Memo 010-2011 Nov. 2011 Miami Beach Elections AAIAMIBEACH
TO: All City Employees
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: September 16, 2011
SUBJECT: November 2011 Miami Beach Elections
Once again we are entering an election cycle. This November, the Mayor and one commission
seat will be voted upon by our citizens.
As the City Manager, my professional code of ethics, as outlined by the International City
Management Association (ICMA), requires that I refrain from participation in all elections and
specifically those local elections regarding my legislative body.
The reason behind the ethical code is that by engaging in election activities, I could compromise
my ability to perform my job as a Manager for the City. By supporting, assisting, or endorsing a
candidate, I can give the perception that I also support this candidate's issues or positions. Any
appearance of this nature would damage the objectivity I need to bring to any issue so as to
render the best and most impartial advice possible. Also, since our electoral process is a
win /lose affair that sometimes generates long lasting opinions or emotions, supporting one
candidate over another can alienate a segment of the population which may also affect my
ability to be professional and objective on issues.
The senior managerial staff of the City is also expected to abide by this particular ethical code
for the same reasons that affect me as the Manager.
Beyond the managerial staff of the City, I would expect all of the employees of the City to be
aware of, and to the extent possible, follow the ethical code of not becoming involved in local
elections. The more employees we have that follow this particular ethical code, the higher the
level of confidence the public will generally have with City employees.
At a minimum, all employees are expected not to participate in election processes or activities
while on duty or the utilization of City resources or while wearing a City uniform.
If you have any questions regarding this policy or need any other additional information, please
do not hesitate to contact my office.
F: \CLER \CLER \ELECTION\2011 General Election \Election Participation.Doc
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