Tiffany Heckler Board resumeTIFFANY ZIENTZ HECKLER 801 Arthur Godfrey Road, Suite 401 Direct : 786.36 7.0145 Miami Beach, FL 33140 Email: tlz626@yahoo.com EDUCATION : Miami, FL University of Miami May 2003 Master of Business Administration ; Specialization in Finance and Management Science Graduate Assistantship, Department of Finance University Of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Bachelor of Arts, Communications May 1997 Wharton School of Business concentration , Marketing PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE : LSN Partners, LLC Miami Beach, FL Chief Financial Officer J an 2010 Present Responsible for the financial operation s and h uman resource management for this consulting firm and its four subsidiaries that provide clients with local, state and national government relations , sales & marketing support . Oversees all long - term planning of and m anages the day - to - day financial operations of the company, including revenue and tax analysis, accounts receivable and payable, banking and budgeting. Manages all human resource matters and oversees human resource development strategies. Florida Dental Benefits , Inc. Miami Beach, FL Treasurer J une 2009 Present Responsible for overseeing the financial operation s for this Dental Benefits company that provides quality affordable dental care throughout the state of Florida . - Dade, Inc. Miami, FL Director of Development 2002 2009 Responsible for annual and endowment campaign fundraising , special events and special initiatives for this 501 (c) 3 non - profit organization that makes grants , provides technical assistance and advocates on behalf of programs for low - income w omen and at - risk girls in Miami - Dade County. Managed all events, developed and maintained existing donor relationships and wrote grant proposals that resulted in a 400% i ncrease in grant making and 600% increase in total organization budget. Increased sponsorship, underwriting and attendance at signature A nnual Luncheon consistently for 6 year s. Increased attendance by 40%, to 1100 guests in 2008 . Increased revenues by 250% . on Domestic Violence and its Effe - ever V - Day event in Miami, CREW - P repar ed and implement ed a multi - year fundraising and marketing campaign for the Endowment . Launched campaign that raised $ 1.25m in its first year . 9 5 % success rate for written grant proposals. Capitalink, L.C. Coral Gables, FL Summer Associate May 2002 - Aug 2002 Provided support to banking professionals at o ne of the nation's top - r anked boutique investment banking firms. Prepa red comparable company analyses and t ransaction analyses, contribution analyses, stock trading valuations, restructurings, and mergers and acquisitions. Researched, wrote and edited company and industry ba Created pitch books; 80% of which resulted in the firm being hired by the client. Red Herring Research, an independent division of Red Herring, Inc. San Francisco, CA Senior Wireless Research Analyst 2000 - 2001 Responsible for research, analysis, writing and managing a team of analysts to produce insightful reports on trends in the wireless technology sector for an audience of C - level managers. Generated more than 40% of total sales and 40% of gros s revenues for the division. Managed and edited research and written reports and presentations of two junior analysts. Mobilestop.com Miami, FL Content Manager, United States 1999 2000 Responsible for all web content for this startup company that m arketed its site to wireless telephony carriers in the United States, Scandinavia and Latin America as a n entry point for developing e - commerce . Created orig inal product descriptions for 5,000 wireless products (phones, accessories and plans). Aided sales team presentations by educating clients on content and product offerings. Managed a worldwide database of wireless products written in 4 languages. Published 10 original technical and feature articles on wireless technology and e - commerce. GfK Roper Consulting (formerly Roper Starch Worldwide) New York, NY Associate Project Director 1997 - 1998 Responsible for analysis, writing and presentation of primary market research data for the fourth largest market research organization worldwide. Wrote, edited and presented dozens of reports for executives at Fortune 100 companies (e.g. Esteé Lauder, Revlon, Procter & Gamble, International Flavors & Fragrances, Young & Rubicam, Bates USA). TM Analyzed monthly results of Roper Reports a 2,000 - person in - home attitudinal and behavioral survey. Extrapolated and forec asted trends based on 25 years of continuously collected data. The Annenberg Public Policy Center Philadelphia, PA Research Analyst 1995 1997 Responsible for conducting primary research on presidential campaign discourse for the premier communication policy center in the country . Analyzed speeches, live appearances, and debates from post - WWII Presidential campaigns for the 1960, 1980, 1988, and 1992 Wrote press releases that were cited weekly by major media during the 1996 Presidential campaign. Supervised directly by the Dean, Director and a uthor Dr. Kathleen Hall Jamieson. COMPUTER SKILLS: Client Profiles, GetActive, HTML, FactSet, Google Docs, Microsoft Office (all), Microsoft WinCross, Microsoft FrontPage, Minitab, Navision Financials, QuickBooks Pro and TimeMatters BOARDS AND AFFILIATIONS: Community Relations Board (2007 - 2009) City of Miami Beach, Treasurer of Board of Directors and Shareholders Florida Dental Benefits, Inc., University of Pennsylvania Miami - Dade Alumni Club Founding Member, : The Miami Chapter of the rce Founding Member, Wine and Words Literary Club CERTIFICATIONS: Florida Supreme Court Certified County Court Mediator (1999 - 2004) PUBLICATIONS: Wall Street Journal Key Biscayne Magazine Ocean Drive Magazine , June 21, 2007; , April 2008; , September BusinessMiami 2004; , Winter 2004 2 of 2