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LTC 232-2011 Alton Road Construction Project t trA MIAMIB OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 2011 1 SEP 1 9 LiR NO. LTC #232 -2011 COMMISSION SS ON CITY CLERK'S s;. r Herrera Bower TO: Mayor Matti He era Bowe and Members of the City tY Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: September 14, 2011 SUBJECT: Alton Road Construction Project The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you with correspondence received from the Transportation and Parking Committee regarding the above subject. JMG /J ire/SF C: Hilda Fernandez, Assistant City Manager Jorge Gomez, Assistant City Manager Duncan Ballantyne, Assistant City Manager Saul Frances, Parking Director giampartatiett Yerakeig eammitteer Mark Weithorn, Chairman TO: Mayor Math Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission Al Feola, Vice - Chairman FROM: Mark Weithorn, Transportation & Parking Committee Chair Members: Jo Asmundsson DATE: September 13, 2011 Scott Diffenderfer Del Fruit Maria Mayer SUBJECT: Alton Road Construction Project JP Morgan Corey Narson Eric Ostroff Dear Mayor and Honorable City Commission: Josephine Pampanas Amy Tancig Seth Wasserman The Transportation and Parking Committee would like to share some information regarding the Alton Road Construction Project. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) had planned to eliminate a total of ninety (90) parking spaces on Alton Road, from 5 to Michigan Avenue. FDOT has been working with our committee and have agreed to add fifty -three (53) motorcycle/ scooter parking spaces. Sincerely, Transportation and Parking Committee