Memo 004-2011 ICMA �IAM BEACH.'. OFFICE -,OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM . gay TO: 'Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M Gonzalez, City Manage DATE: March 25, 2011 F SUBJECT: INTERNATIONAL CITY / COUNTY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (ICMA) TASKFORCE ON THE PROFESSION Please be advised that I will be out of town from Monday, March 28 returning to the office on: March 30, 2011. 1 have been appointed to the ICMA Task Force on the Profession, along with a. handful of other managers and academics, who will meet in Chicago, Illinois. In my absence, I have appointed Assistant City Manager Jorge Gomez to act on my behalf. Jorge may reached at extension 6150 and his cellular phone at 305.323.7462; his assistant Naima De Pinedo's extension is 6257. My assistant Pauline Walters may be reached at extension 6546 and Special Projects Coordinator Dolores Mejia at extension 6834 or by cell phone 786.382.8032. If you need to reach me in the event of an emergency, please feel free to contact me on my cellular phone at 305.308:0663. Thank you: J M G \pw Electronic co Executive Staff copy: . Management Team f: /cmgr /$all /jorgegon /memos /out of town - Public Management Marl 1 We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical,' historic community. r