October 19, 2011 Commission Meeting OCTOBER 19 2011 CITY COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS nda ime certain Supplemental Materials l a.A.A.tD ❑ peaker's List lnvocator memo Presentations & Awards list Addendum ❑ Second Addendum O Notice of closed executive session 4 C eraction Report Consent- Originals manila folder J egular- Originals 1 - Re.development Agency Agenda materials G outs folder o byist Log (See Handouts Folder) P ublic Hearing Notice Ads (See Handouts Folder) g of Proceedings electronically recorded notes Redrope files ! of L �,/ VD Burned - (See DVD File by Commission date) ^lam Original Contents list to City Clerk a Dyal if of from Office of Communications If/Lobbyist List (New) FOLDER PREPARED BY: / / REVIEWED BY: )14-14-444-:: E DATE: // F•\CLER \$ ALL \LILLY\CONTENTS.FLD\2011 \10 -19 -2011 COMMISSION MEETING.doc 1