LTC 202-2011 North Beach Dinner r MIAMI BEACH _ R F Cp OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC #202-20111 LETTER TO C I jS C J 2 59 1 /4 y E OFFIC ICE TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: August 11, 2011 SUBJECT: NORTH BEACH DINNER AND A S OW PROMOTION The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you information about an exciting economic development program the city has recently launched in partnership with the Miami Beach Stage Door and North Beach area restaurants. As you may recall, at the Neighborhoods Committee meeting there was discussion regarding a potential food truck event in North Beach. The Committee discussed the results of the outreach that was conducted in North Beach regarding a food truck event and listened to input by area restaurants. Based on concerns expressed by the restaurant community as well as North Beach residents, the Committee determined that an effort that focues more on driving business to the area's existing restaurants would be more appropriate. To that end, the Committee identified the opening of the Miami Beach Stage Door at the Byron Carlyle Theater as a potential opportunity for such a program. On July 18, 2011, the Administration met at the Byron Carlyle Theater with the theater's new operator, Stage Door, as well as North Beach restaurant owners, to discuss the creation of promotional campaign to try and drive business between the new theater operation and area restaurants. As a result of these discussions, the Administration, Miami Beach Stage Door, and North Beach area restaurants created a new Theater - Dinner discount program, named Di +Sh — North Beach Dinner & Show. The program provides a 15 percent discount at participating restaurants on show days for patrons that present a ticket stub from a production at the Stage Door theater. Di +Sh is designed to promote culture and the City's North Beach area with one ticket. As importantly, it will introduce the re- opened theater to restaurant goers and create an incentive for theater -goers to patronize North Beach restaurants. There is no fee for a restaurant to participate in the ,,program. Participating . restaurants agree to: • Offer a 15% discount to customers that present a ticket stub from an eligible production at the Miami Beach Stage Door Theater; • Place table tents promoting the program in their restaurants; • Add a link on their website to the program website; • Place the poster promoting the program in their window; • Distribute collateral material promoting the program to their customers with their bill. Letter to Commission North Beach Dinner and a Show Promotion August 11, 2011 In support of this effort, the City developed a comprehensive marketing and promotions program that includes the following (a sample of the promotional products produced is attached): • Development of the program and associated branding package; • Development of collateral materials to promote the program, including posters for participating restaurants; theater posters; table tents for participating restaurants; and handbills promoting the program for distribution to patrons with their bill /receipt; • Production and installation of a light pole banner program (50 banners) promoting Di +Sh; • Development and design of a website landing page promoting the program (www.mbculture.com/dish/); • Design and distribution of a web banner for use by the participating restaurants on their webpages; • Development and implementation of social media messaging via Facebook, Twitter, Constant Contact, etc.; • Production of :15 and :30 Public Service Announcement promoting the program to run on the City's government access channel MBTV 77 and Atlantic Broadband. In addition to running on MBTV, the PSA will receive 600 times in one month on Atlantic Broadband (on numerous cable channels). Additionally, the 30 second PSA will run on the Welcome Channel, with distribution to 26 of Miami's largest hotels. This free airtime on Atlantic Broadband and Welcome Channel is valued at $19,030. Additionally, chefs from restaurants participating in the Di +Sh program will be featured in a local morning newscast. At this time, 11 North Beach restaurants have agreed to participate in the program. The Administration will continue outreach efforts to additional area restaurants to increase participation. We believe that as the program becomes more visible there will be additional interest and participation, As you know, Miami Beach Stage Door's first musical production, SUDS, debuted at the Byron Carlyle Theater on July 29 The initial phase of the Di +Sh promotion will be available during the months of August, September and October of 2011. At that time, we will evaluate the program's success and make a recommendation. Additional information on Di +Sh is available on the www.mbculture.com /dish/ website. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to. contact me. JMG /HF /kc Attachment w k 0 i) Z x xq kiL > "T x• w a t 7p ay. r = 00 1 E z I 0 z O 1 w. w � "