signature: ________________________________ Robert Parcher City Clerk Date : _______________________ F: \ CLER \ CLER \ ELECTION \ 2011 General Election \ Coverletter Nov 1 2011.doc We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical , historic community.