Memo 006-2011 Miami Beach Soundscape MIAMI BE City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachf� x wl MEMO NO. 006 ; 20 11 MEM qM' ' TO: Commissioner Jonah Wolfson 1 6 FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager Oar,- DATE: June 1 2011 SUBJECT: MIAMI BEACH SOUNDSCAPE LANDSCAPE AND OTHER RELATED OPERATIONS C As per your request, attached please find the information you requested regarding the current landscape maintenance, porter and restroom facility ,services provided on behalf of the City by ValleyCrest Landscape Development. `. As you may recall, -a ninety (90) day maintenance period was incorporated as a component of the Miami Beach SoundScape construction Project. Upon final acceptance of the project by the City, Hines managedl all facets of the operation. and maintenance of this site in cooperation with the Parks and Recreation i Department for this period. This maintenance phase began on January 24, 2011 and ended on April 24, 2011. The interim maintenance was intended to provide an opportunity for the city finalize pending operational issues associated with the long term management of this facility and ensure a smooth transition to longterm operations. At the request of the Administration, Hines coordinated a process to obtain request for proposals from four full service landscape maintenance companies. Three of the proposers provided service to the city at the time under existing maintenance agreements with the city, and the fourth participated in the construction of the site. Hines used. the Parks and Recreation Department's landscape specifications r I use citywide, and co- developed the porter, hardscape and restroom service as detailed in the RFP. The cost to provide landscape maintenance at the newly completed Pennsylvania Garage was also requested, to ensure continuity of maintenance and identify possible benefits from economy of scale opportunities. The lowest overall price quote for the prescribed service was received from ValleyCrest Landscape Development and Hines recommended the acceptance of this quote as detailed in the letter which included the bid results sent to City on January 21, 2011 (see attached). As the lowest responsive bidder, the proposal from ValleyCrest was accepted and they began successful service delivery as detailed above.I When the end of the maintenance period, approached, the long -term operational issues for this location were still in development. In recognition of this situation, on April 25, 2011, Miami Beach SoundScape was included as an additional site to the existing agreement between the City and ValleyCrest Landscape Development as prescribed under terms of the Bid # 35 -09/10 Landscape W ntenance Services for the Beachwalk, Boardwalk, Street -Ends & Spoil Areas Citywide, section paragraph C, Price Adjustments for the Addition of Sites. The' prices, terms and conditions detailed within the provided proposal are in effect until the end of, the contract period specified in bid # 35 -09/10 which is June 10, 2013, unless this location is removed from the above referenced contract as also prescribed in the agreement. Please advise if you have additional questions or concerns. cc: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and City Commissioners Jose S City Attorney Kevin Smith, Parks and Recreation January 21, 2011 Jorge Gomez Assistant City Manager - City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: Miami Beach SoundScape Landscape and Porter Services H a i nes Mr. Gomez, As Development Manager for the City of Miami Beach SoundScape project, Hines has ( provided bid services for the long term landscape maintenance and porter se ice for the restroom facility within the newly constructed park and adjacent Pennsylvania Garage facility. A comprehensive request for proposal was issued to four qualified landscape contractors on December 17, 2010. The scope of services included in the request for proposal include full service of landscape, cleaning and stocking of the park restroom (six daily), project wide debris pickup (six daily) and pressure cleaning of all hardscape with in the park and garage grounds weekly. TheI request for proposal included two options. Option one includes pricing for single project areas within the . New World Symphony Campus Expansion (Pennsylvania Garage, Alley, New World Symphony, and SoundScape). Option Two includes pricing which assumes all four areas are to be awarded to a single contractor. The areas would be separately contracted by New World Symphony Inc (Alley and New World Symphony building) and City of Miami Beach (Garage and Park). Option Two allows for reduce cost of maintenance (8 -10% discount) and continuity in maintenance operations. It is our understanding that New World Sy Inc supports the award of contract to ValleyCrest for the Alley and New World Symphony Building grounds as described in Option Two. Wei have received bids from three of the four firms invited to submit a proposal. Va1leyCrest Landscape. Maintenance, Vila and Son Landscape and Superior Landscape submitted bids, Signature Palms and Landscape declined. We have reviewed the bids and recommend an awarded of maintenance and porter services contract to ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance who is low bid following negotiation of final pricing. ` ValleyCrest Option One bid for SoundScape is $164,102.94 and for the Pennsylvania Garage $14,204.35 or total of $178,307 annually. ValleyCrest Option Two bid for SoundScape is $151,071.42 and for the Pennsylvania Garage E $13,031.52 or total of S 164,102.94 annually. We recommend the City accept ValleyCrest Option Two combined bid price of $164,102.94 annually and enjoy a I . sa vings of S14,204.96 or 9% per contract year. Tenn of contract provided 1n the Request for Proposal is the city standard three years with two year optional extension. i 4C' I:nmn rar! 3L'u Miami Beach. FL 33 i 39 05 53:: 3284 3G�_ 3Q. 6 -3G ValleyCrest has submitted the most reasonable and responsive bid. ValleyCrest is the (General Contractor for the park project and as such has the best vantage point from which to Quantify the requirements necessary to achieve the level of service required by the specifications. The attached bid tally provides additional detail. In addition to the monetary consideration, award to ValleyCrest for long term maintenance also brings significant value in terms of continuity for the project. ValleyCrest is providing a 90 day extended maintenance period following completion of the construction phase and will therefore be responsible for the construction and maintenance period which would seamlessly transition into the contracted long term maintenance. Hi In closing while all three bidders are qualified to adequately provide services described in the request for p ValleyCrest provides a complete range of Q P P p P i service for a fee that represents low bid for this project. ValleyCrest is adequately staffed in the Miami area and is eager to continue their partnership with City of Miami Beach's SoundScape project and the adjacent Pennsylvania Garage project. We have provided John Oldenburg with of all proposals and a complete line item bid tally. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best Regards, Kim Shine Co � struction Manager Hines Cc Kevin Smith John Oldenburg Kent Bonde Bruce Clinton -David Phillips Matthew Barry Attachments I Roan 306 f Mia� i Beacn. F-L '33'39 P 3' 5 .535 e284 j . F 3L3 635 '1194 f UNIT PRICE BID FORM SOUND SCAPE Bid Tally and Recommendation Revised Original Bid Recommended DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE ValleyCrest Vila a Son Superior ValleyCrest FULL SERVICE VISIT f S 18,200.00 S 17,316.00 $ 73,600.00 S 15,600.00 ADDITIONALIVIOWNG VISIT ! $ 8,750.00 $ 10,989.00 N/A S 7,000.00 BOUGAINVILLEA TRIIVINIING 11TIE $ 7,045.12 S 456.00 $ 6,000.00. S 2,048.00 PALM TRENRMING f $ 19,608.00 $ 16,$42.00 S 2,400.00 $ 7,224.00 TREE TRINtMING $ 2,250.00 S 450.00 $ 900.00 $ 1 BOUGAINVILLEA FERTILIZATION $ 420.00 $ 18.00' $ 1,080.00 S 381.82 TURF FERTILIZATION W /PRE EMERG HERB $ 1,324.08 S 3,586.00 S 5,940.00 $ 1,203.71 TURF FERTIZATION W /INSECTICIDE $ 735.60 $ 3,816 -00 $ 2,400.00 $ 668.73 TURF FERTILIZATION $ 588.48 $ 1,638.00 $ 4;050.00 S 534.98 PALM FERTILIZATION I $ 4,540.80 $ 5,376.00 $ 3,960.00 $ 2,752.00 TREE FERTILIZATION $ 540.00 $ 108.00 $ 990.00 $ 490.91 WEED CONTROL $ 4,550.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 5,096.00 $ 2,316.36 CHEMICAL CONTRO L PLAN I $ 4,500.00 $ 3,600:00 $ 5,040.00 $ 3,150.00 MULCHING $ 2,640.00 $ 7,535.50 .3 8,400.00 $ 2,000.00 IRRIGATION .INSPECTIONS (include repair cost) $ 5,280.00 $ 1,500.00 S 16,640.00 $ 4,500.00 PRESSURE CLEANING ( $ 33,800.00 $ 20,488.00 $ 33,280.00 $ 26,000.00 RESTROONI CLEANING /STOCKING $ 62,415.00 $ 34,944.00 $ 68,640.00 $ 37,230.00 REMOVAL OF DEBRIS $ 54,487.20 $ 27,300.00 $ 36,400.00 $ 26,280.00 AERfFICATION ( $ 2,400.00 S 480.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,181.82 TOPDRESSING S 500.00 $ 1.600.00 $ 6,800.00 $ 4,545.45 SPIKING $ 3,150.00 $ 3,456.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 2.863.65 Total Bid Price Option i ( $ 242 $ 165,09$50 $ 290,716.00 $ 164,102.94 Total Bid Price Option 2 ( $ 229,978.0Q $ 151,890.00 $ 290,716.00 $ 151,071.42 Votes: 1. Porter Service- Restroom cleaning!stocking includes 2190 visits or 6 daily. Includes cleaning and paper supplies. 2. Porter Service- Debris removal includes complete cleanup of park grounds including dumping of all trash bancels 2190 visits or 6 daily. Includes supplies and monthly pressure waste of trash containers. 3. Full service visit includes mowing, edging, weedeater work, blow down and wipe down of all signs, light poles etc once weekly. Includes grounds inspection 4. Additional snowing includes second weekly mowing - -mow and blow down only_ 5. Pressure washing includes weekly service cleaning all hard surfaces, restroom building, and benches. Includes graffiti removal on all surfaces. Recommendation: Recommend CRIB contract with ValleyCrest roe• maintenance contract: ValleyCrest has submitted the most complete and responsive bid. Friday January 22, 2011 f UNIT PRICE BID FORM PENNSYLVXNIA GARAGE Bid Tally and Recommendation Revised Original Recommended DESCRIPTION G SERVICE BidValleyCrest Vila n Son Superior ValleyCrest FULL SERVICE VISIT ) $ 1.950.00 S 984.00 S 5?00.00 S 1,7 P.I �I TR[l�[y1NG I S 340.00 'S 6-5 1.00 3.200.00 309.09 TREE TREMIMING S 935.00 S 700.00 S 450.00 S 850.00 SRRt,B FERTILIZATION ( S 360.00 S 120.00 S 270.00 S 327 77 f TURF FERTILIZATION W PR>✓ E.MERG HERB S - S - $ 240.00 S - TLRF FERTIZ W!fN1 SECTICIDE S - $ S 288.00 S - TURF FERTILIZATION I $ - S - 180.00 S - PA-LM FERTILIZATION ( 204.00 $ 1.48.00 S 720.00 $ 145.45 TREE FERTILIZATION I S 99.00 S 148.00 S 135.00 S 90.00 NEED CONTROL S ?,184.00 $ '480.00 S 2.288.00 $ 655_20 CHEMICAL CONTROL PLAIN S 1.080.00 $ 120.00 S 2,160.00 S 490.91 MULCHING S 380.00 $ 495.00 $ 6,720.00 S 345.43 IRRIGr -.TION IIiSPECTIONS (include repair cost) S 2.040.00 S 440.00 $ 6,240.00 S' 1,854.55 PRESSURE CLEATING I S 1 5,030.00 S 600.00 S 40.040.00 $ 4,160.00 REMOVAL OF DEBRIS I S 4.555.20 $ 4.562.50 S 13.832.00 S 1,990.91 Total Option 1 I $ 29,207.20 S t4.411.04 S 81,963.00 S 14,204.35 Total Option 2 S 27,500.00 S 13,258.00 S 81,963.00 S 13,031.52 N otes: 1. Bid documents required weekly pressure washing and debris pickup 6 times daily. 2. Bid includes maintenance orall area exterior to building. Recommendation: Recommend CMB contract with ValleyCrest for maintenance contract } UNIT PRICE BID FOR�NI 1VIIAPM BEACH SOUND SCAPE PARK' SERVICES BID FORINI TO BE COMPLETED BY BIDDER ANNUAL UNIT DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE QUANTITY FREQUENCY PRICE TOTAL i FULL SERVICE VISIT 1 EA 52 300 15 ADDITIONAL MOWING VISIT 1 EA 35 200 7,000 BOUGINVILLEA TRIM I N[ING /TIE 64 32 1 2,048 P ALM TRIMMTNG 344 3 7 7,224 TREE PRUNING 9 1 200 1,800 BOUGINVILLEA FERTILIZATION 1400 6 .045 3 i TURF FERTILIZATION - W/PRE EMERG HERB 73,560 2 .00$ 1,203.71 i TURF FERTILIZATION W /INSECTICIDE 73,560 2 .005- 668.73 i TURF FERITILZATION 73, 560 2 .004 534.9$ PALM FERTILIZATION 344 4 2 2,752 i TREE FERTILIZATION 9 3 1$.18 490.91 NEED CONTROL M 3 52 .013 2,316.36 CHEMICAL CONTROL PLAN 75,000 12 .0035 3 i MULCHING . 1 EA 1 2 2,000 IRRIGATION INSPECTIONS (include repair cost) 1 EA 12 400 4 ,$00 i PRESSURE CLEANING 1 EA 52 500 26,000 i R.ESTROOM CLEANINGISTOCKING 1 EA 2190 17 37 REMOVAL OF DEBRIS 1 EA 2190 12' 26 AERIFIC ATION 1 EA 2 1,090.91 2 TOPDRESSNG ( 1 EA 2 2,272.73 4,545.45 SPIKING I 1 EA 6 477.27 21863.64 We are confidenr gnat you would bene -fit- greatly from our for -s to cre:�--e beauty in zn e a_rpearance of youx landscape. Through our vast exper.ence I or si_miiar oro ects we would like me i'_oportunity to d- scuss potenti cos sa- irg options. OPTION I ANNUAL BID TOTAL S 164J02.94 OPTION 2 ANNUAL BID TO TAL S 151,071.42 Sound Scape Park RFP UNIT PRICE BID FORM PENNSYLVAINIA GARAGE SERVICES BID FORM TO BE C0LOVIPLETED BY BIDDER ANNUAL UNIT DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE QUANTITY FREQUENCY PRICE TOTAL FL SERVICE VISIT I EA 52 34.09 1,772.73 PALbv1 TR 11V1M NG 17 1 18.18 309.09 TREE PRUNING � 11 1 77.27 850 i SHRUB FERTILIZATION 1,500 3 .07 327.27 TURF FERTILIZATION W /?RE EMERG HERB 0 SF 0 0 0 TURF FERTILIZATION Wl'INSECTICIDE 0 SF 0 0 0 TURF FERITILZATION 0 SF 0 0 0 PALM FERTILIZATION 17 4 2.73 185.45 TREE FERTILIZATIONI 11 3 2.73 90 WEED CONTROL ( 2100 52 .006 655.20 CHEMICAL CONTROL PLAN 1800 12 .023 h 490.91 I MULCHING 1 EA 1 345.45 345.45. i IRRIGATION INSPECTIONS (include repair cost) 1 EA 12 154.55 1,854.55 PRESSURE CLEANING 1 EA 52 80 4 REMOVAL OF DEBRIS 1 EA 2190 .91 1 3 we are consid that you would benefit greatly from our efforts to create beauty in the appearance of your landscape. Through our -rast expe-rience of similar projects we :could like. the opportunity to discuss potential cost saving options. OPTION 1 ANN BID TOTAL S 14,204.35 OPTION Z ANNUAL BID TOTAL $ 13,031.52 Sound Scape Park RFP