#397 David Ronald Skipper & Roxanne Therese Koba 1 Certificate No 397 i...)..„ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _/ _, _, _, 127000 1274 1 to MIAMIBEACH i 1 L l 1 1 M Dome tit • artncr t Certificate k I � This is to certify that I ( D avid Ronald Skipperl k") L 1 C3 �� n �i v1 H . , Roxanne Therese Koba l � are registered as Domestic Partners with the City of Miami Beach ,,.I- 14 , 1/4 , , I X ) Miami -Dade County, in the State of Florida l ") 1 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower to y � ,i 4 �, Commissioner Jor a Ex osito Dated this 8 day of July, 2011 ,j � 4s` ` ∎ , L 1 Commissioner Michael Gongora I � r f ;` 1 Commissioner Jerry Libbin %A \I "11 ^IT � 1 1 Commissioner E dward L. Tobin ,;� 1 Commissioner Deede Weithorn LA ?I PaA-C1A . ,, �, ,,./ (., i �� L � Commissioner Jonah Wolfson Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk `/ City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez t� City Attorney Jose Smith '`/ �y����Cj�Cj� C G�j� ' Cj' "' Cj '— G 5Cj '— Cj� j� Cj .5:_ j L ) ��