Jonathan Macedo-Resume Jonathan T. Macedo j macedo.wagarlaw @gmail.com 600 Euclid Ave., Apt. 11 Miami Beach, FL 33139 (774) 526 -3319 BAR MEMBERSHIP S AND LICENSES Admitted to Florida Bar, September 2010 Admitted to U.S. District Court, Northern District of Florida Admitted to U.S. District Court, Middle District of Florida Admitted to U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida Notary Public, Commission expires Dec ember 27, 2015 EDUCATION University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, FL Juris Doctor, May 2010 Activities : Litigation Skills Program Study Abroad Program s : Tour de Esp a ñ a and Italy and Greece in 10 European Countries , Summer 2008 Relevant Courses : Legal Research Techniques Boston University School of Management, Boston, MA Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, cum laude , May 2007 Dual Concentration in Finance and Business Law LEGAL EXPERIENCE Wagar Law , PA Ja nuary 2011 – Present Associate Attorney Specialize in litigating federal ERISA disability insurance , Florida disability i ncome policies , lif e insurance, long -t erm care insurance , an d health insurance matters . Research , d raft , and facilitate first and second level administrative appeals pursuant to ERISA and Florida law . Resear c h , draft, and respo nd to various state and federal ple adi ng s, filings , and motions . Pr epare and review discovery. Me e t regularly with clients. Assist partners with preparing for mediations and trials . TotalBank , Coral Gables, FL J une 2009 – August 2009 Legal Intern, Legal Department Assisted General Counsel with all legal matters that arose in connection to the bank including forecl osures, account freezes, grand jury investigations, and reviewing legal documents or questions from all departments and 17 branches . Designed and implemented a training program instructing employees on the acce ptance of notarized documents. Administered the development of Amicus file management software for use by the Legal, Closings and Foreclosure departments. Summer Intern, Residential Closings Department Assisted the Vice President in f acilitating mortgage closings. Drafted loan modifications, participation agreements, mortgage packages, and other required documents. Researched and analyzed loan requests to identify risks to the bank. Reviewed and analyzed t itle searches, tax records, contracts, and various other so urces for potential problems. Morgan Albite, P.A., Coral Gables, FL August 2008 – December 2008 Law Clerk Researched, drafted, and responded to pleadings and other court documents for a high volume litigation firm with a focus in insu rance, immigration and criminal defense cases . Assisted in trial preparation by determining the appropriate legal strategy after considering possible arguments and defenses. Corresponded with opposing cou nsel regarding case dismissals. Prepared and reviewed discovery. Provided legal support during hearings and trials. SKILLS , INTEREST , ACTIVITIES Activities : Mem b er of the American Associa tion for Justice since February 2011. Skills : Westlaw Advanced Certified in Case law, Statutory Law, Databases. Microsoft Excel and Word. Interests : B oating, fishing , skiing , traveling .