Jean-Francois LeJeune Resume
MARCH 2012
Jean-Franois Lejeune
Home Phone: (305) 695-0984
Office Phone: (305) 772-6729
Home Address: 20 Island Ave # 302
Miami Beach FL 33139
Current Academic Rank: Full Professor, Tenured
Primary Department: Architecture
Citizenship: United States
EHESS, Paris
Doctoral Candidate (Jean-Louis Cohen, advisor)
Rural Ideal, Modernity, and De-Urbanism in Europe, 1890-1960 2007-
University of Lige, Belgium
Bachelor & Master of Architecture 1973
University of Miami School of Architecture
Professor (Design, Urban Design, History) 2005-present
University of Miami School of Architecture
Associate Professor with Tenure (Design, Urban Design, History) 1995-2005
Universidad Federal do Rio Grande del Sur, Brazil
Visiting Professor (Master of Architecture and Doctorate Program 2006
History-theory seminar ÅThe Modernity of the InformalÆ
Universit di Ferrara, Italy
Visiting Professor (Urban Design Seminar) 2000
Universidad Federal do Rio Grande del Sud, Brazil
Visiting Professor (Master of Architecture, Urban Design Studio 1995
Universidad de Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Visiting Professor (Urban Design Seminar) 1993
University of Miami School of Architecture
Assistant Professor (Design, History, Seminars) 1989-1995
University of Miami School of Architecture
Visiting Assistant Professor 1987-1989
Oregon School of Design, Portland OR
Visiting Assistant Professor 1985-1987
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Visiting Professor, Winter School (Seminar) 1982
Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
Visiting Professor, Winter School (Seminar) 1981
Administrative Experience
University of Miami School of Architecture
Director of the Graduate Program (Master of Architecture / Maste
Post-professional Master of Architecture 2009-
Responsibilities include: supervision of student applications and enrollment,
supervision of financial aid and graduate assistantships, curriculum development
and accreditation, organization of conferences and lecture series
University of Miami School of Architecture
Director Master of Architecture in Suburb & Town Design &
Master of Architecture (Research) 1990-1995
Responsibilities included: special budget management, supervisio
applications and enrollment, supervision of financial aid and graduate
assistantships, curriculum development, organization of conferen
Coordinator of international exchange programs 1989-1994
Coordination with International Exchange Program and participati
institutions, studentsÈs selection and supervision
Julius Posener CICA Bruno Zevi Book Award 2011
Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean, commendation
UIA Tokyo 2011
Affiliated Fellow American Academy in Rome
University of Miami Prize 2007
Julius Posener CICA Julius Posener Exhibition Catalogue Award 2005
Cruelty and Utopia:
Cities and Landscapes of Latin America (Princeton Architectural Press, 2005) 2005
International Union of Architecture Critics
UIA Istanbul
2004 ProvostÈs Award for Scholarly Activity
University of Miami
Florida APA 2002 Awards for Planning Excellence
University of Miami School of Architecture/City of Coral Gables
Member of the charrette as Downtown team leader 2002
American Institute of Architects, Miami Chapter
Unbuilt work Award (Area Entertainment Center)
Designer-partner with Allan Shulman, Architect 1999
The Wolfsonian, Miami Beach
Associate Fellowship 1997
Mellon Foundation Resident Research Fellowship Award
American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia 1994
Board Positions
Historic Preservation Board City of Miami Beach
Academic position 2005-2007
Historic Single-Family Historic Preservation Board City of Miami Beach
Appointed by the Planning Board 2003-2004
Review of applications for demolition/conservation of houses and
determination of historic status
Planning Board City of Miami Beach
Architect-urbanist position (three-year term) 1998-2000
Reappointed second term 2001-2004
Quasi-judicial board reviewing zoning, masterplans, special permits,
conditional uses, all planning ordinances, etc.
Planning Board representative GO Bond Committee City of Miami Be 2001-2004
Planning Board ex-officio member
Board appointed by citizens of Miami Beach to review, control, a
authorize all expenses for General Obligations Bond Program
(100 Million dollars) of public expenses on streets, landscape,
sport and cultural centers, and other projects.
MAAG Miami Arts & Architecture Gallery
Founder 2012-
The Wolfsonian-FIU
Exhibition Advisory Board member 1999-2002
The Bass Museum of Art
Exhibition Advisory Board member 2001-2004
Venetian Causeway Association
Member of Landscape Committee 1993-1995
Miami Beach Development Corporation
Lincoln Road Mall: Consultant to the Theaters Selection Committe 1993
Housing for All Americans Inc.
Community urban design charrette in Yaphank, Long Island
with Prof. Neal Payton (Catholic University) and Prof. Russ Jord
(New York Institute of Technology, Long Island) 1993
Constructa Company, Miami
Consultant for the limited design competition (winner: Michael Graves) 1993
We Will Rebuild/Post Hurricane September 2002
Member of the Innovation Committee Fall 1992
Steering Committee member New South Dade Charrette Fall 1992
City of Miami Beach
South Pointe Zoning Amendments Study (with Prof. Greenan,
Patricios, Ponce de Leon) 1992
Downtown Development Authority of Miami
Masterplan for the Performing Arts Center in Downtown Miami
Public charrettes 1991-92
Miami River Coordinating Committee
Member of Urban Design Subcommittee 1989-90
City of Portland, Oregon
Design consultant and advisor for neighborhood groups 1986-87
City of Brussels, Belgium
Member of Urban Design Review Committee
Design consultant and advisor for neighborhood groups 1980-85
Books and monographs published:
Jean-Franois Lejeune & Michelangelo Sabatino, Editors
Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean
Vernacular Dialogues and Contested Identities
London: Routledge 2010
Jean-Franois Lejeune & Chuck Bohl, Editors
Sitte, Hegemann, and the Metropolis:
Modern Civic Art and International Exchanges
London: Routledge 2009
Jean-Franois Lejeune, Editor
Julius Posener 2005 Architecture Catalogue Award, CICA
Cruelty and Utopia: Cities and Landscapes of Latin America
New York: Princeton Architectural Press 2005
Jean-Franois Lejeune, Editor
Cruaut et utopie: Villes et paysages dÈAmrique latine
Brussels: CIVA 2003
Jean-Franois Lejeune & Allan Shulman
The Making of Miami Beach 1933-1942:
The Architecture of Lawrence Murray Dixon
New York: Rizzoli 2001
Jos Gelabert-Navia, Jean-Franois Lejeune, Allan Shulman
Miami Beach-Ocean Drive
Pamplona: Colegio de Arquitectos del Pas Vasco 2000
Jean-Franois Lejeune, Editor
(Volume 3)
Modern CitiesÄThe New City
New York: Princeton Architectural Press 1996
Jean-Franois Lejeune, Editor
(Volume 2)
The American CityÄThe New City
New York: Princeton Architectural Press 1994
Jean-Franois Lejeune & Maurice Culot
Miami Architecture of the Tropics
New-York: Princeton Architectural Press/Miami: Center for the Fine A 1992
Jean-Franois Lejeune, Editor
(Volume 1)
FoundationsÄThe New City
New York: Princeton Architectural Press 1991
Refereed or Juried Articles:
ÅMetaphors for a New Political Urban Landscape: SchinkelÈs Capriccios
of a New ÅAthens-on-the-SpreeÆ Ã
The Architectural Capriccio: Memory, Fantasy, Invention
Lucien Steil, editor. Ashgate: London (forthcoming) 2012
ÅSchinkelÈs E allÈantica in the New
fe Zu Stdtischen Wohngebade: Living
Bourgeois CityÆ Ã pp. 6-25
The Classicist, issue # 9
ÅThe Ideal and the Real: Urban Codes in the Spanish-American Lettered City Æ Ã pp. 59-82
Urban Coding and Planning
Stephen Marshall, editor. Routledge: London 2011
ÅVises Pan-Americanas para Miami: Interama, 1950-1975Æ Ã pp. 101-111
Arquitectura + Arte + Cidade: Um debate internacional
8 Seminar DOCOMOMO-Brasil, Rio de Janeiro Conference, Fall 2009 2011
ÅThe Intellectual Pleasure of Ambiguity: The Reconstruction of S
in the Years of Autarky (1939-1956)Æ Ã pp. 196-207
The Venice Charter Revisited:
Modernism and Conservation in the Post-War World
London: INTBAU 2009
ÅUrbanism and urbanization in Latin America from 1750Æ Ã pp. 469-470
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
Peter N. Stearns (ed.), Oxford University Press 2008
ÅWater, New Towns, and Interior Colonization: The Experience of -65Æ in:
Proceedings ACSA National Annual Conference Philadelphia
Fresh Air,
Washington DC: ACSA 2007
ÅThe City at the Foot of the Residenz eines Frsten: SchinkelÈs Vision of the Modern
City Set in the Mediterranean LandscapeÆ Ã pp. 93-108
The Time of Schinkel and the Age of Neoclassicism in Palermo and in Berlin
Palermo: Universit degli Studi di Palermo 2007
ÅUniversum Cinema BerlinÆ Ã pp. 1377-79
Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Architecture
New York/London: Fitzroy Dearborn 2003
ÅCelebration, FloridaÆ - pp. 226-7
Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Architecture
New York/London: Fitzroy Dearborn 2003
ÅRationalism and Tradition in the New Towns of the Reconstructioà pp. 215-220
Proceedings of the 2003 ISUF Conference, Volume 1
Planned Cities,
Bari: Politecnico di Bari 2003
ÅRationalism and Tradition in the New Towns of the Reconstructioà pp. 28-32
Proceedings ACSA International Conference Istanbul 2001
Washington DC: ACSA 2002
ÅSchinkel and Lenn in Berlin:
From the Biedermeier Flneur to BeuthÈs Gro§stadt Æ Ã pp. 82-99
Karl Friedrich Schinkel: Aspects of his Works
Susan Peik, Editor. Stuttgart: Axel Menges 2001
ÅGuidonia citt aerofuturista: A Fascist and Rationalist Company TownÅ Ã pp. 73-78
, Proceedings of ACSA International Conference Berlin 1997
Architecture as Politics
Washington DC: ACSA 1998
ÅThe Third Bauhaus and the Third Landscape of the Wrlitz Gartenà pp. 112-116
, Proceedings of ACSA International Conference Berlin 1997
Architecture as Politics
Washington DC: ACSA 1998
ÅThe City as Landscape: Jean Claude Nicolas Forestier and the Gr
Works in Havana, 1925-1930Æ Ã pp. 150-185
, Vol. 21 (Special issue: Cuba) 1996
Journal of the Decorative and Propaganda Arts
ÅCampus as ÇGesamtkunstwerkÈ: VillanuevaÈs University City in Caà pp. 48-53
, Proceedings of ACSA International Conference Annapolis 1993
Architecture on Campus
Washington DC: ACSA 1994
ÅLa ville comme paysage: Influences et projets amricains La HavaneÆ Ã pp. 173-187
Jean-Claude Nicolas Forestier, 1861-1930. Du jardin au paysage urbain
Bndicte Leclerc, Editor. Paris: Editions Picard 1994
Other Essays and Articles:
Å1111 Lincoln Road: Private Infrastructure, Public ArchitectureÆÃ pp. 40-52
Architektur Aktuell
Vienna, September Issue 2010
ÅFuturismo e citt di fondazione: da Littoria a Guidonia, citt à pp. 59-74
Angiolo Mazzoni e lÈarchitettura futurista
Fondazione CE.S.A.R. Roma (Italy), June 2010
ÅA City Without Memory: Suburban Space and Society of Spectacle
1940-1970Æ; ÅMiamiÈs Marine StadiumÆ; ÅThe Doxiadis Plan for Miami Ba
Miami Modern Metropolis
Allan Shulman, Editor. Bass Museum of Art/Balcony Press 2010
ÅNorth-South: Dreams and Realities of a Pan-American CityÆ Ã pp. 6-15
AAA 032, Special Miami 2009
Archivos de arquitectura antillana,
ÅSchinkel, Sitte, and Loos: The Body in the VisibleÆ Ã pp. 69-97
Sitte, Hegemann, and the Metropolis: Modern Civic Art and International Exc
London: Routledge. 2009
ÅLa metafisica del quotidiano: lÈEUR di Antonioni e LÈeclisse dellÈarchitettura Æ Ã pp. 43-55
Laura Delli Colli,
EUR cinema
Palombi, Roma 2008
ÅMachine-made, Drive-in AmericaÆ Ã pp. 40-49
Macchinette: le bubblecars nel design del Novecento
Roma, Palombi Editori 2008
ÅCitt di fondazione in Spagna, 1944-1969Æ in
Jean-Franois Lejeune & Cristiano Rosponi (eds.)
, December 2006 2006
Bollettino del CE.S.A.R.
ÅPlanned Cities in Spain, 1944-1969,Æ pp. 158-167
Citt di pietra à Cities of Stone
Catalogue of the exhibition at the Biennale di Venezia, 2006
Milano: Marsilio 2006
ÅLos arquitectos espaoles y la construccin de la ciudad moderna: Sert, Moneo, Harvard
y AmricaÆ (with Jos Gelabert-Navia) Ã pp. 18-39
Pamplona Metropolis 1930-modernidad & futuro
Pamplona: Colegio Oficial de arquitectos Vasco Navarro 2006
ÅThe Rosenthal Contemporary Art Center in Cincinnati:
Zaha HadidÈs Art-Energy MachineÆ - 52-64
Architektur Aktuell
Vienna, September Issue 2003
ÅThe Living Room or the Modern MarvelousÆ Ã pp. 82-85
Architektur Aktuell
Vienna, April Issue 2002
ÅI have been twenty-three years old too¼Æ à pp. 8-9
Thomas Spain: Drawings of Rome
Carie Penabad, Editor. University of Miami, Coral Gables 2002
ÅThe Doxiadis Plan for Miami: A Global Architect Goes LocalÆ Ã pp. 36-47
) # 3 (Tropical Miami)
AULA (Architecture & Urbanism Latin America
Greg Castillo, Editor. Tulane University, New Orleans 2002
ÅVerso nuove citt per lÈAmerica: le fonti del New UrbanismÆ Ã pp. 54-75
Rinascimento urbano: la citt nel Terzo Millennio
Milano: Teleura 2001
ÅLe New Urbanism ou le temps retrouvÆ Ã pp. 153-168
Dynamic City
Milano/Brussels: Skira 2000
ÅDie Wurzeln des New UrbanismÆ Ã pp. 70-77
12/00 (Berlin) 2000
ÅFrom Littoria to Guidonia: Memory and Modernity in Italian New
of the 1930sÆ Ã pp. 243-270
Reconquering Sacred Space: The Church in the City of the Third Mi
Cristiano Rosponi, Editor. Roma: Editrice Il bosco e la nave 2000
ÅConstruindo a cidade do lazer na Era da Mquina: L. Murray Dixo
Igor Polevitzky e o Moderno Vernacular de Miami BeachÆ Ã pp. 18-27
(1³ Seminario Internacional, Centro de Arquitectura
Art Deco na Amrica Latina
e Urbanismo do Rio de Janeiro, April 14-16, 1996)
Rio de Janeiro: Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro 1997
ÅDreams of CitiesÆ Ã pp. 188-195
174 (Barcelona) 1996
ON Diseo
ÅDemocratic pyramids: The New Deal and the Works of TVAÆ Ã pp. 46-57
#63 (Electricity: Daily life, Metropolis, Territory & Language) 1995
ÅThe Stage and the City: Joseph Urban in Palm BeachÆ Ã pp. 63-71
Visionre & Vertriebene: Osterreichische Spuren in der modernen
Architektur (Visions and Exiles: Austrian roots of Modern Americ
Mathias Boeckl, Editor. Berlin: Ernst und Sohn Verlag 1995
ÅGarden cities in Florida: The Grid, the Park and the Model-TÆ Ã pp. 221-266
Citt Giardino: cento anni de teorie, modelli, esperienze- Garden City: a Century
of Theories, Models, Experiences
Gabriele Tagliaventi, Editor. Roma: Gangemi Editore 1994
ÅThe Performing Arts Center in Miami: Monument for the 21st centuryÆ
, Viewpoints, January 15 1991
The Miami Herald
Selected Reviews:
Review of book ÅModern Architecture and the MediterraneanÆ
Barry Bergdoll, 2010
Review of contribution to book Miami Modern Metropolis
Terry Riley, , May 2010
ArchitectÈs Newspaper
Review of book ÅCruelty and UtopiaÆ
Journal of Architectural Education JAE
April 2006 2006
Review of book ÅCruelty and UtopiaÆ (C. C. Collins)
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
Vol. 65, n³ 4, December 20062006
Review of The New Civic Art: Elements of Town Planning (C. C. Collins)
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
Vol. 63, n³ 4, December 2004, pp. 550-552 2004
Review of ÅThe making of Miami Beach 1933-42Æ Ã pp. 68-69
John OÈConnor, 06-04 2004
Home Miami
Review of exhibition ÅCruaut et utopie: villes et paysages dÈAm
, ,
Ciudad y TerritorioEstudios Territoriales
Vol. XXXVI. Tercera poca, n³ 140, Summer, p. 463-465 2004
Review of exhibition ÅCruaut et utopie: villes et paysages dÈAm
Elena Formia, ÅDalle Fiandre alle Ande, il nuovo Eldorado: Nuove
citt e architetture latino-americaneÆ Ã p. 29
, Anno 2, N³ 10, September 2003
Gazzetta dellÈArchitettura
Review of exhibition ÅCruaut et utopie: villes et paysages dÈAmà p. 40
, September-October 2003
Architecture dÈaujourdÈhui
Review of exhibition ÅCruaut et utopie: villes et paysages dÈAm
Franois Thiry, ÅDie Amerikas: Grausamkeiten und UtopienÆ Ã p. 4
, 9/03 2003
Architektur Aktuell
Exhibition ÅCruaut et utopie: villes et paysages dÈAmrique lat
Roberto Segre,
Arquitectura brasileira contempornea
So Paulo: Editora Viana & Mosley 2003
Review of ÅThe Making of Miami Beach 1933-42Æ
Richard Longstreth, June Issue 2003
American Studies International,
Review of ÅThe Making of Miami Beach 1933-42Æ Ã p. 11
, Paris: n³120/Avril 2002
Review of ÅThe Making of Miami Beach 1933-42Æ Ã p. 48
Vienna/October 2001
Architektur Aktuell,
Review of lecture at First Conference Friends of Schinkel (Potsd
(Berliner Seiten), 28 Juni 2000
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Review of ÅThe New City #3Æ Ã p. 48
(Milano) # 61 1997
Review of ÅThe New City #3Æ
(Bologna) #5
Archi & Colonne
(Buenos Aires) #27 1997
ÅThe New CityÆ and ÅJean-Franois LejeuneÆ- p. 648 (524)
Notice included in:
Dictionnaire de lÈArchitecture du XXime Sicle
Paris: Hazan,/Institut Franais dÈArchitecture 1996
Review of book ÅMiami Architecture of the TropicsÆ Ã pp. 61-64
Jayne Merkel, , Issue 31 Ã Winter 1994
Design Book Review
Review of book ÅMiami Architecture of the TropicsÆ Ã pp. 515-517
Donald Curl, , April 1994
Florida Historical Quarterly
ÅMiami Architecture of the TropicsÆ presented as Book of Note in:
, 06/June 1993
Progressive Architecture
Review of book ÅMiami-Architectures sous les tropiquesÆ Ã p. 6
Michelle Champenois, , Paris, October 1993
Architecture dÈAujourdÈhui
Review of exhibition and book ÅMiami Architecture of the Tropics
R. Hollenstein, (January 19) 1993
Neue Brcher Zeitung, Zrich
Urban design work as Steering Committee member and project team
(Regional Plan, Homestead Air Force Base)
The New South Dade Planning Charrette: from Adversity to Opportu
Miami: University of Miami/Florida International University 1993
Masterplan and neighborhood plan for the New Town of Wellington
Charrette team member (Principals: Duany & Plater-Zyberk Town Planners) Ã pp. 100-116
The New Urbanism: Towards an Architecture of Community
Peter Katz Editor. New York: Mc Graw Hill 1993
Masterplan and neighborhood plan for the New Town of Wellington ew Town
of Avalon Park (Florida). Charrette team member (Principals: Dua-Zyberk
Town Planners) - pp. 64-69; 88-94; cover
Duany, Andres & Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk,
Towns and Town Planning principles
Cambridge: Harvard Graduate School of Design 1991
ÅArchitectural Map of the City of Miami and its surroundingsÆ Ã p. 123
Miami,Æ N³ 276, July-August 1990
Masterplan of the New Town of Friday Mountain, Texas
Charrette team member (Principals: Duany & Plater-Zyberk Town Planners)
, October issue, News 1987
Progressive Architecture
Project for a Veterinary Scientific Farm (Centre de Recherche en
et Urbanisme, CRAU, Liege, Belgium)
, Brussels, N³ 67 1983
A +, Journal des Architectes de Belgique
Project for the Leopold II Boulevard and The Nice Tramway
Biennale de Paris 1981, Catalogue
Paris: Centre de Cration Industrielle 1981
Project for the University of Brussels Campus Boulevard &
project for The Nice Tramway with Atelier de Recherche et dÈActi
Krier, Lon & Maurice Culot,
(Biennale of Venice), Brussels: Archives dÈArchitecture Moderne 1980
INTERAMA: Miami and the Pan-American Dream
Guest curator (with Allan Shulman)
Historic Museum of South Florida, June 25, 2008-January 16, 2009 2008-2009
Agor a cielo aperto
Curator of a multimedia exhibition on reconstruction of Spanish
Convegno ÅCitt nella citt,Æ EURspa, Roma, May 12-14 2005
The Florida Home: Modern Living, 1945-1965
Guest curator (with Allan Shulman)
Historic Museum of South Florida, June 2004 Ã January 2005 2004-2006
Florida History Museum, Tallahassee, June 2005 Ã January 2006
Cities and Landscapes of Latin America
Installation at Florida International University for the ACSA Co
March 18 Ã April 20 2004
Cruaut et utopie: Villes et paysages dÈAmrique latine
CIVA (Centre international pour la ville, lÈarchitecture et le p
Brussels, May 22 Ã October 5 2003
Lawrence Murray Dixon: The Making of Miami Beach 1933-1942
Guest curator (with Allan Shulman)
Bass Museum of Art Miami Beach, December 2002-May 2003 2002-2003
University of Miami School of Architecture
South Florida Arts Center, Lincoln Road, CNU X Miami Beach 2001
Dynamic City
Curator (with Maurice Culot)
CIVA/Fondation pour lÈarchitecture, June 22-October 12 2000
LÈaltra modernit, 1900-2000
Curator (with Gabriele Tagliaventi and Michael Lykoudis)
Triennale di Bologna, March 9-May 12 2000
The University of Miami School of Architecture
Curator and exhibition designer
UIA Barcelona 1996, July 1-10 1996
Cities of the Caribbean - Ciudades del Caribe
Curator and exhibition designer
Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture, Feb. 18, 1994 to April 17 1994
Miami Architecture of the Tropics
Exhibition designer and curator in Miami with Caroline Mierop
Production Fondation pour lÈArchitecture, Brussels
Center for the Fine Arts Miami, Dec. 19 - March 7 1992-1993
Exhibitions of personal works:
Projects for the Industrial Garden Realm (Dessau, Germany)
10 years of student works (Master of Architecture in Suburb & To
CNU X Miami Beach. South Florida Arts Center 2001
Dynamic City
Masterplan for the Dessau Industrielles Gartenreich
In collaboration with the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
CIVA, Brussels 2000
Bitterfeld 2000
Exhibition of faculty and students works at the Kulturpalast, Bi
Stiftung Bauhaus-Dessau 1995
Miami Architecture of the Tropics
Fondation pour lÈArchitecture, Brussels, Belgium 1991
Center voor Architektuur en Stedebouw, Groeningen, Holland 1991
Center for the Fine Arts, Miami 1992
Biennale of Paris, Beaubourg Center, Paris, France 1981
Exhibition of urban design works with Atelier de Recherche et dÈ
Biennale of Venice, Arsenale, Venice, Italy 1980
La Strada Nuova, Culot-Krier Room
Publication of University of Miami Students Works
Discussion of urban design works and studio at the Bauhaus-Dessau
Harald Bodenschatz, ÅNew Urbanism and the European PerspectiveÆ Ã pp. 266-278
Rob Krier, Town Spaces: Contemporary Interpretations in Traditio
Basel: Birkhaser 2003
Publication of students works (Master of Architecture Suburb & Town
Bauhaus Kolleg Pilot Phase
CD-ROM, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation 1999
Publication of urban design works and studio at the Bauhaus-Dessau
Harald Kegler, ÆThe New TownÆ Ã pp. 110-112 [98-113]
Bauhas Dessau Industrielles Gartenreich II: Dessau-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg
Berlin: Ex Pose / Dessau: Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau 1999
Publication of urban design works and studio at the Bauhaus-Dessau
Harald Kegler, ÅIndustrie-RegionÆ Ã pp. 256
Harald Kegler, ÅDessau-Wrlitzer Gartenreich-KulturlanschaftenÆ Ã pp. 266-268
Bauhas Dessau Industrielles Gartenreich: Dessau-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg
Dessau: Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau/ Berlin: expose 1996
Student drawings at the University of Miami School of Architecture
Vincent Scully, , New York: Monacelli Press 1996
Between Two Towers
Plates 72, 73, 75, 133, 134
Florida Department of State Ä Division of Historical Resources 2007
Principal investigator for Historic Museum of South Florida
Exhibition project 2008:
Interama: Miami and the Pan-American Dream
Total Grant: $35,000
Regione Lazio / Agenzia per la citt 2006
Principal investigator for research on Spanish urban foundations
Franco era
Total Grant: $5,000
Florida Department of State Ä Division of Historical Resources 2003
Principal investigator for Historic Museum of South Florida
Exhibition The Florida Home: Modern Living, 1945-65
Total Grant: $35,000
Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago ($10,000) 2002
Principal investigator for School of Architecture
Publication grant for book North-South: the Modern and the Mediterranean.
Total Grant: $10,000
Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau ($20,000) 1999
Masterplan for the Gartenreich Dessau-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg
Total Grant: $18,000
Florida State Historic Affairs Division ($20,000) 1997-1998
National Endowment for the Arts/Bass Museum of Arts, Miami Beach ($20,000)
Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago ($5,000)
Principal investigator for the Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach (with A
Publication grant for monograph and exhibition The Making of a City:
Lawrence Murray Dixon and the Vernacular Modern of Miami Beach
Total Grants: $45,000
Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago ($6,000)
Principal investigator for School of Architecture
Grant Award for publication of The New City, Volume 3 (Modern Cities) 1996
Total Grant: $6,000
University of Miami Research & Sponsored Programs 1996
Summer Grant Jose Luis Sert in Cuba and Latin America
Total Grant: $5,000
Florida Endowment for the Humanities 1993
Organization of the exhibition Cities of the Caribbean
Total Grant: $25,000
University of Miami Research & Sponsored Programs 1992
Summer Grant Photography in the Caribbean
Total Grant: $5,000
Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago 1991
Grant Award for project Havana and the Cities of the Caribbean
Total Grant: $7,500
University of Miami Research & Sponsored Programs 1990
Summer Grant Research at the Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla)
Total Grant: $4,000
Professional and Honorary Organizations (member; officer; date):
CLAS (Center for Latin American Studies University of Miami)
Executive Board Membership Miami International Film Festival 2010-present
American Institute of Architects Miami Chapter (affiliate) 2009-present
Member Scienfific Committee
Fondazione CE.S.A.R-Onlus (Roma) 2008
Member. DoCOMOMO International
Founding Member DoCOMOMO-Florida 2007-present
Society of Architectural Historians 2007-present
International Confederation of Architectural Museums. Member 2005-present
Friends of Schinkel Society, Member of the Board 2000-present
Congress for New Urbanism, Member 1993-present
Urban Environment League Greater Miami 1997-present
The Wolfsonian-FIU, Member 1995-present
American Institute of Architects, Associate member 1994-1995
Architectural Club of Miami, Member 1988-1994
Organized Conferences
Modernism in the Sun
DoCOMOMO-Fl launching conference
MAM, October 2007
Werner Hegemann, New Civic Art and Transatlantic Exchanges
University of Miami/Knight Program in Community Design
October 4-5-6 2002
New York Perspectives
University of Miami/Knight Program in Community Design
October 4-5-6 2002
The Other Modern/Influence of the Vernacular on Modern Architect
Villa Malaparte, Capri
March 7-15 1998
The Caribbean City
Center for the Fine Arts Miami, November 2 1991
New Towns in Florida: John Nolen 1869-1931
One-day Master of Architecture in Suburb and Town Design Conference, 1990
Conference Presenter
ÅAmerican UrbanismsÆ
La Sapienza University, Roma, April 2011
ÅRuralist Utopia & Modernity in FrancoÈs Spain: The pueblos de colonizacin, 1939-67Æ
IATSE Conference, Beirouth, Lebanon, December 17 2010
ÅModern Architecture and the MediterraneanÆ
Book presentation and lecture, Italian Cultural Center, Washingt 2010
ÅBrasilia: Fifty Years AfterÆ
AIA National Convention, Miami Beach, June 2010
ÅPost-war Modernism: The Marine Stadium, 1962-65Æ
AIA National Convention, Miami Beach, June 2010
ÅMiami and the Pan-American Dream: Interama 1951-1975
DoCOMOMO-Brasil 2010 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, October 2009
Respondent to colloquium
Chantal Akerman and the Disclosure of the Everyday
(Margulies, Rothman, Warren, Heyndels)
University of Miami School of Communications, October 2008
ÅRural Poetics and Modernity in Post Civil War
Urbanism in Spain: from the Reconstruction to the Poblados Dirigidos Æ
Keynote speaker, Cidade, Territrio e Urbanismo: Heranas e inovaes
Universidade de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, October 7-9 2008
ÅLina Bo Bardi, Vernacular and Popular Culture, and Cinema novo
in Salvador do Baha, 1959-69Æ
Space, Time and Image
IVSA Conference (Visual Studies Sociology Association), Buenos A-8 2008
Respondent to the conferenceÈs 2 day (ÅVictory of the Caribbean SeaÆ)
Caribbean Modernist Architecture Conference
UTech Jamaica/Museum of Modern Art, New York, Feb. 29-March 1 2008
ÅMiami, Bauhaus, and Kulturlandschaft Æ
Preservation of the Modern Heritage
Conference Bass Museum of Art/DoCOMOMO-Fl, January 2008
ÅSpeed, Rural Poetics, and Constructed Metaphysics: Guidonia, citt aerofuturista Æ
Italian Politics and Polis
Columbia University Symposium, April 27-28 2007
ÅWater, New Towns, and Interior Colonization: The Experience of -1965Æ
Fresh Air
ACSA Meeting Philadelphia, March 9-12 2007
ÅSchinkelÈs Entwrfe zu stdtschen Wohngebade:
The Street and the City Between the Individual and the Collectiv
Karl Friedrich Schinkel à Ein Sohn der Aufklrung
Humboldt-Univeritt zu Berlin / Friends of Schinkel / Vereinigung Deutscher
Schinkelspreistrger, July 21-24 2006
ÅSpeed, Rural Poetics and Constructed MetaphysicsÆ
Agenda for Modern Design
The Wolfsonian-FIU, Miami Beach, December 9-11 2005
ÅLos arquitectos espaoles y la construccin de la ciudad moderna: Sert, Moneo, Harvard
y AmricaÆ
Pamplona Metropolis 1930-modernidad & futuro
Pamplona, COAVN, October 26-28 2005
ÅThe City at the Foot of the Residenz eines Frsten:
SchinkelÈs Vision of the Modern City Set in the Mediterranean LandscapeÆ
The Time of Schinkel and the Age of Neoclassicism in Palermo and
Friends of Schinkel / Universit degli Studi di Palermo Conferen
Palermo, June 17-21 2004
ÅRationalism and Tradition in the New Towns of the Reconstruction in SpainÆ
Planned Cities? ISUF Conference, Trani, 2003, July 4 2003
ÅMiami: North-SouthÆ
Sigma International Congress ÅLa couleur: influences et inspirat
Brussels, November 8 2001
ÅSchinkel and Lenn in Berlin: From the Biedermeier flneur to BeuthÈs Industriegro§stadt Æ
Universidad de Santo Domingo/Friends of Schinkel, November 3 2001
ÅThe Laws of the Indies: The Invention of the American CityÆ
Santa Fe Historic Preservation Conference: ÅPlazas in New Mexico, October 13 2001
ÅNorth-South: Rationalism and Tradition in the New Towns of the
Reconstruction in SpainÆ
ACSA 2001 International Conference Istanbul, June 15-19 2001
ÅSchinkel and Lenn: Planning a Greater BerlinÆ
Friends of Schinkel First International Conference, Schlo§ Lindstedt, June 22-24 2000
ÅThe Other Modern: Everyday Architecture of the ReconstructionÆ
Triennale di Bologna, March 10 2000
ÅMemory and Modernity in the Years of Autarky:
Towns and Plazas of the Reconstruction in Spain (1939-1956)Æ
First Savannah History Conference, SCAD, March 17-19 1999
ÅTowards New Towns in AmericaÆ
Symposium ÅCity vs. Urban Sprawl,Æ Bauhaus Kolleg, Dessau, Nov. 9 1998
ÅThe Third Bauhaus and the Third Landscape of the Wrlitz Garten
ACSA 1997 ÅArchitecture as Politics,Æ Berlin, June 1 1997
ÅGuidonia citt aerofuturista: A Fascist and Rationalist Company TownÅ
ACSA 1997 ÅArchitecture as Politics,Æ Berlin, June 2 1997
ÅJosep Lluis Sert Plan Piloto for Havana: Post-colonial Urbanism, International Tourism,
and Politics in 1950Ès CubaÆ
ACSA 1997 ÅArchitecture as Politics,Æ Berlin, June 4 1997
ÅThe New Urbanism: Tradition and ModernityÆ
Symposium ÅSubstanze der Stadt,Æ Fachhochschule Anhalt-Dessau,
Bauhaus-Dessau, May 2 1997
ÅBuilding the City of Leisure in the Machine Age: H. Hohauser, L. Murray-Dixon,
Igor Polevitsky and the Vernacular Modern of Miami Beach (1935-1941)
First International Conference ÅArt Deco in Latin America,Æ
Rio de Janeiro, April 14-16 1996
ÅThe New Urbanism & the Education of ArchitectsÆ
UIA Barcelona 96 Conference, July 3 1996
ÅCities of PaperÆ
ARLIS/NA (Arts Librarians of North America) Conference, April 22 1996
ÅCarlos Ral VillanuevaÈs University City in CaracasÆ
International Style Conference, Tel Aviv, May 22-27 1994
ÅCampus as gesamtkunstwerk: Carlos Ral VillanuevaÈs University City in CaracasÆ
SE Region ACSA Conference, Annapolis, Oct. 28-31 1993
ÅThe Surviving Centers: American Shopping Centers 1910-1935Æ
First Congress for New Urbanism (C.N.U.), Alexandria, Oct. 3-6 1993
ÅLa Ciudad como PaisajeÆ (in Spanish)
6tas Jornadad de la Enseanza de la Arquitectura
Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Sept. 27-28 1993
ÅCiudades Nuevas en AmricaÆ
Biennale of Buenos Aires, Forum ÅEstrategas Urbanas,Æ La Recoleta, Sept. 25 1993
Panel Member
Conference ÅLa Ciudad hispano-americanaÆ
Instituto Cervants, Paris, May 26 1992
ÅJean-Claude Nicolas Forestier in HavanaÆ
Conference ÅThe Caribbean CityÆ
University of Miami/Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, Nov. 20 1991
ÅLa Ville comme paysageÆ
Symposium ÅJean-Claude Nicolas Forestier, Landscape architect and UrbanistÆ
Ministre de la Recherche, Paris, Dec. 6-8 1990
ÅThe Delights of the GridÆ
University of Miami Symposium Å 20 years after The Architecture of the City &
Complexity and Contradiction,Æ Columbia University, New York 1988
ÅThe ARAU experience in BrusselsÆ
M.I.T. Symposium ÅCitizen Participation in EuropeÆ 1979
Other Lectures
ÅCruelty and Utopia: Brasilia 1961-2011Æ
University of Houston, November 2010
ÅSpeed, Rural Poetics, and Constructed Metaphysics: Guidonia, citt aerofuturista Æ
Cornell University Lecture Series in Rome, October 31 2007
La Sapienza, Scuola di architettura, December 3
ÅCruelty and Utopia: Cities and Landscapes of Latin AmericaÆ
Miami Intelligence Lecture Series, Spring 2005
ÅByways to Highways: The Automobile Culture and How It Influence
of Miami at Mid-CenturyÆ
Panelist with Allan Shulman and Raymond Mohl
Bass Museum of Art, March 26 2005
ÅThe Modern House in FilmsÆ
Historical Museum of South Florida, October 14 2004
ÅThe Constructed Metaphysics: Italian New Towns of the 1930sÆ
University of Miami School of Architecture, October 6 2004
ÅFrom Hopper to the New UrbanismÆ
Bryan Mawr College, September 30 2004
ÅCruelty and Utopia: Cities and Landscapes of Latin AmericaÆ
FIU School of Architecture, April 8 2004
ÅMiami Modernism at Mid-CenturyÆ
University of Maryland School of Architecture, March 8 2004
ÅAbout Architecture: Cities and Landscapes of Latin AmericaÆ
Miami Book Fair International, Nov. 8 2003
ÅDynamic City: The Sources of the New UrbanismÆ
Icelandic Institute of Architects, Reijkavic, May 28 2003
ÅNorth-South: Guidonia citt aerofuturistaÆ
Columbia University Architectural History Department (Prof. B. Bergdoll), January 21 2003
ÅDynamic City: The Sources of the New UrbanismÆ
Politecnico di Bari (Prof. Attilio Petruccioli), September 16 2002
ÅDynamic City: The Sources of the New UrbanismÆ
Laboratorio Internazionale Estivo di Progettazione Urbanistica
Sabaudia 2002, August 29 2002
ÅThe Other Modern: Between the Machine and the MediterraneanÆ
Florida Atlantic University, March 18 2002
ÅThe Other Modern: Between the Machine and the MediterraneanÆ
The Wolfsonian-FIU, October 4 2001
ÅDynamic CityÆ
eTH Zrich (Dean Vittorio M. Lampugnani), November 21 2000
ÅDynamic CityÆ
Universidad de Panam, Panama City, October 21 2000
ÅThe Other ModernÆ
Universit di Ferrara, Feb. 7 1999
ÅArchitetti anti-modernistiÆ
Universit di Milano/Bivosa (Prof, Guido Zucconi), Feb. 1 1999
ÅThe Stage and the City: Joseph Urban in Palm BeachÆ
The Wolfsonian, Miami Beach, Feb. 6 1997
ÅThe City as Landscape: the Great Public Works in Havana 1900-1930Æ
The Smithsonian, Washington DC/The Wolfsonian, December 5 1996
ÅBuilding the City of Leisure in the Machine Age: Miami Beach Ar
Fondation pour lÈArchitecture, Muse dÈArt Ancien, Brussels, Nov. 23 1996
ÅSweat, Dust, and Odors of Benzine: Guidonia citt aero-futurista Æ
Graduate School of Design, Harvard, Urban Design Seminar, Nov. 16 1996
ÅThe Rationalist CityÆ
University of Porto Alegre, Brazil, Nov. 9-11 1994
ÅImpresiones y reflexiones sobre la arquitectura en PerÆ
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Per, June 20 1994
ÅHavana: reading of a cityÆ
Harvard Graduate School of Design, Feb. 1 1994
ÅJean-Claude Nicolas Forestier: un urbaniste-paysagiste franais La HavaneÆ
Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture/Alliance Franaise de Miami, Apr. 9 1994
ÅFrench cities in the CaribbeanÆ
Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture, March 3 1994
ÅTheaters in the CityÆ
American Institute of Architects, Miami, April 1991
ÅThe Last CityÆ
University of Puerto-Rico School of Architecture, San Juan, September 20 1989
ÅProjects for PortlandÆ
Oregon School of Design, Portland, April 16 1987
Juries and Other Invitations (selected)
University of Maryland
Graduate thesis reviews, April 2008 2008
Tulan University in Rome
Final review, May 2008 2008
Florida International University
Thesis reviews and 3 year design studio, May 2006, May 2007 2007-2006
University of Notre-Dame in Rome
Professor Ettore Mazzola, October 2005
ETH Zrich
Reviewer of Research Proposal ÅThe Future of Urbanized Landscape
Department of Architecture & Urban Planning 2003
Florida International University
Graduate final jury (Prof. M. Nepomechie & Stuart), April 2003
University of Maryland
Professor Brian Kelly, March 14 2003
Laboratorio Internazionale Estivo di Progettazione Urbanistica
Member of the competition jury
Sabaudia, September 3 2002
Texas A&M University at Castiglion Fiorentino
Professor Peter Lang, Lorenzo Pignati (STALKER), September 19 2001
Laboratorio Internazionale Estivo di Progettazione Urbanistica
Member of the competition jury
Sabaudia, September 5 2001
University of Maryland
2 year graduate review (Prof. M. Bell), May 9 2001
2 History Conference Savannah-SCAD (16-17 February 2001)
Session moderator ÅAuthenticityÆ, February 16 2001
Florida International University
Graduate final jury (Prof. M. Nepomechie), December 2000
Catholic University of America
Graduate final jury (Prof. Catarine Frisone, Roma), April 2000
Prix dÈExcellence 1998 de lÈOrdre des Architectes du Qubec
Jury member, September 17 1998
University of Maryland
Graduate final jury (Prof. M. Bell), Dec. 10 1998
ACSA International Conference 1998 Rio de Janeiro
Session moderator ÅLegacies of Colonialism,Æ May 22 1998
Harvard Graduate School of Design
Graduate final jury (Prof. A. Krieger, L. Cott), Dec. 15 1997
Fachhoschschule Anhalt-Dessau
Design critic workshop ÅSubstanz der StadtÆ (Prof. Manfred Sunde 1997
Harvard Graduate School of Design
Graduate final jury (Prof. R. Machado), May15 1995
AIA Architectural Design Awards
Chapter Virgin Islands, Jury member, Dec. 7 1994
Harvard Graduate School of Design
Graduate jury (Prof. Monica Ponce de Leon), Dec. 12 1994
Harvard Graduate School of Design
Graduate final jury (Prof. B. Fort-Brescia, L. Spear), May10 1994
University of Maryland
Graduate final jury (Prof. M. Bell), May 8 1994
Massachussets Institute of Technology
Intermediary reviews (Prof. M. Dennis & J. Beinart), Feb/April 1994
Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Upper-level mid-term jury (Prof. A. Corona Martinez), Sept 9 1993
University of Notre-Dame in Rome, Italy
Upper-level final jury (Prof. J.-P. Garric, V. Ngre), Feb. 4 1993
Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany
Urban design charrette Bauhaus/University of Miami/Fachhochschul
with Prof. Jaime Correa (University of Miami) & Prof. Harald Kegler (Bauhaus)
Germany, Nov. 21-29 1992
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Graduate final jury (Prof. S. Polyzoides), May 9 1992
Syracuse University, Florence, Italy
Upper-level and graduate final juries, May 15 1991
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Visiting critic with Andres Duany; one-week charrette urban design studio, Mar. 9 1987
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Urban design charrette visiting faculty leader (with Prof. D. Ge 1987
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Final jury Upper-level studios 1986
University of Miami, Professor
Design Studios:
ARC 503 Second Year Graduate Design: Fall 1995
ARC 503 Second Year Graduate Design: Fall 1996
ARC 509-510 Upper Level Studio (3 crs.): First Summer 1996
ARC 204 Second Year Undergraduate Design: Spring 1997
ARC 603 Graduate Design Rebuilding the Suburbs: Summer 1997
ARC 407-510 Upper-Level Studio: Fall 1997
ARC 203 Second Year Undergraduate Design: Spring 1998
ARC 603 Graduate Design Reconstruction: Summer 1998
ARC 203 Second Year Undergraduate Design: Fall 1999
ARC 306 Third Year Undergraduate Design: Spring 2000
ARC 407-510 Upper-level Studio: Summer 2000
ARC 305 Third Year Design Studio: Fall 2000
ARC 306 Third Year Design Studio: Spring 2001
ARC 603 Graduate Design Reconstruction Studio: Summer 2001
ARC 204 Second Year Design Studio: Spring 2002
ARC 603 Graduate Design Reconstruction Studio: Summer 2002
ARC 407-510 Upper-Level Studio: Spring 2003
ARC 603 Graduate Design Reconstruction Studio: Summer 2003
ARC 407-510 Upper-Level Studio: Fall 203
ARC 306 Comprehensive Third Year Design Studio: Spring 2004
ARC 603 Graduate Design Reconstruction Studio: Summer 2004
ARC 203 Second Year Design Studio: Fall 2004
ARC 603 Graduate Design Reconstruction Studio: Summer 2005
ARC 306 Comprehensive Third Year Design Studio: Spring 2006
ARC 204 Second Year Design Studio (coordinator): Spring 2008
Studios and courses abroad:
BAUHAUS (Dessau) ARC 407-510; 603 Design Studio: Summer 1995
BAUHAUS (Dessau) ARC 586-696 Seminar (ÅThe Reconstruction of the CityÆ): Summer 1995
MALAPARTE HOUSE (Capri) ARC 585 Seminar (ÅThe Other ModernÆ): In
ARC 601-603 Bauhaus Kolleg Dessau: Nov.1998-March 1999
Experimental studio (University of Miami, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro,
Technische Universitt Mnchen (Landscape Department), Weissense
ARC 407-510 Rome Program Studio: Spring 1999
ARC 586 ÅThe Architecture of the CityÄRome ProgramÆ: Spring 1999
ARC 407-510 Rome Program Studio: Spring 2000
ARC 407-510 Rome Program Design: Spring 2001
ARC 586 ÅThe Architecture of the CityÄRome ProgramÆ: Spring 2001
ARC 407-510 Rome Program Studio: Fall 2001
ARC 586 ÅThe Architecture of the CityÄRome ProgramÆ: Fall 2001
ARC 407-510 Rome Program Studio: Fall 2002
ARC 586 ÅThe Architecture of the CityÄRome Program: Fall 2002
ARC 407-510 Rome Program Studio: Fall 2003
ARC 586 ÅThe Architecture of the CityÄRome Program: Fall 2003
ARC 407-510 Rome Program Studio: Fall 2004
ARC 586 ÅThe Architecture of the CityÄRome Program: Fall 2004
ARC 407-510 Rome Program Studio: Fall 2005
ARC 586 ÅThe Architecture of the CityÄRome Program: Fall 2005
Seminars and courses:
ARC 585-696 ÅThe Caribbean CityÆ: Fall 1995
ARC 623 ÅReconstruction of City and SuburbÆ: Summer 1996
ARC 585 ÅItalian RationalismÆ: Fall 1996
ARC 622 ÅHistory & Theory of HousingÆ: Spring 1997
ARC 586 ÅThe Caribbean CityÆ: Summer 1997
ARC 585 ÅCinema-Theatre-ArchitectureÆ: Fall 1997
ARC 578 ÅItalian RationalismÆ: Spring 1998
ARC 623 ÅUrban ReconstructionÆ: Summer 1998
ARC 586 ÅThe Caribbean CityÆ: Fall 1998
ARC 274 ÅHistory Survey IIÆ: Spring 1999
ARC 623 ÅUrban ReconstructionÆ: Summer 1999
ARC 576 ÅItalian RationalismÆ: Fall 2000
ARC 623 ÅUrban ReconstructionÆ: Summer 2000
ARC 623 ÅUrban ReconstructionÆ: Summer 2001
ARC 585 ÅCinema and Architecture: the Stage and the CityÆ: Fall
ARC 569 ÅDirected ReadingsÆ: Spring 2002
ARC 623 ÅHistory of the City, part II: 1830-2000Æ: Summer 2002
ARC 389-585 ÅHistory of the City, part I: Antiquity-1840Æ: Spring 2003
ARC 585 ÅCinema & Architecture: the City as a StageÆ: Spring 20
ARC 623 ÅHistory of the City, part II: 1830-2000Æ: Summer 2003
ARC 623 ÅHistory of the City, part II: 1830-2000Æ: Summer 2004
ARC 623 ÅHistory of the City, part II: 1830-2000Æ: Summer 2005
ARC 623 ÅUrban ReconstructionÆ: Summer 2006
ARC 390/590 ÅHistory of CitiesÆ: Fall 2006
ARC 585 ÅCinema and ArchitectureÆ: Fall 2006
ARC 390/590 ÅHistory of CitiesÆ: Fall 2007
ARC 569 ÅDirected ReadingsÆ: Fall 2007
University of Miami, Assistant Professor
Design Studios:
ARC 203 Second Year Design: Fall 1989 (coordinator), Fall 1990 (
Fall 1991, Fall 1992, Fall 1994;
ARC 204 Second Year Design: Spring 1995
ARC 301 Third Year Transfer Design: Su 1989, Su 1990, Su 1991, Su 1992
ARC 407-510 Upper-Level Design: Spring 1990, Spring 1991, Spring 1994
ARC 601-2-3 Town and Suburb Graduate Studios: Spring 1992, Fall 1993
Studios and courses abroad:
ARC 482 Rome Program Upper-level Design: Spring 1991 (with Prof. Spain, Gelabert-Navia)
ARC 482 Rome Program Upper-level Design: Spring 1993 (with Prof. Martinez, Spain)
ARC 482 Rome Program Upper-level Design: Spring 1995 (with Prof. Greenan, Spain)
Lima/Cusco (Peru): ARC 407-510 Upper-level Design: Su 1994 (with Prof. Correa)
ARC 485 Rome Program Course ÅUrban CompositionÆ (ARC 483, Spring 1991
Spring 1995)
Seminars and courses:
Graduate Seminar ÅThe House and the CityÆ (ARC 521, Fall 1989)
Graduate Seminar ÅHistory of Urban FormÆ (ARC 586, Fall 1991; AR992)
SP Course ÅThe Architecture of the StageÆ (ARC 585, Spring 1990)
SP Course ÅItalian RationalismÆ (ARC 482, Su 1991, Su 1992, Spri
Spring 1995)
SP Course ÅThe Caribbean CityÆ (ARC 482, Spring 1992; ARC 586-696, Spring 1994)
University of Miami, Visiting Professor
Design Studios:
ARC 101 First Year Design: Fall 1988
ARC 203 Second Year Design: Fall 1987
ARC 204 Second Year Design: Spring 1989
ARC 301 Third Year Transfer Design: Su 1988
ARC 305 Third Year Design: Fall 1988
ARC 306 Third Year Design: Spring 1988
ARC 407-510 Upper-Level Design: Fall 1987, Spring 1988, Spring 1989
Oregon School of Design, Visiting Professor
Second year Design: Spring 1986, Fall 1986
Third year Design: Fall 1985
Fourth year Design: Spring 1987
Urban Principles I required course: Fall 1985 & Fall 1986
Urban Principles II course: Spring 1986
Historic Preservation Seminar: Spring 1987)
Advisor for Thesis and Dissertation:
Graduate Thesis advisor:
Sibel Veziroglu, Spring-Summer 2008
Carlos Cruz, Spring 2007
Kathy McQuinlan, Fall 2006
Eddy Sardinas, Fall 2003
Kelley McCormich, Fall 2002
Einar Olafsson, Fall 2001
(Mention to the City Center Reikjavic Competition)
Graduate Thesis advisor
Monica Chiodo
Mary Manzano
Paola Sacasita, Spring 2001
Graduate thesis committee chairman
Abigail Pilgrim, Spring 2000
Ph. D. Dissertation Urban History, dissertation committee member
Cristina Peixoto-Mehrtens, 1998-2000
Graduate thesis committee chairman
Marcia Melio, Fall 1997
Graduate thesis committee chairman
Uri Lemke, Fall 1994
Graduate thesis committee chairman
Claudia Doggelmann, Fall 1994
University Committee and Administrative Responsibilities:
University of Miami Committees
University of Miami Personal Board 2010-11
General Research Council Award 2006-present
MSCUS Advisory Committee 2004-present
Faculty Senator, School of Architecture Representative, 2007-present
Faculty Senator, School of Architecture Representative, alternat 2004-2007
Faculty Senator, School of Architecture Representative, 2001-2004
Faculty Senate Library Committee 2000-2001
Faculty Senate General Requirements-Curriculum Committee 1997-present
Course Advancement Education Awards 1997
Panel member 1997
Bronze medal for Outstanding Faculty Award University of Miami Senate
Design and production of the medal (with Prof. T. Victoria
and Dr. G. Alexandrakis) 1988
University of Miami School of Architecture Committees
Search Committtee Chair 2006-7
Library Committee/Liaison with Richter Library 2000-present
Coordinator, Lecture series and Visiting Critics 1998-1999; 2001-2003
Knight Program in Community Design
Director Search Committee member 2000
Academic Standards committee member 1998-present
Building Campaign committee member 1998-present
Visiting Professors and Speakers committee member 1993-1997
History Stream committee member 1995-present
Academic Standards committee member 1990-1994
History Position Search committee member 1993-1994
University of Miami Center for Urban and Community Design
New library for St. Georges University, Grenada (Caribbean)
Preliminary design of the new library, in collaboration with
Rene Gonzalez (FIU School of Design)
Funded by St. GeorgeÈs University, 1996: $15,000 1996
Miami Design District
Principal investigator, Center for Urban & Community Design
Funded by City of Miami, 1994: $4,500 1994
South Pointe Zoning Code Amendments
Principal investigator for University of Miami project
Funded by City of Miami Beach, 1993: $5,000 1993
Temple Israel Expansion Masterplan
Principal co-investigator with Prof. Jorge Hernandez
Funded by Temple Israel, 1993: $15,000 1993
The New South Dade Charrette
Steering Committee member & designer (Principal investigator: Pr-Zyberk)
Urban Design charrette UM/FIU
Funded by Innovation Committee ÅWe Will Rebuild,Æ 1992: $75,000 1992
Urban design Masterplan for the Performing Arts Center in Miami
Principal investigator for University of Miami project
Funded by Downtown Development Authority, 1991: $5,000 1992
Mother language: French
Second language: English
Third language: Italian
Fourth language: Spanish
Fifth language: German (reading only)
* * *