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Memo 001-2012 Lincoln Road Maintenance
MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 2012 JAN PIS 12* 10 MEMO 4001 -2012 TO: Deede Weithorn, Commissioner FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: January 24, 2012 SUBJECT: Lincoln Road Maintenance This memo is provided in reply to your request for information dated December 8, 2011, regarding copies of work orders (WOs) presented to you at the December 6, 2011 meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee ( FCWPC), by Mr. Richard McKinnon, President of Communications Workers of America (CWA), Local 3178. The WOs were presented at the moment when Item No. 9 of the FCWPC agenda (Discussion on Outsourcing of Lincoln Road Mall Maintenance Services) was up for discussion. Mr. McKinnon was accompanied by Jonathan Sinkes, CWA Local 3178 Secretary, and Donald Kelley, electricians in the City's Property Management Division. Mr. Sinkes and Mr. Kelley perform maintenance activities throughout the City, including Lincoln Road. Background With the exception of the 1100 block of Lincoln Road (between Lenox Avenue and Alton Road), City of Miami Beach personnel from three divisions - Property Management, Sanitation and Greenspace Management, with limited support from temporary labor, provide maintenance services for the entire length of Lincoln Road - from Collins Avenue to West Avenue, including the side streets between Lincoln Lane North and Lincoln Lane South. Maintenance services for the 1100 Block have been provided under a management agreement with UTA Management, LLC (UTA) since its approval at the January 13, 2010 Commission Meeting. At this meeting, it was discussed that if the agreement was a success, it may open other opportunities in the future. In addition, the agreement has an option by which the City and UTA by mutual agreement could expand the type services encompassed under the 1100 block of Lincoln Road agreement to other sections of Lincoln Road and the future Lincoln Park, now named Miami Beach Soundsdcape. The services provided by UTA have been consistent without any significant complaints and minor oversight and involvement from the City. The Administration is presently exploring opportunities to expand the outsourcing of Lincoln Road maintenance services as a way to maximize value and service delivery efficiency through a balanced utilization of in -house and outside resources. Analysis This section will address the specific WOs presented at the December 6th FCWPC meeting as well as specific questions and issues requested in your memo. Please refer to Attachment 1. Mr. McKinnon represented at the FCWPC meeting that the Property Management Division (PMD) had not been able to do maintenance work on Lincoln Road due to unavailability of parts. It needs to be clarified that none of the 14 employee WOs presented by Mr. Sinkes and Mr. Kelley were related to Lincoln Road maintenance activities. Of the fourteen items presented, WO 66072 was a duplicate of WO 66071. Of the thirteen actual WOs, none involved life safety issues and were all related to LTC Response to Commissioner Weithorn 2011 -12 -08 Memo January 24, 2012 Page 2 of 4 parks, parking garages, the Police Station and the Bass Museum. A total of 67.5 work -hours were actually charged for work performed by PMD employees on the 13 WOs that were referenced. Maintenance records reflect WOs # 65861 and 65872 as being completed. The WO percent completion ranged from 0% (non -stock parts that need to be special ordered or rented, such as circuit boards, scissors lifts and bucket trucks, equipment) to 100 %. In some cases, a large portion of the work was completed but some out -of -stock parts had to be ordered in order to complete the job. In most cases, purchase order requisitions were submitted in late October, electronic approval to purchase were received by Property Management on December 1, and following confirmation of vendor receipt of blanket purchase orders, parts were ordered on December 7. Please refer to Attachment 2 for a detailed breakdown of the 13 WOs and their current status. All 13 WOs presented have been completed and the electrical supervisor confirmed that none were of an emergency /life- safety nature. Please refer to Attachment 3 for the Employee Daily Field Worksheets listing WOs that employees worked during the period of time that CWA claims employees could not complete work on Lincoln Road, due to unavailability of parts, including the previously mentioned 13 WOs. Generally, WO requests are received via e- mails, phone calls, or by maintenance staff reporting the deficiency. In the case of WOs associated with emergency or life safety issues, when the WO is called in, the supervisor is contacted by office staff via two -way radio and a crew is dispatched immediately. All work orders are entered into an automated WO system and database, where they are tracked and issued, on an on -going basis, to the respective shop supervisors. The supervisors establish and schedule the work priority and issue WOs to their technicians accordingly. As a point of reference, a total of 9,591 WOs were completed by PMD during FY 2010/11(see Attachment 4); 319 of these WOs were specific to Lincoln Road and 125 completed by the electrical department (see Attachment 5). Typically, WOs are completed within five days. In November of 2011, a total of 759 WOs were completed by PMD; of the 759 WOs, 15 were completed by the electrical shop within five days (see Attachment 6). Expenditures for parts totaling $36,740, of which $10,579 were for materials used by the electrical department. For a listing of open WOs, as of Dec. 30, 2011, please refer to Attachment 7. It should be noted that the WOs presented by CWA at the December 6, 2011 FCWPC meeting were worked on during the transition from the previous fiscal year. The priority for the City during the transition is to upload the new budget and, therefore, deal with new requisitions on an as- needed basis due to the very high volume of new requisitions generated at the beginning of the fiscal year. However, emergency or priority requisitions are approved on an expedited mode when requested by a department. In addition, the supervisors and the property management director have City- issued Purchase Cards that are available, if necessary, to deal with the procurement of parts, materials, and services required for emergency and life /safety WOs. The following responses address your specific questions from the December 8, 2011 email: ■ Was Fred Beckmann, Director, Public Works Department; Kathie Brooks, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management; or your staff in the City Manager's Office aware of these requests for supplies and /or their funding? If not, who was the highest ranking employee in the above - mentioned departments and offices that was aware of these requests? Neither Mr. Beckmann, nor Ms. Brooks or City Manager's Office staff were aware of these requests for supplies. Under standard operating procedures, unless there is an emergency or life threatening issue that cannot be resolved at the division director level, and require senior management support, there would be no reason for the PWD or OBPI LTC Response to Commissioner Weithorn 2011 -12 -08 Memo January 24, 2012 Page 3 of 4 directors to be made aware of these requests for supplies and /or funding. In the case of the 13 WOs discussed at the FCWPC meeting, the electric department supervisor was the highest- ranking staff person to be aware of the WOs and made the determination that they were not of an emergency / life- threatening nature. In addition, the electrical technicians that were assigned to the WOs did not report to the electrical supervisor that any of the 13 WO requests were of an emergency / life- threatening nature. • Who denied the allotting of supplies or their funding and why? No one denied the allotting of supplies or their funding for the required Lincoln Road repairs. It is appropriate to address allegations that the City did not provide supplies and /or denied a purchase by examining the example WOs provided at the FCWPC meeting in the proper context of standard operating procedures, priorities and temporary funding issues. Although for a limited period of time, purchases on non - emergency /life- safety items were delayed, that should not be construed as a denial to purchase, nor that the PMD technicians did not have other WOs that they could be working on — as evidenced by Attachment 3. • What process is followed by maintenance employees when requesting supplies? When maintenance employees require parts, materials, or supplies, technicians will first check in -house inventory and if the item is not in stock then the technician has the ability to go to a local vendor (electrical, air conditioning, plumbing, painting & general maintenance) under existing blanket purchase orders (BPO) and procure the needed part(s). Where a part has to be special ordered, a longer lead -time is to be expected. If the needed part is from a vendor for which there is not an existing BPO, then the priority need of the part determines the purchasing procedure: 1. For routine purchases, a purchase order requisition will be generated and processed in according to City internal policies and procedures. 2. For emergency or life- safety related purchases up to $5,000, the parts /materials are purchased via a City- issued Visa "P- Card ". P -Cards for purchases up to $5,000 are issued to the Property Management director. P -Cards for purchases up to $2,500 are issued to the maintenance superintendent, the five supervisors and one technician under each of the five supervisors, as well as the three building technicians and two administrative staff. P -Cards are used only for emergency purposes. 3. For emergency or life- safety related purchases greater than $5,000, the Property Management director will make a direct request to the Procurement Division director for the emergency purchase. • Are maintenance employees allowed to utilize blanket purchase orders or procurement cards ( "p- cards') to obtain supplies from City approved vendors? If so, why were the supplies not purchased? Yes. Please refer to above response. • If maintenance employees were unable to fulfill their duties, how was their working hours occupied? At no time were maintenance employees unable able to fulfill their duties. In fact, the electrical technicians charged 67.5 hours of productive work to the 13 WOs presented. (Please refer to Attachment 6 for a detailed breakdown of WOs completed by the electrical shop for Lincoln Road). LTC Response to Commissioner Weithorn 2011 -12 -08 Memo January 24, 2012 Page 4 of 4 Although not specifically requested in your memo, a list of City positions assigned to Lincoln Road is included as Attachment 8. This information was requested at the December 6, 2011 FCWPC meeting. Should the City Commission recommend that maintenance services for the remainder of Lincoln Road Mall be outsourced, the disposition of City staff impacted by any outsourcing actions would be handled in accordance with provisions of the various Collective Bargaining Agreements governing those positions. Although not requested in your memo of December 8, 2011, we have also attached the City Clerk's response to CWA public records request #6373 providing information on the preliminary analysis conducted by City staff to determine the feasibility of outsourcing the maintenance of the Lincoln Road Mall to UTA Management (see attachment 9). Conclusion An examination of the representations made by CWA at the FCWPC meeting indicate that - although there are always opportunities to improve processes and procedures - at no time were emergency /life- safety issues not properly addressed, nor maintenance staff left with unproductive hours. None of the WO presented by the CWA representatives at the FCWPC meeting were associated with Lincoln Road maintenance work. It should be noted that PMD records show that any inferences made by the CWA Union representatives as to the electricians' inability to perform work on Lincoln Road based, were found to be unsubstantiated. The nature of any property management organization, especially one with over 200 facilities and 4,000,000 square feet to maintain, is such that there is always a backlog of routine work orders needing to be completed. The absence of a backlog would suggest overstaffing and /or the authorization of excessive overtime. A process already exists and is used to handle the purchase of materials for emergency /life safety or priority WOs during the transition between fiscal years. Space limitations within the existing Property Management facilities restrict the amount of inventory of the most commonly used repair and replacement parts that can be maintained at any given time. The proposed new facility, currently under design, should address this condition by providing adequate parts and materials storage areas and electronic inventory control systems. I hope this adequately answers your questions. Should you need additional information, please contact my office. Attachment 1 - Commissioner Weithorn Memo Dated Dec. 8, 2011 Attachment 2 - Status of WOs Presented at Dec. 8, 2011 FCWPC Meeting Attachment 3 - Employee Daily Field Worksheets Listing WO Assignments Attachment 4 - PMD Completed WO Summary FY 2010/11 Attachment 5 - PMD Completed Lincoln Road WOs FY 2010/11 Attachment 6 - Listing of All WOs Completed in November, 2011 Attachment 7 - Listing of Open WOs Greater than 10 Days, as of 12 -30 -11 Attachment 8 - Listing of City Employees Assigned to Lincoln Road Attachment 9 — Response to CWA request #6373, dated December 29, 2011 DRB /FHB F: \WORK \$ALL \(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS \CANO \Lincoln Road Maintenance \LTC - LINCOLN ROAD MAINT 2012 -01 -12 (final draft).doc CC: Mayor and Commissioners Attachment 1 Page '1 of:2 L r M 1 EA Office of.the'Hon..Meede Weithorn City':Commissioner '1:700:ConJention'Center: Drive, Miami;:Beach, R331.39 TO: Mr. Jorge Gonzalez, CityMana: e FROM: Commisiloner`Deede Weltho DATE: December 8,::201_"1. Please be advised 1h. at during"this-week's Finance•and Citywide Projects Committee (December.6,:; GII) numerous: openwork orders were presented by property malntenance,employees assigned to-.the':I:incoln Road ::area. These ,employees have :complained that for :an extended, period of 'time 'the City has not provided them with the: - and materials to complete - tasks,:some as simple_asz replacing I light bulbs. TheVmployees.allege that a'fter'following the,-.established' protocol for requesting supplies „the City' either did not provide - the :supplies -and /or :denied 4heir`.purchase. When: asked =to .comment, your staff rejected knowledge of theiissue. Thlsancidentls most frustrating expressly whenconsiclering thatsome.of`the:.uncompleted work.orders could potentially lead -to life �Ihreating issues. Therefore, :1 have requested that :;you issue a Letter to the Commission (LTC).regarding this issue before .January's "City'.Commission - meeting. Within the LTC, please. advise as to how these- employeeswere left unable to- complete.their work andAhezactions being•takew.to preventthis:; from; reoccurring .F.urthermore,.1 like. direct answers to the: following: Was Fred Beckman, Director, Public Works; Department; Kathy Brooks, Director, Office of Budgevand_ Performance Management;'.or °yourstaff in the City Manager':s Office <.: aware of these request for.supplies >and or their "funding$'.If..not, who was-the highest , employee irilhe :above.mentioned departments "and offices::that was. aware Hof :these: requests? Who denied:the..ailottin `of sup lies or-their fundin and "wh 2 g' pp 9" y• + What,process1s1ollowed by:maintenance" employees "•when,requesting. supplies? 4 Are maintenance em, ployees allowed to.: .:utilize blanket. purchase .orders =or::,procuremenf cards ( "p,cords ") to obtain supplies from C ity :approved vendors? 'If :so, why were +'the supplies not purchased? • If maintenance ,:employees -were unable to :fulfill their :du#ies, how was their .working hours -- - -- ._ - occupied? As ,a '.City - Commissioner,. I will not allow :for work 'orders, regardless of the department, to, remain uncompleted:for an;:extended period of time. As of - the . . LTC please provide a summary of work orders:thaf have;remained :open: for longer :than"ten ays, their .status •and :expected `completion. date. It is my hope•that ounCity employees °are furnished :with the basic• necessary- �tools•to- complete day to day tasks1n an .effort °to provide them with cin:effic ent working environment`:and to provide %our: taxpayers with'the..quality of service they. deserve. Thank you. s Pg4i.2 dfl "CC: Mayor Matti Herrerm-Bower_.and Members.of the C1tyCommission Mr. '_Fred Beckman, Director,: Public Works Department MsAathy BrooksiDirect.9r, Office -of Budget and Performance Management 'Mr. Richard McKinnon,. President .Communications Wq&ers-of :Ameeica,,LocdI 3178 Attachments. Attachment 2 E° E° E r E N E« o ry o °n E N E S V V Q o V V V V m H � � � .�- �D Y N r N i 2 O O \ O O Q O O \ \ N O O n \ C Z p Z 0 O � 0 0 0 0 0 I I I 0 0 I o p in 2 O C Q O � Q O p w O z � 2 m � z d 0 'o m a .. 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Task Description 10 ELECT i 1 i i I I i 1 i 10/10/201107:41 City of Miami Beach Property Management Pag 1 9- i I oP I O U a a i 3 � I I .v -IT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U H W W ca V \` ❑ W J �` I a j w r � � Co x o m H U U A U H `� ---------------- F � x H W P4 a z H x H U a u o z ❑ H I a � ❑ N Z I W ti ❑O W U Q O � U I W W � x V v � H I O F i eP u i d , J w I � �a Cri lJ y " N z 1� W r F z F W y w � ~ x p ca H U u U H O H w a I 0. m x a `} x ° a W E t H H � � Q �✓ � E W m a z I w u U i 1 I � 1 C] E W x W H I o F i I n-for A Print Short WO Cards ] i W f , f ,, , r 5 EV(2q uL�GHT,Fc XT;IlRCS { gREf '; ScheUuled Starg5'iJ /08 /2011 ; t_r 1 I {1WorkiOrder l La {" 65$06P�OPt?N; , : salt, a ,Iff f7k y ,{!: , v I!tif,:,: 1 .�;!;' ff r i.�, � .F:F!' II:a.;f .r . ,,,1. fr;ir•�Y, ; ,I ,t, f,, , ;l , - s ; ,:� f itif , f�f4 11'11 f�i;'L', Va lfi If. 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Date Started Date Completed �.� . i t'i E F1� ti r ;, a l� ld{ 3x NjWork r OrderFCustom ' et .�:.,:.rsL! tit. .�..4lL�lr..l.�J�'t.�:._ ^i6a,�. +Jb.i t�.:tiw_ .'i I i Contact Name STEVE DELGADO ! t Contact Phone Number 305 - 673 -7388 e T ; } i N k. N People i Activity Trade Est. Hours Reg. Task Description { 10 ELECT 1 1 i I f ,���.! • %,r �P,.' (ii:'r' eel e /� d, k `• 1 I 1 I 1 I i I 11/08/201107:33 City of Miami Beach Property Management Page 1 I I 0 v i 3 FFI ------------ --- \ v x M F I rl w ` v v � � q N ` , X H W C Z ) O X o H U \ O U � U F \ W M x � La v a n S OL o w a z n � U l` o U F w a 0 i 1 � for A Print µShort WO Cards ! , ^ rn_. � ! w.. ' NMtnJ,:,f [rd iu.sr sr;q ?'. OCk!r.Orderar N,;4f66Q 1 RR R! M � )t f Q li ll .t� I - .r,SC e U e S'C.I , l! r p! ! t , �il611rd1r111 i(,II: �L (. Q REPAIR STAbW Y HTSIOU SIRE 3� I � : I , � .E Il ,d r d P , - d; t,L I! 1 , e. L ..�,u � : 1 . , . �., � I .Ib I I' I. 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AL i �I 4i9dtd i !ea' n i & da - - d. �, o- wh .3,uL nid i {III 11 -rr *7t Ih I ,.; C it z w :Rr �..d >sd 179i _. I, i pr rt r u , I "IFI R , f �- 'i 1, .....f5� (La.�`,'.�` 3t, ?i� r k Oder- Gusto.mSFields � 'K r�, i`I f ;' I I I I' ,tiL'4,1 a ,;,s,., DONALD KELLEY [ ._r.r�tk';,i`459�3' h �!!r1in' Y!h- �H_�l h15 >,r,,, _.., ,. .r.: .[,. Contact Name t. j Contact Phone Number 305- 673 -7631 u h 7f-` a w-[} ey, %, 5` xa �.ACtivlti .;i.,: �m I , - :. t ��; j People FActivi t V Trade Est. Hours Reg. Task Description i 10 ELECT 1 1 I I I I I I i { I I i 11/16/2011 15:02 __.._._.. _.__..__.._..__._.W.__...._..W- City of Miami Beach Property Management - Page '1 . i I I i i r o N a a I F � � '� `� h � Z. � v a " .fit � • r � � w Lei rA Aj o 0 0 U U ~ u a A H H W F H y , x 0 N O W H V a a z � a , s o � s W 'o u i o � I I I ,� Print Short WO Cards C11 °"'^, J WQf�M,prderc ;. t.f` 6V t RO M 'tn f I I ¢i t k I f. "I fM' Ca ttt. *;. •:a , �I. 11F$F LIGH�Sf t u q'; SC n Ulecl'Sf x { � I f + n N4ii 1,: fir € AA -I�'f f1 4 1 :f t £f I�,.1 l ,i,J slfAti rl tu`rF,C �rJ�. J!114I I I!7 {J 4XS�t,k O tt 4_l �t�fe.rl'�F�I1 tat¢ r � t } 4..� le I Id ✓ . i y ill i {a I t '. £; - +nt r, � tl{ l {1 7th q 4 4 )1 l�.I M1Qf XY w .t'`.kJ If l� ++ r� / r u f � I Parent Work �< Class Order Department BASS MUSEU BASS MUSEUM Priority PM Code Warranty N Cost Code 011 -0930 011 -0930 Safety N f Problem Code Equip Criticality Reported By Assigned To Project Assigned By Standard WO f Equipment 1901 (PROP MGT) BASS MUSEUM Location L- 1901 -BASS MUSEUM (PROP MGT) 2121 PARK AVENl1E- OFFICE Equipment Manufacturer Estimated Hours 1 Equipment Estimated Cost 55,59 Model Equipment Serial Number Actual Cost 0.00 Date Started Date Co i I �J M ( Completed !. t � (I ...t. C y ontact Name DONALD KELLEY Contact Phone Number 305 - 673 -7631 M : <:; ., c ;» + t .::; I ..,,�+�•rtit �.....ACtIVilleSr t , t r t n f t ' ' P � � l 'F'r r 1 t ! t >x Y nt f it s People � 4 Activi � Trade Est. Hours Recl, Task Descrip I' ?. 10 ELECT 1 1 — i 1 2J9 11 I • �5 h i i r I 11/16/201115:03 City of Miami Beach Propelty Management _ _ Page 1 i i i a iw � H i EQ U O O H U U N U a A � H H x � y W DI H x W G ,, z 0 p x x „ o W\„J, - E O I N l \a z is I a � a v fl i ( J a i r i N V J J C 7 z En El Ed j CO w I H u H� 4 a z z o � a O V F D Ch in a x I I . k FTTT-T E - CJ E4 �( w t � o N z U 7 J v o � cn C4 P4 V) ci a u u H H w w H N W In U' W a a s`n Ch o a �- -_� 0 o a� 1 u 0 p 4 b b ° u tin f h r Print Short WO Cards II LI -- NG i k Wor C(C5rc�ar ti 127,2 �PI OP "MGT)'t' NEE b C �{ ECK ANC7'C�IAE Li`G , T �u� ss r P'f, 94hat�rtlott *St yyy I r Q� / �tl �01F�� ' 'I? I�� t n 4�J fI ($ } }n r'�j Ri�1V \'J l7/'k7lAl] � � J S �; rj �� r 1 ,I{!II.�I L ,�Yt �l "�141"...i (� 1 �tft' f L 1"4 F.1 f IS i �y +f, t 1 - 1 1 If � . � t , { �J, �� y, � ,I�� 1 �� � �'a td i r�s f s 1 N73�t� ? r, i9ll '; ?,!1)�rs +r���E��tl���f, t ''` • }�I'^� + ' StFSttl� s ( t'ft•+rY� ReiLdSed ` 1 ° �1 � rr ( t �, 15 � 4rAtia � <f lf� i t1 �s `� WC)r� I +�1 Ifsa +tr,k(����'. rl a i} �' rrfl Ir -. �J ..t ... C .,uvtL .+ a •...:~{,,�nl..ali..a >55....fG.G t.,,.. t,, nv. .,,d:'�.Gix..�.;t r..�1.4•..+wypktu a.•.ka_o t. R �f �r fl�;:wil .L..........♦, • 4 Parent Work �1 Class ' Order I Department POLICE POLICE Priority PM Code Warranty N Cost Code 011 -1130 011 -1130 Safety N Problem Code Equip Criticality Reported By Assigned To Project Assigned By Standard WO Equipment 0620 (PROP MGT) POLICE STATION j Location L -0620- POLICE STATION (PROP MGT) 1100 WASHINGTON AVENUE-1 - 5 FLOORS ! Equipment Estimated Hours"I Manufacturer Equipment Estimated Cost 55.59 Model y Equipment Actual Cost 0.00 Serial Number Date Started Date Completed � �" Ia waft m a >-r�m t F� r ii r i 1 u..+ ;} ..�Si 4 i16i k WOr Drdd (,115t011 %Fl:etdgg r yX�i.t ^' �':" @t �l,�!',-}r�'ry�t tr v IL A. . •n, 4 1aM ?v, tuul{ S.,.tS:' ....:4. .._, •.. a „p - • . vr... +a.e_,r._.3..1, k1x�Mu,: ;J �li �.l`b o 1 f. V.: L.1k� {"r�M1 a j Contact Name FRANK RODRIGUEZ Contact Phone Number 786 -412 -2612 t , ;4 t,_ .l�Gt�yltl @5 �.i i Y f •s 1 1 ,tq 0 tk People Activity Trade Est..Hours Reg, Task Description I 10 ELECT 1 1 I b7b7 I r (� y 10/20/2011 07;59 Oty of Miami Beach Property Management Page 1 i �P �l a 3 I L ] J En ci j c w � CJ m � a s f P H H V V U H H W W � r ` ( x N I � P4 o o O U A D w H © L H a m Di z ° o ° I i e� CY [4 ril qj LO 1 S V CA a i Fi Y y a O U A U H F a W w W F x l� �q a ' V x N � V ° - w FZF-I CQ I � � a a ti H z o w U N Q '✓+ l� '^�, 4n F i I I n f or Print Short WO Cards ' tl�loYl< OI daY f' u X601!2 pRQp �1GT 'REPL�C' I�AMpS A I q t y ; ,, }, tt IV W 5t1U9 I � ft ,�.:.. . ��IFaSe[� t I n alwLr ur E p l I l r A, WET n...� Parent Work Class Order Department REC RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS Priority PM Code Warranty N Cost Code 011 -0950 011 -0950 Safety N Problem Code Equip Criticality Reported By Assigned To Project Assigned By Standard Wo Equipment 1,148 (PROP MGT) PALM ISLAND PARK i Location 1-4148 -PALM ISLAND PARK (PROP 159 PALM ISLAND 1 MGT) a Equipment Estimated Hours 1 ' Manufacturer Equipment Estimated Cost 55.59 Model Equipment Actual Cost 0.00 Serial Number Date Started Date Completed Work Ordar�CUStom'. Contact Name CARLOS DACRUZ Contact Phone Number 305 - 674-1031 �!ActlVltleSl,`" J_ri'.. °' )�.'t.,s..', rt .: -tit 1 1" ri', 4 4 }i�,•zA,:., F i - People Activi Trade Est. Hours Reg Task Description j 10 ELECT 1 1 i 174 Li 10. Iz IK01 1 4•,r is 'zl L4kr ISO` 5l 1 L4k IBu5 I II 2hr; 14 3bo 4 1213 ►1 �.�,�- I i j 11/16/201109:54 City of Mlaml Beach, Property Management Page 1 t I i i a� 0 1 V p I w ° .q oil F L H O H w ' F H w � W� w ` n UL � ry I i [L y W ` w vI �N U c W a In O Z co u i .t f IFv � y � •!-� � V I o i �. .• J q �, \ o A � a i a H w � E ` 1 El) a x O � � w s w � a z �� ca z w \ o �� S• y e 4k �. w o F r i i U W a c ,s G. J � L � 4 • ' L d ° u -F C� H o - ! 4- 4 W El w V 0 0 U 0 A u a a H a H pH� \ 0 o u '\ r07 � � a 0 . IN o 0 73- w i i _ W s U — V1 0 W W � U I I I i I I I o4 G . � V a - j- a � o N .�9 IffffT � o ---f? m IP . ---z H u' ,S W W El < F i - t Zv a � w H x O E+ U] U U U En A u a H RC H w a I w N I N L O p �' z x w 0 O a z � H H. � H 2 r � U I � H i i ov d U t � H E4 w c O E H U cn �✓ a U U H V � A H a ^ \ z w w I � rr z 1 � i t � C7 � � a H Z gn ❑ Q w 71 V nl N a p w 0 I V� IT G. il F Q M z E4 Ed En O --P 10 P4 A E- u) EA cj 0 0 Eq P4 5 O l� 4 �l �. x i a4 000 0 VI N W 0 `I ' H p H 1 s t S `A P4 p 46 E H V) U Q m U U H U Q Q H H I W W E a a W z , P4 \\ P4 1 F o ic 0 V 1 a cl H W q" I N I Z U O ('1 V V 1-9 .9 '-' H -11 ..r EAR :. Print:Short:WOCards ' �W.OkiCkOrder � '�`a r , t �" `n r. ^� ,, Seielidlel "S ta ti �i& 4 ki � 5ta GUS) t fFe ea$e F:? f + (saa� + Fi fr 1'h�tl t 'tr v ft '�` Jy ���a ,f .�. .Parent -Work �!:Drder .Class Department PARKING DE PARKING DEPT :Priority . RM`:Code Warranty N Cost °Code 480 =0463 480 -0463 Safety . N Reported`By + ; "Problem Code ..Equip Criticality i q p ty project Assigned :To ' Standard W0 Assigned:13y (.. :Equipment ::0515 (PROP:MGf ) 17TH 5T' GARAGE /5 = .STORY t`Location. •L ;0515- 17TH.ST:GARAGE/S =STORY 17TH:STREE- /MERIDIAN '.COURT' (PROP Equipment Manufacturer EStlmated. Hours ,Equipment Model Esfimated:Cost 55159 ' . Equipment , Serial Number` pctual.Cost Date Started Date Completed iwn� ".�x.leu«�`At�ty' nr"E 1°a WA t r1 0�'det' 4 RStUm 1~3e1C1$ 1 t Ki � .. a� y�E� lrro n ct' N .:.v::4 Contact Name STAVE DELGADO i Contact Phone Number 305 -6Z3 -7388 a W xS at °a .,a r' • x z FeNF1 Sy r +1wlZ +r { , �4' r " a ��. w mayy: ,+ e g 3 .. _,.1 :,5�u';t ...s n. •'.:�A"CtYfES.e., a "'tz5pt c, +tr ry w t� 1l i`' �--' MYA : ,-.,�. a7r,� 555555 People rActivl Trade Est.:Hours Re Task LYescr3 tlon t 10 ELECT Ito 1.. . i, , f Lam• Y' 1'. } 4 � 1 f tt A 10/10/201102;41 City:of Mlami Beach Property Management Page 1 r,r PrintShort:WOCards (' � ?G�-r'"" r �. I, a ' y + M y r( �vra x; •• 1.. � r• >, }r"` >nt w r r 't � � y, Worl.iCarcer ,. � ! t ,t5606 (RfYOp, , ' tJ$`FLR'��tq�iP'SEYER-Al Cif-I"s ;� urt'ES:�ti�, r Sohedgletl start 'i�A�"Q' ,fir Yid;;. . 'l 4'� � Vl7�JIt C7�N� M+(� ��h UCrftf a'kn Sy r •if. r. 1 r�k i4 - F r PA ti °1tdy�.� dgt ji !}tti473r}a}pcat4`�r 4 5 e6iNr t 5tatus, ....- ::1..r•i.L`..S.. 3w:.w _..a. �..,�F f.. ���tr> �'Y it{y. `•t. �5 �tW r� , i p WOS[ �. t r F Nnilk k � :.J `�".. , � t,` .! ';Parent Work Class Order Department PARKING: DE PARKING DEPT Priority 3 ' PM Cade Warranty N j :Cost "Code 480 -0463 480.0463 Safety N r. Problem Code Equip.'Criticality Reported. By Project Assigned To ;:Standard .W0 Assigned By Equipment 0580 (PROP MGT) PENNSYLVANIA "GARAGE - Location L- .05804666 PENNSYLVANIA AVE PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE; ARAGE (RROP MGT) 3 ;':Equipment i 'Manufacturer Estimated Hours '1 Equipment 55.59 `iModel Estimated =Cost ,t E ui ment. 4 q P -, 'Actual.Cost Serial,Number• %0:00 Date Started ;k Date Completed ' 7 } ' , " '� .rd k rr. � r hT'• �"+x", ':ex r�'d9.e: rr y�nr r r � ` � ?ta, � �2 74 r',:a�f �'' i �f! i9L't'�S x���""�11 �yvs.'�' 'C�f. MI"' ; .. I FiMrt ti, V c..4• i.c.'. � ._ FT�,t: u:� .��+t�r� w: '��a • �* �sWorlt t)rdet�Cm Fieli3s n S�+M t + ! ;� ` w..`�li.�._�:� .....:..t�...� .r:..;:.. ., ..•! �+ ......w. >,v_.�.>..d rtu +xr�.: _`'ii '! �x7 s � fi ...� ,,Y" .i#� a .+1 �����'.���� _. , 1 ! Contact Name ST'EyE:DELGADO. . s Contact Phone'Number 305= 673 -7388 l n f� xdQs A - T4Ax5 fi: 6�ALtN�tteS is 5 t tmi 3 p`e . 3x us 4 ....<. w�rh�u _ Lmtr'y•.1: People t: Trade _ ...:. _ Est Hours Re Task ( �Actiin , ,.tsescri t7s�n' -. 'i . f: ID ELECT 1 I r t tr it i S; , .: �...:_::.....-- _....�.,..._.._, _...,._ ....,�....:.,..,,v._- ... .....:_.`..� _ .;.;;.,:..�..,;._.. 9 ,..,,E r. Si/OB/20IY.D7.33' City of Miami Baach Propert y Management r f or - Print:Short.WO;Cards qo, I sWbkiOrdetr ` +�s *8�7, { PRpPrM4R6 I oU S D'FfCd`OT?LtG e S • vin { {��:M.r�CilBClli x str rsrrXlt .{.ol t 4n4 j d,��a5t5 ;{3P� 31w. r, f `rrr ��X' i ` 7 a� � � ' h t t [ �t '4t 3 " k�.+ . a' � •:nry�: y �.j/f �f�LQX �, } t { y s,F ✓,�4'' � •:. i'�6•s� "�4J:,. r�i � f�1'� � �{y 7d'i}'i^�,i�U }d i� h �,r�Rli����.�'nil� } � � .wv�sY� '!fit ?si+'@. l. rf�Y4 } J �Y�,��, y. .�,i'. yp µ -� fi � i �t 1- } ,� ' « w1� � . ' st' ;s I. i !7 ,�; Y. 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P y Assigned'To i ''Project Assigned °:'By 'Standard':WO Equipment 1901:(PROP.MGr) BASSMUSEUM Location 1_49017-BASS'MUSEUM (PROP MGT) .:217-1 PARK:AVENUE- OFFICE Equipment Estl mated .'Hours 1 Manufacturer :Equipment Est! me ted::Cost SS Sg ,::Model Equipment Actual::Cosi 0,00 Ser=ai Number Date Started Date Completetl ` wit ewt.5. -: i 'y R } ?'` y ,,-ra P3 P u i r k,.. •p rq [* wry_ tea:. Y t ' y„z i4 # . Wa�k u5tam r �li�d'�.31 r = ,. i is tt i �`v " .�R$ir! r.cs...•.::c,..�.t'S.i!?..r_ ,. ...ik3u#YS' .. ,�i ..rl .._. .«.wn IS... •... -:., t.r.1'1r.; ._G ''� :L. f} ... »..,.. ...._ ,... ...:. ' � Contact Name 'DONALD KELLEY "Contact: Phone Number '305- 673 -7631 _ ° '4, i �u1" ti . �.. a 4 �f.� ; i. !. x ssx a+r'=.:-yl `J } « 'r ` u,� C r• } .: x 1 ':1f' 7445 [ ' [ 3"f People 1 ' Active Trade, :._ 'Est.Hours Re ''r "task :Descrl Lion :. � D' :ELECT 1 1 r 1 �l : t= LI ur { � 777 I o f l ' 1 tea.: �.�..y........r.� r.-.....rr�..rrrr+w.a+.w.. 1116/201115:03 C11y of Miami Beach Property Management Page 1 for ;E Print- Short 'WO.Cards +.r�; - ,:n i ' a i'y„ a wLr. � ° g^F 4K a _ = x iaA...1 H K i s tci�} Mtn �•4'a »( - l i A rru :i!i `!t z:t:st i uv �;W.ork' +Or<�lerR,�� - z6 607��RR • QP'h1aC'Tfy��RER7XTR;5TA�MA�I HT�O:tJT�I(3, , s ����,r� "Scia�ulad�Sta /. 0.1k1 �I � W� �' ��7!�t .,' {�. a z .7 e�.� t�`+^r..'fld tw ea j � :;'�'"a i)G:T tF F K 3 �,tp>� 1 1� r ''y�,r• �'F i�= ft� y5 s.11r tYiE�.lrX So ��t =P,;•t`a f'r;jrF a'� ^'.^'�, fii�� a s f� L"'+t = +i+� 0 F r 1 cr, E7 g l� �+�� w 4�R' Yi'.�a69 {• e .�� �t'E 7 �. 'ta� y, . y, ,.cr. i Stat =Mr R eieased a oZ i �s x ^ 'k <z s _s�aai'"' . " ' s�' :i u�p�aa�r?yp tt4t J k .Fu�L� zaL r' I Parent Work Class 1 .0rder Department BASS'MUSEU BASS MUSEUM Priority PM:Code Warranty N Cost Code 011 =0930 011 -0930 Safety .. N Problem Code Equip: Criticality ;{Reported By Assigned To . ''Project Assigned By ;:Standard.-WO Equipment 1901 (PROP MGT) BASS: MUSEUM .`,Location 1-= 1901 =BASS MUSEUM (PROP MGT) 1121 PARK AV•.ENUE- OFFICE ::Equipment -Estimated Hours I Manufacturer Equipment Estimated Cost 'Model Equipment ActuafZost ;Serial Number' Date Started Date Completed i> Y• un L Tf #d t txr '•Yl t` S:.L.ra`{�.' tt..a.. .,_t' ..r. .,C...3..�ptt•, a.JL4kaarSau.x. -..$. - ?t_"'..t`,P r1'.:,..�6' CtaLa' R;.is' , �- k+na 1 y (,� 3 r{ h. [ T 1'` Yyu: ..'• E i !ry n i .t k .0 �;�� il ?c 5 r c3 s i 3 T=. r r a WQr OrdeCa S1Qn1IBidSt ii 1y it ei, 94 vX� a'.�.wIaul, m:r�. ! t.w =., ,x,... T a � vs ..¢.:u..n:. , 1l v,4 f,..:•tY ,-x: a� Cglltatt Name DONALD; KELLEY` Contact Phone°Nuniber. 305�G73= G31 t 1 a i.! ttuh -v _._.x .. :. ... ...3 $... �,- ....tist ... ✓i Y t_._:: .. a. "a ,SS�ra'ttr O Eit+ltleS, •'A... ... t tiV te4n4;: People' .. .:... .y...,. .yo-. .. ..a Y .. :..... ) j Activity ':Trade Est. Hours 'Req, 'Task 13escrii5tion 10 ELECT 1 1 :i r. Y � 31 /.1bJ20ii 15:02. -Cl.ty..of Miami Beach Property Man agement. Page a I?rint:5hort WO.Cards"'. "t tfC'i NrorktOrtler ;6672.;(PfOF'<fC;f�i! xN rC; ECi�f LB p'Ct�ANa "��hBUSa a "<' 3 of W0. vy r E4 �- l y, w ,sc ea ec start „. o(o7zo i . �!^,} s,1 -. .! !171 -.'.pa �'! €S i ( v �.v..'? L H.. Yr q #!{`,,'• t ",'y..iq '7{ t!f"la<. U_ ",y;�p�tl M""�`'.j, r h,^,. r;.; { ( it fift de l7a {qi P Gh T!" Y'y{�v x!O 4p t� f.� l' ,,P� .� °n s1.F t�tJ{ q ,t 1"�+i, P 45.- .ntcij M ir s - ,c..xi yJ 4 � J •RS54 ! 4 :1 t!1 .CJtattlba�{- !. { .ite leas�d r �� #rY ll ly d�.: (11 'Parent Work Class F . i! Order . ``:Department POLICE POLICE Prioe4 - •PM'Code Warranty N i Cost Code 011 -1130 011 71130 Safety N Problem Code. Equlp Criticality: tReported'By Assigned To Project Assign ed.'By `:Standard W0 _. :Equipment 0620 (PROP: MGT) POLICE':STATION v'Location C- 0620 = POLICE STATION (PROP MGT) 1100 -WASHINGTON AVENUE- 1 - stLOoRs `Equipment Esti mated” Hours `':'1 ::Manufacturer ';.Equipment Estimated: Cost 55:59' Model Equipment Actual Cost. 0Mor; 'SerialTNumber Date Started _ Date Completed f SdCII`yiNL eL�. s'd- NP!l_U k_ d { 65Yh� dYlliSW`,r� `+r ffiSG'8'+ty' �aY LuLli-' �[ ar. �', li���' �- a' E4kL- id4F'SLE�.,.1�a P?'AE.I'�`T3! 2T�TJN29tIB."�7 PS.S,ir6 - 69te'.G.'i4 Contact Name FRANK RODRIGUEZ ,:Contact Rhone Number 786- 412 =2612 r t}+..Jhi -d ,��:.�.� .�i- ..t'�,°},x,:".`u_• Sy �`• .r`._..; r' .; ACtiltitte�v.,!ti'4 '•u Y.'3 �!..f< ?;sls.J�..ti". 5 ��.1'Ll :��t . i ,�.' { �" .. 'f�' + �.�t + � . � ,, � People %Activi Trade ....:. Est Hours Re.. `Task ... Descri tioln ::10 ELECT I 1 t ,� 101201201101:59 CltvbtMlaml'Beach Properly Management Page 1. Info" :E. Print Short WO .Cards 1 l :'. .. s nro rs �sWar, Ortie zi601 (PiOAli1GT;��RELj1tCEKLaMPS:1 r,� + T i`� y1t�n rtit { SyI ]eCilallL�dSta1�15 %201s��t -> '6M, ''j k; yi s �� � " 4 . >: R• , .. w:.t �,5 :y,s.. �4::tj0•• a: 4�.v,'t �u:..,�."��i. ° : s'{$ .try rW. Dt�,yp� :. s �a � , l: +,� s> •+ 1 ... x.=...,... w�7.rw...�,L.•v;}.�:«z,w�rxt_3z .....�ac�....a ..�itu ....��ss,. I...c!.u....:d.�k.,.LL,.. 'K7'x�4: u:t: Parent Work Class 'f order Department REC RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS Priority !PM:Code Warranty N !'Cost Code 011-0950 011.0950 Safety N Problem "Code Equip Criticality 'Reported lay Assigned To { Project Assigned By Standard W.O. Equipment i148 '(PROP. MG 7) 'PALM ISLAND PARK Location L- 1148=PALM ISLAND; PARK (PROP 159 PALM :ISLAND I i MGT) `Equipment Estimated a ; .Manufacturer Equipment .Estimated ;Cost 55:59 Model Equipment Actual :Cost :0':00'. Serial Number Datelstarted: ;Date Completed 7 f to 65 fi ftvCt Y} +� T d 2 t�rder�Gustom ie 3 w , at 4r r} 1` �' Y « rtitk �s�i r S S7T , 1 ,; t• i -...�. N...- .:a.�.�_�.s, a i`3 �G�� PY nn{c : l•. A i I .,�.i;.= aY 4 , 7 vku::�. ti �s�t, Contact Name 'CARLOS:;DACRUZ Contact::Phane Number. 305- 6741031 i, .,f . yw7. srrt•w er>n y y . aa�� a �L {: ,_.:3x1� -Y t 1(. r...r if, ia. -.•S a' �.i,: 1 P"S::v.,.. ♦• - - ✓ tlo c:r.�n., .; rl•r•. •rJn �. �.>..��... 1^I � zNd.L - u �} 1 9't� {, F People etivi , Trade EsLifturs ilke Task ...... Des�on ! to ELECT 1 1 C s > tt ` ' 7 i. i :o ..'MiamFBeach Property Management Page.1 Print:Short WO Cards a— �' E 4 D . 3:, .s+, r (: s w...ri M +!• � . r .. ._�, .,� n sty rf r.vf!1 ; m y ' � :r p r� � ' tNgrc OCd5 f 65p03 iPROPiMCT }�i4INSPEGT fiDISrc(t7�NEG(,�D �CO�VDENSER WA�ER r SC�iedlYled �dr13 � /�6G20���� u'G`��'' `� u L il w i + " rr��r9� FjJdrW 4tr ;i FFk �� � ;a�'•a��3,,K y .� ,,'�� j5'- ii' o :.:,. sxs1J' v' x t. 3:. s4:. r.. i. Z;....> �L:. x�:, mti. �.' �4a:::._..:+..,:. �. x+:; S:... � .k.�k..r+«i:....w...z.,..r:•w.� w'4•a« J.St�+w -:. g.x ..:..iws- t..n�� `kn «. .. .. Le..cwa.:.x. -� r'�b�'e v., •'+:�Pt4'�i���u`�. Parent Work Class Order 'Department POLICE POLICE Priority . PMrcode Warranty N Cost:Code 011 -.1130 011 -1130 Safety N Problem 'Cade Equip Criticality °Reported:By Assigned , To Project Assigned By S.Standar.daWO Equipment 0620 (PROP. MGT) POLICE: STATION Location L- 0620- POLICE.STATION (PROP MGT) 1100 WASHINGTON AVENUEi -- 5 FLOORS Equipment Estimate&,Hours,A Manufacturer Equipment 'Estimated'Cost 55;59 ;?Model ;`Equipment :Actual. '.Cost '0 0 �« ;=Serial Number bats5tarkel ;gate Completed; S ?'� - •.1,.'S T.r +c«... .:.:..I * '�'C i t 'fr 7an< •z. �' i 5`a^ _ tlk7t n t �. :. +•- .,"x -� i .r. r rl tS 'L's 5 :. � t � t� �"",1�•n.� n "r CStrt� E t f�l r�il�' a4 �;s"'i -0tr s tF� :k> L"./3 Ixro r ?I` + w��'�" a fWa�' iCsQ�'dBr��Y{.IBt01Xln�(frjlCiS +„t ti .t '�zi ti4iy yS . a e.. ..sc ta „ .tw✓•' „ f r..a4,.ai .,t x z,.,,.: v s ._...�.,...�.t:.t..,:.,..s s...•e•,_z.i :-F.' `r ;.... .:5 f .» ar K61 ... W Confiact Name ORLANDO 3IELSOL: Gohfia�t-;Pfpae Numfzer: 305 -633 70QD EXT;��: /2., �;�: s :° >���.,._.. ,+ •` t 'r*'1 ;�, . - „i `°° �5' H �:tY.i { w x- ;c.l~;�; People aActivi Trade Est Hours Re Task,_., Descrl Lion 10 ELECT 1 1 s t YK J yj +i. � �i 'r^.••.... *mss Ne••:wr y^ 11%16/2011:08-87 City:of Mlawl : Beath Property Management Page 1 or EAM Print:5hoct W0 "Cards i .. ' .. }j t . r , WorktQrdeK J ,� 55Q7�1(PROP ); #e4_ PAVILYON REPL'AGE B Cf 4�aTIMi'CLC)C 'Schedu� eti'6Earf I I ; "'' .�` x 5 } t FOR?DCl EfIO(tYLI{ CC4• �"" 5 ... thL� ti::.. i.. x .a «..,:.w.a...w+..- .W..,f;:. ..r:S..,av':.S ��.•r�xzi:.� � .atiiaa3, h.�es!�::.tY.�+44iw•si. wC+.- w.,,.1L'�a.f..... V,s.,..'�,.•*_u �.�:'I".�.. s;�m•� ,a�„�r.,, Parent Work Class order Department PARKS PARKS ' Priority PM Code Warranty N Cost Code 011 -0945 011 -0945 Safety N Problem Code Equip Zelticality Reported By Assigned To Project 'Assigned By �.. Standard WO Equipment 0907 (PROP MGT) OPEN SPACE PARK Location L -0907 -OPEN SPACE :PARK (PROP 79TH - 87TH.STREET /OCEAN.ORIVE- OFFICE MG r) j Equipment :Estimated Hours I i Manufacturer Equipment Estimated "Cost 55:39 . Model , ''Equipment Actual "Cost QiDD Serial Number Date Started Date Completed f Lf 1 .t yt � t ;, p a.,rY y y -a^ c• } Y•M1,i'� S Y t `# � � ,.` 4^' i 4 1 -H 1 i k�� Y I .t t { ,y � IM y t 3f ° J� 1� �, xllid�Y tip f.j �` Y!" 1. ..'',.i.: Na ;; ..<, h-.. ", F...,.. �s.: , ". .«.,�.u+� ,. z.. ,.»{ •. •+i,.�w•r'.,- .,.�- x.+.a:�w.. .....rlq. .a..,.l..:.n.xn. ii.f. .,G.1 w.. _....1:4"C - ,.�... Contact e GRESMAM �� Contact fine Number 305 673 76 1 1 : .. _ ...._ ._.....People..:.. . f : . : ActW.fty.. Trade _ `Est, Hours Rdq, Task DescriptEan . _....:..... .._: _,..,.,. _ ; 10 ELECT 1. 1 i .,, .f t v 'i ij C y w. N .11/30/2011,0633 City -of Mlaml'6each Property Management Rage: _1 do E `Print. Short-WO -Ca rds 1 .: N.4 R' F 1 1Alnt'kt0der�, ( PtOi? N1�„ µalTF( TSoAR U� ID=P6RIM1✓?ER�AR6�PU5EaliJ i s Shatlulecl�5tarfi 1rJ49 /20k�`�i' ;j4+ I: f tlS " �{ ,,, Lw....�,...r�' ..,. Parent Work Class g'Drder _Department :REC RECREATION, CULTURE' &PARKS Priority s - PM'Code 'Warranty N Cost Code 011 -0950 011 -0950 Safety N Problem Code Equip`.Criticality Reported,By Assigned -To 'Project ;Assi.gnod :By :StandardWO' :Equlprnent 1166 (PROP MGT) NORMANDY ISLE PARK f Location L- 1166- NORMANDyiI5LE PARK (PROP 1765 -71ST STREET MGT) Equipment Estimated Hours i ; Manufacturer Equipment Estimated Cost = SSi59` Model 'Equipment. Actual Cost Q;pp; Serial Number =Date Started Date 'Completed I , •.x4. fia Yz. uLf 7$' l': I 't�,� ..+: F r !: „q.} i9E.1L t f �' Work "D�deriCustonlYFre�lds + M,4i ' - -Y„�r ., t,�i sr . 'fiY y,+ a EU r.. . ;sid' :: t....+.��,.�."_s�.•_.x 6 ._:..:cr..:.. �''.�: t's:*ler'i...:..�x. .z, + xd>�" .'J.. -� : t Contact °Name ELIZABETH RODRIGUEZ Contact Phone Number. 305= 993 =2021 s'n — e' its ",, x k . _" 1 i cJr a s ACt1V)tle5 F 3 ' ' ws^• ... s •:�:. •: K. r I` t.. .'"4 ..l tla -,, 6` r,.^. r+ .�' ; People 1 c ' tivjt , v.-, _:. Trade Est; Hours FEe Task Descri Lion I 10 EiBCT ., 1 1 7 . r ,. r �t '4 i y g Page;,a 13/09J201d,.02.10 SCI of:Miaml;Beach'Property.Mana Management i �.zsl Jlb EAM Print Short WO:Cards S� fGla�T, aFtTME,1 1��i�,' SrI� jExl, t79B�1�.. IJ�, P. �, O * �"�3e y h � eduted <5ta1� "rv, i}�i.b{�;p,MR, � f•.. .1,9.af�rall �i r#IU"' �. ln"Sr'4ex$"^Atiykl4�DaG��x Tt.=��f ree',1x�... :�V7 -i3ysS }'w�s:t f i�,� 4���� lya7'�"L'•y�� t+,.:�!V a -eX ~..' }x P�A y t �. x l , �y SJtatus I .z, sgd - i F; rSZ'• ..4 �,•„ t`' r ,, t w'F. 1 ly r1 '^ `5 � '�y 1 r f v 1 X�iy 9 1+ 1 J !!{ , e•1 `73 , . s .,..r " • n i .�:iL� ., Y Y..5: s,uL.. r�SS. -' ,w.�.g' .d:. mW.�......�::!� &,'siw..iva"Lr�as`.�.:�i. amno.�.,.,Aa .�'«+$ . 3�:,u..."�+ -vi w,L:. dr+;u:J y u;. ".. �_ ` - ''ParentWork Class ,Order j. '.Department REC RECREATION, CULTURE' &PARKS ;Priority PM.Code :Warranty N Cost Code 011-0950 011.0450 safety N Problem Code 'Equip:Criticallty 'Reported By Assigned To Project , Assigned By Standard`:WO Equipment 1155 (PROP MGT) SOUTH= SHORE;CC r'Location -4155 -SOUTH SHORE CC (PROP 833- 6TH:,STREET MGT) "`Equipment Estimated Hours ..1 Manufacturer Equipment Estimated.Cost 55:59 Model Equipment.. Actual'Cost z0 00.' Serial'Number Date'Started Date ;Compieted 9d.�"IC�a'�zk 1 -- i y �._'. Amy i•k tU L feC.�',u� d4�:CA�'� F' C �..31e�Yrxt. `L L�- �'� »r. �'" - �l < t G ys y ..: C'w...Y,L.'.��gi;(i'llpcC+"� ' . i. 7 e. •.fi9mc7 all��x;�c. ✓M 'r r :C� a a ! „tr i :� a 4 n x ".CR7:'•.r %�W� is A F •e. ,?• e J 7 ' ,�^ ! �4`.Y s t+�x} e � y. ,+ x l9d, Y. �u 3�. r_' 4r: �d. �1..` il. 1 tcaFlti,. b.. y:. Wok k' �OrderACr�sko 'ngFy'�e.,,,[asut.•: }mv ritl (<�ua�D m' L.v f . Contact Name DONALD -- KELLEY Contact Phone Number 305 673 763;1 y t : i.: t « r.:°:.cr . �P:?A ?'. .. r; r {1T.... .r!` .. .i.i ?. .. �r5.v 3.:::.. r ..:r. !C...., "r'..t.,�C.t'tUler£$. ''y. i`•. N tP,.... G.�.. .._ron .._ _•",:if, _k'li.t I, ✓,bi r:! s7 r, People Actium.. Trade. _ Est.°HoOrs,.Req .Task. Description 4. t D ELECT t. j Ij. ,i r 11/09/201i_14 :54 'City of.Mlaml;8each':Property Management `Info'' E Print Short WOCards tiNot' X553 rr PR pp , M I�iEP IkR 'i r rcr, t �rt"E�Q r'�2Q�i1'�a' :,._ ,..,1 �L ^. Yitl. .t ty �edil &r �af �u t o 6 J76 'r '. t >, f • : yr 3 "l �`' "» (tr s' `+�, � e �, '� r. � #'?,�3 �V�I rtr` 1` ' , 5' IbJ�L� l� ��t + w` f r nu } � K � x �w 8 � � I ,� x.StatU'S� � �•:s• � F .'SZ+r4,n�l+i+lt' r �f ,:.ill' '-""d%..:.� n. �`...t S_' ? ''roi....,�� 71 �x�' 1 .6tTi:+ x�'.. ..:1�._i'cY.' ,.ar.. c ��' sd.+:iuew.wa�..�'a•.+...c.. o.ch.J:4++u!.eurxag .. utw 1`u . -.x�ld i i.7....: b. bl . k S�� ' .: Y M - `. k� Parent Work Class , :Order ;:.Department ,REC "RECREATION;,CULTURE' &PARKS Priority s PM:Cade .; Warrant -_ - ty - - - - N Cost:Code 011 -.0950 "011 -0950 Safety .N i +roblern'Code Equip "Criticality Reported: By Assign ed 'To '.= P.roject Assigned=By "'Standard:WO: I lquipment 1174 (PROP MGT) CARRIAGE HOUSE PARK ?"Location L41 HOUSE PARK 54TH.STREET/ COLLINS !AVENUE (PROP MGT) t Equipment 'Estimated�Hours - 1 " ManufactuCer :iE.guipment. Estimated Cost. 55.59 ;:Modal t Eguipmen. Actual Cost Serial R Date Started Date Completed tl ttu.tl'xx a !Sx F �Y.iwIS'J :w de.3 tf x `.iri +"' t ; {t a r,.-i •^�T -e iy;'`'ai s '"� '5.'"' :#y`i ,ca:.:,. i+. iiT,.::;. :t 1 'lWY7.0 C QrCley pIl7 - } b s s iiA ,. S tt7- t ',' d` bx+ni.,k1 JP.A dw. rawcW.l...:: M tx sh-E _ .i4"S Conta.Narne RF.STDEI�t7 Contact Phone Number r �. . , ._r:?� 3nux . " r�i' e 4 max t People A-6 i ` ,.'[cede. Est. Hours Re. 'Task DescrS' :tion. _._ . 10 ELECT `i 1 ir r � 4 n E i e v E 4 11]OY/201107t11 LCity,61F MIam10ea4h Management Page .1 of or M ..Print Short WO Cards I 1� hkQ a i -.. :i Y �b i. ry�,y..y k ?rF' o!ro5tnt,,+,�nn tt5 :�... f1jUnrit OrdBrx , h6 &b73 PR0lthiF ^. HAN© DitYERrjf " p71 �� S 7 I " I�� Status ��r xr.0 x Re leased � '�» I I.�iSS?,w.a,„.J:+£W.t • i)S.. .^yi Y..�H'.L.....f'tka�Y �- 1....+.1wu.... " -W ikc0. N .... �.iJ1[.1 ..._..ir.� .i'.Fs._i: � i Parent Work Class F order Department REC RECREATION,.CULTURE, &PARKS !Priority AM Code Warranty N Cost'Cole 011 =0950 011 -0950 Safety N { Prabien�'Coiie `Equip; Criticality Rgpartetl - Assigned To Project ♦Assigned By s E�tipment; 1141'(PROP MGT) CRESPI PARK i Loeatinn L 1141- CRESPI PARK (PROPtMGO 88(i�K SPI"II& :Equipment Estimated' Hours I Manufacturer 4 Equipment `Estimated':Cost. 55,591 Model Equipment "Actual Cost. U09 Serial Number Date Started Date Completed , �N �F.+.,....4 s {:: o 11. t52. �3.! ct;.,: 1' i . cS!. Ja iLyQrll ,e ;�a..alw.b -:+. :Oontacla�fame: P.TERR PEi°Cf .. forlt�ici RhgRe NUin[ r. 1054 73-7-631. 'M a PVT 4 -',a ve _ 1 �.�,` 11'S °.`A ��xk.. ```' �Qt4:UItle0x t - People sAcfii!ity - Trade st,. Hours Req, Task Description '` 10 ELECT :1; 1 ic vA�� 1 is � ";, /> .t✓,.r A'' :�• � P IS Z 11/02/2011.09.:58 dry oEMiami.Beach P ope r roe>� . Page.a i infe EA Print Short WO Cards I ; Y1lor 65003 RR01?rh k tl'INSP CY []15C0 p � NrGf L FOf�tCA�IDEf ( JSEI'. t�AIj ?5efter °'SiarC / F tl ' ''6'rZbll`1� i 'r' }`: "I 1 a b. It4r,'r x, 1 7 r tp 7 : PlJ[Yi� 11 � A .�l i t r k � "' j> L� If c s t ' ; i 4' } �'# ! .1� i f t{ rjc "Ir�`�f 4�� _F:�, t cr+ +. �''� t �!;r{ ri iCh tj j; I� 4 e ' J,�+ � i' r � 1M;1'' [ 2� �I: �. S r ... ,, s:,. 6�...», ... .,[I t .t.:,.,_,r.. , _ pit 8 ...4 } - Lj,.,� ».�.., .. .... .._ 4l,f�.... I..:.X l..t �?. 't•-. ,.d.S :.l ?J'.. It L�.�lu r��2aa, ....W.i.� .:L.�__Y,�.! �.d to 1',I AI,' kl ' Parent Work -w Class , ;. Order ' Department POLICE POLICE Priority PM Code Warranty N Cost Code 011 -1130 011 -1130 Safety N Problem Code Equip Criticality Reported By Assigned To Project Assigned By Standard WO Equipment 0620 (PROP MGT) POLICE STATION i Location L- 0620 - POLICE STATION (PROP MGT) 1100 WASHINGTON AVENUE -1- 5 FLOORS i Equipment Estimated Hours 1 Manufacturer Equipment Estimated Cost 55.59 Model Equipment Actual Cost 0.00 Serial Number i Date Started pate Completed Gu §�om�Fi�ttisi ' ... Ta.ii.. -ni , ,., [.rt,ii Contact Name OklAN00 D EC 8 Contact Phone Number 305 -673 -7000 EXT;2972 f � >Act iuities People - Aciivi Trade Est. Hours Rea. Task pescrl Lion i 10 ELECT 1 1 i ICo2. ((P 12I I I I 1 �hr� { { ! 1 I l i. i 11/16/2011 08;57 City of Miami Beach Property Management Page 1 i U 1) a J EL) 4 � d W o CAI W Fl � L� w H x y y H p O U A � a N z w w H C�7 a � x a P4 Q O O � U z z i u J o° o u d, s� F b W " O X D i i ^ $ � 8 , ƒ § 2 = ! \ / ~ � , ; \ �t \ \ § % 2 2 � % ) 2 ( ] Q \� @ 2 x k A / § 3 m ± R � � � \ a q � \ \ ) / § \ � / � � i m oor EAM Print Short W4 Cards ► : Woi 101 { ,: .. p 'tJ�PAVIIIOI� i �2piu1 4 G Ra OC�a Sch� dSrN f�i � g26 1�� }YrZ .dh' u. 1 r toLS+ i . Y4F�P �+ h, �?� �� Y t ,y �+.k .op: qoR..! i i -, lY�, i,.""t 'Jr ,' , #,,,;iu 9�: I: *+4�fya t "' y �, r5� v1 d , a,i T'P , 1 e T.44' StatUSt { �jeafie'd 4 u Jt C t.v S� WQ TY Qi 1 i45 t.rz Il it,1P. a:,:,.,. +1 .v:uF.. j,.ur 4u�c ..1.+YCe.t)kti'r^a.rN;.6iY... Parent Work Class order Department PARKS PARKS Priority PM Cade Warranty N Cost Code 011 -0945 011 -0945 Safety N t Problem Code Equip Criticality Reported By Assigned To Project Assigned By Standard WO Equipment 0907 (PROP MGT) OPEN SPACE PARK Location L- 0907 -OPEN SPACE PARK (PROP 79TH - 87TH STREET /OCEAN DRIVE - OFFICE MGT) Equipment Estimated Hours 1 1 Manufacturer Equipment Estimated Cost 55.59 Model Equipment Actual Cost 0.001 Serial Number f : Date Started Date Completed Faw v :: - Contact Phone Number 305 -673 -7631 o�.'�: ' ,. !it 9 .` :.ACtlVltl <' °is ' r 3:jrt Srr f iY� �I'd l i .�,'• I xmkw4,y People [ Activity Trade Est H ours Req, Task Descr! ,tion 10 ELECT 1 1 9 } r j ! 11/10/201106:33 City of Miaml 9eadi Pivperty Management w...._ Page 1 i 0 In - I � � g N W `R 14 El z 0 E , E-4 4 - 4 1 j IN O — --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1.3 Ljl i X 0 w E4 <_ 1' w n w F Q— E. _ w p ' E u O En � a u u° A ro � a ~ H e En x �= a w �-- w ,JJ \ N F X 1 J� H H � ✓1 u � � � z w rJ �-- �U ne ,-Q H I i I 1 nnf r E Print Short 1NO Cards C11 :tom i i ork'0 �.6583 PREP'' GT 'ILiGf T5`A h O,U t�f)r E RE '(AUS `SIE) �e' ufetl:Sfart � 20 I ' °r�l!ll gr Irk � III, I,!�G1 1,f 1, �a I �Ii 6 lII{�,,, I ,Status . F,, Released { I,ti!rl ifil m 1 r" tL � rrFiG IIE �I� {ff 1 tiri 1,�, d� " € lyp ! Ir: 1" ! I a1F r lil ! I 1 1 r! rlai�,. r. IeJ +rl „Ir:.ur,:t.�l�.l.:..: + -u;,li Irl, 1;:;._:Lti mPn: S,; A I:L61,..1 i:fi Parent Work Class i order j Department REC RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS Priority PM Code Warranty N Cost Code 011 -0950 011 -0950 Safety N Problem Code Equip Criticality i Reported By Assigned To Project Assigned By Standard WO Equipment 1166 (PROP MGT) NORMANDY ISLE PARK ` Location L- 1166- NORMANDY ISLE PARK (PROP 1765 -71ST STREET MGT) Equipment Estimated Hours 1 Manufacturer 1 Equipment Estimated Cost 55.59 Model l Equipment Actual Cost 0.00 I Serial Number Date Started Date Completed } �dr�, ea �alli4ti ,�u >J �Y ",�9 G I ! ,.0 G.. 1. 1 i I p s f I d l rr - i r Yr !, -. ti! 1 I '�: Ir 8'X a41 b rlrf Ip I r !; Workl Order Custom Fields, �n�r� { ;2 I,I! !u r l y l "!` W r,! �jyGrlF�lidlti y't L�v_ sIEr t.0 3e� M ME_ �e��4m�anWli.�.,Sr.�; i Contact Name ELIZABETH RODRIGUEZ I Contact Phone Number 305 - 993 -2021 a AN :tF J a s ..” _. ..I, _ f� :�— �'.�� . .... ! , i f �:3n1 .:.� 1.�4�r! API -i :...._ ..._a..._...,. People I Activity Trade Est, Hours Reg. Task Description 10 ELECT 1 1 j A4 r / - 2-0 - 27 -V 1 I ! i i -?. 11/09/201107: 10 City of Miami Beach Property Management Page 1 � � J � '� 41 � 7 fit) �1 UI Z t4 t A Z-J E� ca w r4 - - - - - - - - - - - Oi E- x VI E4 Ul Q 0 U) H 0 u 0 > .5 u — — -- — — — — — — JQ o cJ a m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72 k ri 77 j I A M Print 517ort WO Cards j ' 3 WDi' k' d' Cder;,` ra fiS9�; L�PR�f'",1 �G1;)„ nMoSi' oF1' klril' ICk�T$ �X T�IE1. 089YI,' ��0[ d1�SchedtiledStar�f ' "11p9 %201��. ��J�t; kU;;is t r) iRele85ed e'li t � (n 7 � 1 xt + "�� - k ,��" CSl � �t ft ,'�LV�f 1N L � f1� " �'3[++�it �'x -! �(l: 1 ( .u* a lt'�.� ....,:•. t. >:'.:a. -. u..I.xR .. �.... -ai.k .1�.. - J_.. t..L..��il�t..f a5 ._!.t.l .:rx i.... ba,..l lw1 S �ri:,;lr tE�.,, i- b r.... � �It l + { j Parent Work Class Order i Department REC RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS Priority PM Code Warranty N Cost Code 011 -0950 011 -0950 _ Safety---N— Problem Code Equip Criticality Reported By Assigned To Project Assigned By Standard Wo Equipment 1155 (PROP MGT) SOUTH SHORE CC Location L-1155-SOUTH SHORE CC (PROP 833 -6TH STREET ( MGT} =r ... Equipment Estimated Hours 1 t Manufacturer Equipment Estimated Cost 55.59 Model Equipment Actual Cost 0 .; Serial Number Date Started Date Completed 1 Sf '&� a-ih.. :6,.��; tr ..,�. u. �.i 6".r,1.6 L+ r� 1LrL�7Vf dk�4 3E,T'�1 � t r SFStr.r .�rk3a ws a *�1 J •�:,i � i f KG : �i 1 - 'tit t9lit3 d � - . c i,' .. r _7M �� 7Ct h �,t �t Wma r f}x r x F u72>•r,i v.h tr..h�'�'= � .a r ra .u�J' u1 v _,�� yy x i a r ,+ y t x u !'a, •. i 8`rF ( �I' +! FS m � i .Y i � s i�' t4 - ry e � e ti ���, �s. Work Order Custom Flelds:� l t r� FI ! � _: S• ,r .�, � *� i d`� e �� y y�'' k�t t� �tE�. ..a3.�4t.�...:.� 4..'aJ.a�u:t :. Contact Name DONALD KELLEY Contact Phone Number 305 -673 -7631 i i tlVI tIiS:`s..._ a i i 'r �, t ^•:: - t' i.... �.� r t. :'; •a: jF,t., t: t..: J3 s ! Penple Activity.. Trade Est. Hours Re Task Description 10 ELECT 1 i t 1 . n 1 zl 1 I I h r � i f j. ( j I • i i J. 1 11/091201114;54 City of Miami Beach Property Management Page 1 i C 0 U lei a e 3 � ` i ' E E U � v V "� L, w w O U w H 4 cn El d x fyl 0 � o w t s H W � H U U O a° U Di �H U H (�. i 2 # o H P4 L L C7 H . a v H u o ►,� �. w o 1 1 4 w r l!) H < .A E 0 i o4 O V 3 0 w H W H a V I W O v E a � a z z M U z ' � u T) x � o i i Print Short WO Cards ,!r EA M i y x Y x"�`: o•H,.,w 4. � izn,:, ro t f t .. if tF1 '^t � " i1 (ft F 1�'r{'ib� �.�a'�,7 !. ..r ��,f�. ,`k`:?�r 1 a k y 18 y� �j � xMG �a f�[R G � { ' , ; � } TS,tN;pwiRK�t y { r�� q ,L� t 41 +r�r; Scheclute rC` i'1 ;r!tll 4 ' F t t t `47 A �.s t K t " rJ �. 9+t i ' g i •'.� :. ;t r '� l`: •'r 1.�3 � }Iq �4 a t 491 Y ( A t � tx :,a', v F �Ni3 •S ¢ 5 9� �'S � EH} L1; � k tz�R� 5 +�t �4 =S�4 �i .� E f 1 1v. .ruur:a .. . �. dt�. �:,. tz�is�utd ,tta =t�i�t�...,x4i,eS.i s: e�, �, t.:* _�.�?.�.a�lk..�u.'4S,•.'xi.���4 rfr�,�iY, WOv7��8j�rE c>;;+J�II,td a �� Parent Wark Class Order Department REC RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS Priority _........_........; PM Code -- Warranty-- Cost Code 011-0950 011 -0950 tY -° N -- ^'_._..._._�.._ Problem Code Equip Criticality N Reported By Assigned To 1 Project Assigned By Standard WO Equipment 1174 (PROP MGT) CARRIAGE HOUSE PARK Location L- 1174 - CARRIAGE HOUSE PARK 54TH STREET /COLLINS AVENUE (PROP MGT) Equipment Estimated Hours 1 Manufacturer Equipment Estimated Cost 55.59 Model Equipment Actual Cost 0,00 Serial Number Date Started q C Date Completed I �` b' 1 js�f 1,1'tU f 1)1'f j +Jrf, �1}f'1- ty W.,a rl��rde1. CM,�Jta�11 ��B�d.�f �t 14+ r d,r .£�.t. a.,kLl, 3 1F41w..ti tiAl ConE;act Name RESIt)ENT M � . i...� r �.s • , :. Contact Phone Number People Activ l.ty. Trade Est, Hours Reg, Task Deseri tp io[t 1 10 ELECT 1 i F _. ......., 11/02/201107;11 City of Miami Beach Property Management Page 1 i � o a 0 u m a l 2s a ce o F I ` ` W \ l 0 H W H y y H U U U O R v a H rn �, a x a z � u � � O U a o a _ I � H z a o N a w ] m a z w \ U l � � +� o �9 I Infor E Print Short WD Cards i11! J= iM.l':5'49 rhA yf (+Lr x•,a +f �.t Pr:f yry '. «,�.} F r_� qt eR 'eli� .. �'�llnrl�O�ig�`'a��� RROF,t� }I���IA�V[hDR�ERita Ni;( 2"(♦ ��NQ, F�, � � 3 ;; �SO� '�i�e + r��Sks�hl�t�' •t �'�i � t F � 2a 7g � •�'�^^��p•��F�I` Lk 4 ,} Yti J �'�.�'+ > a /;� +gi .. /•t ;*,s.•�f °. t Pi4 {r ' it : y t tt � r. 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Serial Number IIII Date Started Date Completed Rx .l at:. t x. # t{ epic IfSFS 3.wilLt t C� ,w* i' n.r fiu 1aL.3 w D.+ gsr 7 V ,t t tx7 #r::tl �+1 i I sr h b f s «l x Y,. rl � tf'�dli r4 i i +1 w�J'.tlp 1. r�.,. +lt}taay..�s1Gt +tL- x Wa}'k {Qrd� Lu'�USXQITI + rum. miwu .'•;'wst:t{;x,:.4t�- vll..0 Contact Maine PIERRE.PETTI j Contact Phone Number 905 673 7631 {] f� 4 r � l t i�f f 4 t +�'-1� P''• >. a Lr �{ r i a+ i t�,,..- 9�+r�e pi:H�;,S +L`?r,�+rar+.- �.:p..}, t- �t:�`'...�?4�z,! .'�^ i��:��.;>rt'�t�.Td`' .;�ACtIV7'tiHStik!{7 r ��. � i w"4 P�� I,f l �tiy �5t d ' s'', # f 6f, , i People j Activity Trade Est, H RegiTask Desc ription 10 ELECT 1 1 r fP ra f� r C �✓ t r� 1. L'�'rZ i �c� 13 L (o I X1.5 11/02/2011 09:5E; Qty of Miami Beach P per nagemen Page 1 I � i a N A% ` 6 •` 2 II JJ > H v z � H 1 � o U3 u o a � 0 H U H w \ h z M r� to w a � � � x Q � ve � •.9 E., i i i i I ' Print Short WO Cards Infor E AM ,I b Orclerl 11 �`B1�66'(�{OPfMGC h��1EF' Alfa' LIGI1T5cAR0UNp +pERiliR�itQF� ����Y, li f i �" I 1 ii it i 1� -911f !y i tx�>rtt i StatUs i i � ,. Re� eabQd, 1 a ar c it � t t - ti 9g.. �''V � t I • t + vt: `WO +T e l� r !1q �� �:h s s�!t j. , t i. Parent Work Class i Order Department REC RECREATION, CUL'T'URE & PARKS Priority PM Code Warranty N Cost Code 011 -0950 011 -0950 Safety N Problem Code Equip Criticality Reported By Assigned To Project Assigned By Standard WO Equipment 1147 (PROP MGT) NORMANDY POOL I Location L- 1147 - NORMANDY POOL (PROP 7030 TROUVILLE ESPLANADE f MGT) I Equipment Estimated Hours 1 Manufacturer Equipment Estimated Cost 55,59 Model t Equipment Actual Cost 0.00 Serial Number Date Started Date Completed WorkiOrder3 G E Usttlttl- x Contact Name ELIZABETH i Contact Phone Number 305- 993 -2021 ActWttitts. r` s People Activi Trade. Est, Ho urs ReQ, Task Description { 10 ELECT 1 1 6 tj I r t I, Ito 21 -to tile-E5111 ✓ 12 I� --- � h r i 11(21/2011 11:33 City of Miami Beach Property Management Page lu' Fr.]. vi � Ol 67 �jv c M 0 Q- u) 14 cl, Nk) pa — — — — — — — — — — rT4 c I E4 — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — pq � V � C H tz co v. in x In ci i I a zr i N E N u "N' z 0 E a M x o m U u U Q H E a H z w a 1 � 1 E w P4 H D v c ' u I u z � O y H w � a fA Z w N M w 0 o p o lk E w A F i 4 _ i a � o V a w 3 O d C 1 J � ti i 0 1 H P4 1 EA ft X o W U V U O �N U a H El F U' � tPD x H P4 o x a N c O P4 ,.a o z � � � X O i 0 I T Z 3 o u ii• --+ p U E w o c O W � hl lj W l p 'M° E U 0 m 5 o U U A U 47 a H a � W W �C � T4 U x a W a 0 : - k E ri Q H I z w 1 ov I j j El w 4 E q i aL I V L W C O �h z �h F W aL W ul w N 14 qD a c w O Z V N an co O O E a H W L H � i H H Z a W r � o ri V 1 � bo W +p U O In for 'E PrintShort':WO Cards �. F Wo �C, Artierr Ii °66160 (�?({OFhi ; ftHRflItLIGiiTS�Aa ©�1Nf7�PEf{TiEfERtOF;i�IDfi+ ":ihaduiad�SYart�1r /IOI �{ i yi%11 1t "t"t FI 1 ?,? St t 's [„, �g j s,#�,li Th.. i ' . Li�xglF t ` +w J a7,� g Ke t i( Yf#x a �a�ezln k 2Ctii.0 f t 5..4 tr�a wt y 5t7tt1S" s� r" r 1 ss ...._.. u:. L-., r:. w.,: Y..:- �..,.._..,_..:li.. ^.�L. a�.Y "..w�:�..�i .. RE it ,.. ..«..._.._ ...1�PF.- 5.x._�.:..:.::� 'Parente Work Ctass "Order Department REC RECREATION, CULTURE: &:.PARKS Priority �` PM Code Warranty N Cost Code 611 70950 XI -0950 'Safety N Problem Code Equip Criticality Reported By Assigned'To . Project Assigned By. Standard.WO !! :Equipment 11471PROP'MGT) NORMANDYTOOL :Location L4147- NORMANDY P00L,(PROP 7030'TROUVILLE :ESPLANADE i Equipment Estimated Hours '1 Manufacturer :- Equipment :Estimatsd Cost 55:59 -Model '.Equipment. Actual: Cost. -0:00 .:Serial Number Date Started 'Date :Compieted ,? ,..t i+ T r ni."Y .,y !L fa +i y t .� .•t�...7' lf, ale r.u. la .x.+N a r �ra y Sri" '.S try yCS n 'a. k,. y : q t i n...:.,4, .rw „"�i u�;`+.,:.«:_...:.. �-., ?.... .ex.,....:;:i�'"a.�.,�aS.i:a;r, ner�,7� «/. .a.. ;i�r.:; w.�.:�..:.:d.., L; uz. a7:a:�. =ss� .."tnc;�; " �'�..:,.',Yln(�;j 'Contact Name ELIZABETH. i ` Contact Phone Number .305- 993 -2021 - I ::._ AWW .'•Trade .. Est,rHours :Re Task 1)eserf tlon i .16 ELECT 1 1 a k i! i,. i. s i 11/21/201111:33 City oFh3fami Beach Property':Managemenk `Page;il.. Attachment 4 City of Miami Beach Property Managemer Cost Summary Work Order By Trade Between Oct 1, 2010 To Sep 30, 2011 ADMIN Trade Work WO Labor Hours'` Labor Cost Material Cost Total Cost Code ; AIC• 46 1,423.751 71,927.85; 1,210.07 73,137.92 _ ADMIN 1 38' 27,676.5; 1,394,611.98i 8,771.17i 1,403,383.1 BLDG SERVICES _...+ 1 31..__....._.. _...1,283 64,81716f �' 64 817.16 _ ._ __. .. _..... . _. _.._ ___.. ..._...._.w._.._... -_ .. .._ ... . _..,_._. ELECT 38! 2,283 75, 114 261. 19,829.551 134 090.67 MAtIJT 741_ 6 3 5 4,4 j 25,431.43 _ 326,841.69 -- PAINT 1 32 2,387.251 120,450 71 4,077.951 124,528.66 PLUMB 301 588.51 29,731.021 9,872.671 39,603.69 Total Adrnin 271 41,997 2,097,210 69,193 2,166,403 BASS MUSEU Trade Work WO 11abor Hours ' Labor Cost Material Cost ' Total Cost` ! Code ! I A/C 28; 377.5: 19,071.3 7,604.27 26,675.57 _.. _. . ... . . . ___ __._...... I_..._.._._.___.__. _- . -.. - -- __. _...._ ............. _ ._ ., _..._. . ADMIN ( 131 8 404.161 2,019.751 2,423 91 _,_.__- ._._.._ _ _ _-__ ._.- _...__.- .---- _..._._..._... _._ BLDG SERVICES 1 i 0.51 25.26 0.}.. 25.26 .............._.....__..._....,._.._._.___---._. ..,__,.._.,..........__._.._... ELECT t 28 1931 9,686.341 _ _ 2,373.84 µ 12,060.18 MAINT 1 31, -« 202.5; 10,115.43, 1,053.351 - � 11,168 PAINT i 2i 6 303 46.48 349.58 PLUMB 1 151 75 3,7891 87.961 3,876.96 Total Bass Museum 118 863 43,395 13,166 56,580 BEACH PATR Trade Work WO Labor Hours tabor Cost Material Cost Total Cost Code 38 215.51 10,887 _ 2,442.19; _ 13,329 ADMIN 1 11 _ Oi 100.51 100.5 BLDG SERVICES 1 0 25 12 631 0 12 63 . ,. ELECT 83 _ 270 13 611.3 4,300.62 17,911.92 MAID! r 459; 4 915 82 229,049.111 29,395.411 258 444.52 PAINT 2941 118,444.14! 7,275.55. 125,719.69 PLUMB 4701 1,536.6; 77,629.031 4,748.851 82,377.88 Total Beach Patrol 1,346 9,283 449,633 48,263 497,896 BUS BENCHE Trade Work WO Labor Hour6 Labor Cost Mater!6M6M Total Cost!' E LECT 2 3' 151.56: 0! 151.56 _.....-..__..,...._.__,..._____.._.._._-....._......---_-.--_- _.__._...._..___..------- -._.._ _.- .— ._.- _-- ..._., _._.______....,..._._.__._..-_-____...--_._..__---- __.._.___..____.._..__.._....__ _..-- _._.__.__.._.._._.. MAINT ! 281 343.25 16,881.511 940.76i 17,822.27 __..._,- ....._,. _......_..._..,, ............._..,....._.._..._....._ .. . . ... . . . ._. ..t_._..__._..__.....__,._...,. ..__..,_. . PAINT j 50' 130.5; 6,592.86; 187.8; 6,780.66 Total Bus Beriches 80 477 23,626 1,129 24,754 CITY HALL Trade Work WO Labor Hours Labor Cost ` Material Cost Total Cost Coda A/C 1 131; 1,096, 55,369.92 • 13,060.22 68 430.14 __. .............. »_......._....... -- ._......_.._,.. __ - ' ADMIN i 251 4 202.081 15,405.35' 15,607.43 BLDG SERVICES 1 931 1,958.4 98 900.081 640.91 99,540. _.....,.. _�.._...._.,.,_.,..._..._,...._ ..... ....... .. ...... ._..__........,, ......., 7 ....__.... CITY HALL j 1 l 61 0' 156 156 ELECT 163' 1 210' 61,071 10,686.15: 71 757.15 MAINT } 325; 2,086.5; 102 806 28 28 306 43 131,112.71 __. _ .._._ ., .... PAINT 60 312.51 15,787.5 4 613.1 20 400.6 1 _._..,.,...._.._...,... ; ...._.,..._... ... PLUMB 1 81; 297.5; 15,029 71 4,529.86, 19,559.56 Total City Hall 880 6,965 349,167 77,398 426,565 CITY MGR F:=ORK%$ALL1(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERSICANOUncoln Road MaintenanceWY 11 WO by Trade - 12 -09 -11 1 of 5 I City of Miami Beach Property Management Cost Summary Work Order By Trade Between Oct 1, 2010 To Sep 30, 2011 Trade Work WO Labor Hours i Labor Cost : 'Material Cost+ Total Cost' Code A/C _.,.. 6 451 2 273 4, 249.98, 2,523.38 ;. w ................. ....................... BLDG SERVICES 0. ELECT 1 1J 7' 353 64, 0i .. 353.64 _....,.._...... .__....._....._..._..... _._.... ....._,.,..,......_.,.w.r,_._ „_ .,.w,. .. ... ..... ........_- _ ...... MAINT ^ ..._ 10 34.51 1 742 9411 128; 1,870.94 PAINT 2� 3 15156 87.851 239.41 ._ _ .. ..........._._....- .k_..,....._ ..., ._... __. _..... _..__ ...__...__.._.,, ..._..._- _......._ _v. .. PLUMB 31 17 w 220.54; 1,079.38 Total City Mgr 25 107 5,380 686 6,067 COMM Trade Work WO Labor Hours '< Labor Cost Material Cost:. Total Cost Code ELECT _.,__ „_ _._._..... ? _ _...... 45 227.34 0 ._._ 227~34 ABC 19 123 6 213 96 112 27 6 MAINT 1y 3 151.56 0 151.56 Total Communications 22 131 6,593 112 6,705 i COMPUTERS Trade ' Work WO Labor Hours ' Labor Gost ” MafeHal Cost` Total Cost Code _.: _ A/C 21 103.5: 5 228.82 59.96 5,288.78 _ .. . ADMIN 1' .. 0 _ 0 0 0 ............ ......_..- __--- .._._._,.._.._.. .......__....._._._..._....._.._._....._.. ........__._._....._....._..... _... _ _.. ___. ELECT 38 189 9,536.641 1 000 69' 10,537.33 _ ..... ... . ._.. .. ......J. j MAINT ... 5911 373 18,767.381 1 692.98 20 460.36 . ., ....-...._... .. " ""d °_.. _...... _._, ....__.. . . ... .._._...... _�._ , PAINT i 81 187 9,447.241 610 581 10,057.82 PLUMB 14 85.5 4,319.46 5,803.9 Total Computers 141 936 47,300 4,849 52,148 FIRE DEPT Trade Work WO 'Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost Total Cast d A/C 1 90 802 40,517.041 6,913.59 ; 47 430.63 ._ .... _ . . ... _.........._......._....._..... ;...__... -- ..... ...._. ADMIN 16 0 O! 1623.13 1623.13 _ L ....... -.. ......... . __ ._. _ _ ...... . ........ BLDG SERVICES 1 0 51 25 261 0i 25.26 ELECT 1 107 499 25,104.72i 3,189.11 28 293.83 1 1 _ __ _ MAINT 69 479 5' 23 841.44 5,662.25 29,503.69 - ... _ i PAINT .. ..... ..._. _. ....iii .. _..- ._..._. ... .. . ..._... 321.4 3403.12 _... __. PLUMB 99 375 18,945': 2,611.03 21,556.03 Total Fire Dept. 393 2,217 111,515 20,321 131,836 FLEET MGMT Trade Work WO Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost Total Cost Code A/C �.3 +,..._- __.._..._..136: 6870.72 259.38 7,130.1 0' 0: 910 910 ADMIN i i ' ELECT 30. 238.5' 11,926.8 2,770.36 14,697.16 _.. _ _.... , _ MAINT 24 99.5, 4,720.42; 2,754.33 7,474.75 _. .. .. _. PLUMB 17; 74.51 3,763.74 425.05 4,188.79 Total Fleet Mgmt 85 549 27,282 7,119 34,401 LOG CABIN Trade Work WO Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost" Total Cost Code M AINT 1 28 801.92 110 24 912 16 PAINT i _........._.,. _ ................ 21 2; 101.04: 0 101.04 Total Log Cabin 3 30 903 110 1,013 MIAMI CITY BALL F:\WORK\$ALL \(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS \CANO\Lincoln Road Maintenance \FY 11 WO by Trade - 12 -09 -11 2 of 5 1 City of Miami Beach Property Management Cost Summary Work Order By Trade Between Oct 1, 2010 To Sep 30, 2011 Trade Work WO Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost! Total Cost Code A/C 18 181 5: 9,169.38i 2 242.23 11 411.61 ....... __ l .,.. .... 1 1111... _ _ . ......., ...1 t ADMIN , 4 0 01 330.81 330.8 . .. . ...... . ELECT ( 10' 23. 1,187.22 806.46' 1 993,68 1111__ __.. .. MAINT f 8, 25! 1263 0 1,263 PAINT t 7; 94 4,748.88, 322 Obi 5,070.94 1 1111.. .._1.111 i PLUMB { 111 35.5,' 1,793.46. 574.13: 2,367.59 Total Miami City Ballet 58 360 18,162 4,276 22,438 NON- DIRECT Trade Work WO Labo( Hours Labor Cost Material Cost;,' Total Cost Code s .. .....;... . AIC 14 299 5� 15,130.741 2,440.45 17,571.19 .. .......G ._...,._ BLDG SERVICES 20 381 5' 19 273 381 223 72! 19 497.1 w... i ,,............. . ..._ ....... . .... ..... 1111 ELECT 18 1,329.25; 66,829.931 1,693.46' 68,523.39 MAINT 20j 1 194 1 60 211 06t ' 111,1 ..,,_.....,..... ._... ,..,_+......_.. ..,_._......,..,_._.,........__ ..l.m_,.,.,,....�... 1111,., l 208 12 608 ........_ 4191 1111 PAINT 12; 322 1 6,267.4 4� 16 267 44 , ,1111.. 0; _ „ _..., ._.µ..,.. 1111 PLUMB i 15a 1431 7,224.36' 226.45: 7 450 81 ......_.... , --111,_1. ......,_.........,__ .., ......._...,..„.;._.....,....,. ..,,,,,...,__.. PRCLN j 1 j 1 50.52, 0 50.52 Total Non - Direct 100 3,670 184,987 4,792 189,780 OLD CITY H Trade Work WO. Labor Hours Labor Cost 1 Material Cost Total Cost''. Cotle . .. I 1 0 0 395; 39 I 5 _______111.__.- �-•-•-------..__._ 1 _.-_.._......--_......._....__. i __._..._.._..-_._...._._..........._._...... �._........__..._ ..................._........... _............_...._......._ A/C 54 355 17 934.6! 4 356.08 22,290.68 _. .. ............._.._ ADMIN 6; 0, 0� 2,540 2,540 10-.. _1__111 _........_ ...... . 25 '121 07` _........._ + 111 1.. _..._.... BLDG SERVICES 1 8 . ,.......__...._... ....__ .....1._ _11.11_.- 1111.._ .. CITY HALL ? 1' 0; 0 312 ...... ........ . .. . _ . .._ .. ......................_ _....-__..._ ..... .... ._...._. _....._. _.._ .. .........__......._. i .._....-- --...._.. .-_ . _ .. .. ........._..--...._ .._ _ .._ . __ ........... ........ . . ...... _4 _-_---._ . _ ..................... ._ ........_.:._........._._...._...._.... ..._.....................__.... ELECT 51 218 5 11 021.16 2,366.88!! 13,388.04 . _,.... _1111 MAINT 36' 169 5 8,256.82j 3 482 631 11 739.45 _ _ ...- . PAINT. . _1_111 _......... _....._ ..._11.11... PLUMB 10; 31 1,566.12 0 1,566.12 Total Historic City Hall 273 1,302 65,441 17,704 83,145 PARKING DE Trade Work WO Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost' , Total Cost Code a A/C 110 764 5. 38,622.54s 4,330.53 42,953.07 _ _ _.. . _ 1111 _._ _ ._ _...._ .1111..__ ADMIN 5. 0 0 4 247 5 4 247.5 _ . _.. _. _.__. - . . _1__111__ __... _...- --• 1 BLDG SERVICES 39 311 75 15 749 61? 794.2 16,543.82 1111_ 1111.. _ ....._._...__... _............_. -.. 1111.) -1111. .._ _. "_L._ __... 1111 .,..........i...... __. ......_ .... :. .......__ ........... ELECT 291 1 3051 65 829.66, 18 867 57 84,697.23 ...__...... ...... ...,....... ...1111. ._,....._ ......... ............... MAINT 123 425. 20 986.56, 9 481 12 30,467.68 _1 _ ..... 1___ __.. n.. __ I . _1111 _ PAINT 10. 321 1 616.64 212 24. 1 828.88 ...._...... ...... ...........__,._.... ..... . _.., _ . ... .. ........ PLUMB 48 165.5' 8,361.06 1,335.75 9,696.81 Total Parking Dept. 626 3,004 151,166 39,269 190,435 PARKS L /w6041 R04D War) Trade Work WO Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost Total Cast Code A/C 19 122; 8 163.44, 1 142.1 7,305 54 _ .... ... ........._.,... ...._............._...._ ADMIN 11 8 289.29: 322.16 611.45 _.._._ _1111_. ,11,11 _.. _ .......�._.... _... .. -._ ._ 11.11. ._ ELECT 174 3 448 25 174,001.89; 38,713.17: 212,715.06 _. ... , . .. _ .. ,... ... 1111. , 1111.. 1111 __1.111 _ _1111 MAINT 384. 6,557.08; 317,967.49 44,802.99 362,770.48 PAINT 1151 3,192.51 161 285.1 12,025.67: 173 _ _ .__ _111,1_ .. _. _._........ ... '24i, .. _._... PL UMB 1 933; 47,135.16: 12,751.13! 59,886.29 Total Parks 817 14,261 706,842 109,757 816,600 F:IWORKULL \(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERSICANOUncoln Road MaintenancelFY 11 WO by Trade - 12 -09 -11 3 of 5 i i 1 City of Miami Beach Property Management Cost Summary Work Order By Trade Between Oct 1, 2010 To Sep 30, 2011 POLICE ` Trade Work WO Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost Total Cost Code 1, 1' 50.52 0, 50.52 A/C 124! 774.75: 39,140 37' 8,861 2 48,001.57 .... . ADMIN 19 0 0 1. _.n. 13 604 13 604 BLDG SERVICES 1 623 1,868.75: 94,409.251 10,633.55: 105 042.8 ELECT 103; 627 5' 31 686 75 4 807 77 36,494.52 MAINT _ .. N 141 1 091 51,996.691 14,554.85 66 551 54 .. . . ...,. PAINT 26 397 20,056.4 1,946 49 22,002.93 PLUMB ( 54 2331 11,771.161 1,272.03 13,043.19 Total Police 1,091 4,993 249,111 55,680 304,791 PUBLIC WOR I Trade Work WO Labor. Hours Labor Cost. Material Cost Total Cost Code A/C 48 500 5 25,285.26 7,124.28 ' 32 409.54 . - ..... __ . _ I. _ . .. .. ._- .. . . . _...... _. - ........._..... ._ .. , - . . _...._..... . - - . . . _ ., . . .... .... ...... ............_.. ........ ._.._.... .. .. . .._ . _ . - - ...... _ .�..-.... ADMIN 11 D 01 1126 1 ELECT j 46 347, 17 530.44 3 010 57, 20 541 01 _...._. . . I . - ° - . MAINT 124) 878 5 42,772.& 7 563 58, 50 335.6 _._ ..... .. t..._.,___..__. _ .._. PAINT 787 2,704; 135,595.281 7 551 56 143 146.84 __...._.- . _._.__... ... _. .. . __..__. ... _..._._. .. __... ..... _. I PLUMB _ 1._. 38; 2301` __ 11,619.6 1,233.01, 12,852.61 Total Public Works 1,054 4,660 232,803 27,609 260,412 REC :.' . Trade , Work WO !- ' Labor Hours ? ; .Labor Cost Material Cost. Total Cost l Code . ! 1 11 555.72` 136; 691 72 _._...._ ----- -.._....._.._._.. _ _._. ._...__.._i__....._..__...._._. _....._.__ ...... .. .. :... ...__.._.._.... _....,__......_......_ A/C 261' 2,453; 123,925.56 38,804.69 162 730.25 _.. ADMIN _ __.._ __ .. _ __.._... _ ..... 42 2 5 126 12,911.09 13 037.39 BLDG SERVICES B 7! 353.64 0 353.64 ELECT 3441 2,797 25 138,863.021 52,756.4' 191,619.42 ...... _.......... MAINT 731 6,190: 294,068.26 79 786.18 373 854.44 . PA AINT , 164 1,701.5; 85,959.781 9 304.27 95,264.05 .. _.__ ..._ . .. _... .... PLUMB f 368; 1,325, 66,5781 30,381.19' 96,959.19 Total Recreation 1,917 14,487 710,430 224,080 934,510 SANITATION Trade Work WO Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost Total Cost AIC 16 119.5. 6,037.14 106 28 6 143.42 ELECT 17; 71.5: 3 583.081 88 41 3,669.49 .. .. ........... MAINT 9 64.5. 2 952 22E 90 3 042 22 PLUMB ` 14 45. 2,273.4 0 2,273.4 Total Sanitation 56 301 14,846 283 15,129 SPEC PROG Trade Work WO Labor Hours Labor Cost Material Cost: Total Cost' Code A/C.. 23' 157.5 7,956.91 5,587.04 13,543,94 ADMIN 10 0 0 6,598 6,598 BLDG SERVICES 771 531.25' 26,836.751 196.48 27,035.23 ............... ELECT 35 227.51 11,493.3' 2,515.46. 14 008.76 MAINT - -._.. 69 350. 17 356.54` 5,909.87i 23,266.41 ._. .. PAINT 3t 34: 1,717.68 148.3 1865.98 _ _ ..... PLUMB 18 88.25. 4 458.39- 544.08: 5,002.47 . ...... _ _..... .... ........ ._. . _ ..... . _ .. .... . .......... , _ ..._......._...... ... _. . Total Spec Programs 235 1,389! 69,822 21,499 91,321' 9,591 111,979.90; 5,565,612.97; 747,314.30, 6,312,927.27; F: \WORKk$ALL \(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS\CANOUncoln Road Maintenance \FY 11 WO by Trade - 12 -09 -11 4 of 5 I City of Miami Beach Property Management j Cost Summary Work Order By Trade i Between Oct 1, 2010 To Sep 30, 2011 i ............ Suy ..._.. _._.. mmear 9,591 111,979.9 5,565,612.97 747,314.3 6,312,927.27 - I i I I i I I i l I 1 i I I j F:\WORK \$ALL \(1) EMPLOYEE FOLOERS\CANO \Lincoln Road Maintenance \FY 11 WO by Trade - 12 -09 -11 5 of 5 Attachment 5 w_ 0 0 C. 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 C. 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ❑ O O O O (O t0 (0 (0 O m (O m co CO co CO O m co m m 7 V M M M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m 00 00 W a0 zz 00 O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N (O '7 co co Lo (n M_ V O O O N O W N I� V M (D W 7 V ul co C N O I� O f` N D) (° W D) C` N 0 O N ` LO M 1° m (p O I (n O N I to Lo (D (O 1A N f� 7 °) 1n O N OD (n M r-- O r- N D) U Lo ( y M O I- v M N O O O O M L O F- O O l0 (D O M O O O O O V V O _M st M O cD M co L6 N O N � �A lfl r N O IA M N M V co O O O w O co y w M V d 7 10 N O m O O N co N O O CD O w a N V M V CD W 7 co N 19 O co N CD V O 1n O (D O h O m U O O to Cn O M V 1C7 N O O N 7 to w N CD to O r O O 1n O O O n (O M I N O co c M V N O a O w O M V O a m J un (n O Lo to u? f- O O W u� V N N 1(7 O co 1D h 1CD O I. O v) N N N O N. v) co O N 2 O a �o J ❑ J J L n Z ❑ J J Q O O 1D O U Z O J J Z J J Z z D,_ U Z Z J U Z m O J E _j (D y OU � aC r 06 N U U Z O O U (_� O Q W Q U z Z Z U � w o6 � U C CC 2 c z Y w N W r i J O JO O S J CU J v w d 0 (n (o O OJ S 0 LL, rn Y J 04 a ' N O O K Y w Y O O LL ( w F - F - a J C7 V LL m F - 0 cc)) a co M N J N J O 0 F- co w J W U 2 K Y Q w O ° O Z (Z � (p O °. M ° y U J N CC W W? Z 2 J O Q z p- Y O C U ) °' ~ u, Z O X O F c? ? ¢ "� a o O > > w ? w a o o� z 4D Y (� r G w n O_j LL LL N S - (n J F U 2 Q U O O ti X 2 0 w O ° o - W d Y Y K 2 2 (A S 2 Z x U ❑ O F z F - w d x 0 d z Y W d p ~ x o2 wp Op OC7 z (7 Z a O C7 w U Q Y J x Jz a J F �? z, z0 0 0 O O C O H � 3: J J Q. J (,� w U J W (C) (n M J (n �- O 0 .N 2 Q W h FL F ! K Y a W Z> OJ Q: Q J a W W w Q: w Z j F- w >- U 3 r T d v a -1 Q w Q w a D a D CL d w _ 2 2 m CL 0. O w F- F F d Z p j Z 0 H Q w Q LLJ a v~ W -� J W W r L W w U w O w w x (n Z) C7 w O O w W Z J »❑ 7 W❑ 0❑ W 0 0 0 0❑ m w-j w Q: N Y K LL X LL Q' K U w Q. J CC It Q' CC d' w 0 0 Q' O Q' Q' U LL Q' LL U LL aD O« Y m U ? 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C ! a ! a N A N i .................. .............. . ................ ,............................... _. ...... _. .... ...... i 3 d w o 3 H N m L O N C q C a y C C Q O N O i d C a+ h o uj o v a i d N 3 m o o n m a o P m o m= a 3 a °..._3.. 3 - z F ...............«............................................................ .....;..._..................:.. _ ........................... ._.._........... l C a u o o i o d n 3 ? t O C \ o y 7 n a cj Q O 3 a a a a 3 S a o LL Va — — — — X Z O d « c 3 I c p� m N m C` a+ w O A W V C O C C A C q N O m L9 K L Y Y 7 I c O d a A R A N CJ d o C O O U Attachment 8 LIST OF CITY POSITIONS ASSIGNED TO LINCOLN ROAD Sanitation Position Number L Bargaining Unit Sanitation Operations Supervisor 1 GSA MSW III 2 AFSCME MSW II 6 AFSCME MSW 1 7 AFSCME Temp 3 N/A TOTAL 19 Parks & Recreation Position Number Bargaining Unit Tree Trimmer 1 AFSCME MSW 11 3 AFSCME MSW 1 1 AFSCME TOTAL 5 Property Management Position L Number L Bargaining Unit Electrician 1 CWA Painter 1 CWA MSW II 1 AFSCME TOTAL 3 F: \WORK \$ALL \(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS \FIORELLA SARMIENTO \List of City Positions assigned to LR Attachment 9 ® MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Tel: 305-673-7080, Fax: 305- 673 -7028 TO: Robert Parcher, City Clerk FROM: Fred Beckmann, Public Works Director G DATE: Thursday, December 29, 2011 SUBJECT: Response to CWA Request #6373 The attached copies are provided in response to the CWA research request #6373. The first group of attachments are emails from my electronic files. The second set of attachments are electronic files from Hector Castro, former Assistant Public Works Director. Hector Castro was assigned to perform the analysis and conduct future negotiations of the potential outsourcing of the Lincoln Road Mall maintenance to UTA Management, LLC. The attached files represent information collected before the City Commission Meeting of July 13, 2011. This information was used for a preliminary analysis to determine the feasibility of outsourcing the maintenance of the Lincoln Road Mall to UTA Management, LLC. The final and more detailed analysis and the negotiation of the proposed amendment to the existing agreement were not conducted, due to the fact that the item was withdrawn from City Commission agenda at the July 13, 2011 meeting.. Attachments: Group 1 (electronic emails): 1- LR And Soundscape Maintenance And Security Budget -Scope Of Services July 7, 8PM.xls (07/08/11 8:51AM) 2- LR And Soundscape Maintenance And Security Budget - Scope Of Services July 7, 8PM.xls (07/08/11 8:14AM) 3- LR And Soundscape Maintenance And Security Budget -Scope Of Services July 7, 8PM.xls (07/07/11 8:06PM) 4- Lincoln Road Mall Level Of Service (07/07/11 122PM) 5- Lincoln Road Mall Level Of Service (07/07/11 9:04AM) 6- Lincoln Road Level Of Service (07/06/11 529PM) 7- Staffing Issues (06128/11 5:58PM) 8- Lincoln Rd. (06/28/11 2:36PM) 9- Draft Lincoln Rd. Memo (06/26/11 12:12PM) 10- Comparison Of Services (06/24/11 3:18PM) 11- Updated Budget (06/16/11 1:08PM) 12- When Can We Meet Friday? (06115/11 3:02PM) 13- Information Needed (06/03/11 8:34AM) 14- Here Is A Draft Please Review And Comment As Needed (05/26/11 1040AM) 15- Draft Of Memo (05/13/11 11:16AM) 16- Draft Memo (05/06/11 6:59PM) We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to of/ who live, work, and play in our vibrant, Tropical, historic community. Group 2: 1- UTA Contract/Revised Budget 06 -22 -2011 (Electronic Files): A1-2.87 MM Budget A2- Lincoln Road Non - Binding Maintenance Proposal 06 -15 -11 A3 -LR and Soundscape Maintenance and Security Budget OPBI Justification A4 -LR and Soundscape Maintenance and Security Budget-Scope of Services A5 -LR and Soundscape Maintenance and Security Budget-Scope of Services July 8 12pm (2) A6- Superior and Electrical Man Hour Estimates For Services B1- Lincoln Road Mall Contract Amendment C -1 Lincoln Road Outsourcing Estimate D -1 Contract Pricing 2- Lincoln Road Scope Of Services 3- Outsourcing Budget A1- Lincoln Road RDA (Lincoln Road Crew and Pressure Cleaning Crew) A2- Lincoln Road RDA (Lincoln Road ISL Crew (Washington to Collins Avenue) B1- Property Management Soundscape Park Annual Maintenance Costs For Service F: \ \WORK\$ALL \(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS\FIORELLA SARMIENTO\UTA Memo to Bob Parcher We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, Iropicoi, historic community. GROUP 1 ATTACHMENTS i r. Beckmann, Fred From: Castro, Hector Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 8:51 AM To: Beckmann, Fred Subject: .FW: LR and SoundScape Maintenance and Security Budget -Scope of Services. July 7 8pm.xls Attachments: 'LR and SoundScape Maintenance and Security Budget -Scope of Services July 7 8pm.xls What has adversely affected the proposed budget is the decision to require internal transfers and reduction of contract amounts earmarked for the livable wage requirement. We now have a $200,000 deficit. From: Aker, Laura Sent: Thursday, July 07, 20118:06 PM To: Castro, Hector; Wilder, Keith; Otto Stewart, Tameka; Brooks, Kathie; Zamora, Alberto; Beckmann, Fred; Smith, Kevin; Bonde, Kent; Oldenburg, John Subject: LR and SoundScape Maintenance and Security Budget -Scope of Services.July 7 8pm.xls Good evening all, This is the most recent version of the Lincoln Road backup reviewed by Keith, Tameka, and myself tonight. It totals approximately $2.7 Million. We do have a few follow up issues to be decided, such as allocation of internal services. Please let us know if you would like to meet tomorrow to discuss. Regards, Laura, Keith, and Tameka 1 i i I _ i I a) m in o O t +, N CL U =3 u > M C Ln a p cu 4- C O 00 c O C '~ �` O aj N t/} U N a) O O CL O al b0 O a O 11 v= � > M �} m t 41 '> ° c c t in aui .� 3 1 -0 u ° � o bb ` V ° .� a� O -0 >, >y b0 O U m ' > O m m Y c = c ❑. C O C a) i N me O ! to U yi. b >a f�6 M bA _ L- Go M w 0> N > a) �- -� O 3 O u H Y Co OM +O+ c to M U N a I N +�+ > •= C a)" L O Ct m L.L Q !3 > f6 O w f0 v u 3 v O _a) O ° FO- v ° r CL +� E; > w „� O a) u n1 u o O d O Lr-1 a E N > u c fl v C; N O 4_ c`o t a a) N p Q + .- �o O ,n ala C U O C N 4 C N a) cr W U ..c O M In L- 41 — U t E O 4- ti E � � a) CL — 4 a O tw u V x m _m w U o 3 u Ul m c .-I I H O L - a) .� an O U y i„ d• m C t-' i , O •� �: O j w 0 3 Q � u o � °' C v= c .� m m c U i1 n7 U u� C > ' >, 41 a) O a) M > C 0 cu p w ba p O n c c n o_0 3 s LA E> c bn LA c I LL 0 In C -C •� (a }a m N t. C -O ra v1 - O •�. <: N;: i O O tw a C w OA �n c,i ,_ v o a� c }: c w C LJ 4� 4 + U t0 C 00 ..0 O• 4+ O- a) m O Ln 11 CL 4 cp O o cr m c E a: E Lr p a c c a y o o 3 "� V V�LnN t tn_j " 2 3 E i Z m` s o m. M N rJ u1 N' v o- n € 0, c bD N tr x 40 v a M v }� 10.- l0 ` >`� N. lf') . C F - l� c { Q1 to r L :a Ql. 3 QO: d _ O 00 00 Ol Ul : i ' bjD O ° k f +1 CO e a� of O. Z C C u O O I A Q a a s z m m O Q > u ca Z c Q O c c co � Q o p o cc w u U U co CL o I a O — — — o o E — > ¢ > Q Z a O -O Q h Q N d 11 CL 4_' y 0 0 0 0 0 t o + 3 o n. a a CL Y _ H cr t as CC u m u v _o V 0 C C C C C 4- C N N VI N > z iif "O "O O C C C C m ' Q c c m@ a3 M u � c o ° I Q 0C �--I 'p E o O O O Q ! N M N N ei j 0 41 41 t0 I Rf Z �O O p n I z a 1 F 0 to O O ..O 0 M N O Z U Y m a C IS au c a CC U Beckmann, Fred From: Oldenburg, John Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 8:14 AM ?o: Aker, Laura; Castro, Hector; Wilder, Keith; Otto Stewart, Tameka; Brooks, Kathie; Zamora, Alberto; Beckmann, Fred; Smith, Kevin; Bonde, Kent Subject: RE LR and SoundScape Maintenance and Security Budget - Scope of Services July 7 8pm.xls , Laura: The current costs for SoundScape includes all associated Sanitation services including; litter control, trash receptacle service and restroom services. If Sanitation will be providing these services, the contract price would need adjustment. John O. 1vIIAN41BEAClEI John Oldenburg, Assistant Director PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami. Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305 - 673 -7000, Ext. 6820/ Fax: 786- 3945331 / www. miomibeachfi gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. From: Aker, Laura Sent: Thursday, July 07, .2011 8:06 PM To: Castro, Hector; Wilder, Keith; Otto Stewart, Tameka;. Brooks, Kathie; Zamora, Alberto; Beckmann, Fred; Smith, Kevin; Bonde, Kent; Oldenburg, John Subject: LR and SoundScape Maintenance and Security Budget -Scope of Services July? Bpm.xls Good evening all, This is the most recent version of the Lincoln Road backup reviewed by Keith, Tameka, and myself tonight. It totals approximately $2.7 Million. We do have a few follow up issues to be decided, such as allocation of internal services. Please let us know if you would like to meet tomorrow to discuss. Regards, Laura, Keith, and Tameka i I Beckmann, Fred From: Aker, Laura Sent: ED Thursday, July 07, 2011 8:06 PM To: Castro, Hector; Wilder, Keith; Otto Stewart, Tameka; Brooks, Kathie; Zamora, Alberto; Beckmann, Fred; Smith, Kevin; .Bonde, Kent; Oldenburg, John Subject: ,LR and SoundScape Maintenance and Security Budget -Scope of Services July 7 8pm.xls Attachments: LR and SoundScape Maintenance and Security Budget -Scope of Services July 7 8pm.xls Good evening all, This is the most recent version of the Lincoln Road backup reviewed by Keith, Tameka, and myself tonight. It totals approximately $2.7 Million. We do have a few follow up issues to be decided, such as allocation of internal services. Please let us know if you would like to meet tomorrow to discuss. Regards, Laura, Keith, and Tameka i i 1 Y a, a m 00 > Y O to m° N vi 'N m C N m c m c a m ap u ,n C V Y a 00 0 12 Z c > O a at. Y n E a1 a1 fl„ • ry L m N ( a O 55 "O a L m E v o n = m m m ad' z v 3 to $ ^ Y ,, U • 3 o v C 3 rn a, o v -1 o o CL u w c o U ^ ° E ° � m t0 y c c E o E v V E 3 a C •O 7 y i O K m U '�"� 2 O. wm.. L 0 3 O U N— tD W O T >' a) T *' 3 d u C O M: :_'- C m LL (.f1 T Q _O -0 cu T m a) Y N O .J? O O. m Y l0 m; a LO m L > T O N cL a/ a) O v u 3 — �' ° ° ~ m u E E' Q v u, E ai O i Y C ra W al cr v u .0 m N O C •_ N N O v E O L y a— Y O tD '.:.ta ° N .. m m E N o 0 3 N U m e . s 'c z:m: u C YaJ N Y C In O U w d' m t0 4J .. a0+ N ° Ql u •- — C m N �n m fO C u 3 a C '2 w U F i1 N m � V w c a` F Y 0 �'::E: > °r N v m to ai o ai m ? T 5 c O m ° E ;ai Q cu m to > Y > as E v v 'm U v b0 3 tt rvp c -Cj S °° ° C O O L\ v E T C n C O m W h C %1 C_ L L .!� m VI • C7 • C •'y. to m ul) LL O-p C to 'a H to �n 4- a� a) O C E m O :'.s::.. 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E U _ = E N N ca N fE 0 0. a n U N 8 E E � U CL •+ J >F-1 W c ADZ f— `a .n E z 0 ti c - 1 00 0 0 0 ;j Lb to n O O O 1-1 14 O. V §� ) 7� 7 ,� \ k |§■K ■ ■ ! |... . FE � k � @ a , §§k\ §B2 : ■ !) ; : !;■5 � ! � ® k� ! ; � -- -- -� - - -- � - -- — — - - -� -� -- ƒ _ � ■ ) k § -- � ! 1 �\ :a n Beckmann, Fred From: Oldenburg, John Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 1:22 PM To; S Castro, Hector Cc: Beckmann, Fred;.Smith, Kevin Subject: 'RE: Lincoln Road Mall Level of Service Attachments: Lincoln Rd Mall Service Comparison -jo dm- submifted.xlsx Hector: Here is the information I have available. If you receive anything I need to review, I will be in the neighborhoods committee meeting this afternoon CMLCR. John 0. MIAM IBEACH John Oldenburg, Assistant Director PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305 - 673 -7000, Ext. 6820 /Fax: 786-394-5331 www, miomlbeachfl.aov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. From: Castro, Hector Sent: Thursday, July 07, 201111:43 AM To: Oldenburg, John Subject: RE: Lincoln Road Mali Level of Service Thanks John. I have requested clarification from the contractor. He prepared the original spread sheet. I will get it back to you as soon as I get the answers. From: Oldenburg, John Sent: Thursday, July 07, 20119:04 AM To: Castro, Hector; Zamora, Alberto Cc: Beckmann, Fred; Smith, Kevin Subject: RE: Lincoln Road Mall Level of Service Hector: In order to complete the attached form, several points need to be clarified. Please see the attached excel sheet with comments. We are working on our portion while we await your response. Jahn O. MIA CBEACH John Oldenburg, Assistant Director PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305- 673 -7000, Ext. 68201 Fax: 786-394-5331 www.miamibeachfl.gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. From: Castro, Hector Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 20114:07 PM To: Zamora, Alberto; Oldenburg, John Subject:- Road -Mall- Level- of -.Service 1 i Gentlemen: The maintenance contract for Lincoln Road Mall is back on the agenda for July 13 ' I need the attached spread sheet completed for use as an attachment. The cells highlighted in red are Sanitation. The ones in green are Parks. Please provide me with an explanation of the levels of service that you presently provide in as accurate statements as you can. We are trying to paint an accurate picture for the Commission. We need to explain how budget cuts over the past years have hurt our efforts (if that in fact is the case). The agenda package goes out tomorrow, so I need this back as soon as you possibly can. I am sorry for the short notice. Please call with any questions. Hector . 2 I r A E C 0 C F G H I 1 I d Staffn, CM! St. n L ct.d I ... I of Se 1 U,dstipe Mariana— l foreman and 31.1..— Undiape w31 be maintained and darted dally. Ar m�w Gg`v - Ind-d'd6ln' &L30 i<'1'ee` 5h "u_h� BMSW�II's M5W1 Tm. geurdcovereswellespsnter beds mulched areas to be `ro NMgu x,yerlldw tusust retells trimmer cleaned dail tr ees to be pruned perscheduk as well ercoi ;P bM a` Ie r.- no t - a. H 'plen�stw l ed'do rso 1 e pruned nasdad. Mewing arvla, to be "'W. i 140 . f ib); We 1�M —r Pa Pain. Palm. to be prud as p-' adwakly. Shrubsandground cover pruned ana prunkngd2-81y.yair Date Pllmea.d removal, E p.rmonth. Plantar bads lnspMad and cleared of debris vii . Mulih.0P at lal2 tti rngat to tldly. check da �sdjn Ir ash! dadrFo e Intel at a ryl lag" tn..ddn w ilpG ° ls�i a W.dwtra` g un , t: any Shrub %grd"uirlyd' granular. 44yerM tie few hs Yt.tay(s *p bl DlVBlan, } kemwd on 5. co ls.. 1 , ' y` city el naM .cool, 9 Sanitation/Litter Control 3sep."ta ehifs c.ml3tl.g a f3 Senitelknto be performed constantly from 6 AM to IIPM lobe.... and ono sup,=, dell[. Craw. are to spot check all planters throughout the Ioreman day as wall al holistic. tar ALL d.brls and trash le be Garad. All am and recycling to be cleared throughout the day 1. to keep all cans nearly empty. All am and . structures to be kept appearance City. MIaM lloseh. In appeance an • dally basis b evHn n+w. uw dM. rev mate, e. a m'J'mr.r o. Imwea. nn'.n a nrmHrA Irrigatkm malnt<n.nce l foreman and l Willi tech SPMSM All krigatW to be checked by mews weekly for Iri.pecUoru� peifwmed rleyap .y,awyeekrep'eln nwl+itlL maintenance. At least once • wok repair and dean all et pwie�a as Le uhbyMlelna hea do, lines, valves, valve hexes and controllers as leader oor2n,1 tech. ,Na�O EMS fiyilb'clto a needed.Contstlnt mbtfimanca of lrrlg.tlen..hedule, and Jd�rptcu rent[ a esr,.tunNdna n8en. S monitoring ofeNedlvena" ofsy. tam. ryp ally ellevttedgelkv.ndq' Y' V Arbor Servla Crew of lone lead stil Land " ���' ' Approxlmately4 vldts per year and more if needed VE U two laborer) I.E. iMSW I, 11Tnel r?y: 6 blmmer Horticunurlst/Arborist Craw of 3(o,e lead orbenal and Appr.dmltely 4 vldts per year and more It needed tw TS r.AgovE a Qu ,) ` o laborer gMSw'll'a,1MSW h1Tna } }} 99 } ( tlry Nnl•M er.hi 7 trimmer i�ri'.'� YA.th n.baC.f.r4 crisis F Crew of 10 SchedWed mew. to de a MINIMUM of one cycle per month S E gOVE Y W votle diesels, Weal, nc HI p,uN,N P..'r b h'adry daantlr Air _ aefamtl.nC S Hbtk IAe dvagMWa 1 Cry,) dnc.p Au r�4 ga.dde fi.Y.enM.v /m lkgmA aq♦A eea.'.b. Integrated Pest Management 9 separate shifts conslltlrail of3 fanOldtadlei dpT EO�F`o Pestmarigemenlperfarmedwaklyby Sanita8an/Utta a e'Fty age�r - .re - test. i�fo77odsn3 �sb^w'd'Poodle .P-"."Rela' aC" ♦ aw S`+sMh bgtx< Msahanyrsi 4NS bor and one supervisor par. [ uncle M elk dlon of Control Crew. basis.lp � the hn eras g pp„y m.nwn WAUYM—W foreman irlheuIlc edP st Control lies Itu�k ry "lnli gnteA�'¢' D rto endonelnhouse Pe Mari` ant r r "61 [rattle bye traded la.nu. CnnmoFAppnnro (Ilmhed) Yanid pCon to ra%r upGr{haN a of orm Inh u e n1a + P + a� M rt� -k;, �trb�Op eat ran " housiP Vd Appli �hid 9 �nAft>DE @Sim'- l�nS3fC1'.d'r.. Pressure Cleaning Crew of 3 laborers and ens Pressure washing to be performed continuously ao that foreman sopervlmr e.ch block 6 pressure deeded on a W day cycle. Spot city of Ml.ml serene cleaning performed dally as directed by Mall Manager. 10 Aquatic Feature McIntmuna Crew of 3 with service dally 1 -MSW III Dally Maintemna and checks of water features Including Feuntalm arearvlcad logy, er, resou owmen misting of 2 laborers and one water clarity, chemical kuNs, pumprnalntenlnce end shored with alt waterfeaturest aughaut MeC ar la clesningofpoob. Check water feature. for overall Tha Iona City employee that perto Ithls task an appaarana, water lives, clean and treat a a needed, don spend an avenge of IS minutes per ypar fountain out dmners and ea.kes on pumps, check and reset (In dudingtraveltlme). timers as needed. D"In,clean and point once pefyaw. city of Mlaml brN. Chock aqulpmeat strip levels ad Dow me pea par whet h ox.m" a..+P.dded crier month. —Pr.ywedlagyatmae.oMdu.b isle eruGevtaa. ealGq nl: Y,e 11 de Me er+..Cw4a le.rwpnsghrar Spot Cleaning Dally 3.epa"te shifts corusthy of 0 Dally crew, 4, clean all areas to keep clear of gum and Complaint driven. labor!" and one supervisor MI debris. This Is on top of Pressure cleaning cows. 12 foreman Painting Crew of 1Painter Cwmtant pelnting of cog surfaces, structures and areas to All painted surfaces re- painted on a seven week cycle CRY of MLmlerNi ensures minimum of 9 month cycle between pain Ung.11 by Property Management. Curbing painted by Par king Mast+but M.el.M weed mnesn an hgardsape and benches. Minimum painting ofrouf Department Strlpal walkway loo painted ana nine the cr"'kal appec.'n. pvm""adh structures once par year (plus pressure cleaning previous weakschedule. sorutl'd"? mere.—and' (andlc+p. ", aledncpef P.IIw 1! to that Mob b Me 4fyMkr colds. apex Lantl.ape AddlUOM Uew, .110 Stlmes per gf ^^k+ Ma)orrePlan6gltlminlmum of year to keep - 14 a'5 o f s�� enters erd other uses sessile lrah Dedicated Mall M ... get Full Tlm. es wall as UTA 0 Dedicated management services and personnel. Dally Regular oversight provlded a Paris Opeaatlom nA'dMl..nla+wi management staff and apertlse reporn and emdency. Coordination a fall work on the Samerwsor and Parks Superintendent w +.coed aebll, +"Meae.r.b, mail. Emergency 24/7 Malnlenena contact. Quality over 0wn9brtrd.e mereneM control. Monthly Wlesnle wa& through, and weekly .t'... —nn P. to-0 performina—Ungs. UtVhymonit-ing and Fay.rn -'K Smpw _ Soicti efdr --Aug. conservation in order to net waste eI,Mlcltyi water etc Aw,-K ." - -- 15 kdu*M -- TW Uniforms pit employees are to be In uniform Provided by City raw Uniforms for cog ampioyeef Uniforms unique to Department neoveM.ece+p.vP is Security Usw of3 2Ce t IedPositions Craw of 2 24 /7. l additional during peak hours. 0 i Ityg d duty IBA u p day city ac rasters a..an, 7 CO t t Idedb P IIa De t. hnunreen b 0- a.— Spadal evenbCeordlnlUon Mail Manager 0,� ��� ,uaA�l,' Content coordination of eves and cleanup Caordino dthroaigtn Toursm and;CUlhlral .�_ '- rma m.4; n—.da hous.brr It aY19LP11; ` =iy!yl Develop maht D� *Y.,..•., �„X• 19 211 Beckmann, Fred From: Oldenburg, John Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 9:04 AM To: Castro, Hector; Zamora, Alberto Cc: Beckmann, Fred; Smith, Kevin Subject: RE: Lincoln Road Mall Level of Service Sic rA1 Attachments: Lincoln Rd Mall Service Comparison -jo revise.xlsx �J Hector: In order to complete the attached form, several points need to be clarified. Please see the attached excel sheet with comments. We are working on our portion while we await your response. John O. MIA.MU3EACH John Oldenburg, Assistant Director PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305 - 673 -7000, Ext. 6820 / Fax: 786- 394 -5331 / www.miamibeachil.gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. From: Castro, Hector Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 20114:07 PM To: Zamora, Alberto; Oldenburg, John Subject: Lincoln Road Mall Level of Service Gentlemen: The maintenance contract for Lincoln Road Mall is back on the agenda for July 13` I need the attached spread sheet completed for use as an attachment. The cells highlighted in red are Sanitation. The ones in green are Parks. Please provide me with an explanation of the levels of service that you presently provide in as accurate statements as you can. We are trying to paint an accurate picture for the Commission. We need to explain how budget cuts over the past years have hurt our efforts (if that in fact is the case). The agenda package goes out tomorrow, so I need this back as soon as you possibly can. I am sorry for the short notice. Please call with any questions. Hector 1 F N ,J Beckmann, Fred From: Castro, Hector Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 5:29 PM To: Smith, Kevin Cc: Beckmann, Fred Subject: FW: Lincoln Road Mall Level of Service Attachments: Lincoln Rd Mall Service Comparison (2), xlsx Kevin, this is hot. Fred told me to copy you with this so we make sure we get a response from John tomorrow. The manager wants to put this maintenance contract back on for July 13 and we need an accurate comparison of levels of service between present levels and proposed by the contractor. I really need John to fill in the cells that are highlighted in green, providing an accurate description of how we presently maintain landscaped areas, irrigation systems, etc. I know it is not simple, but whatever we put in the spread sheet, I want to make sure it is accurate and defensible. Please call me if you have questions or concerns. Thanks! Hector From: Castro, Hector Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 20114:07 PM To: Zamora, Alberto; Oldenburg, John Subject: Lincoln Road Mall Level of Service Gentlemen: The maintenance contract for Lincoln Road Mall is back on the agenda for July 13 1 need the attached spreadsheet completed for use as an attachment. The cells highlighted in red are Sanitation. The ones in green are Parks. Please provide me with an explanation of the levels of service that you presently provide in as accurate statements as you can. We are trying to paint an accurate picture for the Commission. We need to explain how budget cuts over the past years have hurt our efforts (if that in fact is the case). The agenda package goes out tomorrow, so I need this back as soon as you possibly can. I am sorry for the short notice. Please call with any questions. Hector 1 tl A C D E F 1 vi Task Contractor Proposed Staffin¢ CMg Staffing Levels Proposed Contracted Level o f Se ice r Lev 1 f S rvi e Landscape will be maintained and cleaned daily. All groundcover as well as planter beds mulched areas to be cleaned dally. All trees to be pruned per schedule as well Need I p r b u Landscape Maintenance 1 foreman and 3 laborers 5- S m of I' a 1's as Palms to be pruned as needed. Mowing services to be ached a of a Ivltiea n resou provided weekly. Shrubs and ground cover pruned once ap Ile ) per month. Planter beds inspected and cleared of debris 2 dally. Sanitation to be performed constantly from 6 AM to S1PM 3 separate shifts consisting of 3 daily. Crews are to spot check all planters throughout the Sanitation /Litter Control laborers and one supervisor day as well as hardscape for ALL debris and trash to be cleared. All cans and recycling to be cleared throughout foreman the day as to keep all cans nearly empty. All cans and 3 structures to be kept clean in appearance on a daily basis. All Irrigation to be checked by crews weekly for • a rig ton syste s are maintenance. At least once a week repair and clean all o fr P. o e s e e l eRie o Irrigation maintenance 1 foreman and 1 Irrigation tech heads, lines, valves, valve boxes and controllers as w needed.Contstant maintenance of irrlgation schedules Reso as Ins f�lelent carp •oac ve and monitoring of effectiveness of system. pre n ve in enance 4 5 Arbor Service Crew of Approximately 3t(wo lead and � 4 visits per year and more if needed p y (Need Par pep ogre Horticulturist Arborlst Crew o1`3 (one lead rs borlst and Approximately 4 visits per year and more if needed 6 / two laborers) A pp Y P V (Nee Pa to x ai progre ) Scheduled craws to do a MINIMUM of one cycle Per � 7 FertglzerCrew Crew of 10 2 5 I month ee Par addreas ro rem 3 separate shifts consisting of 3 NNo de'dlcated a ources app le Proper Integrated Pest Management laborers and one supervisor 0 Pest management performed weekly by Sanitation /Litter AAaa a t sets n s r for rodents an an Control Crews p B foreman as:naeit kasis. Crew of 3 laborers and one Pressure washing to be performed continuously so that Pressure Cleaning each block Is pressure cleaned on a 10 day cycle. Spot foreman supervisor 9 cleaning performed dally as directed by Mail Manager. Daily Maintenance and checks of water features including water clarity, chemical levels, pump maintenance and Fountains are serviced daily, however, Craw of 3 with service dally cleaning of pools. Check water features for overall resources are shared with all water Aquatic Feature Maintenance consisting of 2 laborers and one 1- MSW III appearance, water levels, clean and treat as needed, features throughout the City. The lone foreman clean out skimmers and baskets an pumps, check and City employee that performs this task can reset timers as needed. Drain, clean and paint once per spend an average of 15 minutes per day year. Check equipment amp levels and flow rate pnce per per fountain (Including travel time). 101 month. 3 separate shifts consisting of 3 Dally craws to spot clean all areas to keep clear of gum Spot Cleaning Dally laborers and one supervisor 0 and all debris. This Is on top of pressure cleaning crews. Complaint driven. 11 foreman Constant painting of all surfaces, structures and areas to All painted surfaces re- painted on a ensure a minimum of 9 month cycle between painting all seven week cycle by Property Painting Crew of 3 1 Painter hgardscape and benches. Minimum painting of roof Management. Curbing painted by Parking structures once per year (plus pressure cleaning previous Department. Striped walkway areas 121 to that) painted on a nine week schedule. Landscape Additions Crewofl0 @MSW II Major replanting at a minimum of3 times per yearto 'Need - to pk,prog m 13 keep planters and other areas looking fresh Dedicated management services and personnel. Daily reports and efficiency. Coordination of all work on the Dedicated Mall Manager Full Time as well as UTA 0 mall. Emergency 24/7 Maintenance contact. Quality g management staffand expertise control. Monthly large scale walk throughs and weekly Service not provldad. performance meetings. Utility monitoring and 14 conservation In order to not waste electrlcity, water etc. 15 Uniforms All employees are to be In uniform Provided by Qty new Uniforms for all employees Uniforms unique to Department Security rew of 3 2 Contracted Positions Crew of 2- 24 7.1 additional du ring One security guard on duty 16 hours per h / g peak hours, day. Contract provided b Police Dept. 16 F Y P. Caoidina}ed fhroug Tourlsmann 17 Special events Coordination Mall Manager 0 Content coordination of events and cleanup Culture Deveio men[De artmant Beckmann, Fred From: Castro, Hector Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 5:58 PM To: 'Jeff Weinstein Qweinstein @1111 Lincoln Road.com)' Subject: Staffing issues, Attachments: Lincoln Rd Mall Service Comparison (2).xlsx Jeff, I am trying to complete the spread sheet comparing levels of service. There are some inconsistencies. For example, you state that security will be provided 24/7, yet you have reduced the security staff from 4 individuals to 3 as a result of the budget cut back. How do you plan to provide a guard to cover the 168 hours in a week when you would have only 120 hours of staff time available (assuming you are having each guard work a 40 hour week)? Also, is it safe and wise to have guards working alone to cover the entire 10 blocks plus Soundscape? It is also unclear to us what redundancy is built into your staffing levels. For example, adding up the designated staffing for all tasks on the attached spread sheet, you will be providing 14 foremen (or arborists /supervisors) and 89 workers. I am sure the budget does not support that level of staffing, so there must be redundant tasks being performed by the various crews. It would be helpful to understand what resources will realistically be applied to the various tasks so that a true comparison to present work force can be made. I am trying to get this prepared as a possible attachment by the end of the day tomorrow. Call or email with questions. Thanksl Hector i 0 n A I C D E F 1 Actly Contractor Proposed Staffing CMB Staff(ne Levels Promose Promos Present Level of Se Landscape will be maintained and cleaned dally. All groundcover as well as planter beds mulched areas to be cleaned daily. All trees to be pruned per schedule as well ( ee pu fo aK�ts o cu Landscape Maintenance 1 foreman and 3laborers 5 -MSW ix o 11 d 's) as Palms to be pruned as needed. Mowing services to be schedule o e t i tl atld u s provided weekly. shrubs and ground cover pruned once ap Is per month. Planter beds Inspected and cleared ofdebris 2 dally. Sanitation to be performed constantly from 6 AM to aiPM 3 separate shifts consisting of3 dally. Crews are to spot check all planters throughoutthe day as well as hardscape for ALL debris and trash to be SanlWtlon/Utter Control laborers and onesupervisor cleared. All cans and recycling to be cleared throughout foreman the day as to keep all cans Hearty empty. All cans and 3 structures to be kept clean in appearance on a daily basis. All Irrigation to be checked by crews weekly for I� a rs to Ir Igat on s s ems maintenance. At least once a week repair and clean all Naar Irrigation maintenance i foreman and 1 Irrigation tech - S heads, lines, valves, valve boxes and controllers as Pe ormed as neede In reactive o e naeded.Contstant maintenance of Irrigation schedules esou cns 1 su e o p aact ve and monitoring of effectiveness of system. p e ant ve mai tenance 4 Crew of 3 (one lead arborist and Arbor service o Approximately visits per year and more if needed f eed Parks t;prog% 5 two laborers ftY it Fiprticulturist Arbprist Crew oF3 (one lead arborist and A romae 4 visits per year and more If needed 6 / two laborers pp xitl y P Y (N ed P -a b to,explain p ogre_ ) Fertilizer Crew Crew of 10 Scheduled crews to do a MINIMUM of one cycle per 7 (eed .e to d Less proare 1 3 separate shifts consisting eed reso rtes a ied. Pro e g of 3 ® ®� Pest management performed weekly by Sanitation /Litter rr Integrated Pest Management laborers and one supervisor 0 Control Crews enagem se �ropa far rpd�n on en 8 1 foreman as: aade saris. Crew of 3 laborers and one Pressure washing to be performed continuously so that Pressure Cleaning foreman supervisor each block is pressure cleaned on a 30 day cycle. Spot 9 cleaning performed daily as directed by Mall Manager. Daily Maintenance and checks of water features Including water clarity, chemical levels, pump maintenance and Fountains are serviced dally, however, Crew of 3 with service daily cleaning of pools. Check water features for overall resources are shared with all water Aquatic Feature Maintenance consisting of 2 laborers and one 1 -MSW III appearance, water levels, clean and treat as needed, features throughout the City. The lone foreman clean out skimmers and baskets an pumps, check and City employee that performs this task can reset timers as needed. Drain, clean and paint once per spend an average of 15 minutes per day year. Check equipment amp levels and flow rate pnce per per fountain (Including travel time). 101 1 month. 3 separate shifts consisting of 3 Daily crews to spot clean all areas to keep clear of gum Spot Cleaning Daily laborers and one supervisor 0 and all debris. This is on tap of pressure cleaning crews. Complaint driven. 11 foreman Constant painting of all surfaces, structures and areas to All painted surfaces re- painted on a ensure a minimum of 9 month cycle between painting all seven week cycle by Property Painting Crew of 3 1 Painter hgardscape and benches. Minimum painting of roof Management. Curbing painted by Parking structures once per year (plus pressure cleaning previous Department. striped walkway areas 121 1 to that) painted on a nine week schedule. Landscape Additions Crew of 10 2 @ MS I Major replanting at a minimum of 3 times per year to 13 aaaaaaaaae keep planters and other areas looking frosh (eed P r to p a p oil ) Dedicated management services and personnel. Dally reports and efficiency. Coordination of all work on the Dedicated Mall Manager Full Time as well as UTA 0 mall. Emergency 24/7 Maintenance contact. Quality g management staff and expertise control. Monthly large scale walk threughs and weekly Service not provided. performance meetings. Utility monitoring and 141 conservation In order to not waste electricity, water etc. 15 Uniforms All employees are to be In uniform Provided by City new Uniforms for all employees Uniforms unique to Department Security rew of 3 2 Contracted Positions Crew of 2- 24 7.1 additional during One security guard on duty 16 hours per tY / g peak hours. 16 day. Contract provided by Police Dept_ Spatial events Coordination Mall Manager 0 Content coordination ofevents and cleanup Coo�dlnae rough v T l oursmand 17 Cultural Davelo meet De artment �I I Beckmann, Fred From: Castro, Hector Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 2:36 PM To: Beckmann, Fred Subject: FW: Lincoln rd Attachments: Lincoln Rd Maintenance Plan.doc I obtained this from John Oldenburg. If we are following this plan, then the level of service along the Mall should be similar to what UTA is proposing. How do I tell if we are following our own plan? From: Oldenburg, John Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 201112:25 PM To: Castro, Hector Subject: lincoln rd FYI Please see attached John Oldenburg, Assistant Director PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305 - 673 -7000, Ext. 6820 / Fax: 786 - 394 -5331 / w+,vw.miamibeachfl.gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant tropical, historic community. 1 ,�OCOLN ROAD AIAI G ft' %? ' -m NoPA"E MANAGEMET mm 1 , .Y IPL"- offiz A. SUMMARY The City of Miami Beach is truly a unique environment to live, work and play. The municipal employees who provide services to our residents, business owners and visitors, are also unique in that they possess a vast wealth of experience and resources that are necessary to maintain this City as the World Famous destination that Miami Beach has become. The major focus for the municipal staff is to serve the Public. While The Parks and Recreation Department and many other Cities nationwide often utilize contractors to perform tasks traditionally assigned to City employees; we have found through experience that City employees can provide a higher level of service, including more rapid response to hazards or other immediate service needs and City employees on a whole take more ownership and enjoy the pride that comes with a job well done. In recognition of this fact The Greenspace Management Division of the Parks and Recreation Department is proud to initiate and new Greenspace Maintenance Management Plan for Lincoln Road pedestrian mall. ♦ Management level professional staff including two Hoticulturists, Urban Forester and Landscape Architect with over 100 years combined experience in private and public service to facilitate coordination of service delivery; deficiency resolution and community outreach. ♦ Dedicated community resource manager to work personally with the business owners and visitors towards the betterment of the area. ♦ Enhanced landscape maintenance services. ♦ Hazardous conditions inspections and resolutions. ♦ Dedicated line personnel to focused service.delivery. ♦ Dedicated personnel, equipment and materials for use in the district. ♦ Customer service and horticultural training for all employees ♦ Assist with the preparation of Special Events ♦ Dedicated staff assigned from the Greenspace Management Division to include: Four Municipal Service Workers working under the direction of a Parks Supervisor, an Equipment Operator, a Tree Trimmer and a Parks Superintendent to coordinate all service activities and customer issues and concerns. The Greenspace Management Division is committed to substantially improving the process to provide area business owners, citizens and visitors fast, efficient and responsive methods to resolve complaints, answer questions regarding service levels/ and foster open discussion regarding the future direction_ of the _area's�reen _ space. The professional delivery of landscape maintenance services is not just a plan; it 3 DEFINITION OF TERMS Landscape maintenance tasks are the recurring procedures and duties required to ensure a viable, functional, and beautiful green environment. Landscape maintenance methods are the standards and practices of the landscape industry used to accomplish these tasks. The following tasks common to landscape maintenance will be defined and described as follows: Fertilization Fertilization is the supplemental application of nutrients required in the soil for healthy and sustained plant growth. There are 16 elements required for plant growth. Most soils contain traces of each. The three major elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are usually required in greater amounts. Numbers on fertilizer containers represent the three major plant nutrients: the first number is nitrogen (1), the second, phosphorus (P), and the third, potassium (K). For example, 10 -8 -6 shows nitrogen content of 10 %, phosphorus content of 8 %, and potassium content of 6 %. If a fertilizer's label says all or most of the nitrogen contained is in the nitrate or nitric form, it is a fast acting fertilizer and the nitrogen will be released quickly. If most of the nitrogen is ammoniac or organic, the nitrogen release will be slower but more sustained once the process begins. Phosphorus is absorbed through plant root tips. Acidic soils require increased phosphorus fertilizers; alkaline soils, such as most soils in our area require less phosphorus. Potassium is described on the label in various ways: available or soluble potash, water soluble potash, or water soluble potash from muriate or tankage. Plants remove potassium from the soil in much the same way as phosphorus. The other thirteen trace minerals required for plant growth are usually readily available in most soils. Iron is the most common of these that may require replenishing. The most important aspect of fertilization is regularity. It is best not to fertilize unless it will be performed on a scheduled and recurring basis. Research has revealed irregular fertilization actually causes more harm than good. There is also the possibility of root bum if too much fertilizer is applied. Always water immediately after fertilizing any plant material. Continue regular irrigation to ensure the nutrients are diluted and disbursed throughout the root zone. Fertilizer can be applied in many ways. Always follow recommended application rates. Hand -held crank units for shrubs, push rotary or drop spreaders for smaller turfgrass areas, and tractor pulled rotary spreaders for large turfgrass areas are a few common methods of fertilizer application. 5 Trees Tree pruning is both an art and a science. Proper pruning is paramount to long term tree health and vitality and their aesthetic and energy conservation value. Many trees are incorrectly topped or pollarded, forever destroying their natural shape and size while greatly shortening their lives. It is better to leave a tree alone than to prune it improperly. Topping a tree removes the terminal bud and results in irregular and oddly- shaped trees. Pruning should restore a tree to a healthier condition and a more attractive shape, making it stronger and better able to withstand storms and disease. Allow main leadar ,. to groan l r 2ndut Remove arosm"g t branches '..� fiY ' Remove branches i, l&' growing tafxard � t corrcerc�o"mec 'arrdcut R's -move 4xrra ^-� •'' �rrCAht� �r weakeaB �? •yr Proper cuts for limb rerr o.wa -I Figure 3 -1: Tree Pruning Techniques Shrubs Overpruning of shrubs is common throughout South Florida. Most of the shrubs receiving regular pruning probably don't need to be pruned at all. When they are pruned improperly or unnecessarily, the labor and associated costs are wasted, the plant suffers, and the aesthetic quality of the landscape declines. Shrubs have distinct shapes; weeping, rounded, oval, upright, spreading, and irregular shaped. Allow shrubs to take on their natural shape, pruning only to reduce crowded foliage, crossed branches, an asymmetrical shape, or branches growing into the heart of the shrub. i u rK Y� • �}� i k` Y GS 1� L. FFF This f Not This Maintain the Natural :Form of Shrubs Trimming Trimming is the removal of excess or unwanted turfgrass or similar plant material on the edge of a turf area, walkway, or planter bed, and along fence lines and building foundations. These areas are generally trimmed at each mowing. There are a variety of trimming tools available and selecting the proper one depends upon the area being trimmed, plant material involved, and desired final affect. Tools include gas or electric powered nylon- monofilament trimmers and gas powered bladed edgers. Monofilament trimmers allow for rapid and efficient removal of unmowable grass around steel edging, concrete mowing strips, sidewalks, foundations, and poles. One of the inherent problems is the potential damage to trunks and bark. Continued damage leads to girdling, which severely stunts growth and may even lead to the loss of the shrub or tree. Weed Control A weed is defined as any plant material growing where it is not wanted. Weed control is the process of controlling or eliminating unwanted plant material. Man-hours and funds can be reduced by using modern labor- saving methods and tools. Use of chemical herbicides is the most efficient weed control method, saving both time and money. Even with the advent of the modern monoflament trimming devices, the use of chemicals can greatly increase the efficiency of any landscape maintenance operation. Well- timed, regular applications of chemicals are most effective. widespread use. 9 Annuals Annuals are flowering, short-lived plants. They add color and variety to any area. Just as their naive implies, annuals require removal and replacement with new plants every season. In warmer climates, there are a wide variety of winter and summer annuals that can provide year -round interest to the installation. Fertilization Annuals require monthly fertilizing during their specific growing season. Mulching Mulch all annuals with 1 -2 inches of organic material immediately after planting. Replenish as required. Perennials Perennials are a diverse assortment of plants. Typically, perennials have one blooming season each year. Most perennials are grown for their flower color or interesting foliage. Fertilization Feed with a balanced fertilizer just prior to the growing season. Just after flowering has stopped, plants should receive another application to promote good growth in preparation for next year. Mulching Mulch all perennials with 2 -4 inches of organic material. 11 North and South of these locations from 17 Street to the North and 16 street to the South. The following is a description of services at the base level and the enhanced levels. Landscape Maintenance Service Base Service Level Parks and Recreation Department The base service level for Landscape maintenance on the Mall includes the scheduled litter control of the planter beds once per day, Three (3) days per week Mon., Wed., Fri. Maintenance is performed utilizing a three - person crew using the highest industry standards as outlined in the schedule below # 3 worker crew assigned 40 hours per week. Turf mowing, trimming, edging, 36 x yearly. Shrub, groundcover pruning 12 x yearly. Weed control 36 x yearly. Litter removal once per day 5 days weekly. Tree /Palm pruning 1 x yearly. Mulch application 2 x yearly. Irrigation system check and repairs performed as needed. Flower installation 2x yearly. Turf fertilization 3x yearly Shrub /groundcover fertilization 2 x yearly. Tree /Palm fertilization 2 x yearly. Enhanced Service Level The enhanced level of service increases the staff by one full time employee and a tree trimmer and equipment operator as required. The frequency of service increases as outlined below. All landscape specific service citywide, is completed under the direction of the Parks Superintendent who is a Degreed Horticulturist, an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist, A Florida Cerfied Landscape Contractor and Certified Horticulture Professional, with over 20 yrs of practical experience in the care and maintenance of Florida plant material. Additional expertise will be provided by the the Assistant Director of Parks, a certified Arborist and certified Nursery Professional with over 20 yrs of private & public service experience will lend expertise as needed. #4 worker crew assigned 40 hours per week. Turf mowing, trimming, edging, 40 x yearly. Shrub, groundcover pruning 12 x yearly. Weed control 40 x yearly. Litter removal continuous 5 days per week, per litter control schedule. Tree /Palm pruning 5 -7 x yearly. Mulch application 3 x yearly. Irrigation system check and repairs performed weekly. Flower installation 3x yearly. Turf fertilization 4 x yearly Shrub /groundcover fertilization 4 x yearly. Tree/Palm fertilization 4 x yearly. E. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AND TASKS The proffessional care and maintenace the City's .Parks -and - Landscape - areas-is provided as detailed in the grounds maintenance specifications below. The entire 13 Mowing will not be done when weather or other conditions will result in damaged turf. Mowing Specifics St. Augustine Grass Mow only with a rotary mower a minimum of once per week during the growing season of mid April through the end of October for a total of 36 occurrences per year. 1:1.2.2 Non - athletic field Turf shall be mowed at 31/2 to 4" above soil level with a mower designed for use in the specific circumstances. Remove clippings . from areas if excessive clippings result from the mowing operation. Trimming and Edging Staff shall trim and properly edge all shrub and flower beds as well as trees, curbs, walks, lighting and all other obstacles in the landscape and remove clippings. Paved areas (hard edges) shall be edged every mowing cycle with respect to the turf type adjacent to the edging. Edging of beds and the tree rings (soft edging) shall be executed not less than ever other mowing with respect to the turf type adjacent to the edging. Turf edging at shrub beds, flower beds, ground cover beds, hedges, or around trees (where "edging" rather than "trimming" is directed), shall be edged with a manual or mechanical edger to a neat vertical uniform line. Rotary nylon "fish line" cutters are not to be used for vertical edging. Edge grass at plant bed lines tokeep grass from growing toward shrubs, keep the width of sod as it was originally placed. Care shall be taken to avoid damage of ground cover weed barrier cloth. Grass will be trimmed at the same height as adjacent turf is mowed, and remove all grass leaves from around all obstacles and vertical surfaces in the turf, such as posts, walls, fences, etc. Particular attention will be given to trimming around sprinkler heads and other irrigation system components to assure their 15 grass from growing toward shrubs, keep the width of sod as it was originally placed. Shrubs All shrub material shall be pruned as to insure the best shape, health, and natural form and character of the individual plant. Mechanical trimming may only be utilized when the health or appearance of the plant will not be damaged by the mechanical trimmers. Groundcover All, groundcover material shall be pruned as required to insure the best shape, health, and character of the individual plant. Goundcover plants shall be selectively cut back to encourage lateral growth and kept inbounds and out of other plantings, walkways, lighting, etc. Mechanical trimmers may only be utilized when the health or appearance of the plant will not be damaged by the mechanical trimmers. Trees and Palm Pruning Trees and palms are to be maintained in a healthy, growing, safe, attractive condition and in their proper shape and size according to variety, species and function in the landscape or as specifically directed by the Assistant Director or his designee. Pruning Natural Shaping and Thinning Prune, thin, and trim all trees /palms as needed to \ keep the trees healthy, to maintain the natural character of the variety, to keep in bounds and to prevent crowding. Pruning in general shall consist of the removal of dead,broken, fungus infected, superfluous, and intertwining branches, vines, and the removal of dead or decaying stumps and other undesirable growth. Palms shall be pruned as needed to remove dead fronds and weak stalks. Certain Washingtonian Palms will be an exception to the pruning practices of normal palm maintenance when existing dead fronds are maintained. Pruning will also be required from time to 17 Staking and Guying - and Tree Set -Up Maintain existing and adjust tree stakes, guy wires and hoses or blocks, until trees are capable of standing vertical and /or resisting normal winds. All trees that have died or have been blown or knocked over are to be reported immediately upon discovery to the Superintendent or designees. The staff shall be responsible for removing all signs, posters, boards, supports and any other material(s) attached or fastened to trees, or from elsewhere on the project site, as directed by the Assistant Director or designees. Weed Control 1.1.5:1 All landscape areas within the specified area, including lawns, shrub and ground cover beds, planters, and areas covered with gravel, shall be kept free of all weeds at all times. This means complete removalof all weed growth shall be accomplished at each mowing cycle. For the purpose of this specification, a weed will be considered as any undesirableor misplaced plant. Weeds shall be controlled either by hand, mechanical, or chemical methods. Weeds are to be manually removed from shrub, hedge, ground cover or flower beds, unless chemical or mechanical means are specifically authorized by the Superintendent or designees. Persistent weed growth such as the growth of sedges shall be killed with "round up" whenever possible. Weeds are to be removed from walkways, curbs, expansion joints, and along fence lines and guardrails at each mowing cycle or as otherwise directed by the Superintendent or designees. 19 One (1) application of a 10:1:2 ratio with Dursban, and one application being a blanket application of insecticide; One (1) application of a 3:1:3 ratio; One (1) application of a 5:2:1 ratio Groundcover, & Shrubs The fertilizer for all planted shrubs and b oundcovers shall meet appropriate horticultural standards with an N, P, K ratio of 3:1:2, unless soil conditions or plant species dictate differently, with at least 60% of the nitrogen from a non -water soluble organic source. All shrubs and groundcovers shall be fertilized by broadcasting by hand over the beds two (2) times per year or more frequently if required Fertilizer should be applied Spring and Fall at the following rates: 1 -1/2 to 3 lbs. N 1100 Square Feet. The Parks Superintendent or designees shall establish a program that will fertilize all shrubs and groundcover, describing the type of fertilizer required for each type of plant and the time of year. Any plants damaged by over - fertilization shall be replaced as soon as possible. Fertilization Trees, & Palms The fertilizer for all the planted trees shall meet proper horticultural standards with an N, P, K ratio of 4:1:4, unless soil conditions or plant species dictate differently, with at least 60% of the nitrogen from a non -water soluble organic source. Trees shall be fertilized twice yearly: Spring and Fall in the following amounts: Caliper Pounds of Fertilizer 2" 3 3" 6 4 10 5" 15 6" 41bs. per / in of dia. 21 approval by the Parks Superintendent or designees as to type location, and method of application. The Parks Supervisor shall exercise extreme care so as not to over spray and effect areas not intended for treatment. Areas adversely affected by such over spray shall be restored by the Landscape Division Staff as soon as possible. The Supervisor shall advise the Superintendent or designee immediately after disease or insect infestation is found. He shall identify the disease or insect and recommend control measures to be taken and, upon approval of the Superintendent or designee, the Supervisor shall submit a work request to Pest Control Contractor. Approved control measures shall be continued until the disease, or insect is controlled to the satisfaction of the Superintendent or designee. When a chemical is being applied, the person using it shall have in their possession all labeling associated with the chemical. Also, the chemical shall be applied as indicated on the said labeling. A specimen label and the Material Safety Data Sheet for each product shall be maintained on site at the Parks Operations Facility. All insecticides shall be applied by an operator licensed pursuant to Chapter 487 of the Florida Statutes. The operator shall have the license /certification in his or her possession when insecticides are being applied. The implementation of control measures for pests and disease infestations shall be in strict compliance with all -federal and local regulations. Upon request, the Supervisor shall furnish documentation of such compliance. The spraying of insecticides and other such chemicals are to be confined to the individual plant. Spraying techniques which may 23 failure, it shall be the responsibility of the Parks Supervisor to supply to the plant material as described below. Distribution of the water to the plants shall be the responsibility of the Parks Supervisor. The Supervisor shall assign the use hand watering, water trucks, portable pumps, etc. as required to distribute the water. Apply water in quantities and at intervals necessary to maintain the plants in a healthy growing condition. Irrigation System Shall be constantly maintained and adjusted to insure that minimal amounts of water from the system hits the road surface. Mulch application Replenish mulch in shrub beds as required to cover areas of bare soil, especially at the edge of the bed and in places where the shrub canopy has not grown together to shade the soil. Add mulch around tree trunks in sod areas. Mulch shall be added to maintain a constant three (3) inches thickness. Do not pile against tree trunks and shrub stems. Use Shredded mulch or inorganic mulches as appropriate F. SUPPORT SERVICES Base Service Level various City Departments The support service provided by several City of Miami Beach Departments, provide services to Lincoln Road Mall will be coordinated with the Greenspace Management Team management staff on a scheduled and as needed basis. Departments operating within this area include: -- -- - - -- -- Neighborhood-Services- - Police Department 25 Beckmann, Fred From: Robert Wennett [rwennett@1111 LincolnRoad.com] Sent: ® Sunday, June 26, 2011 12:12 PM To: Castro, Hector Cc: Jeff Weinstein; Beckmann, Fred Subject: Re: Draft Lincoln Road Memo } Excellent two comments marketing is crucial we need to include the funds previously going to lincoln road marketing and let them no Lincoln road marketing does not exist. Also the manager said $20mm for street plus $10mm for sidestreets On Jun 24, 2011, at 6:26 PM, "Castro, Hector" < HectorCastro0miamibeachfl:gov > wrote: Jeff, Attached is the latest version of the memo and attachment. More work is to be done. I have some questions on the staffing levels which we can discuss next week. MAMMEACH Hector D. Castro, P.E., Assistant Director PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305.673.70801 Fax: 786.394.4689 / www.miamibeachfi.gov <UTA Management Contract(5).doc> <Lincoln Rd Mall Service Comparison (2).xlsx> i f Beckmann, Fred From: Jeff Weinstein Dweinstein @1111 Lincoln Road.com] Sent: 100 Friday, June 24, 2011 3:18 PM To: Castro, Hector Cc: Beckmann, Fred Subject: RE: Comparison of Services Attachments: Lincoln Rd Mall Service Comparison (2).xisx Hector: Here it is updated. I think we need to highlight man hours as well. Can you add a column and add both man hour stats (one that I sent the other would be the city hours ?) Would it be a bad idea to include some pictures of the street in disrepair? -Jeff From: Castro, Hector rmallto :HectorCastroPmiamlbeachfl.aovl Sent: Friday, June 24, 20112:57 PM To: Jeff Weinstein Cc: Beckmann, Fred Subject: RE: Comparison of Services Jeff, Thanks for the spread sheet, but it does not help. You changed format. In the prior comparison work sheet you listed numbers of positions assigned to certain tasks. Now you have given me person -hours in lieu of positions. The Comparison we are trying to make is against resources assigned to the various tasks. We want to show the Commission that under UTA Management, improvements in all areas will occur as a direct result of applying more resources to the maintenance challenges and due to flexibility in adjusting the workforce that the private sector enjoys over public sector unionized constraints. I was hoping that you would keep the same format as your original spread sheet so that I could add a column showing existing City applied resources (see attached). I suspect the number of employees assigned to each task will necessarily go down, due to the budget constraints. If you could update your numbers, then I can apply the City resources to show the increased service levels.. From: Jeff Weinstein fmailto:jweinstein (?b1111LincolnRoad.coml Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 12:51 PM To: Castro, Hector Cc: Beckmann, Fred Subject: RE: Comparison of Services Hector: Please use this and disregard the previous spreadsheet. Essentially, hours will be lost (approximately 7.5 %). These hours would be lost in the painting as well as general janitorial services areas. Please keep in mind the following: 1) Compare hours alone to the City's hours spent 2) The City's hours cannot be accurate -as - when- we -ar-e- there- for - inspection the - worker- s -ar-e- generally -not present 3) We have multiple crews with multiple scopes working on many different schedules and shifts 4) City guidelines and cleanliness standards will be surpassed i 5) Issues such as white fly, lack of pressure washing, broken irrigation, replanting, mulching etc are all covered under this scope 6) All materials needed as well as equipment are included in the budget. 7) Lack of marketing and security is basically unacceptable and the budget should not suffer as a result of transferring salaries. (if existing budget was NOT sufficient to cover the maintenance how can a lower budget number be expected ?) 8) 1 have not received an electrical plan. Walk was over a week ago. 9) Contingency will include a significant planting addition as well as cover many gaps in scope that exist today. 10) Painting as of now on Lincoln Road is barely being maintained. We plan to paint ALL water features and planters to keep them constantly fresh and nice. Additionally we have included in the budget the ability to drain the all water features every nine months to be cleaned, repainted and then filled. 11) Stripes to be maintained as black and white at all times. Proper pressure washing prior to repainting included as well. 12) All water features will be checked DAILY and cleaned as needed. At a minimum water to be skimmed. 13) All treatments (chlorine etc) to be included in budget. I'd like to see a draft of the memo if possible. -Jeff From: Castro, Hector rmailto• HectorCastroCcbmiamibeachfl.govl Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 20113:15 PM To: Jeff Weinstein Cc: Beckmann, Fred Subject: RE: Comparison of Services Jeff, You had provided the attached comparison of services for use in the justification memo to Commission. Please take a look at it and let me know what changes with the revised (lower) budget situation. I will call you shortly to discuss. Thanks MIAMISEACH Hector D. Castro, P.E., Assistant Director PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305.673.7080 / Fax: 786.394.4889 / www rniamibeachfl.00v From: Jeff Weinstein rmailto• j_ weinsteinCa)1111LincolnRoad.coml .Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 20112:04 PM To: Beckmann, Fred; Castro, Hector Subject: please call me S'. i eff weinstein director of development uia management, llc - - 1111 lincoln road, suite 760, miami beach, fl 33139 t. +1.305.538.9320 f. +1.305.531.4409 c. +1.305.978.8370 2 jweinstein ,111 llincolnroad.com www.111 llincolnroad.com l 3 � Service Crews C B Staff n Lev Level f rvi a Enumerated further in Bid C Landscape Maintenance Iforeman and 3laborers Landscape will be maintained and cleaned daily. All Very little maintenance on a scheduled groundcover as well as planter beds mulched areas to be basis. Planters and aras are not regularly cleaned dally. All trees to be pruned per schedule as well maintained 5 MSW II's as Palms to be pruned as needed. Mowing services to be provided weekly, Shrubs and ground cover pruned once per month. All areas clear of debris at all times. Sanitation /Litter Control 3 separate shifts consisting of 3 Sanitation to be performed constantly from 6 AM to 11PM Trash accumulates on handscape and , laborers and one supervisor daily. Crews are to spot check all planters throughout the planters throughout the day. Cans are foreman day as well as hardsupefor ALLdebrls and trashto be nevercleaned nor are areas spot cleaned 13@ MSW (mix of III, Il, & I) cleared. All cans and recycling to be cleared throughout the day as to keep asll cans nearly empty. All cans and structures to be kept clean in appearance on a dally basis. Irrigation maintenance 1 foreman and I Irrigation tech All Irrigation to be chocked by crews weekly for Irrigation left In disrepair and no regular maintenance. At least once a week repair and clean all maintenance Is scheduled or performed. 1 @ MSW II heads, lines, valves, valve boxes and controllers as All work Is done on a reactive basis, no needed.Contstant maintenance of Irrigation schedules systems In place to monitor. and monitoring of effectiveness of system. Arbor Service Dedicated Crew of 3 (one lead Approximately 4 visits per year and more if needed Trees have been allowed to decline and arborist and two laborers) die. Infestation of white fly out of control 0 and manytreas are In danger. Palm fronds not properly maintained. Horticulturist /Arborist Dedicated Crew of 3 (one lead 0 Approximately 4 visits per year and more if needed arborist and two laborers) Fertilizer Crew Dedicated Crew of 10 2 @ MSW II Scheduled crows to do a MINIMUM of one cycle per Fertilizer Is not monitored nor scheduled month regularly. Integrated Post Management 3 separate shifts consisting of 3 Check Pest management once every week Pest management does not exist. Rat laborers and one supervisor 0 traps are left unattended. No efforts to foreman monitor mosquito and other Insect Issues. Pressure Cleaning Dedicated Crew of 3laborers and Pressure washing to be performed dally so that each area Areas are not pressured cleaned on 15 one foreman supervisor is pressure cleaned EVERY 10 DAYS. This avoids many day cycle as reported. Additionally shade 2 @ MSW 11 Issues which currently exist on the street structures are never cleaned and left with debris etc. Aquatic Feature Maintenance Dedicated Crew of3 with service Daily Maintenance and checks ofwaterfeatures including No regular monitoring or maintenance as dally consisting of 2 laborers and waterclarity, chemical levels, pump maintenance and of now. Nor are ether fountains ever one foreman cleaningofpools. Check water features for overall repainted and ordralned regularly, no appearance, water levels, clean and treat as needed, clean maintenance on pumps unless they 1 @ MSW 111 out skimmers and baskets on pumps, check and reset break. This Is ehy there are major Issues timers as needed. Drain, clean and paint once per year. with all water features on the block. Check equipment amp levels and flow rate pnce per month. Spot Cleaning Dally 3 separate shifts consisting of 3 Dally crews to spot clean all areas to keep clearof gum No spot cleaning being performed. Guma laborers and one supervisor 0 and all debris. This Is on top of pressure cleaning crews. do other trash is a major Issue on the foreman street. Painting Dedicated Crew 4 - Constant painting of all surfaces, structures and areas to Panting efforts are not consistent norere ensure a minimum of 9 month cycle between painting all they as per reported schedule. Some 1 Painter hgardscape and benches. Minimum painting ofroof stripes have not been pointed In yearsas structures once peryear(plus pressure cleaning previous well as shde structures. to that) Landscape Additions Dedicated Crew 35 Major replanting at a minimum of 3 times peryaar on the Only $25,000 aprox annually. We plan on street to keep planters and other areas looking fresh at least $125,000 annual additions 2 @ MSW II annually. This Is a major Increase in service and plants will be Installed by professional crews quickly and with care. Dedicated Mail Manager Full Time as well as UTA Dedicated management services and personnel. Dally No Service or Coordination as of now management staffand expertise reports and efficiency. Coordination of all work on the mall. Emergency 24/7 Maintenance contact. Quality 0 control. Monthly large scale walk throughs and weakly performance meetings. Utility monitoring and conservation in order to not waste electricity water etc. Uniforms All employees are to be In uniform provided by City new Uniforms far all employees No centralized uniform Security Crew of 3 men 24/7 2 Contracted Positions Crew of 3 men 24/7 one ma 2 a nne ease ell Iim ed .hours a e l s o, a sI ht Special events Coordination Mall Manager 0 Content coordination ofevents and cleanup No service from ci Scope Foreman Labor Pressure Cleaning 1440 4320 Landscape Maintenance 1440 4608 Irrigation 1536 1536 Arbor 544 1088 Painting /Water Features 2080 4160 Landscape 160 480 Janitorial (Group 1) 4160 12480 Janitorial (Group 2) 2080 10400 Janitorial (Group 3) 2080 10400 Acct Manager (Full Time 24X7 Contact Response) 8736 Fertilizer Spray 480 480 Electrical (assume 50 -50 split hours to material) 1250 TOTAL MAN HOURS 24736 51202 ** *Labor ONLY (not materials, equipment etc which is included in pricing) l'. Beckmann, Fred From: Jeff Weinstein Oweinstein @1111 LincolnRoad.com] Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 1:08 PM To: Beckmann, Fred; Castro, Hector Subject: updated budget Attachments: Lincoln Road NONBINDING Maintenance Proposa 6- 15- 11.xlsx Importance: High Please call me jeff weinstein director of development uia management, 11c 1111 Lincoln road, suite 760, miami beach, fl 33139 t. +1.305.538.9320 f. +1.305.531.4409 c. +1.305.978.8370 f= jweinstein na,lllllincolnroad.com www.1111 lincolnroad. com 1 •... r on, . r r e r r r r r '• r r r ��� �L F}k'. �,� � '� 4 � � � 3ie d✓{ P .�y i i � � N tta i ' ., 0 • 1 I I 0 I I I � {Y'Y �� � ,Pr Ms �_�' f � �'`°- q� "� � 't.T 1 Y ' y . 's i „Qiyi `�H ,� '�' :.�� i � 5 0. r4 �' k s� �:a � ��� ` �{ � Lr:r:,¢� Mx•2k��t � •� F� �'� ao oos ea sal ark --^- m:.-- . <•.��;,- „�-- r- . n- ^- � —^^ -, $ �r ", .,fro � >�� a�i . t , �e �f ,r; .f,s � _ . i ,it`d � v "� j k i �` r �w� , +3E ��c�S` �'r �,`�,� � ir,� `ms s, � �b� �t tk�ia�, E$yf �` �e �y 7 4t �7 i r.✓ a . • 0 . �+ ��� *.- 8�,�ts xt P� dp'K�. n ,t � s 7� t �� � � G ��5,� h�'�,��r �`���F yt< ,;���.0 '���` `" `` � tt, P , s ��C+�i�"C�x S P�x'���� ,,�� ''by�. 41 ? ye �'��� (�'`Mw.ti d �r���s � � Y s ki a,•� �t,. 1 ,y {��:'k�r .r'��r�`�,'�a�'.. Beckmann, Fred From: Jeff Weinstein Ueinstein @1111 LincolnRoad.com] Sent: I2 Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:02 PM To: Beckmann, Fred Cc: Castro, Hector Subject: RE: When can we meet Friday? Other issues: 1) marketing dollars from ad shell 2) capital -- 20MM and 10MM in improvements 3) initial capital expenditures per our discussion about the plantings (city manager wanted to make this a capital project) 4) how are we addressing deficiencies (will this come out of a separate budget line item) -Jeff - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Beckmann, Fred ( mailto :FredBeckmanngmiamibeachfl.gov1 Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 1:51 PM To: Jeff Weinstein Cc: Castro, Hector Subject: Re: When can we meet friday? Jeff, All day is taken on Friday for an Emergency Operations Center exercise. So, let's meet on Monday 1:00 or 2:00 PM, program 2 hours. We need further breakdown of all your lowest bids or the ones you intend to award; labor, material, equipment, overhead and profit and anything else that you ask from bidders in order to evaluate their bids. Hector, Incorporate info provided by Jeff into memo for my review. Thanks. Fred H. Beckmann, P.E. Director, Public Works Department City of Miami Beach 1700.Convention Center Drive, FL 33139 Tel: 305.763.7680 - -- Original Message - - - -- From: Jeff Weinstein r mailto: - jweinsteinpllll LincolnRoad.coml Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 01:25 PM To: Beckmann, Fred Cc: Castro, Hector Subject: When can we meet friday? Also when can you send draft memo to us? Jeff Weinstein Director of Development UTA Management, LLC 1111 1incoln Rd Ste 760 Miami Beach, FL .33139 t +.1.305.538.9320 i i Beckmann, Fred From: McPherson, Rhonda Sent: V3 Friday, June 03, 2011 8 :34 AM To: Gomez, Carla Cc: Beckmann, Fred; Castro, Hector Subject: FW: information needed Attachments: Estimated RDA FYE 2011- 12.xlsx; Sanitation Operation Cost 7 day ISL Sound scape 2011- 12.doc; Garage Pressure Cleaning 2011- 12.xlsx Information for Public Records. From: Rosario, Juan Sent: Thursday, June 02, 20113:57 PM To: McPherson, Rhonda Subject: Fw: information needed See attachments Juan Rosario, Superintendent. Miami Beach Sanitation Division From: Rosario, Juan Sent: Thursday, June 02, 201101:04 PM To: ivanthebeatdoctora4mail.com < juanthebeatdoctorOgmail.com > Subject: FW: information needed From: Rosario, Juan Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 1:04 PM To: Wilder, Keith Cc: Zamora, Alberto Subject: Information needed Let me know? 1 Projected Services Provided by Sanitation to City PROJECTED Center RDA 20010 -11 COST 'F<YE1`112° Cost of Labor x$1.,;654;9'52,0:0: a Sy Cost of Temp Labor $1:07,G4bAIf Uniforms @ $350 /person X 37i�r.' }x? Radios @ $385 /yr /person X 14�"' } "F "- ' "$5,39:Of0Q Health Insurance @ $4,500 /person X 36y . 6. M '? v m µ'�"iN� �' + �? F t Wc� "�a5'^s1 'y r� + [r � k y ,47 � s a. a s � • <t> s e fi � . ` ,��yk,�.;,� }. �.�.F. ��;' .���r�.k ���.,�.���M�,��IJB�•0,��AL r �. � �� t� ;94 37x076 r p .fl Equipment/Maintenance (all vehicles) fuel keys # 9962 and 0430 k t $"10;697 99 _�.., >. Other Operating Cost (Supplies) 10 1x5,890.0.. .y$ Q t Litter Can Maintenance 85 cans sandblasted /painted every 3 yrs @ $150 ea. (one third)i�`„4;0000;0 YTD TOTALS WEk$253500. i PRIORITY NO 1 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROPOSAL FOR SERVICE LEVEL FY 2011/12 Part I - Description of Program or Service Please provide a description of the enhanced program or service. Employees to provide continuous litter control to (Sound Scape) seven days a week from 6:30AM to 11:30PM. Part II - Cost Position Classification Number Base o a Positions Salary Salaries Vacant (Municipal service Worker II) 4. $28,334 $113,336 Sub Total 4 $113,336 Object Account Description Amount Code Salaries Uniforms $1,336 $1 Pension .2414% Salary $1,400 $27,360 Medicare .0147% $1,666 Health Insurance $18,000 Operating Expenses $2,000 Nextel Radio (i830) One time purchase fee. $385 Nextel radio service ($32.08) per (12) months Subtotal $164,147 Restrooms 10% $6,549 MSW 1117 hrs /wk x 52 wks =364 @ 17.99 $6,177 MSW II 7 hrs /wk x 52 wks =364 @ 16.97 $70 Uniforms @ $350 /person 10% cost $39 Radios @ $385 /yr /person 10% cost $19 Medicare @ 1.47% 10% cost $308 Pension @.2414% 10% cost $900 Health Insurance @ $4,500 /person 10% cost $500 Subtotal $14,562 TOTAL PROGRAM COST $178,709 Part III— Revenues if applicable) Description and Method of Calculation Amount TOTAL $178,709 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O t O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O G1 n N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O N u N H H H H H H H H H 11 H % H H " H e H H N O :° V Vf O F- O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v v a •c v d v v N M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N V1 t!? V} VT V). V} V1 V) V? 41). V? V? V} V} V> Ln V)• Vf in V1• O " .Z T N 7 V1 O 2 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C O Vi N O O 00000000000000000000 4-J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 - v v c v v v v a v a v-zr Z3 v er -tT -�r a 'T U w V} V> V> V> V} ter tr V� V> ter v> ir} to tir to V> v} in to m Y ^ O W � V Ln ^� O W Q p O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X Y O . O 0 0 0 O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Ip v 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E H H H H H H N H H H H H H H H H N H '-I H T V? V} t/} VT VF V} tf1 V} VT VF L} V} V} V>• VT t!} � 7 O w � O Q - v O 0 H D 5 V? 2 bn O m u y U v 4O o m _ A- a m (D O E w v 0 a E w H N co V Lo ko n W Q1 O H N M 'V' V) LD t\ W m O H c-1 N H N H H N H H N 6 Beckmann, Fred From: f 4 Jeff Weinstein Oweinstein @1111 Lincoln Road.com] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 10:40 AM To: Castro, Hector Cc: Beckmann, Fred Subject: here is a draft please review and comment as needed Attachments: Service Comparison.xlsx jell weinstein a director of development uia management, llc 1111 lincoln road, suite 760, miami beach, fl 33139 t. +1.305.538.9320 f. +1.305.531.4409 c. +1.305.978.8370 I weinstein(@,lllllincolnroad.com www. l 111 lincolnroad.com 1 o ' Landscape Maintenance Dedicate Crew of 35 Landscape will be malndaned and cleaned dally. Ali Very little maintenance on a scheduled groundcover as well as planter beds mulched areas to be basis. Planters and aras are not regularly cleaned dally. All trees to be pruned per shcedule as well malntaned as Palms to be pruned as needed. Mowing services to eb provided weekly. Shrubs and ground cover pruned once per month. All areas clear of debris at all times. Sanitation /Litter Control Dedicated AM and PM crew for Sanitlalton to be performed constantly from 6 AM to Trash accumulates on hardscape and major trash pickup approx 12 man SSPM daily. Crews are to spot check all planters planters throughout the day. Cans are crew throughout the day as well as hardcape for ALL debris and never cleaned nor are areas spot cleaned trash to be cleared. All cans and recycling to be cleared throughoou the day as to keep asll cans nearly empty. All cans and structures to be kept clean In appearance on a daily basis. Irrigation maintenance Dedicated Crew of 35 All Irrigation to be checked by crews weekly for Irrigation left In disrepair and no regular maintenance. At least once a month repair and clean all maintenance Is scheduled or performed. heads, lines, valves, valve boxes and controllers as All work is done on a reactive basis, no needed.Contstant maintenagnce of Irrigation schedules systems In palce to monitor. and monitoring of effectiveness of system. ArborServlce Dedicated Crew of 10 Arbor Service to be provided per contract at two to five Trees have been allowed to decline and times per year depending on tree species and as needed die. Infestation of white fly out of control and many trees are In danger. Palm fronds not properly malntaned. Horticultarist /Arborlst Dedicated Crew of 30 Crew to be brought In as needed to asses issues with large speciment trees as well as Palms Fertilizer Crew Dedlcated Crew of 10 Scheduled crews for two weeks of fertilizing at a minimum Fertilizer is not monitored nor scheduled of 3 visits per year. regularly. Integrated Pest Management Dedicated Crew of 4 Check Pest management once every week Pest amngement does not exist. Rat traps are left unattended. No efforts to monitoer mosquito and other lonsect Issues. Pressure Cleaning Dedicated Crew 8 Pressure washing to be performed dally so that each area Areas are not pressured cleaned on 15 Is pressure cleaned EVERY I) DAYS. This avoids many Isses. day cycle as reported. Additionally shade structures are never cleaned and left with debris etc. Aquatic Feature Maintenance Dedicated Crew of 4 Dally Maintenance and checks of water features including No regular montiroing or maintenance as water clarity, chemical levels, pump maintenance and of now. Nor ar ethe foutains ever cleaning of pools. Check water features for overall repainted and or drained regularly, no appearance, water levels, clean and treat as needed, clean maintenance on pumps unless they out skimmers and baskets on pumps, check and reset break. This Is ehy there are major Issues timers as needed. Drain, clean and paint once per year. with all water features on the block. Check equipment amp levels and flow rate price per month. Spot Cleaning Dally Dedicated crew 18 Daily crews to spot clean all areas to keep clear of gum No spot clenaing being performed. Guma and all debris. This is on top of pressure cleaning crews. do other trash Is a major Isse on the street. Painting Dedicated Crew 4 Constant painting of all surfaces, structures and areas to Panting efforts are not consltent norare ensure a minimum of 9 month cycle between painting all they as per reported schedule. Some hgardscape and benches. Minimum painting of roof stripes have not been paltned In years as' structures once per year (plus pressure cleaning previous well as shde structures. to that) — — — Landscape Additions Dedicated Crew 35 Major replantings at a mimimum of 3 times per year on Only $25,000 aprox annually. We plan on the stree to keep planters and other areas looking fresh atleast $125,000 annual additions annually. This Is a major Increase in service and plants will eb Isntalled by professional crews quickly and with care. Dedicated Mall Manager Full Time as well as UTA Dedicated managemnt services and personeil. Dally No Service or Coordination as of now management staff and expertise reports and efficiency. Coordiantlon of all work on the mall. Emergency 24/7 Maintenance contact. Quality control. Monthly large scale walk throughs and weekly performance meetings. Utllitymonitoringand conservation in order to not waste electricity water etc. Uniforms All employees are to be in uniform new Uniforms for all employees No centralized uniform Security Crew of 4 men 24/7 Crew of 4 men 24/7 Only one man at a time Special events Coordiantlon Mall Manager Contant coordination of events and cleanup No service from city Beckmann, Fred From: Jeff Weinstein Oweinstein @1111 LincolnRoad.com] . Sent: 15 Friday, May 13, 2011 11:16 AM To: Castro, Hector Cc: Beckmann, Fred Subject: RE: draft of memo Attachments: 20110513_094016. pdf Hector: Please see attached outline from superior. In addition to their service the mall manager will provide: 1) Single point of contact for control of maintenance 2) Uniformed employees reporting to mall manager 3) Experienced accounting and oversight staff 4) Attendance and coordination with special events office 5) Constant quality control 6) Efficient response times to all complaints 7) Establish email hotline for issues on the street for property owners 8) Contact with property and business owners to prevent miscommunication 9) Security will be moved to 24/7 coverage with increased communication with code and police (please explain major increase in personnel and service) 10) Increased security personnel and response 11) Savings for all electrical personnel and work done on the street 12) Minimum increase of planting budget to $125,000 annually (please tell what current budget is) I think it is also imperative to add pictures and color commentary on the situation that we saw on our initial walk through. There was very little service on the street. Maintenance was not proper. Deficiencies and lack of oversight. Planting and irrigation in disrepair etc etc. Thanks, jeff From: Castro, Hector Imai Ito: HectorCastroCamiamibeachfl.aovl Sent: Friday, May 06, 20115:30 PM To: Jeff Weinstein Subject: RE: draft of memo Jeff, here is the memo as it exists today. I am still waiting on our Property Manager to give me a time when his electrician and plumber are available for the electrical and water feature inspection. From: Jeff Weinstein Lmailto:iweinstein @1111 Lincoln Road. coml Sent: Friday, May 06,20114:36 PM - - "To: Castro, Hector - - -- - - - Cc: Beckmann, Fred; Robert Wennett Subject: draft .of _ 1 Hector: Please send me the draft. I think it is important we push this forward and get onto the next agenda. Thanks, jeff j eff weinstein director of development uia management, llc _._._..._._....... 1111 Lincoln road, suite 760, miami beach, fl 33139 t. +1.305.538.9320 f. +1.305.531.4409 c. +1.305.978.8370 iweinstein@ 1111 I lincolnroad.com ww. w.1111 lincolnro ad. c om I 2 k i I f LINCOLNROAD MALL SERVICE /ACTIONPLAN ? FOR UL4 MANAGEMENT i Service /Action Plan Mission Statement; " For Superior to provide the utmost level of attention, detail and service to achieve synergy between UTA and its tenants to create a symblotic environment in the mall.." I Superior will assign a Rill time Account Manager whose only duty will be to attend to UTA's needs and be a permanent point of contact for all matters. The Account Manager will be responsible for but not limited to the following; • Daily narrated reports with pictorial documentation. • Weekly log of all activities, ! • Coordination of all work. • Monthly walk.thrus. + Quality control. Enforcement of Superior rules and regulations. • 24/7 Emergency contact. Superior ,i W also assign specific crews and personnel skilled in each of the trades and tasks below available via scheduled visits and same day requests; • Landscape maintenance • Landscape installation • Irrigation maintenance • Irrigation installation • Arbor service • Horticulttuist/Arboilst • Fertilizer cycles • Integrated Pest Management services for all foliage and landscape items • Litter control and abatement • Pressure cleaning • Janitorial service • Hurricane response and storm clean up • Aquatic features and fountain service with an emphasize in water clarity • Professional evaluation services • Hardscape. maintenance and installation .Superior also owns and operates all the equipment and. vehicles necessary to fitlfill all of the above activities. Thank you 2200 NW 23r Avenue Miomf Florida 33142 D ECONOMIC AND EFFICIENCYIMPACT OBSERVATION i Increased efficiency and professional and timely evaluations of distressed zeal property are just two of the benefits of consolidating all the services required to service and maintain the mall. i By having .an assigned account manager and staff, efficiency and economic savings will j be realized and maximized by; + Precise scheduling and maintaining of schedules + Increased supervision and ionitoring • Services performed in correct sequence and location avoiding unnecessary work or damaging work previously performed, which' eliminates double payments and back charges + Utility conservation by monitoring items such as; lighting timers, irrigation and water usage, unauthorized or excessive or unsafe electrical usage. • Constant reporting and monitoring eliminates the cause and sources of unknown . j damage or alterations to existing areas • The timely professional evaluation of distressed real property saves money by reducing expensive and substantial repairs by pinpointing needs and problem areas early. -• Managed janitorial services will eliminate the cost of wasted products and I chemicals, • Eliminates all costs associated with the operation of equipment and vehicles. • Hurricane preparedness, response and clean up are prescheduled and at preapproved rates which eliminates unavailability and excessive rates. • Jobs are done correctly the first time K Thank you I i' i i I I — -- 2200 NW 23 Avenue Miami, Florida 33142 -- - Beckmann, Fred From: Robert Wennett [rwennett @1111 Lincoln Road.com] Sent: I Friday, May 06, 2011 6:59 PM To: Jeff Weinstein; Castro, Hector; Beckmann, Fred Subject: RE: draft of memo Manager allocated $20,000,000 for improvement to Lincoln Road and $10,000,000 to improve side streets adjacent to Lincoln Road for widening of sidewalks and landscape improvement. The memo only addressed the $20,000,000 i robert wennett president uia management, Ile 1111 lincoln road, suite 760, miami beach, f133139 `.. t +1.305.535.9320 x102 f +1.305.531.4409 c + rwennett(@11111incolnroad.com S ` www..l l l l lincoinroad.com From: Jeff Weinstein Sent: Friday, May 06, 20115:34 PM To: Robert Wennett Subject: Fw: draft of memo Jeff Weinstein Director of Development UTA Management, LLC 1111 Lincoln Rd Ste 760 Miami Beach, FL 33139 t +1.305.538.9320 f +1.305.531.4409 c +1.305.978.8370 jweinsteinCrD1111 lincolnroad.com www.1111 lincolnroad.com From: Castro, Hector < HectorCastro Cabmiamibeachfl.gov To: Jeff Weinstein Sent: Fri May 06.14:29:44 2011 .Subject: RE: draft of memo Jeff, here is the memo as it exists today. I am still waiting on our Property Manager to give me a time when his electrician and plumber are available for the electrical and water feature inspection. From: Jeff Weinstein jmailto:j_weinstein 1111LincolnRoad.coml Sent: Friday, May 06, 20114:36 PM I To: Castro, Hector {, Cc: Beckmann, Fred; Robert Wennett Subject: draft of memo I Hector: i GROUP 2 ATTACHMENTS Budget for Maintenance Services Lincoln Road Mall from Collins Ave. to Lenox Ave. (includingSoundscape Park) Sdnl tall" on %L'& rids' cdne %Woter:F.edture:Seivices /Palma "nd�mi3c ,;Re�is'edy Original D e Sup re iorigr-, dsc Pn a dlLawnYServ � j ii iA 5 ;Q0010-0 $1,825,000.0 0 0 Elecfrlcall�Services s id1 I V W gseq i ed �? �500000 00 $100,000.00 0 ( ItS , Xdf51I)ittmeproperfymanageii) $ $1100,000!00 $100,000.00 ° T�Tidki� 5�'°Y{i �`.�t'.kicl�]"i r 7GIIsce'Go me oBs$ (Sei vlce'sE ul rit a' Storag aQ�'Aa'terials and�Goods) t p $15,000.00 W tT',r Lrn /,Com _uter aM$15y -00 $15,000.00 0 I,h ento; /yYNar�eFipuse transfer ;5?0Q0iD0 5,000.00 �S 3Tratntng /�U,riiforns /Com "uter {$1_5!00p�D0 $50,000.00 Ve_ BYclefo r plling /,Manageme 171500!00 $7,500.00 �$0 TOTA'LYSERV112E 3 1 $ *20167 „SOOr $2,117,500.0 I OJ OOTi _G.. '., a ;f, S0Vrvvi91SnIi - Rd tOverhead a4 y ? g a ,jf;y 302�625T00 317 625.00 $ 45�dGT TOTALWOST>£,, Gk . , ” �trQ MEE F ' $3 320;125 $2,435,125.00 00 240`132.94 1 $280.039.38 �g 0 rO[A „Y incljConfmgency������ ,,,,�,���';�'$2, 6 ;257 $2,715,164.38 0 $450,000.00 6 Doc ,x,$2.885 25 VA90 $3,165,164.38 9 06 Advantages: 1) Full time 24 -7 Security Minimum 2 personell (will he missing thrid security guard.as well as reduced security hours) 2) NO $50,000 of marketing dollars (website, apps etc) 3)Scaled down services for pressure cleaning and painting 4)Fewer landscape additions as well as repairs throughout the mall that would come from contingency 4) Contingency lowered overall less coverage for small issues and regular replacement and painting due to damage graffiti etc O MM lb\166, Budget for Maintenance Services Lincoln Road Mall from Collins Ave. to Lenox Ave. (Including Soundscape Park) e q _awewwj. - s r.+e<wu .r vM b CrF � RUN 5anitatron /Landscaoe /.WaterlFeature�Se ry Ices /Pa/nt,and�misc .�,� ,rk PC ti [7- i uperiof LandapinW sr��, 'Chief Engineer /.Pcoperty'Manager• U�days a.week) ,' � '' k (s1 5X full time pro.perfy manager) ya :100,000100 Mfsc Goods; ServIces ,'Lggu I Stowage (Materials and Goods) x $:15,0,00 00 �rainmg�Uni'formomputer a f o �$����00 nventory /Warehouse transfer,' Y q s$ , $500000 Marke Setup ` �•` �y,� ° "�� ., r 50 00©.00 �Uehicle for Patrollin ° Mana ement�` L � r g/ g 700:00 TOTALtFSERUICES ��,•,gr;Ea''�t'��i ""'�°:� '^ " ."��; °� � •�'� " $ <2,1r].t7 „500',00 SuPervisionland Overhead & s 3 *17 625 0.0 T by k t,” $2,435,1}25:00 Continaeneu � r q s � .�� �� A ,�. OTAL �nc1 Contingency �'_ t $2,715,164 38 � y Security 'TiOT�IL tir? t,$3�;165;164��38 Advantages: 1) Full time 24 -7 Security Minimum 3 personell 2) $50,000 of marketing dollars (v✓ebsite, apps etc) 3) Full Improvement on services as provided by City 4) Aprox $150,000 in replanting and landscape touchup annually A2- F i��NAi '• L��col�1 NON _�INDIN6 "RAf\CU \M[e QroQO5r^..1 z v r0 O y b0 N Y N Y Y f6 � OD 3 N f6 ra c m ° a V1 o c s u o p Q li L0 C N N @ _0 C J Y NN U bD v =5 C p O LL 0 ai v ±+ U L •+- .�.+ y U •3 o v v : ti n UD O n_ ON C Ol v r CL 3 v I �-, -0 O ro bo C LL 2 N Y L O U Y Q y v v v >. m ,% c O to E tl N D y C CO n - N C E N Q O c p b 0 0 v O O -0 :E N E m 'a U O �I cC O N ci OJ LL C LL N N G 11 LL 1 'N 41 w 0 N E o O v O N O CJ E O U m ro } C co } N u O O i y O rn V1 LL D. '� C LL C N 'r'� G. U .Y n. 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(J' to C7 Vl !n a. fn ul Z O 7 `-+ �Q.nc n� L(Z and- 5o�snd�cc+e{ rra���e,�a.u�e a r.d, SQMLk j bv &--:S e- 4 5erv-tce5 O c E trl ui U c > @ +@+ v= @ N m Y j a y C U c a m W in c m N m O O O C O E 3 .«. n u ;E m > a a .r _ E y a) Q s > a v u v o E ° 3 @ ^ E " -@p o IQ 11 w m m i m a v 3° c c n Yn v v 3 m o m v o o y c o o a O m 0 w b u �' > o f v Y oco c c�o c E c Q ,°� aa) E: m ° ' m m v ? m °m a c o s w O >, w ^ > a � Y O 3 u N- Y lD m c i LLO lD m �. 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J V1 In V7 In O Y O n O Y Y ♦� L ` a OC O O O O a + + F- 0 cn VO) p O Z V Y @ J @ N m r i ... Y C C > _ @ p '@ '. cn 4i 2 C E o a @ d O � C — LL a `n ° 3 �' o 0 E a u L a u a E c v ° c a a a @ C O aj a m c u c m - u @ +� c Y y @ a c Q @ v a u O E @ c c o ,� @ cn E v c c > '@ '@ K CC a C i' CJ +' U J a C ) ) cu >, O U @ c u c u o u c u U o v c m " Z m D- -' c 1 ° cL @ a c YO N O N +_ N iF > C O. �1 C @ a c in c @ C W a 0 c .O . c o v c v u c � @ Z l p u c O d '@ a a u JA Pg @ @ a n a r cn a C7 cn C7 )n @ )n 2 2 Q. I )n U Q GAD ram 0-. LR Ctnr9 SOuRisaa mftumr m4P ayA Imu LEI kdV4 —;co t,(- secJtce !f t i2Pnn C2) A� S O O v v a v t f9 d _O N m t0 Ul O u f0 C O b IC N O1 T v d O N N U % C p C d N W N t1 � 'U • N ah D m Y V C QI v� � V1 N •� _ O C 6i C1 � N L •n -p Y Y y 1 � � d d y E o o v m m c N m i ° v o u u 73 6 n � w m m m c c • N O l w O p N p 1, l!1 V1 lA O O 6 V V v V t0 F- K C v v1 N x°09°°° SSS Soo p tpp m p ppp (V W O O O tl1 N tlf ti m � m m V m N N pp ti N m n M ti N b l n lO l V�1 m m m m m ry ni m ao m m v N 0 0 0 0 0 OI Lo ti y m ' 7 Cl � s A ` C oo N 00 u1 n N lG m oo m w m v m N m � I c C O y O' E E v z c 3 3 3 3 v t v c 06 u u m Z w m c •� a v c ar v G T o U' is I D N V V C O .E „�, v n` 10 c d` 'c > E Lincoln Road RDA Lincoln Road Crew 111 162 160 164 165 Position Number Total Position Cost 1 4045 -005 Kaylee Alayon Operation Supen $ 63,159.96 $ 54,403.00 $ 7,881.06 $ 875.90 2 4105 -os9 Harry Phillips MSW III $ 4 465.98 $ 36,974.00 $ 3,973.02 $ 518.06 3 4105 -049 Vacant MSW III $ 4 ,512.82 $ 33,918.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,102.86 $ 491.76 4 4105-068 Sandy Martinez MSW III 3' ,567.8 $ 36,974.00 $ 57.54 $ 536.06 5 4106 -088 Charles Green MSW II $ 37 72.86 $ 32,944.00 $ 3,969.24 $ 459.62 currently In midbeach 9969 (not RDA) 6 4106 -126 Nevada Miller MSW II $ 33,9 3 7 $ 29,538.00 $ 3,965.26 $ 410.19 7 4106 -092 Vacant MSW II $ 35 921.42 $ 28,724.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 1,780.84 $ 416.58 8 4106 -089 Vacant MSW II $ 35,921.42 $ 28,724.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 1,780.84 $ 416.56 9 410s -o51 Enrique Viches MSW 11 $ 42 904.03 $ 34,636.00 $ 7,863.68 $ 404.37 10 41o7 -o90 Rozalanne Cadet MSW 1 28 9 6.52 $ 28,459.00 $ 53.76 $ 403.76 11 4107 -oa3 Edward Johnson MSW 1 $ 42,904 03 $ 28,480.00 $ 48.84 $ 412.94 currently In 430 (not RDA) 12 4107 -084 Vacant MSW 1 $ 28 915.52 $ 26,438.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 1,639.26 $ 383.32 13 4107.049 Walkl Ambroise MSW 1 2,516 5 $ 27,901.00 $ 4,232.64 $ 382.87 14 Temp Laborer Tamp 28,806 00 $ - $ - $ - $ - 15 Temp Laborer Temp 28 808 00 $ - $ - $ - $ - 16 Temp Laborer Temp $ 28 808.00 $ $ - $ $ Labor $ 569 416 O6 Equipment/Maintena nce $ 100,700.00 Not In Sanitation RDA budget (currently being charged back from Sanitation to RDA per number from Fleet) Operating Expenses $ 105,890.00 Uniforms 13 (81$350 /person $ 4,550.00 Nextel Radio (6@ $384.00) S 2,304.00 Special Event Coverage $ 65,000.00 This is budgeted In a citywide accountas a reimbursement $ 278,444.00 Lincoln Road Pressure Cleaning Crew 111 162 160 164 165 17 41o6-o14 Luis Francisco MSW II $ 47,463.86 $ 46,720.00 $ 66.42 $ 877.44 18 4106 -091 Robert Randle MSW II $ 44,019.89 $ 35,762.00 $ 7,809.46 $ 448.43 19 4107 -oas Alberto Hernandez MSW 1 $ 30,334.33 $ 29,851.00 $ 50.44 $ 432.89 20 4107 -081 Ulysses King MSW 1 $ 32,796.58 $ 28,438.00 $ 3,964.32 $ 394.26 Labor $ 154,814.68 Equipment/Mainte.na nce $ - Operaling Expenses $ 10,000.00 Uniforms 4 Q $350 1person $ 1,400.00 Nextel Radio (1 @ $384.00) $ 384.00 $ 11,784.00 Total Costs $ 1,034,258.72 . U 4-S N LL O Y N m .n C d C N m G C E N Q/ O Z LO O m LO O O ti r. 66 6 63 64 O W ti to O O EPr V! cc O O LO O co LS N er 00 > Oc r Q M N C N O C V) ff} J U I M OO O M O7 O M M ti N > m LO In N EPr 69 b) 69k 69. V! 6 C L N N — — a a c o C , ) ro 0 0 E2 T U H H F0- v aM J c 6e C O O N O W � O V O �°. U . a CD f0 ° C L E U - c a a n 0 .a `0 c X> F- w m �Z)Z H C .n Z w r, c .i oa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a v v N r m N '0 O N1 n c r m ~ O V m fn C O O V V m m N 9 v r N to C . R m M M M Y V N u o U C Q a m M M h u to U C M N N M C l U 10 �1 7 N Q r (! Lo N # l O. O O 7 C r y N M d N Q 0 U 3 Ili H # N C N N m m m U A N N m m M U y N Q = N C o 0 er m m M N, N N Q+ U C d N N Q O n C U � 3 Q O Q # d 0 0 0 0 0 u M 0 a N h m N O # A N N N Q � o x m v o o u lh O O to m Q � Y M N N # m a y , # u Q N i C7 M O O n y N m m m m m m N N n N V 9 ( M Q LL m W 0 Q N Z Q M � C W N R C N J 0 W a _r o_ c 0 W Y li N a ° w U d W Cf a W a z N O) a z U J _ c a x cc U Y J 0 W d 0. w j a F- CL 0 m o M ❑ m n A d m 0 2 m no O Y o E N c7 a N O v Y v U d N 'Q tD Sco a Foreman Labor Pressure Cleaning 1440 4320 Landscape Maintenance 1440 4608 Irrigation 1536 1536 Arbor 544 1088 Painting /Water Features 2080 4160 Landscape 160 480 Janitorial (Group 1) 4160 12480 Janitorial (Group 2) 2080 10400 Janitorial (Group 3) 2080 10400 Acct Manager (Full Time 24X7 Contact Response) 8736 Fertilizer Spray 480 480 Electrical (assume 50 -50 split hours to material) 1250 TOTAL MAN HOURS 24736 51202 ** *Labor ONLY (not materials, equipment etc which is included in pricing) �r�te �tUrno'. S�sQ2r qn@ ��¢Cfic( M,G,r, aftrvw.l 5 G6r ,.(uvice5 Lincoln Road Mall Contract Amendment UTA Management, LLC Synopsis of March 3, 2011 Discussion Attendees: Fred H. Beckmann, CMB Public Works Dept. Robert S. Wennett, UTA Management, LLC Jeff Weinstein, UTA Management, LLC Hector D. Castro, CMB Public Works Dept. ➢ Document submittals to be provided to UTA Managerrtlei='If it -C by City: Item Description Provider Recipient Due date Limits of Contract Map or Graphic H Castro� `W MB) Jeinstein (UTA) 03/08/2011 Ocean Dr. to Bay Rd. Plans & Streetscape hardware f " v, H Castro (CMB) J. Weinst in,(UTA) ASAP Specifications & Mall Features N� it Irrigation System H. Castrox(CMB) JQ J. Weinstein UTA), ASAP It Parks & Rec. Features R. Gracie (IyIB)`' J. Weinstein (UTA): ASAP :Jointly Developed , Punch List Existing Deficiencies'� wjfh &CMB J' Weinstein (UTA) ASAP Operation & Maintenance for CMB (various Manuals existin .De artments �W (UTA) TBD equipment /hard:ware.,_ Planned futurek ✓' TBD (tied to CIP Program hardscapev - i CMB`(.CIP.Dept.) J. Weinstein (UTA) budget improvements'���,, process) Warranty Existing systms;CMB,(Property Inform ton water featur " Management & J. Weinstein (UTA) ASAP lighting systems:, Parks) Standard ; r, Operating',` Inspections J. Weinstein (UTA) ASAP Procedures Permits (ROW & Building) J. Weinstein (UTA) ASAP ➢ Code Compliance:` will setup meeting between UTA and Code Compliance to discuss the interaction between UTA's Mall Property Manager(s) and CMB Code Compliance activities in order to streamline the process of responding to tenant code violations that cannot be addressed within the purview of UTA under their contractual agreement with CMB. ➢ Security enhancements To be bid by UTA. CMB to provide UTA with a copy of the existing Invitation to Bid for security guard services (RFP # 28 -09/10 attached). ➢ Landscaping plan and requirements CMB Parks & Recreation to provide UTA with existing standards for landscape materials and replacement schedules. (this was previously provided to Robert, but I have attached it again with the transmittal email). Lincoln Road Mall Maintenance Agreement Meeting minutes (not verbatim) March 3, 2011 Page 2 of 2 ➢ Dumpsters in alleys Memorandum to Commission shall address how the Agreement Extension will address code compliance issues with respect to Dumpster maintenance, grease and environmental issues within the alleys backing to the Mall shops /restaurants (both north and south alleyways). ➢ Contingencies: Provisions for contingencies and how contingency funds will be dispersed /accounted for to be addressed in the Agreement Extension. ➢ Profit and Overhead: Define in Agreement extension (10% overhead; 5% profit). ➢ Monthly Coordination Meetings: To be scheduled and heldb�etween CMB PWD (H. Castro) and UTA (J. Weinstein). f ` ➢ ,Quarterly Quality Control Meetings: Likewise scheduled'be'tween CMB PWD (H. Castro) and UTA (J. Weinstein). ➢ Force Maieure: Agreement language to clar:fyxp ocedures address ng issues stemming from incidents beyond the control of the Contract' the City (not included as part of standard contingencies). ➢ Notice to Unions 30 day notice required by Collective B Xga'ining Agreement be handled by X CMB. x ➢ ADD Shell Ad Funds: CMB to clarify f mss: u ding available UUM this source or revenue. ➢ Special Events: City sponsored evtsith lease -hold a ea and SoundScape Park. Also address New World Symphony events (separa e,from Cityeyents h, ➢ Living Wage Requirement Does not apply to UTA Contract Extension. CMB to confirm this with f . 4 k CAO. .; K & 9 1� Memorandum to the Commission , willg i l?e drafted an presented for consideration at the April 13, 2011 regular scheduled meeting. R� Outsourcing Lincoln Road / Maintenance & Security y G) Sanitation - Lincoln Road Litter Control 1 Operations Supervisor 26,880.00 3 MSW III 98,291.00 3 MSW II 87,062.00 7 MSW 1 202,663.00 2 MSW II Temp Employees 87,897.00 Temp Labor 107,520.00 Uniforms 7,873.00 Medicare 7,285.00 Pension 121,790.00 Health & Life 110,922.00 Radios 2,310.00 Equipment Maintenance 33,747.00 Other Operating Expenditures 23,701.00 917,941.00 Lincoln Road - Pressure Cleaning Crew 2 MSW II 71,728.00 1 MSW 1 27,074.00 Uniforms 700.00 Medicare 1,433.00 Pension 23,950.00 Health & Life 12,927.00 Radios 385.00 Equipment Maintenance 10,579.00 Other Operating Expenditures 2,554.00 151,330.00 Special Events 48,253.00 1,117,524.00 Washington Ave to Collins Ave & Alton Road to West Ave Litter Control (2 MSWII's & Tempi 109,683.00 Pressure Cleaning 8,520.00 118,203.00 Property Mgmt - Lincoln Road FY12 Proposed Budget 917,858.00 Minus Electrician, MSW II, Painter (219,559.00) 698,299.00 1100 Block of Lincoln Road Contract Maintenenance 158,102.00 Greenspace Maintenance 3 MSW II 106,769.44 1 MSW I 27,932.32 1 Tree Trimmer 30,670.12 Professional Services 68,875.00 Repairs & Maintenance 8,500.00 Other Operating Expenditures 20,000.00 Fringe Benefits 38,929.31 301,676.19 Lincoln Road Security 200,112.00 Subtotal 2,593,916.19 Outsourcing Soundscape Park /Maintenance & Security Property Management Unbudgeted Estimate 79,218.00 Sanitation Unbudgeted Estimate 40,292.00 Greenspace Maintenance Contract Maintenance 151,702.00 Security Contract Security 100,331.00 Subtotal 371,543.00 Grand Total $ 2,965,459.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 O d O tD O tD O t/} t!1 r-I of (n O t/} o in O O t/)• V). O w w 00 0q. m lD 01 O M O r �t O N N N 0) M W w m r-I 'ct N 0) ri �' O N Ln Ol M Ol n tD m ct N Ln M 'V1. ri ri ih r-I M c-1 tn• 4.4 in t4 aJ o a u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O N O N Ln 00 O N O N Ln N Ln N O O cV N ri N N ri N —f N H N r-I N r-I N r-I 00 N c't t/} tn- t/? tl} t/} V} t/} t/} '(/} t!} i/} t/} i/1 t/} t1? tn• � N t� J t� m �>f na, ). I H# ,xrrr +� l rS + 7.L'r + a " / i vrN'u,�t q',r , c5• Ln Fp" N" 07 ir i Z'v El Nii MW w im y s V C Ly gCl N ®R Q ) N o a� O° pp �y u 0 C7 O 1 y a1y. O� 09. O O a No , � �B LL G 0 P , vm.. ems• �.... + , � �t..J� ,_ 0 . N ro�.E M J,�.3 s.PA a�i.:N$ �.i ° �. U U Ln N N N N (V N N N N Ln N N N N N N U 2 C = M M Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln m Ln M Ln r•L H Ln Ln Ln Q LL z 5 J xa C g t -J Q c6 O c roN, i�.4� YSS37.: x4 3$ .v�,:. e, 4.x ti �. •, F�i Q � Q L h Vf 0 VI to 0 N (A N y V1 VJ cc L L L L L L L L L L L L O O O O O O O O O O O O O 2: T 2 z S S Z 2 C .0 L t t t U V V U U = = i V µ C C C C C C C (0 c6 o m m m C C C C l4 C O O O O O O O LLJ LLJ LLJ W W O O O O LLI Z O (A (A Vl to 0 VI to V) Vy N N N L L L L L L L L L L L L N w N w N w w 0J 0) N 0J O Ca a 0- 0- a a 0- N _ Z O v v ti aJ Ln c Ln ` c > c o c ao a c - c c C C C_ L u N � o 2 V — d C t v 0A C 4J u U oCn u LL .23 a O _ m 0. C O V t N U Z O H a_+ a-+ O V LO N + N a E L 2 0A cu 73 @ d. .J d. W Q I"' LL 2 n n n n n n a n n n n n n n 2 $ \ R E \ \ / L 7 $ e � � m g _ . > \ \ £ . 2 . \ \ \ / � / ƒ C ° '\ E/ © \ CL / > . = E _ / « i 5 = ° 2 E E / \ \ .2 Cl) » § d " Q 2 a Ln =.? CL 2 ' . \ U \k ' t \@ 5 7 E \ Ln \� \ §' \ \ k u = e j = .� , 7 r - m n\ E cu, y y £ o §� / e / 3 - > t a '\ \ n c 2 q Ln / s e / u- M= C E ) 2 o / / / 0 w § / / / 4 / 7 7 2 2° / 2 . w _» / \ U a / \ k \\ / \ / \ U 0 / ( A e E\ u\ e a CL u ®a = r ) 7 £ § \ o % � 2 § \ o f E S o E c s G o o = E 3 2 =\ i 0 9\ 2 2§ CU g= . / \ \ / &-- / 3 » $ 2 0 5 u -u - e ƒ ƒ / £ £ \ 3 7 s ± 3 \ . G G m a w e R w e § / w CT) \ § } o \ \ \ % \ .. \ Qj \ \ 0 \ Lincoln Road Scope of Services Fountain Maintenance and Repair: Fountain cleaning is done during a 5 day work cycle commencing with the 400 block fountain on Monday, Tuesday the next block, then Wednesday the next, etc, etc. The cycle is then repeated. Cleaning consists of maintaining proper water quality and clarity thru proper filtering and chemical balance similar to that of a swimming pool. Equipment repair is addressed immediately to ensure resuming fountain operation within 2 or 3 days of breakdown. Painting Maintenance: Painting Maintenance is ongoing on a daily basis and each block is inspected daily to update the painting maintenance schedule if needed and immediately eradicate any graffiti which may have been generated overnight. Once the inspection is completed then those areas scheduled for painting are serviced. Then cycle is then repeated. Electrical Maintenance and Repair: Electrical Maintenance is ongoing on a daily basis and each block is first inspected for safety hazards, vandalism and normal failure of lighting equipment. Safety hazards are handled immediately and the rest of the maintenance and repair.is resolved within one or two days. The objective being to try and maintain 100% lighting equipment operational 100% of the time for each and every block of the mall. General Maintenance and Repairs: Carpenters and Masons repair the various structures on Lincoln Road to include all the fountains, bicycle racks, planters and the sidewalk surfaces as deficiencies and safety hazards are discovered during the daily inspections conducted through the entire mall. O (D M N m N O V r w 7 N O r LO d (O O r o (O l(] N V M r m M N m N m tD Oi o fD (O IN V c7 (V m m�rnM�n. "taom<o rm in V u1 V V V V O V V� co M Cl) 0. 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