Karlene Mcleod Board resume Karlene Palmer - McL eod Flamingo South Beach, 1504 Bay Road, Apt 250, Miami Beach, Fl 33139 C : 786 - 227 - 4605 kjpmcleod@gmail.com Primarily characterized as enthusiastic, dynamic and driven and connected , I thrive in the fast paced environment of TV Product ion and Event Management . With over 6 years of valuable experience in live events, project management, event production /operations and Marketing in and around the U K and USA . Focused on building solid relationships to ensure an efficient project is deliver ed on time. USA EMPLOYMENT Sept 2011 - Present Director, Neon Flair , Miami Fl Event management TV Production Marketing campaigns March 2010 - May 2011 Marketing Manager, The Clevelander Hotel Management of all Marketing and Brand aspects of t he business: Hotel, Entertainment, Foo d & Beverage Develop and consistently protect all aspects of the brand identity, internally and externally, incl uding communication guidelines , vision, strate gy, programming and packages Define and manage all campaign initiative s so as to generate revenue, develop the business bra nd and increase brand loyalty St rategize and execute integrated advertising campaigns inclusive of media (digital), collateral, public relations, special events and programming to communicate brand messa ging, product offe rings, packages and promotions Develop, maintain and manage all collateral assets from strat egy and design to production Presentation of all Marketing/Communication activities to General Manager, Owners, CFO, key stakeholders and front line staff Creative A rt d irection of in house designer and all work products Key Liaison for TV/Photo shoot requests on both properties Con tinuous networking and relationship building through reputable events and association affiliations Budget Management Strategize new product and service launches and direct preparation o f special promotional features Negotiate and authorize all contracts, product/service rates from 3rd party vendors and advertising rates D evelop & maintain new contact database consisti ng of concierge and locals contact details Sponsorship development - Cross promotional campaigns with key brands relevant to specific campaigns Recruitment and manage ment of 3rd party vendors (Creative Agency, PR Firm, Website Host/Developer, Collateral Pr oduction, Sponsorship Procurem ent Agency, Event Production) Manage and motivate department associa tes: Assistant Marketing Coordinator, promotional team and Graphic Designer October 2009 - February 2010 Assistant Marketing Manager The Clevelander. Miami As sisted Marketing Manager with the above duties Promoted after 4 months   òÜËÑØÏØíÜÑÐØË  ðÚñØÎÙ    íÜÖØÉÆÎ    UK EMPLOYMENT April 2008 - May 2009 Freelance Events and Project Manager Event M anager - Nike ID showcase - filmed for MTVB ase, sponsored by Kiss FM E ngagement Manager - DV8 tr aining - Facilitating key relationships with brands such as MTV, Apple and EMI to develop and engage educational program s and resources for Creative Diploma and Creative Apprenticeshi p Project Manager - Home Office - Anti Knife Campaign Committee member Urba nomix networking forum - (International events) Music Matrix June 2007 - March 2008 - Freelance Consultant Project Manager - R& B Discoveries - Live showcase celebrating 60 year s of R& B broadcast on BBC 1xtra - Arts council funded Project Manager - First London Songwriters week launch and wrap party Event Manager - Networking showcases for key industry executives and government funding bodies Board Member for British at MIDEM 2008 and 2009 - Unsigned artist showcase in Cannes Dv8 Training Ltd September 2005 May 2009 Project & T raining M anager Project M anage r - Youth focused development workshops, m usic industry workshops, panels, album launches and showcase events . Project Manager - DV8 training work placement scheme including Sony BMG, Atlantic Rec ords, Kiss FM, Adidas, Jump Off, RWD and Uproar PR Responsible for b rief ing designers and providing creative input for advert orial s and promotional campaigns Manage d Soul Family at Ronnie Scotts - Monthl y live soul showcase hosted by N atalie Williams and o ther guests MOBO Awards March 2004 - April 2005 Events Coordinator & PR Assistant PR Assistant/MO BO full time s taff including management of day - to - day press enquiries Primary point of contact during the awards for media partners - MTV, Troubl e TV, TOTP, Galaxy, Radio 1xtra and Choice FM Responsible for sourcing locations for MOBO related events and planning nomination launch party, MOBO Club night/Tour wit h management and bo oking agents MTV BASE /CARLTON TV PRODUCTIONS June 2002 - March 2004 Production Assistant & Researcher Interviewed Artists for MTV channel output Researcher for Reality series - Production coordinator Sourced talent Location Management   òÜËÑØÏØíÜÑÐØË  ðÚñØÎÙ    íÜÖØÉÆÎ    EDU CATION Loughborough University B.Sc. Sports Science and Recreational Management (1999 2002) QUALIFICATIONS & ACHIEVEMENTS HSMAI - Director of Programs Miami Dade MBCC - Board member for Leisure and Tourism for Miami Beach Leadership Academy Miami Beach - Gra duate Ayuda Charity - Board member Skillset Millennium Award recipient - PD150 trained by the BBC BBC Health & Safety Course I nternational Athlete ( Great Britain ) in European Youth Olympics - Silver medallist (200m) IT proficient: Microsoft O utl ook, Entourag e, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Photoshop. References available on request