Request 646 - ProcurementNO. � ��y � RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) Procurement Division Gus Lopez City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florid 33139 (305) 673 - 7490 Ext. 6641 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). � a. Destruction _❑ b. Microfilming and Destruction ❑ c. Other 4. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records ha fully justified, and that further retention is not required for any liti ation pending or imminent. e Z / eak�� �Y!���' �� Signatur � Nam� �d T�I� � 6 ��� Date ; , . ,_. , �: , , �_,� _ _ . ' � ` � �' `� � '�� 5 L'IST OF�.RECORD ;SE s f. g. a. b. c. d. e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive In Action and No. No. Dates Cubic Date Feet Completed After Authorization GS1-L 42 Purchase Orders 3 FY 1993-1995 31.5 70 Bid Records: Capital Improvement 10 AY Records From 1984-1998 successfulbids 71 Bid Records: Capital Improvement 5 FY Records From 1984-1998 unsuccessful Bids 72 Bids Records: Non-Capital Improvements 5 FY Records From 1984-1998 �. 403.5 "� (Comb C� Item No. 70, 71, and 72 are combined ined •.` Total) ,� "� � � � � _ ....� � 6. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been . records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. ; � ��'�7z-� 7 �� Ce4- t� v� `�.. .�<�� � � Signature , Date ' � �'V `�� i � $'F- � r� �� l� ��TC�s,-�%�Ci� Custodian/Rec rds Management Liaison Officer Da Name and Title Witness /nternarlona/ Oata �eposrrory CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION THC ABOVE RECORDS WERE DESTR�Y�D ON: �� t 2 2-� �� METHOD OF DESTRUCTI�N: SHREDDING �u:� �i f� � o .a�7 �a �� Internatio ata Depasitory Tifle Date � . , ���; ✓��� , , . <s..,�<;,� ryJ::::. .' _ .. �lO,.. \M ��� ��'F� NW Na � �:;���'.'::?. Mouday, Aprii l�, 20�.� . � �nternatfoua� Data Deposito�ry � � � Leslie �Zodr�guez � . , . � . P�one: 3U5w�77-7388 . . . �'ax: 345-477-184� � . � � � � � � . . . To: City o�Miamx Beach Procure�m.ent Dp� .� � ' Ke�a.neth Patterson � � ' 345-67�3-7000 �6615 ' � . ` . 3U5-673-7851 � . , � � '� Pages: 2� (including cove�r page} . . . Subjec�: �Approva� for Des�ruction of Bo�eslFiles - Attached p�ease find a Xis� of bo�es that you requested to be destro�ed. If ��xs list xs corxect, pl.ease sign for their destruct�on. � ' As soan as al� boxes have been destx�o�ed we wXl� send � � � you tbe Cer€��ca�e of Des�ruction signed for your � xecords. ' . . If you ha�re any guest�ons �lease call me. 'Tha�.k you a � � � 0 TO: .i�%� N t� ('/ f, ,. - ii� % J .• ti i%� ,;� ;:: ;::. >. . .<:: ' ,, ,;.,- . FROIVI; .� I City of 1Vliami �3each Px�acurement Dpt � Intez�ationat Dafa Deposifoiy X�enneth �a�erson Leslie Rodx�iguex 1fi40 Convez�fion Cente�� Dzzve 5195 N. W. 77t1i Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 M�ami, TL 33�.66 .�,,.�,,..,.,,,n„�.�,..M„�,.�..,.v.•�.....�.�,....,,..,,.�,,...,,r„�,...�,.,,.,.,,,.�,,.,,..V,w,.�,,..,,�,.�,,...y.,..M.,�.,.,,,�...,�,..�,�.ry„y.�„�.»�,,..��,,,....�,.�� w AP�'ROVAL F4R RECOR.DS '�`4 BE DZSPOSED OF: TR I3oa # TR Box # � TR Boa # TR Box # c0000889soa C0000687454 COOQ0887442 GDU00887435 G0004889535 COD00889554 C0000883808 C0090689608 CODUQ904152 C0000904Q34 C400080k114 , C00009od'f 95 Cfl6408042a6 COQ008U4248 C0000904026 C0000904050 C0000889519 C0000804i80 C0000904045 cooaasssa4e C940a6895fi$ C00009tf4D17 C0000887A�S5 COOQ0�304046 COOO�H88529 C0000$88564 C000088S6U3 C00008874b2 C0000837440 COOOU887444 C0000887439 COOOdBB8566 Cp00U904100 C0000904'f 3U COOp0904i22 C00008041(32 COOOQ909120 COOU0909106 C0000904'E25 C0000904284 C00009041ai C�0008884A7 CU000889444 CU00088950a COU00907869 C000088957i C0000889446 C0006909623 00000887955 CQ0009QA083 COOU0809055 G4006804171 C0000889800 C0�00887448 COOOU889450 COOOQ8B7447 CE}0008895A�S CU0008ti3561 CU000888540 C0000904i3S COQ00804i79 COOQ0944103 CU000944167 CQ000904178 COU00804223 C0000887628 C0040904211 COOUd888449 COQUU904024 COQ00889508 C900Q889599 CU000888520 CUU00904003 C0000904030 C0000904000 C0000804189 COOD0889555 C40Q0904189 , coaooaassso ca000sarqqs C0000889548 , C00008$7459 C4000887434 C0040889596 C0000804028 C0000904137 C0000904'{i3 Cfl000904'E IO COD009Q42A6 C000090478A C00008040i9 C0000888431 CU0009�8134 COOOQ8685t2 ' Cd00U888443 C0000904005 c0000soaoos C0000889523 COQD090405i Cfl000904136 CD000889558 C006D8876'i2 C0000909U54 COp009fl4162 . i .�px.ov�.�, ro� �coRns To �� �zsPOS�D or: TR Bos #' C0006904056 COOOOSO4075 caooasoao4z COOU0904048 CU00080Q08D C0000904079 COOOU889423 C4000804064 COOD09Q4i27 C0000904087 CdOD0888421 GU000889552 COn00904069 CU�414$04025 COpDD889388 COdDQ889408 COOD0904U88 COOfl0888493 C0000888409 C0000889418 COOQQ889470 C9000904127 C060dB044B4 COa40804'i75 C0400888418 pQ400887437 CU09080�}112 COt3UO304124 �G0000904194 COOQ09(k132 G0000888489 C0000904067 COOD0689582 C0000904'! 28 Cp600904949 Ca400889473 By C40009Q46b COOOOSOdQ& ca000soaoa C00009U404 C�00080405 C000088956 C000088846 C4DU090407 C00009D4D7 cooaosoavs C000086948 C040Q86955 CU40088953 C000088952 C000088940 C000089941 C0004904U8 C000088853 C000088941 C000088942 Cfl040904Q6 C400080418 �C000090418 COOU080407 COOU09041 �F GUOOQ90420 �CU00094411 coaousoa�s Co0Uas8957 G040088950 CODQ088953 COOOU90408 Coaobso4aa CUQOd88953 CU000904f4 C4Q0088949 � �. TR Bos # TR Boa # .............:..............................................,..:..............., ! C9000888550 7 CU000904081 • 4 � C0o0o887504 3 C0000804044 g ' ' C4000804087 g COOOQ804062 2 C0000904U84 3 C0000804053 • 3 C00009Q408i 8 C40009Ud482 2 C0000889399 8 COOQ0869b42 8 C0000887814 6 C0040889548� 8 COUOQ887433 , 3 CUOOQ888404 3 C00009U4078 8 C90009�4U98 2 C0000889405 0 C00098884t1 0 ' • CDOfl0889402 ' 3 COOfl08f3�i1Qb 3 COQ00804153 5 COU40904169 4 C00009041Q6 3 . C00009Q41A4, 0 C000o904107 . 8 C60008R4178 8 CQD00904104 � 1 C000080A08A 3 C0000887�480 i CDOU06895fi6 B C006090A139 s co�oaso4oso 8 ,COOD0904933 7' COOOOBS7633 5 C0000904128 c000asa7szs C00009D4072 c00oa9�4266 C0000904047 coaooassata COOOd90q086 COR00889559 COU00,964053 COOOU889400 C0000909085 caooa8o4o85 GOU00889547 C0000�8T459 C0000889563 C0000889477 C0900889407 C00006&8905 C0000904157 CODOU909070 C00008884'1b Cp006904159 C0000304117 COOOOB04183 G0000904170 C0000904108 CA4D09041g5 C0004869A74 CU00030�119 c0000aesas� C0000808111 C8000689497 C0000889570 C0000804'EAO. C0000804'{23 C0000804138 C0000889465 TR Box # . . 255 — Ple e see attached Wor�� O��dei• # 4723X7 fox� additional imfa. .� �I�C ` �,�9--�1�0� ire _ W Print Name � ,�, l r I z.a / . Aate +• . . . �Q. � RECURDS:DISPOSfTIC3N .DOCUMENT PAQE 9 �F 1 PAGES 4. AGENCY NANiE and ADDR�SS 2. AGENGY CbNTACT {Name and Telephone Number} Procuacement Diva.sa.on Gus Lopez � ' City of Miami Beaah � � � 7.700 Convention C-enter Dk'a.ve • Mi.ami Beact►, Florid 33139 �(305} 673 — 7990 Ext, 664�. 3. NOT1C� OF INTENFfON The scheduled records llsted in item.5 are to be dlspossd o� In the manner checked 6eiow (spec{ty anly �. one}. � � a, Destruafion �. Q b, Mlcrofiimfng and 17estruc#fon ❑ c. Other �, su�MITT�n eY: I hereb certify fhe# the records to be dlspasad �f are correctly represenfed below, that any audit requlrerrrents for the records ha fully justified, and ihat further retention is not required for any Ilti ation penciing or imminen#. ' e 2 � �.�,�' fY�`�L-- Slgnatur • � c# 7�ftis 6 ��� r bafe - i:=�- {tr+�1' . it8�•. s �,�_±::. :�w.'2_^' Pf31 "i:�.+.�•�.':':dz --' r� �h • �;�;�..�,. s.Za• � �zi��•'� -�3 , _;$, �v ','-..''-'.'�'__-*:rs�-l;'�;. � =.�� _ �:N'r�.r', :�?�.,��'•i = �j . f r � •c�.fkk y t � . �� • [* y'`'+!f- s`�;�i."-d�',� "�_ i� �f.. �._� s , � ' t L.; �s •r,v >;�" -�.u?����t's.,rt`�,,'-� ) •J� 44e. yy ti _�i� �:f��:,OF!R RD•,�BE ;�;,,�w�°-,,.:�p�z.�++a,:,,�s-i`-�-�,,�-j. �. ., � ( . ...• �:,_ r�t .�L.1? ��'i ::��� �l 2 ��,•' i �' � ��d� �-�>. _�. ��v�'�'t: . J : ��.Jt .Y �i •S��r'n.��'.':. �f��Q�. _^ii^t�Y'iiL. �� 1 � , ��T`l�' _ .Rx�'s. r.� ��� 2Y.x�`3 �e �+!4 v v.o. .oi.:t: �ct-.s .e..•..-a atts. .��. r_ 2. �r's.� c f. �. a, b, o. • d, e. Volume Disposfiton Schedule Item TtUe Retentlan inalusive tn tl an Ho. No. _ pates Cabie a�e Feet CompleRed After Authodr�tion GS1-L 42 Purchase Orders 3 k� 1993-1495 - 31,5 70 BidRecords: Capital Improvement 10 AY RecordsFrom X984-i998` successful bids 71 Bid Records: Capital Inn�xot�ement .5 FY �Lecords From 1984-I998 unsuccessfulBzds 72 Bids Records: Non-Capital Improvements S FY Records �xom1984-Y998 . 403.�5 ' (Comb Ite�n No, 70, 71, and 72 are combined .ined � � Tatal} � . � 6, plSP05Al. AUTH�RILATION; Dlsposal for the above Ilsted 7. p15pOSAL CER71FiCATE; The aboVe ilsted teaords have been records ts authorized. Any deletions ar modlflcadons are indlcated. dlsposed of En ihe manner and on the date shovm in cofumn g. y •� Signalure Date � �� 1 CusfodlaNRe rds Management Lialsan Of�cer Da Nama and Tltle • Witness • /nternatlona/ Data Depot/toty Monday, April 11, 2011 Inte��national Data Depository Leslie Rodriguez Phone: Fax: To: Pages: 305�477-7388 3(}5-477-1841 City of Miami Beach Procurement Dpt Kenneth Patte�rson 305-673-7000 x6615 3�5-673-7851 28 (including cove�• page} Subject: Approval for Destxuction of Boxes/Fiies A�tached piease find a list of boxes that you requested to be destroyed. If this list is correct, �lease ��gn for their destructioxi. As soon as a�I boxes have been destroyed we will send you the Certificate of Destruction signed for your records. If yo�� have a1�y questions piease cali me. Thank you