LTC 124-2011 Alto Road Construction Project MIAMI'BEACH
No. ETC # 24-2011 - -- - LETTER TO COMMISSION
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission.
FROM:. Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: May 20, 2011
SUBJECT: Alton Road Construction Project
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you with correspondence received from the
Transportation and Parking Committee regarding the above subject.
C: Hilda Fernandez, Assistant City Manager
Jorge Gomez, Assistant City Manager
Duncan Ballantyne, Assistant City Manager
Saul Frances, Parking Director i
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Mark Weithorn, Chairman TO:. Mayor.Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
Al Feola, Vice - Chairman
FROM: Mark Weithorn, Transportation & Parking Committee Chair
Jo Asrnundsson DATE: May 11, 2011
Scott Diffenderfer `
Del Fruit
Maria Mayer SUBJECT; Alton Road Construction Project
JP Morgan
Corey Narson
Eric Ostroff Dear Mayor and Honorable City Commission:
Josephine Pampanas
Amy Tan cig
Seth Wasserman The Transportation and Parking Committee met on May 2, 2011, and were
provided with information on the Alton Road Construction Project. The
committee would like to share this information with you.
Florida Department of Transportation has presented the Transportation &
Parking Committee with the new parking scheme for Alton Road, between 5th
Street and Michigan Avenue.
As a result of redesigning the.sidewalks, there will be a loss of 100 parking
spaces, broken down as follows:
• 86 spaces will be lost on Alton Road
• 10 spaces will be lost on Sunset Drive
• 4 spaces will be lost on 20th Street
Presently, there is of 268 spaces in all of these areas. The committee is
attempting to find out how many parking spaces will be lost on side streets
along Alton Road, as well as estimating the amount that will be lost in parking
Transportation and Parking Committee