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LTC 290-2011 City Center 9A M H ` OFFICE.OF THE CITY MANAGER LETTER_ TO C., 0,N19N 1 0.1 LTC # 290 -2011 _RK'S OFF ICE TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of -the City Commission FROM. Jorge M. Gonzalez, City-'Manager DATE: November 14, 2011 suaJECT:. City Center 9A — New Contractor Commences - Construction Activities The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to inform you that the Office of Capital Improvement Projects recently terminated M. Vila and Associates, Inc., for cause and hired Metro Express, Inc: to complete the scope of :work originally intended the City Center `9A Neighborhood. The sequence of events as it pertains' to contractor termination and replacement occurred 'as follows: • October 24, 2011 — M. Vila and Associates was terminated for cause and asked to demobilize from the project limits. • October 26, 2011 M. Vila and Associates demobilized and removed all equipment 'from the -site:.._ _ • October 27, 2011 — Metro Express began a clean -up effort throughout the project limits. • October 31 2011 Metro Express officially mobilized to complete the City Center 9A Improvements. The scope of work to be finished includes: - • Water Main Improvements • Drainage Improvements • Lighting Improvements • Landscaping Improvements; ,:. Roadway Improvements • Hardscape Improvements The.immediate effort is to assist Metro Express in expediting all "work concerning the area most used by Art Basel - James Avenue, 18, Street and 21 Street. This work consists.of pouring flags of - y concrete to replace flags of asphalt on sidewalks currently unfinished, completing bump outs to ensure the safe transit of pedestrians and correct lighting issues. The overall intent or push of :the project is rectification — Metro Express- will focus on specific tasks and work zones in order to. logistically "complete" areas, critical to the advancement of the project. All work is expected to be completed by Spring 201 The public involvement process of the project was maintained while the contractor was being terminated. The Public Information Officer (PIO) that was hired by M. Vila'and Associates was retained by Metro Express, Inc. so that impacted stakeholders continue to receive project updates and alerts from the same source. Additionally, the City is coordinating a Construction y Letter to Commission - New Contractor Commences Construction Activities November 14, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Update Meeting in order to. present Metro Express, Inc. as the new contractor, explain what scope of work'has to be finalized, and provide a schedule update. If you ^ ha e. y ka ditional questions, please feel free to contact me. JMG /DB/ /D H 1. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to oil who live, -svork, and play in our vibrant tropical, historic community.