DD 17-48 r / 7- vp I OW ALL DEN BY THESE PRESETS, that WE, the unde - signed, owners of the West (15) feet of Lot 1 of Block 115, Oc 3 Beach No; 4, as per plat recorded in Plat Book the Public Records of Dade County, 1 -__ - F1o ri ; u se=of - the 11 - - - - -- -- public, for street and sidewalk -- or onI upon cond o$, however, that if the use of the above described land as a ' street, or if the above dedicated land is ever discontinued by law as a street the title thereto' shall revert to the - aa abutting property . owner or owners „. ^ '1 IN WITNESS WFCEREOF we have hereunto set ours r ” hands and seals this the ay of A.D. 1923;_ C6; (SEAL) s - Signed, sealed and _ -- _ ___ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ delivered _in presence _ __ _ — _ ____.- _ __ - - -_ _ - _ - _ __ of us: _- _- - / ,/ _ i mod/:._ . _ .: !�__, - _, l 1 a „---, -r STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY Cr DADE ) as: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day ersonally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized - to administer hs and take acknowledgments, E. E. Spainhhur and Violet Spainhour , to me well known and known to be the individuals described in and who executed the fore- going deed, and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed; AND I FUSTIER CERTIFY that the said yi of et spa nho z d known to me to be the wife of the said E. E. Spainhour , on a separate I and private examination taken and made by and before me, - _ ___ --- -- - _ - - -1- - .separately- and -apart from - her --said husband, did acknt -ge= --- - - ''''' .. that - -she made herself a party to the said deed for the purpose \j of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title : - aad4nterest in and to the lands therein, whether of dower, Y_ homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in :° .. as d -to the lands described therein, and that she executed the = sane freely and voluntarily and without any ' c ulsion, con- ctraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband WITNESS myAand and ffinial se ; at M&aml , Florida, this the1 (!day of A.D. 1923; �� NOTARY PUBLIC STA OF 2.1f_5„7" A MT COMMISSION EXPIRES rl . _ - _ - - 1 1 DEDICATION DEED 6., Liir. FOR WIDENING OCEAN DRIVE . . . E. Bpainhour , . , , . . - ...,, • J t ) f 6 4 . . ‹,) - • -00 , ,., 7 cz) .. , . J ,..., . . i NItr t r c, . , . . "-....• 4 .! STATE OF FIOIDA 'l ss. A , i COMITY OF D./...ALE S . • v rd 1 ' 1 in..$37razyzi,"Itf:difa:greesori 0 . & , day of: ) a t______m, 4 ; MAI ihity rargisd iii egok M.___, EcRD .... RO i'LgrILA3. , , . BEN SFIEPAP9, I .. „ , -- fi it c a ; i CASA , r . • , . I ! DrftY Cia* , .1 1 I , WALTER D. PAYNE , ATTORNEY AT LAW , . . lAWYERS BLDG. MIAMI, F. LA