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Request 642 - Internal Audit
RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT No. � ` PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) G "`�y of Miami Beach James J. Sutter � /�-Internal Audit , (305) 673 - 7020 Ext. 6174 1700 Convention Center Dr. Miami Beach, F1. 33139 � 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). � a. Destruction ❑ b. Microfilming and Destruction ❑ c. Other 4. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have been full justified, an tha further retention is not required for any litigation pending or imminent. < �.1Ydvn �t' �� .lw -�%v�� r'�+�l,-{�,r Z-/ y- /o Signature Name and Title Date , �. R � , ; _. _ , : , , � � =.� � � ��: 5 , L'�ST OF RECORD SERIE9 %: f. g. a. b. c. d. e• Volume Disposition Schedule Item Titie Retention Inciusive In Action and No. No. � Dates Cubic Date Feet Completed After Authorization GS1 57 Resort Tax: Work papers &��hl�i-� 3 10/O1/2004-09/30/2005 10.0 Supporting Documents for FY 04/0 years �- _ ...................�........._.. _............_............_ ...._........._.........�........................................._....._..............._.�................................._..............................._............�... ............................�............. ................................._........�......�..._...............�_................._......_._�......._..... .........�...._..._......_... �.�_...._..._... .... .... ... � ............._...........�............. ...........�........,_...... .........._......._._...._............_..._...� 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DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed records 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. disposed of in manne and n the date shown in column g. .O�w- �e / 20/6 O / 1 � �,� /D Signatu � Date �{' 'l, U ��'k�t�J S u f 1 '.�, fr d�.� Custodian/Records Management Liaison Officer Dat Name and�T' le / / Wit ss � �� RESORT TAX AUDITS F FY:2004-2005 I 1 , � � 1705016 1475101 1653501 1168901 1610501 1589301 1609501 1714501 1497201 1706001 1610601 1702801 1650801 1640101 1377001 1651701 1646001 1470801 1610401 1660901 1743616 1729401 1657001 1647201 1329001 1259001 1647901 1289101 1707601 1659701 1568601 1651001 1471601 1475301 1475201 1656801 1614801 1606301 1557117 1734516 1651101 1402711 1260001 1646501 1677101 1627816 1690101 1727016 1703916 1751811 16th Street Lounge \ 300 76th Street Apts a.k.a "Envoy Apts" I 320 84th Street Apts 421 Meridian Ave Apts p, 600-10 lbth Street Apts •• 621 Lenox Apts 631-39 13th Street Apts 701 Meridian Ave Apts 739 2nd Street Apts 750 Collins Ave Apts 800-20 10th Street Apts 8014th Street Apts 877 80th Street Apts 910 80th Street Apts 918-922 Jefferson Ave Apts 1029 79th Street Apts 1158 Mnrseille Dr Apts 1216-1222 Penn Ave Apts 1234-38 PennsylvaniaApts. . 1430 Lincoln Terr Apts 1436 Restaurant / Lounge 1521 Jefferson Ave Apts 1521-23 Euclid Ave Apts 1535 West Ave Apts 1540 Penn Apts 1550 Penn Apts 1800 Normandy �r Apts 1986 Biarritz Dr Apts 2825 Sheridan Ave Apts 3157. Inc. Apts 6949 Byron Ave Apts 7351 Gary Ave Apts 7410 Carlyle Apts 7635 Abbott Ave Apts a.k.a "Consulate Apts" 7636 Harding Ave Apts a.k.a "Ambassador Apts" 7815 Crespi Blvd Apts 7925 Crespi Blvd. Apts 7925 Hawthorne Ave Apts Abbey Hotel Ago AI Sol Apts Alamo Hotel Albite Apts Allah Mae Apts (The) Allen Gaber - Gaber Apts American Classics American Real Es•tnte Association Apts Antonio's Ristornnte & Cafering p.k.a Cafe 5700 Automatic Slims Avalon Kent SPE, LLC RESORT TAX AUDITS ` FY:2004-2005 ��) ( � � 1619116 1725701 1734113 1612311 1307116 163 2713 1430616 1623801 1548913 1419713 1616116 1269001 1336801 1458211 1528301 1527801 1694201 1434216 1597913 1478616 1442016 1628616 1652616 1731913 1655101 1735113 1514611 1205316 1693511 1752026 1601913 1563811 999601 1699401 13 84801 1563011 1630712 992901 993001 163601 1447813 1722401 1655001 16b9011 1741413 1606616 1350711 Baires Grill Barclay Apts Beach Chicken Beach Paradise Hotel Beaches Lounge Bed Bella Napoli Pizzeria Biarritz Apts Corp Bites on Wheels Blimpie Blue Ocean Cnfe Blue Wave Apts Bravo A pts Brigham Apts Brittany Marie I Brittany Marie II Bruce A pts Cachita Restaurant Cafe De Crest Cafe Forte Cafe Prima Pasta Campo Argentino Restaurant Carnavale Carol's Ice Cream Casa Del Mar Casa Grande Casablanca Hotel Casona De Carlitos Castillo Del Mar Centerplate China Moon Chinese Restaurant Clifton Hotel Concord Apts Conrad Apts Coropos Apts Crest Hotel Crobnr David's Apts David's Apts David's Apts David's Cafe II Deco Palms Deco Palms, LC Deco Properties Dolce Vita Gelato Cafe Dolce Vita Res•haurant Dorchester Note! Binder ## 1 � 135601 Edgewafier Manor Apts 1453413 ElRancho Grande �/� ( � � � RESORT TAX AUDITS FY: 2004 1184401 Elliott Apts 1419001 Elsa's Apts 1738216 Emeril's Restaurant M.B. 1547616 Escopazzo 1623701 Euclid Apts (The) 1258911 European Guesthouse 1208316 Executive Cciterers 1231517 Fairwind Hotel 1629816 Finnegan's Wny 1423601 Flnmingo Mar Apts 1611911 Florida Sunbreak 1722912 Flute Champagne Lounge 1744316 Fox Cafe 1496512 Free Spirits Sport Cafe/Free Spirits Sport Cafe 1451413 Frieze (The) 1367216 Front Porch Cafe 1628701 Gaber Apts 1630501 Galimar Vista Manor 1034901 Gnrber Apts 1653401 Greenlodge Apts 1487511 Greenview Hotel 1611511 H Fernandez Realty 1640013 Haagen Dnzs & Cafe 1508901 Harding Apts 1725201 Harding Apts 1238117 Holiday Inn-Oceanside Hotel 1535813 Hot Sobe LTD akn Roma Pizzerin 1740211 Hotel Leon (lily guesthouse) 1721416 IL Sole Restaurnnt 1680801 Island Pointe Apartments 1 1680701 Island Pointe Apnrtments 2 1308811 James Hotel 1399716 Jerusalem Peking Restaurant 1486611 1540001 1727916 1711316 1637301 1583913 1729701 1b08316 1465416 1326b01 1604911 1671716 Kent Hotel Kessler Apartments La Galleria RestQUrant La Piaggin La Salle Apts La Sandwicherie Lagoa Funda LQUndry Bar Les Deux Fontaines Cnfe Lesia A pts Lily Guesthouse (hotel leon) Liquor Lounge Cafe 0. RESORT TAX AUDITS � FY:2004-2005 ACCOUNT:# °" BUSINE55 NAME.; 1b17701 Lorenn Apts 1519712 Lost Weekend & Blue _ 1518601 Lurio Apts r � I '� � ��� 1616016 1729111 1393101 1600416 1334416 1634316 862601 880501 1551201 1347401 1506211 1645301 1629011 597401 1310813 1476816 1510701 1695313 Macaluso's Restaurant Malabo Hotel Mami Apts Mnndarin Cafe Mnngo's Tropical Cafe Mnrk's South Beach Mnrl Apts Marlin Apts Mnrseille Apts Mary Jncque Apts Matanzas Hotel MBCDC - Crespi Pnrk Apts Mercury South Bench Resort Meridian Apts Mi Colombia Cafeteria Miami Subs Minorca A pts Monty's Ocenn Beach 685801 Nathan's Apts 1b08416 Nexxt Cafe & Cocktail 1645001 Normandy Holdings LLC: 925 Bay Drive 1644801 Normandy Holdings LLC: 946-960 Bay Drive 1644901 Normandy Holdings LLC: 969 Bay Drive 1644701 Normandy Holdings LLC: 1001-1021 Bny �rive 1645101 Normandy Holdings LLC: 6835 Rue Versail�es 1707216 North Beach Latin Cafe 1712416 Novecento 1360111 Oceanside Apts/Hotel 1438113 Ocoa's Breeze Cafeteria 1783316 Only Art, Inc. 1556813 Original Pita Hut (The) 1430816 1614216 1530211 1718913 1252711 1207611 1369601 1709316 1281216 1493713 1729016 1746416 1728516 Pacific Time Restaurant Paesanos Palm Penn Apts Panifore Parisian/Geneva Hotel Park Washington dba Best Western Hotel Parkedge Apts Parfies by Pat Penrod's (Nikki Bench) Pine Alley Cook Poolside Grille Prime 112 Primetime Cafe/Sun Times Corp �inde� # 2 ' RESORT TAX AUDITS ` FY:2004-2005 ,- _ . , � ', 1580713 1494512 938817 1742017 1362501 1508211 1652701 1687101 1007501 1443311 1370801 1289801 886917 1603916 1189116 509001 154601 1719013 208801 1716416 1559816 1603516 1573716 1702417 1428713 1584716 893501 1709216 1533123 1494013 & 1533013 1563616 Raffi's Cuban Cnfe RGR's Loading Zone Richmond Hotel Ritz - Carlton Hotel Rivera Apts Riviere Hotel Roberts Apts Royal Fillard Apts Royal House Apts/Hotel San Juan Hotel Sandra Apts Sarita's Apts Saxony Hotel Senor Frogs Service America Corp. Shanti House Shore Park Apts Sibilla Restaurant Sinkowski Apts Six Restaurant & Lounge Smith and Wollensky So6e Scandals Sofi Hideaway Lounge Sovereign Hotel Sport Cafe Spris Stardust Apts Starlite Cafe Stefano II Subway Sandwich Shops Sushi Siam 1564216 Tantra Restaurant 1732116 Tapas & Tintos 1726313 Tea for Two 1298016 Thai Toni Thai Cuisine 1395811 The Tropics Hotel 1737516 Tropical Cigars 1563116 Tuscan Steaks 1657216 Tutti's Cafe 1675801 Universal Investment Management, Inc. 1475b16 Van Dyke Cafe 1598116 Venezia Pizza & Cafe 1348601 Ventura Apts 1303811 Viscay Hotel & Apts � 1610917 Wave Hotel(The) �,� 1585701 Wilbur (The) ' RESORT TAX AUDITS � FY:2004-2005 ACCOUNT # , ; BUSTNE55 NAM'E 1655601 Yesora Investments 1655701 Yesora Investments � J _� �