Request 654 - Community ServicesNO. 6 Sv RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MARIA RUIZ 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE Office of Community Services MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 (305) 673 - 7491 Ext. 6491 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). ® a. Destruction ❑ b. Microfilming and Destruction ❑ c. Other 4. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records hav fully justified, and that further retention is not required for any litigation pending or imminent. M t;/►� k���2 NVt$Itic 1123jzaiz Signature Name and Title ,� S to Z � 5 LIST OF RECORD SERIES �Q A ✓d iToYC f. g. a. b. C. d. e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Dates In Cubic Action and Date No. No. Feet Completed After Authorization GS1- 275 CLIENT CASE FILES: HUMAN /SOCIAL 5FY 01/02/2003- 08/29/2008 82.50 SL SERVICES SP G 1P � MP ..� I n 6. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. �G z- G' C V� � � CC- c��N� Si ature Date ldian /Records Management Liaison Officer Date / Name and Title Witness JnternationaJ Data Depasltory Wednesday, February 08, 2012 International Data Depository Leslie Rodriguez Phone: 305- 477 -7388 Fax: 305 - 477 -1841 To: I City of Miami Beach Community Service ELVIS NUNEZ 305- 673 -7491 786- 394 -4642 Pages: 9 (including cover page) Subject: Approval for Destruction of Boxes/Files Attached please find a list of boxes that you requested to be destroyed. If this list is correct, please sign for their destruction. As soon as all boxes have been destroyed we will send you the Certificate of Destruction signed for your records. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you lnternaf /anal. Data. De�vvs /tgry� : _ - ti'::r, .,, :: �: -i:. � , ;y ,. ) . ` , ; ..n'.' .r.: "i:�. "r!•• - • , :.r S "::d, +• •.,:.�iFit:.�'. f,..i:tt•':` '1�'` + ..,.o .li:l.n'. i, ly,,, .y.,,.. ,;(; i:r.' ,,.43 'if �� ft• .i.S )R 4 f''�3y { %..;'•+,... •.�a�•'.. .? fj, �L;DATA�D� . bSITOR��''�::_;.� - :c ='> '•t:r•• a.� .r. ._:.:.r >'alt�:: ':��::ar:�; tr`.•;...r.'.•2�.,:�- i`ti,:. ,: =` AL:FOJft.- �DXElt�XF ICS.' PE. 4�°' bEST ; .ti'YI.CT::O•� • � < °��:�:::,:;�' TO: City of Miami Beach Community Service Off ELVIS NUNEZ 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 FROM: International Data Depository Leslie Rodriguez 5195 N. W. 77th Avenue Miami, FL 33166 APPROVAL FOR RECORDS TO BE DISPOSED-OF: TR Box # TR Box # TR Box # 'TR Box # rnnnromr,45 n-nnnnnaFnaa ronno2main C0000203511 00000203612 00000203613 C0000203514 00000203508 00000203517 00000203507 00000203520 C0000865001 C0000865082 00000865063 00000866084 00000203491 C0000203616 00000203500 00000203492 C0000203493 C0000203494 C0000203495 C0000203490 C0000203497 00000203609 C0000203499 C0000866067 C0000203601 00000203602 00000203603 C0000203604 00000203505 00000203506 C0000203498 00000868269 C0006B86005 00000865086 C0000865087 C0000865088 00000868285 00000868266 C00008B5084 C0000888268 C0000885083 C0000868270 C000086B271 00000888272 C0000868273 00000888274 C0000888276 00000868287 C0000866076 00000865088 C0000865069 C0000866070 00000865071 C0000805072 C0000865073 00000865085 00000865076 00000886278 C0000865077 C0000865078 C0000885079 C0000865080' C0000866081 00000865082 C0000886074 Total # of ,-- Please see attached Work Order # 0510414 for additional info, Appro . d By S PrInt Name v,,ko t �� a!a �fz- • Title Date , lnternat /ona/ Data CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION THE ABOVE RECORDS WERE DESTROYED ON: 02 I S. f v t L METHOD OF DESTRUCTION: SHREDDING Tnterna Tonal ata Denository Title 4 Date 510u1q /ntematlana/ Data Depasltary Wednesday, February 08, 2012 International Data Depository Leslie Rodriguez Phone: 305- 477 -7388 Fax: 305 -477 -1841 To: City of Miami Beach Office of Children's ELVIS NUNEZ 305 -673 -7491 786- 394 -4642 Pages: 9 (including cover page) Subject: Approval for Destruction of Boxes/Files Attached please find a list of boxes that you requested to be destroyed. If this list is correct, please sign for their destruction. As soon as all boxes have been destroyed we will send you the Certificate of Destruction signed for your records. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you /nternatlana/ I ata p ository ".t.•'9p•• : - ,Y' �. it r_, pNr,�h ,. s >_'.r. .Zi: +e:a.. •.yrq vt `,'.1 :. r , _y e), .. .., a �.. p;, +,.i,,y. '(t t A i )�'{i,: ��:;�: ' "i' < �.;7: �t:.ff .s ,+ v. ,. •d 3 �i {t_ 2 }- �-><, :��i �,r'Si:• �.�: � .'��Sr �l %: •( .;\j. .F }14Y` .��fe• L5. .i - tP� el..l.,r.. ,�•. .Xt� -�., f ,41r.t.. s > .3_ • •z x. �.i �i �kt.r��.i'f; 4p s .,�i�;�_ ; f,•} fc:.; ':i:' •Yl f;' •.,1 •. ,� 1 3 `t: t'f � < b;'- i'S : <i,:<<. .�3. -�:�� . r�� 0� 1 1� V , y- ',D•A'I{A <DEPO • I'�(�) � "� .. f 2. :- ,��::�.�.i >:<Fct:. �': ii5 �.� ' }�•ry. .,i.: �•. r:.! X :•v:�l ; '�,. , ....•.h r;_ t. l.t.. .�S ::� .aK •.. } "t..l:s :.1:,'S!. `:l• , ..F:::i; �.'S . ✓ . i,l "•�,� - .. 4: t::.' •.t i }. �'. <:.'r�•r :YS' J��.��. T ••) Yri i'F;�li:. .Viii . L.'' ':.)'.: i, �,., /.:...f..''..S - ?.3 +: !i Yl-�. �3. .l•:: i2:: '.:4.. �. r :: te•')i ! { ,�. �. {�'r`�.� :1 TO: City of Miami Beach Office of Children's Affair ELVIS NUNEZ 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd FIr Miami Beach, FL 33139 FROM: International Data Depository Leslie Rodriguez 5195 N. W. 77th Avenue Miami, FL 33166 APPRO'V'AL FOR RECORDS TO BE DISPOSED OF: TR Box # TR Box # TR Box # TR Box # 00000162817 C0000185228 00000170301 00000170300 C0000170299 00000170298 00000170297 00000170296 00000170295 00000170294 00000170293 00000170292 00000162821 00000182620 C0000162803 00000162811 COOCO162804 CO000162806 C0000162806 CO000162807 C0000162808 C0000162819 00000162810 COOOOI62818 00000162812 C0000162813 00000162814 00000162815 C0000162816 C0000826922 00000162809 00001018217 C0000185228 00000699353 C0000917086 COOOOO17087 00000917088 00000899351 C0000917090 CO000899350 C0001018218 C00010i62ie COOOIO16220 COON016221 COCOIO16222 00001016223 COOO MON C0000826920 COOD1016224 COOOD826023 COODO826924 C0000826926 00000826928 C0000899352 00000826928 00000185229 00000826930 C0000826931 00000899346 00000899347 00000899348 00000899349 C0000826927 Total # of 63 —Please see attached 'Work Order # 0510413 for additional info. Approved By (i Ke} Print Name Title Date I /ntematlanal ata posi W vo CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION THE ABOVE RECORDS WERE DESTROYED ON: 02 15 w -- METHOD OF DESTRUCTION: SHREDDING internationa' ata Depository Title Date �I�zFl3 /nteraaMMOI Data Depository Wednesday, February 08, 2012 International Data Depository Leslie Rodriguez Phone: 305- 477 -7388 Fax: 305- 477 -1841 To: City of Miami Beach Log Cabin Training Elvis Nunez 305- 673 -7491 786 -394 -4642 Pages: 3 (including cover page) Subject: Approval for Destruction of Boxes/Files Attached please find a list of boxes that you requested to be destroyed. If this list is correct, please sign for their destruction. As soon as all boxes have been destroyed we will send you the Certificate of Destruction signed for your records. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you I interflrlona /. nD posilory'. N rp�' !: <: •:5; si �: r. -!,sr, ••,Y: S:u '•� +u:•` :n.t :? y'S��; 'a �..:i "!' 'r 5:• s,!.•: ' - ":i ` f ..3�''L..l. • �11 �!`f... •:'�;. . I� y `•. i,s ;`:..�.�.a'1 : � (': :� �.. ii: :: }' ' '�.A �, fle:t�...':. t : r�'� �A. EZ •: {.. s,. +. i�' i ! Lr t�.o- �7 - :` • - -. �..'�: '2 nl. 5 �. ;}k, � ti }:. • �(ca ta. .a!i o ff• +y +( pry C� i 01�TA fi ASP s T C f t•. � :'-- °{ �A�?pR0` VA' L�> T. OR: ��AN '�D•.�CERTIFICAT�':.0�`:��:ES> = �iJ�TI(:)N��:'�� <:� =::s�':; TO: FROM: City of Miami Beach Lag Cabin Training Cente International Data Depository Elvis Nunez Leslie Rodriguez 1700 Convention Center Drive 5195 N. W. 77th Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 Miami, FL 33166 APPROVAL FOR RECORDS TO BE DISPOSED OF: TR Box # TR Box # TR Box # TR Box # 00000167216 00000167205 00000167206 00000167207 00000167208 C0000167200 C0000167210 00000167211 00000167212 C0000167213 00000167204 00000167215 C0000938631 00000167217 C0000i67218 00000167219 C0000167220 C0000185227 C0000938526 C0000938627 C0000938528 C0000938629 00000938530 00000167214 Total : 24 — Please see attached Work Order # 05 " 412 for additional info. Approved y gg hire) Print Name Title Date } /ntarnat/ona/ Data Depos/tory VD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION THE ABOVE RECORDS WERE DESTROYED ON: 6- VS TO CL METHOD OF DESTRUCTION: SHREDDING Internoti6 Data Depository Title Date Ot 2