Memo 010-2012 Out of Office Notification MI[A I B rL,-
010 -2012
TO Mayor Matti H. Bower and Members of the City Commission o
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager .
DATE: June 8, 2012 =�
SUBJECT: Out of Office Notification CD C)
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Please be advised that I will be out of town June 11, 2012 through June 26, 2012.
In my absence, I have appointed Assistant City Manager Jorge Gomez and OBPI Director
Kathie Brooks to act on my behalf. Their individual contact information is listed below:
- Jorge Gomez (June 11 — 18):
Ext #: 6150; Cellular #: 305 323 -7462;
His assistant Naima De Pinedo's ext #: 6257
- Kathie Brooks (June 19-26):
-Ext #: 6249; Cellular #: 786 236 -0696;
Her assistant Jennifer White's ext #: 6568
My assistant Pauline Walters may be reached at extension 6546.
If -you need to reach me in the event of an emergency, 'please contact me on my cellular
phone at 305 308- 0663.` 1 will also be checking a -mails sporadically.
Thank you.
JMG \pw
Electronic copy: Executive Staff
Management Team
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