Memo 012-2011 Art Basel Miami Beach 2011 A A I AM I
#012 -2011
TO: Ma r M tti H. Bower and Me begs of the City Commission
FROM. Jor M. Gonzalez Cit Man r " --
DATE: November22, 2011
SUBJECT: Art Basel Miami Beach 2011, Sister Cities, Art in Public Places
Art Basel Miami Beach (ABMB) is here once again and this year's schedule of ever ding ACBMB
includes several other City events associated with this international art fair. While wee kni there are
many � other events occurring in our City, we hope you will be able to participate in the activities
described below. For your quick reference, we have included a schedule of events for the week.
As we celebrate the 10 anniversary of Art Basel Miami Beach, the City of Basel and the City of Miami
Beach will formally enter into a "sister city" relationship. The official Sister City signing event will take
place at 5;00 pm on Monday, November 28, 2011, in the City Manager's Office reception area. A
reception will take place immediately after the ceremony in the Large Conference Room. Please
confirm your attendance.
While the show officially begins on December 1 St for the general public, there are a series of events
beginning on November 28 that you are invited to attend. You have been provided a VIP Invitation
Package which includes a VIP Card that admits you and a guest to the following:
• Art Basel Miami Beach Ten Year Reception: Raleigh Hotel — Mon., November 28, 2011 from 6 pm —
8 _pm
• Welcome Reception: W Hotel — Tues., November 29, 2011 from 5 - 7 pm
"First Choice" preview of Art Basel Miami Beach: Convention Center — Weds., November 30, 2011
from "11 am - 3pm
"Preview"' of Art Basel Miami Beach: Convention Center — Weds., November 30, 2011 from
3 6 pm
• Vernissage: Convention Center — Weds., November 30, 2011 from 6 — 9 pm
• Opening Art Public: Collins Park — Weds., November 30, 2011 from 9 pm - Midnight
• Permanent admission to Art Basel Miami Beach. Art Fair, and Art Conversations (Thugs — Sun)
• Access to Art Collectors Lounge
• Invitations to Art Collectors program and special events (see VIP desk)
(Please note that an additional invitation for the Welcome Reception (admits two persons) is also
included in your VIP Invitation Package.
Additional invitations to the following events are also being provided to you:
• Welcome Reception three (3) passes (each pass admits one and guest)
• Vernissage - six (6) passes (each pass admits one and a guest)
C • One -day passes -- two (2) passes for Saturday; .two (2) passes for Sunday; each pass admits one
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Art Basel Miami Beach Week
Art Basel Miami Beach is hosting a 10th Anniversary reception on Monday, November 28, 2011 from
6pm to 8pm (immediately following the Sister City Reception) at the Raleigh Hotel, 1755 Collins
Avenue.. Those invitations were sent directly to your attention; you must RSVP directly to ABMB.
Enclosed is the invitation for the City of Miami Beach's Welcome Brunch, an annual event where the
City hosts the City of Basel officials, the senior management of Messe Schweiz, and leadership of Art
Basel Miami Beach. This event will be held at The Sagamore Hotel, 1671 Collins Avenue, December 1,
2011, 10:00 a.m. — Noon. This invitation is exclusively reserved only for elected officials Please RSVP
your attendance to this event by no later than Monday, November 28, 2011.
The unveiling and dedication of the Tobias Rehberger Art in Public Places piece, Lighthouse, is
scheduled for 5:00 pm on Thurs:, December 1, 2011. The unveiling will be followed by cocktails at
Smith and Wollensky (6pm to 7pm) and dinner (7pm). A formal invitation will be sent directly to your
attention. Please RSVP your attendance; only elected officials are invited to attend the reception
and dinner.
H: \Tourism and Cultural Development \Entertainment Film Special Events\Art Basel\2011 ABMB Memo to- Commission. docx
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