Dr. Ivan Rusilko-Resume (3)Dr. Ivan Rusilko 3001 N Bay Rd.Miami Beach FL, 33140  “The  Best  Cosme,c  Procedure  is  Adding  a  Smile”www.doctorivanrusilko.com  (407)  492-­‐8278 drivanrusilko@gmail.com EDUCATION Lake  Erie  College  of  Osteopathic  Medicine  (LECOM)Degree:  Doctor  of  Osteopathic  Medicine  Gradua,on  Date:  May  2010  Erie,  Pennsylvania Mercyhurst  College 3/4  year  LECOM  Accelerated  Medical  Program Degree:  Bachelor  of  Arts  in  Health  Science  and  Biology  Graduated:  June  2005 Erie,  Pennsylvania Meadville  Area  Senior  High  School Degree:  High  School  Diploma  Graduated:  June  2002 Meadville,  Pennsylvania CERTIFICATIONS Sport  Nutri@onist Cer,fica,on  Authority:  American  Fitness  Training  of  Athletes  (AFTA )  2008  –  Present Weight  Management  An@-­‐Aging/HRT  Modali@es Botox  Administra@on Dermal  Fillers  (Collagen)  Administra@on Sclerotherapy Mesotherapy  Administra@on Advanced  Pain  Management Empire  Medical  Training 2010  –  Present   HONORS  &  AWARDS USA  Representa@ve  at  Mr.  World  2010  Award:  Mister  USA  2010 Boston,  Massachuse]s,  2010  America’s  Most  Desirable  Man Boston,  Massachuse]s,  2010 Mister  Interna@onal  2008  Compe@@on Award:  Mister  USA  2008  Boston,  Massachuse]s,  2008 Americas  “HoVest  Man”Melbourne,  Australia,  2008 AOA  Sports  Nutri@on,  Fitness,  and  Exercise  Media  Expert Honor:  2010  (Consultant  for  AOA  as  a  Na,onal  Expert)  AOA  Insurance  CommiVee  Intern  Representa@ve Honor:  July  2010  (Commi]ee  Member)  Lake  Erie  College  of  Osteopathic  Medicine’s  Dean’s  Award  2010  (Highest  Honor  Allocated  for  the  Class  of  2010)  First  Student  to  Complete  3+4  year  Medical  Program  Mercyhurst  College  into  LECOM 2002   Sumo  Kids  Founda@on Honor:  Honorary  Board  Member  and  Fitness  Director  USA  2009  –  2011  I  am  for  Kids  Founda@on Honor:  Honorary  Board  Member  USA  2010 Mollydooker  Winery  USA  Ambassador Honor:  Elected  March  2010 Adelaide,  Australia  2010 Mr.  Iron  City  Bodybuilding  Compe@@on  Award:  Overall  Novice  Champion Pi]sburgh,  Pennsylvania,  2008 WORK EXPERIENCE (Health Field)Principal: Ocean Drive Spa Miami Beach FL (2011-Present)Responsibilities and Duties: Debuting this upcoming year..Instructor: Empire Medical Training (March 2011-Present) Responsibilities and Duties: Clinical Instructor for anti aging, cosmetic, weight loss, and medical fitness certifications. Director of Marketing Sales for business and personal branding solutions Director: MIAMI Institute Physical Enhancement Miami FL (Jan 2012)Responsibilities and Duties: Providing services in the anti aging, cosmetic, and weight loss fields for one of South Florida’s most prestigious clinics. Owner: CosmeParties Miami Beach FL (Jan 2012)Responsibilities and Duties: Organizing medical experience themed parties in the Miami Area.Guest Professor: Lake Erie College of Medicine (March 2011)Responsibilities and Duties: Providing on site lectures and test questions to medical students.Writer: Reality Magazine (November 2010 – Present)Responsibilities: Writing articles related to weight loss, life success, exercise, and nutrition information.Personal Trainer (2003-Present)Responsibilities and Duties: Managing Clients on Personal Health, Fitness, Exercise Nutrition, and Anti Aging techniques. Nutrition Consultant (2003-Present)Responsibilities and Duties: Managing Clients on Personal Health, Fitness, Exercise Nutrition, and Anti Aging techniques. WORK EXPERIENCE (Non-Health)Online  Facilitator  for  George  Washington  University  (May  2011  –  Present)Responsibili9es  and  Du9es:  Facilita,ng  online  classes  for  the  University  in  the  fields  of  Poli,cs  and  Public  Rela,ons.    Miami  Beach  Event  Coordination  (November  2010  –  Present)Responsibili9es:    Create  and  Coordinate  high  end  events  for  clients  including  the  Miami  Heat,  Louis  XIII  and  Mollydooker  in  the  Miami  Beach  area.USA  Representative  to  the  Mr.  World  and  Mister  International  Competitions  (2008  +  2010)Responsibili9es  and  Du9es:  Personal  Appearances,  Guest  Speaking,  and  Media  Interviews.  Professional  Fitness  Model  (2005  –  Present)Responsibili9es  and  Du9es:  Personal  Appearances,  Adver,sing  Media  (print,  website,  commercials),  Hos,ng  Events.Professional  Photography  (2005  -­  Present)Responsibili9es:    Photographing  events,  people,  and  landscapes  for  personal  distribu,on.Professional  Artist  (2005  -­  Present)Responsibili9es:    Comple,ng  personal  projects  for  clients  through  the  use  of  acrylics.  Bartender:  Scotty’s  Martini  Bar  (1998  –  2002)Responsibili9es:    Serving  high  end  mixed  drinks  consis,ng  of  a  unique  blend  of  various  high  end  mar,ni  combina,ons.Farm  Hand:  Simcheck  Dairy  Farm  (1995  –  2000)Responsibili9es:    Comple,ng  daily  tasks  to  help  op,mize  the  func,on  of  a  Western  Pennsylvanian  Dairy  Farm. PROFESSIONAL  AFFILIATIONS Member  –  University  of  Florida  Presidents  Council ,  2009  –  present Member  –  The  George  Washington  University  Heritage  Society ,  TempieVo  Circle  Recogni@on  Level ,  2009  –  present Member  –  Georgetown  University  Legacy  Society ,  2008  –  present Member  –  Ronald  Reagan  Founda@on  -­‐  Vice  Chair  Centennial  Society ,    2011  –  present Member  –  Lake  Erie  College  of  Osteopathic  Medicine  Donors ,  2008  –  present Member  –  The  American  Osteopathic  Associa@on ,  2008  –  Present Member  –  The  Florida  Medical  Associa@on ,  2008-­‐  2010 Member  –  Miami  Young  Republicans ,  2011 VOLUNTEER  &  COMMUNITY  SERVICE Volunteer:  Ronald  McDonald  House  Miami  (2011)Involvement -­‐  Assisted  in  serving  food  for  the  children  and  parents  at  the  UM  Children’s  Hospital.Volunteer:  Habitat  for  Humanity  South  Korea  Chapter  (2010)Involvement -­‐  Assisted  in  Crea,ng  Homes  for  Underprivileged  Families Hometown  Hero  and  Guest  Speaker:  Wellsville  Children’s  TV  Program  (2010)Involvement -­‐  Filmed  a  TV  segment  as  the  “Hometown  Hero”  where  I  discussed  the  importance  of  health  as  well  as  family  unity,  was  the  guest  speaker  at  the  TV  premier  as  a  Physician  and  Former  Mister  USA  Interna,onal  2008,  and  contributed  my  Image  for  the  be]erment  of  the  Mission  of  the  Organiza,on.Ac@ve  Board  Member:  Sumo  Kids  Founda@on  (2010-­‐2011)Involvement -­‐  Par,cipate  in  weekly  conferences  with  fellow  board  members  on  improving  the  founda,ons  image  and  outreach,  contribute  the  health  and  medical  informa,on  to  the  organiza,on,  provide  my  image  as  a  Sumo  Character  to  help  raise  awareness  of  the  founda,ons  goals.Honorary  Board  Member:  I  am  for  Kids  Founda@on  (2010-­‐2011)Involvement -­‐  Par,cipate  in  the  advancement  of  the  founda,ons  overall  all  goal  in  every  way  possible  as  an  honorary  board  member.2009  Interna@onal  Ambassador:  Jigsaw  Founda@on  Royal  Children’s  Hospital  Melbourne  Australia  (2009)  Involvement -­‐  Spent  a  day  visi,ng  with  children  in  their  hospital  rooms,  par,cipated  in  the  live  in-­‐house  TV  circuit  program  as  a  special  guest,  and  filmed  an  adver,sement  to  raise  awareness  of  the  chari,es  overall  mission Guest  Mo@va@onal  Speaker :  Seton  School  Honor’s  Banquet  (2008)  Involvement  -­‐Spoke  about  ,me  management,  career  decisions,  and  successfully  balancing  college  with  life  ac,vi,es  as  well  as  health  and  nutri,on.                    Volunteer:  Special  Olympics ,  Meadville  Pennsylvania  Chapter  (1999-­‐2002)Involvement -­‐  Assisted  with  the  individuals  that  were  par,cipa,ng  and  compe,ng  in  various  events.     Entertainment  Clients/Jobs  of  Men9on -­‐Host  Miss  Sport  Football  2011  (February  2011)-­‐Ducati Wine (Desmo Rosso) Spokes Model (October 2008- Present)-­‐Ducati Model (Daytona Bike Week) Model and Host (October 2008)-­‐Andre Kim Fashion Charity Fashion Model at Mister World 2010 Competition (March 2010)-­‐Mollydooker ʼs “The Boxer” + US Ambassador (March 2010 – Present)-­‐Geir Cologne Spokes Model (January 2009 )-­‐GNC Model International Add Campaign (2008)-­‐American  Gree,ngs  Cards  Model  “Sexy  Doctor”  (2008)-­‐Six Star/Muscle Tech Affiliate/ Team Member (2008-2010)-­‐Face of 1160 Hair (October 2009 – Present)-­‐Royal Children ʼs Hospital Ambassador (March 2009)-­‐Nationwide Insurance Model (2008)-­‐Dicks Sporting Goods Model (2008)-­‐Justus Boys Clothing Model (2007)-­‐Gold ʼs Gym Model (2008)-­‐Biz Bash Host (Tarzan) (2007)-­‐All American Guys Model (2007)-­‐Hotbodz Clothing Model (2008)-­‐Puerto Rico Fashion Week Exclusive Male Fashion Show Model (September 2008)-­‐TV Aqui Magazine Cover Model (2009)-­‐Ripped GENES Calendar Mister March (2009)-­‐Fitness and Physique Magazine Cover Model (2007)-­‐Special Guest Mercedes Fashion Week (NYC/LA/Miami) + Oscar Party -­‐Celebrity Guest Mercedes Driver Melbourne F-1 Challenge (March 2009)-­‐Myers Department Store Exclusive Fashion Model L ʼOreal Fashion Week (March 2009 -­‐Sean Connery ʼs Dressed to Kilt Fashion Show NYC Model  (March 2009)-­‐In the News Magazine Cover Model/Story Twice (2008 and 2010)-­‐Excep,onal  People  Magazine  Cover  Model/Story  (2009)-­‐Face  of  LECOM  Medical  School  (2009  and  2010)-­‐Wellsville  TV  Program  Hometown  Hero/Guest  Speaker  (May  2010)-­‐Daytona  Wine  Fes,val  Live  Host  (2008) PERSONAL  INTERESTS Compe,,ve  bodybuilding  (2005-­‐2009)Former  division  I  club  hokey  player  (2002-­‐2005)Gym  fitness  and  exercise Hun,ng  (Alligator,  Boar,  Buffalo,  Deer,  Fowl…)Fishing  (Shark,  Tarpon,  Bone  Fish,  Trout,  Salmon…)Hiking/Jogging  Extreme  ac,vi,es  (skydiving,  parasailing,  paragliding,  horseback  riding,  zip  lining,  etc)  Photography  (Wildlife,  Scenery,  People)Ar,st  (acrylics)Guitar  (rhythm)Cooking Wine  tas,ng/making World  travel  +  cultures  (Australia,  Taiwan,  Korea,  Mexico…)Web-­‐site  design Digital  edi,ng Wri,ng Reading   Images  &  Videos Dr.  Ivan  Rusilko (407)  492-­‐8278 drivanrusilko@gmail.com www.doctorivanrusilko.com  “When you lead by example you become the face of a crowd not just a face in one”  Thank You for Your Consideration