Ad 691 Notice of Public Hearing - South Florida Salon Group, Inc.LOCAL & STATE
State jobs creation chief quits own job
After six months on
Doug Darling has alwaysdetailed study of the states In his resignation letter, Doug Darling tary Ed Buss and Secretary
the job, the first
been positive and profes-multimillion-dollar busi-of State Kurt Browning.
said only that he was leaving for
director of the states sional, said Sen. Donness incentive program.Darling had originally
Gaetz, R-Niceville, whoThat report, published bytold Scott he would lead
lead agency for jobpersonal reasons.
passed legislation last yearDEOs private-businessDEO through the 2012 law-
creation resigned
creating the agency. I waspartner, Enterprise Florida,making session. He said he
surprised to learn of it.sought to clear up miscon-would be available to help
BY TOLUSE OLORUNNIPA Darlings office facedceptions about the originalyou miss one of thosetion and chief of the statewith the departments tran-
Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau
some criticism in Novem-release.thresholds, by the way theDivision of Accounting andsition until Feb. 29.
TALLAHASSEE Dougber after it released severalGray Swoope, presidentlaws are set, then the [in-Auditing under formerUntil a permanent direc-
Darling, executive directordocuments indicating pri-of Enterprise Florida, hascentive] program stops.Chief Financial Officertor is named, Lorenzo will
of the states main agencyvate businesses had failedspent the last few days re-Sen. Paula Dockery, R-Alex Sink. lead the department as it
for job creation, resignedto create thousands ofsponding to legislatorsLakeland, who has beenScott released a state-
navigates its first legisla-
abruptly from his own job
promised jobs, despite re-who expressed concernscritical of state incentivement Friday thanking Dar-tive term and launches a
this week, six months afterceiving financial incentivesabout the return on invest-programs in the past, saidling for his work.five-year economic devel-
Gov. Rick Scott appointedover the past 15 years. Addi-ment of the states incen-Darling had been trying toI appointed Doug in Ju-opment plan.
him.tionally, some informationtive dollars. He acknowl-bring some accountabilityly to lead the new agency,Gaetz said he hoped the
In a concise letter tohad been omitted from theedged that some of theto the practice.and I thank him for his in-governor would take this
Scott, Darling said Thurs-release, and lawmakers andcompanies failed to createHe was trying to bevaluable efforts in gettingopportunity to appoint a
day he was leaving his postmedia outlets had request-the jobs they had promised,more transparent aboutDEO off the ground, hebusiness professional to
as executive director of theed more details.but said those businesseswhat deals had worked andsaid. He has been a tre-lead the states economic
Department of EconomicDarling, 58, did not re-had returned money to thehad not, she said. Id hatemendous asset duringdevelopment effort.
Opportunity for personalspond to calls seeking think that was the reasonthese first months of theThe ideal candidate,
reasons and that his lastment. Cynthia Lorenzo, di-In business, its hard tohe was let and has been in-Gaetz said, is an individu-
day would be Tuesday.rector of the states Agencypredict where youre goingAretired high-rankingstrumental in promotingal who knows how busi-
The circumstances sur-for Workforce Innovation,to be in six years on a jobmember of the U.S. MarineFlorida as the top place tonesses operate and can talk
rounding Darlings resigna-has been named interim di-projection, on investmentCorps, Darling has spent 15do business.peer-to-peer with business
tion were still unclear Fri-rector of DEO.
projection or on wage pro-years working in severalDarling is the third high-leaders about whats neces-
day, and lawmakers saidAmonth ago, the depart-tection, he told a group ofpositions in state govern-ranking member of Scottssary for the state to do for
they had no reason to antic-ment released its first an-business leaders Thursdayment, including inspectoroffice to resign in the pastbusinesses to keep jobs, ex-
ipate the sudden departure.nual report on economicduring an Enterprise Flori-general for the Departmentyear, following the depar-pand jobs and bring new
My experience withdevelopment, as well as ada board meeting. And ifof Environmental Protec-tures of Corrections Secre-jobs to the state of Florida.
Gingrich daughter runs campaign
GINGRICH, FROM 1B Lubbers says her mother, Newt In 2000, Lubbers began to
work with her father as pres-
Gingrichs first wife, sought a divorce
Bisek, a congressional aideident of Gingrich Commu-
who became his third wife.nications, a marketing and
before she began battling cancer.
Its important for peoplepublic relations firm that
to hear that it is not true,promotes Gingrichs con-
Lubbers says. When yourollton, Ga., as Baptists.wrote a column clarifyingservative ideology.
hear it from his daughters,They moved to Washington,that her parents were alrea-The company produces
who should know, its veryD.C., in 1979, when Gingrichdy in the process of divorc-books authored by Gin-
believable.was elected to the, at her mothers request.grich, his television and ra-
Lubbers usually stays outHouse from Georgia.Battley, now 75, lives outsidedio presentations, as well as
of the public arena. She pre-Lubbers was 15 and sheAtlanta. websites such as theameri-
fers keeping a low profile,worked as a volunteer in hisUnfortunately, we
going fishing when she iscampaign, giving her firstthat over half of marriages inLubbers resigned last
not campaigning or doingnews interview.America end in divorce,year to devote herself full
volunteer work as a nationalI asked him what his ad-Lubbers says. You are nottime to the campaign. She
board member of the Atlan-vice was and he said beforegoing to unlove a parent andalso owns a boutique talent
ta-based Arthritis Founda-he speaks to a large crowd oryou have to have an openmanagement agency in Key
tion. She suffers from rheu-at important events he al-heart to forgive them andBiscayne.
matoid arthritis since sheways takes a moment tounderstand that they areAlong time ago, Lubbers
was 23.pray, Lubbers says. It dem-people too.accepted that she cannot es-
She and Cushman, 45, areonstrates both his faith andLubbers studied religioncape her fathers shadow.
the daughters of Gingrichshis guidance to me as hisat Davidson College inFor their honeymoon in
first marriage with Jackiedaughter.North Carolina. After grad-1988, the Lubbers traveled to
Battley. Gingrich, 68, didntTwo years later, her par-uating, she married Paul andAlaska, close to the North
have other children with hisents divorced. That separa-opened a small coffee toast-Pole. At the hotel, there was
next wives.tion has also been used bying plant in Greensboro,aclock radio that awakened
Gingrich and Battley metGingrichs adversaries, whoN.C., where he obtained histhem in the morning.
when the future congress-remind the public that hePhD in Coaching and Peda-The alarm went off in the
man was studying at Emoryserved divorce documentsgogy. In 1999, Paul was hiredbedroom and its my fathers
University in Battley in 1980 while sheby the United States Tennisvoice on the radio, Lubbers
Lubbers was born when hewas hospitalized successful-Association, which had itsrecalls. Oh my God, I went
was 20 years fighting center in Keyas far away as I could go and
The girls grew up in Car-In response, CushmanBiscayne.there he is.
Expires 1/28-2/4/12
Sundays downtown Miami road closures
(Min. purchase of 5 pieces.
Excludes prior sales.
Not to be combined with
TM any other offer.)
If youre heading into downtown Miami on Sunday, brace yourself
number of roads will be closed to motorized vehicles, primarily
runners take part in the ING Marathon and Half-Marathon.
The races begin at 6:15 a.m. at AmericanAirlines Arena. Runners
that takes them through downtown Miami, Miami Beach, and Coconut
Some of the largest roads to avoid along the route include Bisca
Causeway, Venetian Causeway, Alton Road, Ocean Drive, Washington
Virginia Street, Grand Avenue, Commodore Plaza, Main Highway, So
We also offer:
Brickell Avenue.Replacement Slings & Cushions, Re-Finishing &
Re Strapping, Accessories & Much more!
All streets are expected to reopen by 1p.m.
Biscayne Blvd.NBNE 4th St.NE 12th St.12:00 a.m.7:30 a.m.
Biscayne Blvd. (Sat-Sun)SBNE 4th St.NE 12th St.9:00 p.m.7:30 a.m.
MacArthur Cswy On-Ramp EBAt Biscayne Blvd.5:00 a.m.7:15 a.m.
MacArthur Cswy (1 lane open)EBI-395Alton Rd/5th St..5:00 a.m.8:04 a.m.
Alton Road SB5th St.Biscayne St.5:00 a.m.8:15 a.m.
S. Pointe Dr.EBAlton Rd.Ocean Dr.5:00 a.m.8:15 a.m.
Ocean Drive Both5th St.15th St.4:45 a.m.8:25 a.m.
14th St.WBOcean DriveWashington Ave.5:00 a.m.8:35 a.m.
Washington Ave.NB14th St.Dade Blvd.4:30 a.m.8:45 a.m.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a rst and nal hearing will be he
Dade Blvd.WB23 St./Pine TreeDade Blvd.6:10 a.m.8:45 a.m.
Commission of the City of Miami Beach on WEDNESDAY, February 8, 2012 at
Prairie Ave.NBDade Blvd.23rd St.6:10 a.m.8:50 a.m.
10:40 A.M. or as soon thereafter as possiblein the City Commission Chambers
28th St.WBPrairie Ave.Meridian Ave.6:10 a.m.8:55 a.m.
Third Floor, City Hall, located at 1700 Convention Center Drive,
Meridian Ave.SB23rd St.Dade Blvd.6:10 a.m.8:52 a.m.
Florida 33139 to consider:
Venetian Causeway WBPurdy Ave.Herald Plaza6:20 a.m.9:55 a.m.
Venetian Causeway EBBayshore Dr.Toll Booth6:15 a.m.9:55 a.m.
Approving on First and Final Reading, a Lease Agreement between
NE 15th St.BothBayshore Dr.N Miami Ave.6:25 a.m.9:05 a.m.
Florida Salon Group, Inc., for use of approximately 1,327 square
N. Miami Ave.SBNE 15th St.E. Flagler St.6:30 a.m.10:20 a.m.
property, located at 1701 Meridian Avenue, Unit 1 (AKA 765 17 Street), Miami Beach,
E. Flagler St.BothN. Miami Ave.Biscayne Blvd.6:00 a.m.11:30 a.m.
Florida; said Lease having an initial term of ve (5) years, wi
SE 3rd Ave.SBE. Flagler St.SE 3rd St.6:25 a.m.11:30 a.m.
four (4) years and 364 days at the Citys sole discretion.
SE 2nd St.WBSE 3rd Ave.S Miami Ave.6:25 a.m.11:30 a.m.
S. Miami Ave.SBSE 2nd St.SW 7th St.6:35 a.m.10:30 a.m.
Inquiries may be directed to the Real Estate, Housing & Communit
SW 1st Ave.SBSW 13th St.SW 15th Rd.6:35 a.m.10:45 a.m.
Department (305) 673-7260.
S. Miami Ave.SBSW 15th Rd.SW 32nd Rd.6:35 a.m.11:00 a.m.
Allinterested parties are invited to appear at this meeting or b
Tiger Tail Ave SBS. Shore Dr.SW 27th Ave.6:40 a.m.11:15 a.m.
express their views in writing addressed to the Planning Departm
Day Ave.SB27th Ave.Matilda St.6:45 a.m.11:20 a.m.
Drive, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of the prop
Virginia St.EBOak Ave.Grand Ave.6:50 a.m.11:20 a.m.
the Planning Department.
Grand Ave.SBMaryMcDonald6:30 a.m.11:35 a.m.
Pursuant to Florida Stat. 286.0105, the City hereby advises the
Commodore Plaza BothGrand Ave.Main Hwy.6:50 a.m.11:40 a.m.
to appeal any decision made by the Planning Board with respect t
Main Hwy.NBCharlesMcFarlane7:00 a.m.11:40 a.m.
meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim
McFarlane Rd.EBGrand Ave.S. Bayshore Dr.7:00 a.m.11:45 a.m.
which record must include the testimony and evidence upon which
This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the intr
S. Bayshore NBMcFarlaneHalasee St.7:00 a.m.11:55 a.m.
inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize chall
Brickell Ave.NBSE 7th St.SE 4th St.2:00 a.m.1:00 p.m.
allowed by law.
SE 4 St.EBSE 2nd Ave.Biscayne Blvd.2:00 a.m.12:00 p.m.
Biscayne Blvd. (Sat-Sun)NBSE 4th St.E. Flagler St.9:00 a.m.2:00 p.m.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact t
later than four days prior to the proceeding at (305) 673-7550 f
telephone the Florida Relay Service numbers, (305) 673-7218 or 7 AD #691