Elise Spine Taylor 2010 RCFIVFf MIAMIDADE OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMEMT9 AM t0 c5 For Full -time County and Municipal Empl , ees .L WWE'S OFr Ic;F FULL -TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY Disclosure for �� 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2- 11.1(K)(2) OF Tax Year Ending: THE MIAMI -DADE COUNTY CODE. Name: Last First Middle 1 a y /dr /s e spi Filing as a (check one): L Miami -Dade County Employee Z Municipal Employee of: C 1 y (2 fY) /9/ . mC", Position Title: De) -j e / Po /'CI? o Fr 'c et County/Municipal Department: County/Municipal Division: / Q ,--, D a c 'C� /M;a e1 Bead c T 0 If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant Work Telephone: to Florida Statutes § 119.07, please check here: P4 3 o- 6 73 – 777 ., STS 3 Mailing Address (Street Name and Number) Apt. # Ho o 1 \-)a c/ti r ? 40p ,4 ve-, e City State Zip Code fY 1 33/3g Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. If continued on a separate sheet, please check here: n Name and Address of the Source of Nature of the Work Amount of Money or Outside Income Performed Compensation Received carlos ,4I i2v Ui;vetJ>1>/ A951,,,C4 Pf,opfjnr $a, iffeo pe- 173 Iv t,.) q9 A \Pn /e ctQ�S an /0 1, , F6 3 3 ! 7 Pre rear -e D t DV ca fi -, Q / P( vide 43 or Per erycAo l 0,9 ca L se,- ✓, ceS i n Eci vea ) 1, o v Gbo .Sw 30 ST, 43'o/ ✓v�CeS FT Lcivderda 6e, F . 333L.r 1 hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. Signature o Person Disci • Date Signed 6---3-//