Dr. Ivan Rusilko-ResumeDr. Ivan Rusilko  “The  Best  Cosme,c  Procedure  is  Adding  a  Smile”www.doctorivanrusilko.com  (407)  492-­‐8278 drivanrusilko@gmail.com EDUCATION Lake  Erie  College  of  Osteopathic  Medicine  (LECOM)Degree:  Doctor  of  Osteopathic  Medicine  Gradua,on  Date:  May  2010  Erie,  Pennsylvania Mercyhurst  College 3/4  year  LECOM  Accelerated  Medical  Program Degree:  Bachelor  of  Arts  in  Health  Science  and  Biology  Graduated:  June  2005 Erie,  Pennsylvania Meadville  Area  Senior  High  School Degree:  High  School  Diploma  Graduated:  June  2002 Meadville,  Pennsylvania CERTIFICATIONS Sport  Nutri@onist Cer,fica,on  Authority:  American  Fitness  Training  of  Athletes  (AFTA )  2008  –  Present Weight  Management  An@-­‐Aging/HRT  Modali@es Botox  Administra@on Dermal  Fillers  (Collagen)  Administra@on Sclerotherapy Mesotherapy  Administra@on Advanced  Pain  Management Empire  Medical  Training 2010  –  Present   HONORS  &  AWARDS USA  Representa@ve  at  Mr.  World  2010  Award:  Mister  USA  2010 Boston,  Massachuse]s,  2010  America’s  Most  Desirable  Man Boston,  Massachuse]s,  2010 Mister  Interna@onal  2008  Compe@@on Award:  Mister  USA  2008  Boston,  Massachuse]s,  2008 Americas  “HoVest  Man”Melbourne,  Australia,  2008 AOA  Sports  Nutri@on,  Fitness,  and  Exercise  Media  Expert Honor:  2010  (Consultant  for  AOA  as  a  Na,onal  Expert)  AOA  Insurance  CommiVee  Intern  Representa@ve Honor:  July  2010  (Commi]ee  Member)  Lake  Erie  College  of  Osteopathic  Medicine’s  Dean’s  Award  2010  (Highest  Honor  Allocated  for  the  Class  of  2010)  First  Student  to  Complete  3+4  year  Medical  Program  Mercyhurst  College  into  LECOM 2002   Sumo  Kids  Founda@on Honor:  Honorary  Board  Member  and  Fitness  Director  USA  2009  –  2011  I  am  for  Kids  Founda@on Honor:  Honorary  Board  Member  USA  2010 Mollydooker  Winery  USA  Ambassador Honor:  Elected  March  2010 Adelaide,  Australia  2010 Mr.  Iron  City  Bodybuilding  Compe@@on  Award:  Overall  Novice  Champion Pi]sburgh,  Pennsylvania,  2008 WORK EXPERIENCE (Health Field)Principal: Ocean Drive Spa (Jan. 2012)Responsibilities and Duties: Debuting this upcoming year..Instructor: Empire Medical Training (March 2011-Present) Responsibilities and Duties: Clinical Instructor for anti aging, cosmetic, weight loss, and medical fitness certifications. Director of Marketing Sales for business and personal branding solutions Owner: CosmeParties (Jan 2012)Responsibilities and Duties: Organizing medical experience themed parties in the Miami Area. Guest Professor: Lake Erie College of Medicine (March 2011)Responsibilities and Duties: Providing on site lectures and test questions to medical students.Writer: Reality Magazine (November 2010 – Present)Responsibilities: Writing articles related to weight loss, life success, exercise, and nutrition information.Personal Trainer (2003-Present)Responsibilities and Duties: Managing Clients on Personal Health, Fitness, Exercise Nutrition, and Anti Aging techniques. Nutrition Consultant (2003-Present)Responsibilities and Duties: Managing Clients on Personal Health, Fitness, Exercise Nutrition, and Anti Aging techniques. WORK EXPERIENCE (Non-Health)Online  Facilitator  for  George  Washington  University  (May  2011  –  Present)Responsibili9es  and  Du9es:  Facilita,ng  online  classes  for  the  University  in  the  fields  of  Poli,cs  and  Public  Rela,ons.    Event  Coordination  (November  2010  –  Present)Responsibili9es:    Create  and  Coordinate  high  end  events  for  clients  including  the  Miami  Heat,  Louis  XIII  and  Mollydooker  in  the  Miami  area.USA  Representative  to  the  Mr.  World  and  Mister  International  Competitions  (2008  +  2010)Responsibili9es  and  Du9es:  Personal  Appearances,  Guest  Speaking,  and  Media  Interviews.  Professional  Fitness  Model  (2005  –  Present)Responsibili9es  and  Du9es:  Personal  Appearances,  Adver,sing  Media  (print,  website,  commercials),  Hos,ng  Events.Professional  Photography  (2005  -­  Present)Responsibili9es:    Photographing  events,  people,  and  landscapes  for  personal  distribu,on.Professional  Artist  (2005  -­  Present)Responsibili9es:    Comple,ng  personal  projects  for  clients  through  the  use  of  acrylics.  Bartender:  Scotty’s  Martini  Bar  (1998  –  2002)Responsibili9es:    Serving  high  end  mixed  drinks  consis,ng  of  a  unique  blend  of  various  high  end  mar,ni  combina,ons.Farm  Hand:  Simcheck  Dairy  Farm  (1995  –  2000)Responsibili9es:    Comple,ng  daily  tasks  to  help  op,mize  the  func,on  of  a  Western  Pennsylvanian  Dairy  Farm. PROFESSIONAL  AFFILIATIONS Member  –  University  of  Florida  Presidents  Council ,  2009  –  present Member  –  The  George  Washington  University  Heritage  Society ,  TempieVo  Circle  Recogni@on  Level ,  2009  –  present Member  –  Georgetown  University  Legacy  Society ,  2008  –  present Member  –  Ronald  Reagan  Founda@on  -­‐  Vice  Chair  Centennial  Society ,    2011  –  present Member  –  Lake  Erie  College  of  Osteopathic  Medicine  Donors ,  2008  –  present Member  –  The  American  Osteopathic  Associa@on ,  2008  –  Present Member  –  The  Florida  Medical  Associa@on ,  2008-­‐  2010 Member  –  Miami  Young  Republicans ,  2011 VOLUNTEER  &  COMMUNITY  SERVIC Volunteer:  Ronald  McDonald  House  (2011)Involvement -­‐  Assisted  in  serving  food  for  the  children  and  parents  at  the  UM  Children’s  Hospital.Volunteer:  Habitat  for  Humanity  South  Korea  Chapter  (2010)Involvement -­‐  Assisted  in  Crea,ng  Homes  for  Underprivileged  Families Hometown  Hero  and  Guest  Speaker:  Wellsville  Children’s  TV  Program  (2010)Involvement -­‐  Filmed  a  TV  segment  as  the  “Hometown  Hero”  where  I  discussed  the  importance  of  health  as  well  as  family  unity,  was  the  guest  speaker  at  the  TV  premier  as  a  Physician  and  Former  Mister  USA  Interna,onal  2008,  and  contributed  my  Image  for  the  be]erment  of  the  Mission  of  the  Organiza,on.Ac@ve  Board  Member:  Sumo  Kids  Founda@on  (2010-­‐2011)Involvement -­‐  Par,cipate  in  weekly  conferences  with  fellow  board  members  on  improving  the  founda,ons  image  and  outreach,  contribute  the  health  and  medical  informa,on  to  the  organiza,on,  provide  my  image  as  a  Sumo  Character  to  help  raise  awareness  of  the  founda,ons  goals.Honorary  Board  Member:  I  am  for  Kids  Founda@on  (2010-­‐2011)Involvement -­‐  Par,cipate  in  the  advancement  of  the  founda,ons  overall  all  goal  in  every  way  possible  as  an  honorary  board  member.2009  Interna@onal  Ambassador:  Jigsaw  Founda@on  Royal  Children’s  Hospital  Melbourne  Australia  (2009)  Involvement -­‐  Spent  a  day  visi,ng  with  children  in  their  hospital  rooms,  par,cipated  in  the  live  in-­‐house  TV  circuit  program  as  a  special  guest,  and  filmed  an  adver,sement  to  raise  awareness  of  the  chari,es  overall  mission Guest  Mo@va@onal  Speaker :  Seton  School  Honor’s  Banquet  (2008)  Involvement  -­‐Spoke  about  ,me  management,  career  decisions,  and  successfully  balancing  college  with  life  ac,vi,es  as  well  as  health  and  nutri,on.                    Volunteer:  Special  Olympics ,  Meadville  Pennsylvania  Chapter  (1999-­‐2002)Involvement -­‐  Assisted  with  the  individuals  that  were  par,cipa,ng  and  compe,ng  in  various  events.     Entertainment  Clients/Jobs  of  Men9on -­‐Host  Miss  Sport  Football  2011  (February  2011)-­‐Ducati Wine (Desmo Rosso) Spokes Model (October 2008- Present)-­‐Ducati Model (Daytona Bike Week) Model and Host (October 2008)-­‐Andre Kim Fashion Charity Fashion Model at Mister World 2010 Competition (March 2010)-­‐Mollydooker ʼs “The Boxer” + US Ambassador (March 2010 – Present)-­‐Geir Cologne Spokes Model (January 2009 )-­‐GNC Model International Add Campaign (2008)-­‐American  Gree,ngs  Cards  Model  “Sexy  Doctor”  (2008)-­‐Six Star/Muscle Tech Affiliate/ Team Member (2008-2010)-­‐Face of 1160 Hair (October 2009 – Present)-­‐Royal Children ʼs Hospital Ambassador (March 2009)-­‐Nationwide Insurance Model (2008)-­‐Dicks Sporting Goods Model (2008)-­‐Justus Boys Clothing Model (2007)-­‐Gold ʼs Gym Model (2008)-­‐Biz Bash Host (Tarzan) (2007)-­‐All American Guys Model (2007)-­‐Hotbodz Clothing Model (2008)-­‐Puerto Rico Fashion Week Exclusive Male Fashion Show Model (September 2008)-­‐TV Aqui Magazine Cover Model (2009)-­‐Ripped GENES Calendar Mister March (2009)-­‐Fitness and Physique Magazine Cover Model (2007)-­‐Special Guest Mercedes Fashion Week (NYC/LA/Miami) + Oscar Party -­‐Celebrity Guest Mercedes Driver Melbourne F-1 Challenge (March 2009)-­‐Myers Department Store Exclusive Fashion Model L ʼOreal Fashion Week (March 2009 -­‐Sean Connery ʼs Dressed to Kilt Fashion Show NYC Model  (March 2009)-­‐In the News Magazine Cover Model/Story Twice (2008 and 2010)-­‐Excep,onal  People  Magazine  Cover  Model/Story  (2009)-­‐Face  of  LECOM  Medical  School  (2009  and  2010)-­‐Wellsville  TV  Program  Hometown  Hero/Guest  Speaker  (May  2010)-­‐Daytona  Wine  Fes,val  Live  Host  (2008) PERSONAL  INTERESTS Compe,,ve  bodybuilding  (2005-­‐2009)Former  division  I  club  hokey  player  (2002-­‐2005)Gym  fitness  and  exercise Hun,ng  (Alligator,  Boar,  Buffalo,  Deer,  Fowl…)Fishing  (Shark,  Tarpon,  Bone  Fish,  Trout,  Salmon…)Hiking/Jogging  Extreme  ac,vi,es  (skydiving,  parasailing,  paragliding,  horseback  riding,  zip  lining,  etc)  Photography  (Wildlife,  Scenery,  People)Ar,st  (acrylics)Guitar  (rhythm)Cooking Wine  tas,ng/making World  travel  +  cultures  (Australia,  Taiwan,  Korea,  Mexico…)Web-­‐site  design Digital  edi,ng Wri,ng Reading   Images  &  Videos Dr.  Ivan  Rusilko (407)  492-­‐8278 drivanrusilko@gmail.com www.doctorivanrusilko.com  “When you lead by example you become the face of a crowd not just a face in one”  Thank You for Your Consideration