Marilys Nepomechie 12/31/2012 MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rafael E. Granada, City Clerk Tel: 305.673.741 1, Fax: 305.673.7254 Email: CityClerk@miamibeachfl.9ov June 15, 2012 Marilys Nepomechie 1743 Michigan Ave. #5 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 SUBJECT: Design Review Board Dear Ms. Nepomechie: Congratulations! You have been appointed by the City Commission to the agency, board or committee named above for a term ending: 12/3112012. If you are unable to accept this appointment or have any questions, please call the City Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411. Please read the enclosed materials carefully. Congratulations again and good luck. SincerelVGran Ra el E City Clerk c: Saul Frances, Parking Director Thomas Mooney ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Appointment Oath City Code/Ordinance section applicable to agency, board or committee City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459 Ordinance No. 2006-3543 -Amendment to City Code Section 2-22 Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 - Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form) Booklet - Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.goy OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rafael E. Granada, City Clerk Tel: (3051673-741 1, Fax: (305)673-7254 Email: CityClerk @miamibeachfl.gov TO: Marilys Nepomechie RE: Design Review Board I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have been appointed for a term ending 12/31/2012 1 have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as the Florida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, and understand that as a member of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure* requirements of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which I serve) on July 1, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served. Marilys Nepomechie Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2. day ofi tAi� , 2012. rr Silvia Wrieto Deputy Clerk *Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at www.miamibeachfl.pov under City Clerk/Board and Committees for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirement. V 1 IAM I BE Ak H � CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMR11ITTEE APPLICATION FORM NAME: Nepomechie Marilys R Last Name First Name Middle Initial HOME ADDRESS: 1743 Michigan Ave#5 Miami Beach FL 33139 Apt No. House No./Street City State Zip Code PHONE: 305 672 5327 305 348 1887 305 858 0849 Marilys.Nepomechie @fiu.edu Home Work Fax Email address Business Name: Florida International University + MRN Arch. Position: Architect+ Faculty,Architecture Address: 11200 SW 8th Street Miami FL 33199 No. Street City State Zip Code Professional License(describe) AR 11173 --Architecture Expires: 2013 Att^ch e copy of the license Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4)a and b: Members of agencies, boards,and committees shall be affiliated with the city;this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months;or b)an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. •Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six(6)months: Yes iXor No u •Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six(6)months: Yes u or No •Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes L)S or No u •(Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Beach South BeachXx Middle Beach • I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. e e list b w:Architect + �roessor o��rchitecture •Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach?Yes U or No LK Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1]first choice [2]second choice, and [3]third choice. Please note that only three(3) choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) U Affordable Housing Advisory Committee ❑Marine Authority ❑Art in Public Places Committee ❑Miami Beach Commission for Women ❑Beautification Committee ❑Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council ❑Board of Adjustment' ❑Miami Beach Human Rights Committee ❑Budget Advisory Committee ❑Miami Beach Sister Cities Program ❑Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee ❑Normandy Shores Local Government Neigh. Improvement ❑Committee on the Homeless ❑Parks and Recreation Facilities Board ❑Committee for Quality Education in MB ❑Personnel Board ❑Communit 'Develo ment Advisory ❑Planning Board' ❑Community Relations Board ❑Police Citizens Relations Committee ❑Convention Center Advisory Board ❑Production Industry Council ❑Design Review Board" ❑Safety Committee ❑Disability Access Committee ❑Single Family Residential Review Panel ❑Fine Arts Board ❑Sustainability Committee ❑Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans ender GLBT ❑Transportation and Parking Committee ❑Golf Advisory Committee ❑Visitor and Convention Authority ❑Health Advisory Committee ❑Waterfront Protection Committee ❑Health Facilities Authority Board ❑Youth Center Advisory Board ❑Hispanic Affairs Committee [3 Historic Preservation Board ❑Housing Authority ❑Loan Review Committee 'Board Required to File State Disclosure Form Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board,please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board:Yes u No u Years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center.activities by your children Yesu No U. If yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: Child's name: Age: Program: Child's name: Age: Program: F:\CLER\$ALL\oFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES\BC Auplicaiion.d,x / r *Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes u or No LX If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently have a violation(s)of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes Li or No Lx If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes u or No A If yes, explain in detail •Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes U or No lx If yes; which board? •What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? None Name: Title: Name: Title: • List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: My home: 1743 Michigan Ave#5, Miami Beach, FL 33139 • I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes Li or NOL%Which department? • Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25(b): Do you have a parent U, spouse Li, child U, brother U,or sister Li who is employed by the City of Miami Beach?Check all that apply. Identify the department(s): NO The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Gender: 0 Male ❑cFemale Ethnic Origin: Check one only (1) ❑White (Not of Hispanic Origin):All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe,North Africa or the Middle East. ❑African-American/Black (Not of Hispanic Origin):All persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. [Hispanic: All persons of Mexican,Puerto Rican,Cuban,Central or South American,or other Spanish culture or origin,regardless of race. ❑Asian or Pacific Islander.All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East,Southeast Asia,the Indian Subcontinent,on the Pacific Islands.. This area includes,for example,China,India,Japan,Korea,the Philippine Islands and Somoa. ❑American Indian or Alaskan Native: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America,and who maintain Cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. Physically Challenged: Yes,Li or NoLX Employment Status: Employed 9 Retired 0 Homemaker❑ Other❑ NOTE: If appointed,you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members. These laws include,but are not limited to,the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibition from contracting with the city(Miami-.Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach City Code section 2-26). o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts(Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). Upon request,copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. "I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article VII—of the City Code"Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members." -� 23 January 2012 Marilys R. Nepomechie Applicant's Signature Date Name of Applicant(PLEASE PRINT) Received in the City Clerk's Office by: ate:_ /2010 Control No.v ate: —/"I Name of Deputy Clerk ` mpmys R.mepome me.pum Florida International University College n*Architecture+The Arts Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Master ofArchitecture;Alpha Rho Chi Medal University of Florida, Bachelor of Arts,English Literature;Highest Honors, Phi Beta Kappa Harvard University| Radcliffe College,English Literature and Language:Deans First Honors Academic Practice Florida International University Department ofArchitecture 1997-Present Visiting,Assistant,then Associate Professor,Tenured University Graduate Faculty;Latin American and Caribbean Center Faculty Associate, Honors College Research Associate Inaugural Director,Graduate | Professional Program inArchitecture John RGmvon/KHC Fellow, Housing, University oY Kentucky College ofDesign Spring 2003+05 Sue Fan Gooding Visiting Professor,University of Kentucky College ofDesign Spring 2UO3+O5 University of Pennsylvania G5R\.Graduate Options Studio;w/Enhqunworton 2002 Distinguished Visiting Critic,University of New Mexico School of Architecture and Planning 2000 Universiclad Central cle Venezuela,Facultad de Arquitectura,Visiting Studio Critic 1999 Un|venidouPoUt6cniro.Puerto Rico Visiting Studio Critic 1998 University of Miami School of Architecture,Instructor 1908-1996 Professional | Design Practice wohlyoR.Nepomechie Architect,Coconut Grove,Florida:Owner/Principal 1992-Present Public Architecture: The 1%Program 2008-Present Office of Urban Architecture/mK Roark, Inc.,Director o/Architecture )99}1993 Sasaki Associates,Inc:Firm Associate and Designer 1987-1990 Selected Honors | Awards 2011 AI*National Institute Honor Award in Regional and Urban Design 2011 2011 U3 DOE/wRsL Solar Decathlon Grant,perFORm[C]once House, p| 2011 2011 U3 DOE Award for Solar Decathlon student housing, PI 2011 Andrew W.Mellon Foundation/Wolfsonian-FIU Curatorial Grant,La Habana/Vioderna, PI 2010 Residential Architect Design Awards,Residential Architect Magazine,Award of Merit 2010 Florida International University President's 3vstoinobiotvAward xO|V American Institute of Architects Excellence in Service Award oO|O The American Architecture Award,Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture+Design 2009 Finalist: International Book Award,xm8ieno|mtomociono|A,quitec,vm.Dominican Republic 2009 Sustainable Design Education Leadership Honor Award,AmMiami 2009 The William G.McMinn Outstanding Educator Honor Award,AmRoriuu/Caribbean 2008 Association m Collegiate Schools o,Architecture National Service Award/ARC 2008 Excellence inArchitecture:Honor Award, Unbuin Design,A/^Miami e008 Excellence in Architecture:Merit Award, Unbum Design,AmRo»uo/Caribbean 2008 Excellence in Writing about Architecture Honor Award,AmMiami oOOr A|A Silver Medal in Design,The American Institute of Architects Miami 2006 ne,00,ch Award,The Graham Foundation:Miami mouemlLo Habana mouemo 2005 Elected tom*College oY Fellows, The American Institute of Architects 2005 Faculty Design/Faculty Research Award,Association o,Collegiate Schools of Arcx//oc/me 2005 Collaborative Practice Award,Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 2005 rhoAme,iron Architecture Award,Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture+Design 2004 The wC*R8P,ize/Awon1:The Comprehensive Studio vv/U Kentucky,N[AR8 2004 The NCAR8Prioa/Hon.Mention:Breaking Ground,w/U Kentucky,NCAR8 2004 Excellence in Architecture Honor Award, Unbuilt Design,AIA FicridalCaribbean 2004 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting Co-Chair Service Award 200* Education Leadership Honor Award,American Institute of Architects Miami 2004 University Faculty Research/Creative Work Award,RU Office o/the Provost 2008 Exhibihon/Citohon.Unbuin Design,Boston Society of Architects 2003 Silver Medal,Landscape Architecture/Public Projects,International 8/eno/Miami+Beach 2003 Excellence in Architecture, Honor Award,Unbuin Design,Am/m/om/ 2003 Honor Award,Unuu||t Design,Boston Society of Architects 2002 Education Honor Awards Citation:American Institute of Architectsl National 2002 Excellence in Architecture Honor Award,Unbuilt Design,AIA FloridolCoribbean 2002 Young Architectural Firm of the Year,American Institute of Architects/Miami 2001 Marilys R. Nepomechie FAIA 2 Selected Honors Awards(cont.) Excellence in Architecture Unbuilt Design Award,American Institute of Architects/Miami 2001 Prize Miami/Architecture,2001 International Bienal Miami+Beach 2001 Honorable Mention, 'Scattered Houses' Little Haiti Affordable Housing Competition,MoCA 2001 Excellence in Architecture:Honor Award Unbuilt Design,AIA Miami 2000 Excellence in Architecture:Honor Award, Unbuilt Design,AIA Florida/Caribbean 1999 Excellence in Architecture:.Environmentally Conscious Design Award,AIA Miami 1999 Excellence in Architecture:Honor Award,Unbuilt Design,AIA Florida/Caribbean 1998 Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award,Unbuilt Design,AIA Miami 1998 Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award,Unbuilt Design,AIA/Miami 1998 International Traveling Exhibition,NJIT/USA Institute Piazza Isola Competition 1998 Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award,Unbuilt Design,AIA Miami 1995 Young Architects Award,Progressive Architecture Magazine:Young Architects Issue 1993 First Award, Delray Beach National Affordable Infill House Competition 1992 Women in Architecture,National Building Museum Archives,selected portfolio 1992 Women in Architecture,Selected Portfolio:Architecture Magazine 1992 Excellence in Architecture:Honor Award Unbuilt Design,AIA Florida/Caribbean/Sasaki 1990 Design Merit/Exhibition Award,Peace Garden Competition,US Department of the Interior 1989 Research Creative Work Grants Research+Teaching Grants 2011 US DOE/NREL Solar Decathlon Grant,PerFORM[D]once House, PI 2011 2011 US DOE Award for Solar Decathlon student housing,PI 2011 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/Wolfsonian-FIU Curatorial Grant,Lo Habana Moderna, PI 2010 American Institute of Architects Research +Publication Grant:Small Projects, PI 2009 American Institute of Architects Research +Publication Grant: Building Paradise, PI 2009 Graham Foundation:History Theory Lecture Series, FIU SOA;Rifkind,PI;Co-PI w/Stuart,Andia 2008 Cejas Research Fellowship,Miami Modern/La Habana Moderna 1930-59, PI.w/Conav6s 2008 University of New Mexico School of Architecture and Planning Urban Design Studio, PI 2007 American Institute of Architects Regional and Urban Design Committee Studio Travel Grant 2006 Graham Foundation:Miami Modern/La Habana Moderna 1930-59,w/Conov6s, Brooke,PI 2005 International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam:The Flood/More Nostrum,PI 2005 American Institute of Architects/Miami (Admin):Miami Modern/La Habana Moderna, PI 2005 Community Trails Grant,Big Woods:Demonstration Affordable Rural Housing/Design 2005 Nickelodeon Grant, Playground:Big Woods,Demonstration Affordable Rural Housing/Design 2005 University of Miami Travel Fellowship: Bezalel Institute;Technion; University of Tel Aviv, Israel 2005 American Institute of Architects/COD:Dutch Housing Conference,NL;Studio Travel Grant 2004 Cuban Research Institute Travel Research Fellowship`.Miami Modern/Lo Habana Moderna 2004 Florida International University:Modern Dutch Housing Conference,NL. Studio Travel Grant 2004 Home Depot Foundation Grant,Big Woods:Demonstration Affordable Rural Housing/Design 2004 HUD/RHED Grant,Big Woods:Demonstration Affordable Rural Housing/Design 2003 Academy for the Art of Teaching/Wolf sonian:Instruments of Material Culture,PI,w/Conav6s 2001 AMR/American Airlines Foundation Grant,Graduate Studio Travel,Co-PI,w/J.Stuart 2000 Sponsored Research Grant,FIU,Co-PI,w/Nicolas Quintana,Co-PI 1999 Metro Dade County Art in Public Places Grant,Opo Locka Airport Entries/Team Member 1990 Aga Khan Research Grant,MIT: Cordoba, Spain:Historic Documentation,Student Team Member Research Creative Work Design Practice Exhibitions:Curatorial I Design Lo Habana Moderna:The Wolfsonian-FIU Teaching Gallery at the Philip and Patricia Frost Art Museum. Funding: Andrew W.Mellon Foundation;with Jon Mogul,The Wolfsonian-FIU 2010 Magic City I Novio del Mar:2nd International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam/IABR: The Flood I More Nostrum,Funding: IABR with Marta Canav6s 2005 Housing+Urban I Regional Design Smoketown:Affordable infill/infrastructure,Louisville,KY:Bates Memorial Church/LMHA. 2008 University of New Mexico Mosterplan Design Charrette/Visioning Studies:Housing,Albq,NM 2007 Galata Housing, Bulgaria. Invited Design+ Planning Charrette 2006 Big Woods:Affordable rural housing,Morehead, KY:FHC,Kentucky Housing Corporation 2004 Little Haiti Scattered Site Housing:Affordable urban infill,Little Haiti/Miami,FL: 2002 FIU School of Architecture Practice and American Institute of Architects/Miami Piazza Isola, Verona,Italy:Competition Entry 1998 Belvedere/Bridge and Tower:Miami Beach,FL:Townhomes,Miami Beach Historic District 1998 Mount Olive Housing:Affordable urban infill,Delray Beach, FL: Delray Beach CRA 1995 Williamson Residence,Miami,FL:Single-family residence for law professor and his family 1994 Matos-Lupi;Bake;Gudridge;Lisman Residences,Renovations/Additions,Miami, FL 1994 Roark Residence Miami Beach,FL:Additions/renovations to historic 1930's home 1993 Institutional Projects Miami International Airport GSE Facility/South terminal Additions/Renovations, Miami,FL 2006 International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam:Installation Design/Execution,Las Palmas 2005 Sunset Park Elementary School,Miami,FL:MDPS,Additions, Renovations 2003 Miami-Dade County Fire Station #32:Renovations/ADA 2001 USDA Fumigation Facility/Miami International Airport:MDAD: Renovations/expansion 2000 Urban Search and Rescue Team Training Facility/Miami-Dade County Fire Department 2000 Morilys R. Nepomechie FAIA 3 Research Creative Work Design Practice Institutional Projects Sawgross Education Complex,Coral Springs,FL,w/Sasaki Associates,Inc.,Designer 1993 Collier Medical Office Building,Naples,FL:With Sasaki Associates, Inc., Project Designer 1992 Hickory Point Recreation Facility,Tavares, FL:w/Sasaki Associates, Inc., Designer 1991 Sugar Sand Park Community Center,Boca Raton, FL:w/Sasaki Associates, Inc., Designer 1990 Research Creative Work Publications Authored/Edited Books and Manuscripts Miami Modern/La Habana Moderna, M.Nepomechie;S.Brooke/Photo,M.Canaves/Design 2013 Small Projects I Extraordinary Ideas, M.Nepomechie,SPP AG eds.,AIA 2012 AIA Guide to MIAMI I Building Paradise:An Architectural Guide to the Magic City, M.Nepomechie;S. Brooke,photography,M.Canaves/Design;AIA Miami 2010 Bienal Miami+Beach 2001-2005:A retrospective,J.Canaves;M. Nepomechie,ed.;TRAMA 2007 Archipelagos: Outposts of the Americas,M.Nepomechie,R.Gonzalez,eds;ACSA Press 2004 Authored Articles and Book Chapters "Case Study:Biscayne Plaza"in Shulman,Allan T.,ed.,Miami Modern Metropolis,Rizzoli 2008 "Introduction",Sustainable I Accessible THOR,Florida Atlantic University Community Design 2008 "Big Woods/Access"in Pressman,A.ed,Mau Design,Architectural Graphic Standards,Wiley 2007 "Projects/Letters",in Cole,Doris,Letters: Women in Architecture,Midmarch Arts Press 2006 "Little Haiti"in Narkiewicz-Laine,C.,ed.,New American Architecture,Metropolitan Arts 2006 "Miami/La Habana"in Geuze,Adrioan,ed.,IABR: The Flood, NAi Pub 2005 "Magic City/Novia del Mar"in de Baan;Christine,ed.,The More Nostrum Papers,IABR, NAi, 2005 "Quilting Home"and"Big Woods",in The Art/Science of Architecture:ACSA 2005 "Construction Documents".Emerging Professionals'Companion,w/M Paynton,AIA/NCARB 2004 "Review"of Oliver,P.,Dwellings:The vernacular house worldwide, in JA E,MIT Press 2004 "Public Space/Urban Beach",in Childs,M.,Square Design, University of New Mexico Press 2004 "Housing Diaspora",in Journal of Architectural Education,MIT Press 2003 "Scattered Site Infill, Little Haiti", in Recalibrating Centers and Margins,ACSA, 2003 "El Callejon Como Espacio Habitable",Punto 70:Revista Universitoria, UCV,Caracas 2003 "Krier/Tschumi:Two Schools...",in AULA 3: Tropical Miami,Tulane University Press, 2002 "Nostalgia and Change"ACSA International Conference Proceedings:Rio de Janeiro: 2001 "Exploding the Urban Block",ACSA Annual Conference Proceedings: 2001 "Rethinking MiMo",Editor,Symposium Proceedings,FIU and Design+Architecture Day 2001 "Preservation/Activism"in A. Pressman,Architectural Design...Handbook,McGraw-Hill 2001 "Habitable Interstices",in Proceedings,ACSA Annual Conference,LA, 2000 "Re-Membering the Adige",Modulus 25:Urban Intersections, University of Virginia Press, 2000 "William R.Mead,"in American National Biography,Garraty, JA,ed.,Oxford University Press 1999 "An Architecture of Memory and Inclusion",ACSA International Conference,Proceedings, 1999 "Unacceptable Echoes"in Places:A Quarterly Journal of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley 1997 Research Creative Work Citations Reviews of Creative Work;multiple citations each source 1990-2011 Architect Magazine; Architecture Magazine: Progressive Architecture; Journal of Architectural Education; Modulus: University of Virginia Architecture Journal; Thresholds/MIT Critical Journal of Architecture, Art and Media Culture; Perspecta/Yale Architectural Journal (invited); Places: A Quarterly Journal of Environmental Design/UC Berkeley;Architecture Boston;Architecture Ireland; Ottagono: National Building Museum Archives; Competitions; Abitare; Florida/Caribbean Architect; Residential Architect; SNAP; Palimpsests In Stone; Architecture Canada, Florida Architecture: Florida AIA, 1912-2000; Scattered Houses/MOCA; Miami Herald; Nuevo Herald; Florida Sun Times, FIU Magazine Research Creative Work Exhibitions Exhibitions of Creative Work The 2011 National AIA Institute Honor Awards:Regional and Urban Design, New Orleans,LA 2011 The 2009 American Architecture Awards/Chicago Athenaeum+EUAR,Athens,Greece 2010 Miami/Havana,Miami International Airport,AIA National Convention,Miami,FL 2010 Boston Society of Architects/Build Boston,Unbuilt Design Awards,Boston,MA 2008 American Institute of Architects Miami/Freedom Tower,AIA Awards, Miami,FL, 2008 American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery,AIA Awards,Tallahassee,FL, 2008 A New American Campus:Visioning Studies/Housing,University of New Mexico,Albq.,NM 2007 New American Architecture:American Architecture Awards/Chicago Athenaeum:NYC/NY 2005 New American Architecture:American Architecture Awards/Chicago Athenaeum:LA/CA 2005 International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam,more Nostrum/The Flood, Rotterdam, NL, 2005 Faculty Design and Collaborative Practice Awards,American Institute of Architects,LV/NV 2005 2004 American Architecture Awards,The Chicago Athenaeum Museum,Chicago,IL, 2005 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture,Faculty Design Award,Chicago, IL 2005 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Collaborative Practice Award,Chicago, IL 2005 Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery,AIA Awards FAMU,Tallahassee, FL, 2004 American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery,AIA Awards,Tallahassee,FL, 2004 BEA International Architecture Gallery,FIU,Faculty Work:Recent Projects,Miami, FL. 2004 Boston Society of Architects Architecture Gallery/Build Boston,Design Awards, Boston,M 2003 International Bienal Miami+Beach,Landscape Architecture/Public Projects,Miami,FL, 2003 BSA Architecture Gallery/Build Boston,BSA Design Awards, Boston,MA, 2002 Marilys R. Nepomechie FAIA 4 Research Creative Work Exhibitions(cont.) Exhibitions of Creative Work Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery,AIA Awards FAMU,Tallahassee, FL, 2002 American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery,AIA Awards,Tallahassee,FL, 2002 Museum of Contemporary Art,Little Haiti Affordable Infill Housing Competition, NM,FL, 2001 Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery,AIA Awards FAMU,Tallahassee, FL, 1999 American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery,AIA Awards,Tallahassee,FL, 1999 Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery,AIA Awards, FAMU,Tallahassee, FL, 1998 Veronafiore Gallery,NJIT/USA Piazza/solo Competition Exhibition,Verona,IT 1998 American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery,AIA Awards,Tallahassee,FL 1998 Bass Museum of Art:Architectural Detailing, Miami Beach,FL,Invited 1994 Yale University Architecture Gallery,Perspecto Affordable Housing Exhibition,New Haven 1993 Center for the Fine Arts/Miami Art Museum:Miami:Architecture in the Tropics,Miami, FL, 1993 Center for the Fine Arts/Miami Art Museum:New South Dade Charrette,Miami, FL, 1992 Cornell Museum of Art:Delray Affordable Infill House, Competition Entry, Delray Beach,FL, 1992 Piano Nobile Art Gallery:Buildings and Projects: Oil Pastels,Coral Gables,FL 1992 Continuum Art Gallery:Buildings:Oil Pastels,Juried Exhibition,Miami Beach,FL, 1992 Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery,AIA Awards, FAMU,Tallahassee, FL, 1990 American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery,AIA Awards,Tallahassee,FL, 1990 University of Miami Architecture Gallery: Sawgross Complex, Coral Gables, FL 1990 National Building Museum:National Peace Garden Competition Entry,Washington DC 1989 Washington University Architecture Gallery:Steedman Traveling Fellowship,STL,MO 1988 Columbia University Architecture Gallery:Aga Khan Grant Drawings:Cordoba, Spain, NYC 1984 MIT Architecture Gallery:Aga Khan Research Drawings:Cordoba, Spain,Cambridge,MA 1984 Research Creative Work Presentations lectures,Presentations "Small Project Design Awards and Retrospective,"AIA National Convention Washington DC 2012 "8 x 8 x 2 Projects,"AIA Women in Architecture and Young Architects Forum,Miami 2011 "Small Practices+the AIA 2030 Initiative,"AIA National Convention,New Orleans,LA 2011 "2011 Small Project Design Awards,"AIA National Convention,New Orleans,LA 2011 "AIA Top Ten Issues Forum,SPP",AIA National Convention, New Orleans, LA 2011 "Building Paradise: An Architectural Guide to the Magic City,"Wolfsonian-FIU,Miami,FL 2011 "Diverse Voices:Interconnections I Artist,Architect,Curator,"Arteamericas,Miami, FL 2011 "Building Paradise:Miami Architecture", University of Miami,Miami,FL 2011 "Urban Design Education," Discussant,ACSA Annual Meeting,Montreal,Canada 2011 "In a Man's World: Mentoring Women in Architecture,"Perkins+Will, 2011 "La Habana Moderna",Public Lecture,Frost Art Museum and the Wolfsonian-FIU 2010 "La Habana Moderna",Docents Presentation, Frost Art Museum and the Wolfsonian-FIU 2010 "2010 Small Projects Design Awards:In the Public Interest,"AIA National Convention 2010 "Chameleon Architects: In the Public Interest" Boston Society of Architects, Boston MA 2010 "Small Footprint, Long Shadow," Boston Society of Architects,Boston MA 2010 "Architecture on Television",Buell Center,Columbia University and AIA,New York,New York 2009 "Best Practices:Small Projects/Big Ideas",AIA National Convention,San Francisco,CA 2009 "Strategies for Small Project Production,"AIA national Convention,San Francisco,CA 2009 "Smoketown", Design Awards Seminar,AIA Florida/Caribbean Annual Conference,Boca, FL 2008 'Small Project Design Awards' Interview w/Michael Crosbie,2008 AIA National, Boston,MA 2008 "National Small Project Design Awards", Panel,AIA 2008 National Convention,Boston, MA 2008 "Best Practices:Advocacy,Collaboration", panel,AIA National Grassroots 2008,Wash., DC 2008 "Identidad Caribe",XXX Congreso Colombiono/Arquitectura,Barranquilla,Colombia,inv 2007 "Building Our Schools", Panelist,ACSA Administrators' Conference,Minneapolis,MN 2007 "Cuba Explored",Panelist, University of Pennsylvania Institute of Contemporary Art,Phil,PA 2007 "Collaborations", University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago,IL 2007 "Recent Work", University of Detroit Mercy,Detroit, MI (Invited) 2007 "Small Projects Awards"Presentation Panelist,AIA Annual Meeting,San Antonio,Texas 2007 "Educating Architects for Global Practice"The Walter Wagner Forum,panelist,AIA/LA,CA 2006 "Education/Practice/Community",AIA Florida/Caribbean Annual Meeting,Boca, FL, 2006 "Environments Real/Imagined",Agendas of Design in the Modern World:The Wolfsonian,FL 2005 "Between Cultures:Miami/Habana,"Center for Historic Architecture Preservation/UK,FL, 2005 "Promise of the Unbuiit:Boston Society of Architects," Panelist,Build Boston,Boston,MA, 2005 "Big Woods",Faculty Design/Research Awards:ACSA Annual Meeting,Chicago,IL 2005 "Big Woods",Collaborative Practice Awards:ACSA Annual Meeting,Chicago,IL 2005 "Accreditation Team Room", Presentation, NAAB Team Chair Workshop,Chicago,IL, 2005 "Miami/La Habana",Mare Nostrum Symposium/Social Issues:Panelist/Curator,IABR, NAi, NL 2005 "Miami/La Habana",Mare Nostrum Research Forum,IABR:Rotterdam,NL 2005 Commencement Address/Spring,Florida international University,Miami,FL, 2005 "Modern Dutch Housing", Panelist,AIA/COD International Conference,Amsterdam, NL, 2004 "Quilting Home,"University of Wisconsin School of Architecture/Latin American Center,WI 2004 "Sixty Square Meters"Affordable Housing Symposium, University of Illinois/Chicago,IL, 2003 "Big Woods:Housing,Community,Engagement", Keynote, Governor's Housing Conf., KY, 2003 "4 Houses/14 Acres: Affordable Housing for Rural Appalachia", UK,Lexington,KY, 2003 "Architecture and Identity: A Working Method",Spring Lecture Series,UK,Lexington,KY, 2003 "Big Woods"Kentucky Housing Corporation and University of Kentucky,Frankfort,KY 2003 Morilys R. Nepomechie FAIA 5 Creative Work Lectures(cont) Lectures,Presentations Research "Scattered Houses: Little Haiti", Faculty Design,ACSA Annual Meeting,Louisville,KY 2003 "Vivienda",Conferencia Magistral/Keynote,XIII Bienal de Arquitectura,Quito, Ecuador 2002 "Urban Infill/Preservation",International Making Cities Livable Conference,St.Augustine, FL 2002 "NAAB Accreditation/Program Preparation", University of Colorado, Denver CO 2002 "Team Room Preparation: Best Practices", NAAB/ACSA Workshop,New Orleans, 2002 "Nostalgia and Change",ACSA International Conference, Istanbul,Turkey 2001 "Work", University of South Florida School of Architecture Spring Lecture Series,Tampa, FL 2001 "El Callej6n: Espacio Habitable", UCV Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.Caracas, VE 2001 "Exploding the Urban Block",ACSA 2001 Annual Conference, Baltimore MD, 2001 "Recent Work",The John Gow Meem International Lecture Series,UNM,Albuquerque,NM 2000 "Habitable Interstices",ACSA Annual Conference,Los Angeles,CA, 2000 "Rethinking MiMo",Co-Moderator,Panel Discussion,Design+Architecture Day,Miami,FL, 2000 "Recent Work", U Miami School of Architecture Professional Lecture Series,Miami,FL, 1999 "An Alternative Urbanism...",ACSA SE Regional Conference:San Juan,PR 1999 "Re-Membering the Adige",ACSA International Conference: Rome,Italy, 1999 'Toward Environmental Stewardship",ACSA West Regional Meeting,UC, Berkeley,CA, 1998 "Slave Roots and Preservation",ACSA International Conference,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil 1998 "Piazza Isola,Verona,"Universidad Polit6cnica de Puerto Rico,Visiting Critic Lecture,SJ, PR 1997 "The Shotgun Reconsidered",AIA National Diversity Conference:w/Jack Travis,Seattle,WA 1997 Service Public Profession Professional Juries,Panels Jury Observer,AIA National 2012 Small Projects Design Awards 2012 Jury Member,Jeff Harnor 2012 Award for Contemporary Architecture 2012 Jury Member,AIA National Housing Design Awards 2011 Jury Member,Notional US HUD Secretary(Housing and Urban Development) Design Awards 2011 Jury Chair,AIA South Carolina Design Biannual Awards 2011 Jury Advisor,AIA Notional Small Project Practitioners Design Awards 2010 Jury Member,AIA Florida Southwest Annual Design Awards 2010 Jury Member,AIA Orlando Annual Design Awards 2010 Jury Member,AIA Florida William G.McMinn Outstanding Educator Award 2010 Jury Chair,AIA Florida William G.McMinn Outstanding Educator Award 2009 Jury Member,Walter Wagner Forum,American Institute of Architects(National)/EPN 2009 Jury Member,AIA Miami 2008 Silver Medal 2008 Jury Member AIA Western Virginia 208 Design Awards (invited) 2008 Jury Member,The Wolfsonian Research Fellowships 2008-2009 2008 Jury Member,Miami-Dace County Cultural Arts Grants 2002-Present Jury Member Bienal Miami+Beach 2007 2007 Jury Chair/Host,AIA Orlando Annual Design Awards 2006 Jury Member,2006 ACSA/AIA Topaz Medallion 2005 Jury Member,Architecture Magazine 'Home of the Year'Design Awards 2005 Jury Member,Boston Society of Architects Unbuilt Design Awards 2005 Jury Member,Bienal Miami+Beach Possible Futures Digital Design Competition,Phase II 2005 Jury Chair,Bienal Miami+Beach, International Student Design Competition 2005 Jury Member,Miami Dade Cultural Arts Council Capital Development Grants Panel 2001-2005 Jury Member,AIA Ft. Lauderdale Design Awards 2004 Jury Member,Spanish Lang Publications:History/Theory, XIII Bienal de Arquitectura,Quito 2003 Symposium Director:The Wolfsonian-FIU:Instruments of a Material Culture w/M.Conov6s 2000 Service Academic NAAB NAAB Visiting Teams: Team Chair: Rochester Institute of Technology(Candidacy) 2011 ACSA Representative University of Virginia 2009 New Jersey Institute of Technology 2008 University Southern California 2007 Virginia Polytechnic Institute+ DC Consortium 2006 Team Member: Temple University 2011 University of New Mexico (observer) 2006 University Nevada Las Vegas 2005 University California Los Angeles 2004 Princeton University 2003 Service Academic University Selected Academic Committees(Florida International University) University Strategic Planning Committee: The Arts 2010-201 1 Chair,Faculty Assembly,College of Architecture+The Arts 2009-201 1 Chair,Steering Committee,College of Architecture+The Arts 2009-201 1 University Institutional Review Board (IRB) 2010- Dean Search Committee,College of Architecture+The Arts 2010 Ad-Hoc Budget Review Committee,College of Architecture+the Arts 2009 Steering Committee,SOA Representative,College of Architecture+the Arts 2009 SACS Accreditation Steering Committee:QEP/Internationalizing the Curriculum 2007-2010 Chair,School of Architecture Curriculum+Academic Standards Committee 2007- Architecture Program Curriculum Design (Graduate, Undergraduate: 4+2 and 5-year) 2003,2008 Architecture Program Report/Co-Curator: NAAB Architecture Accreditation Exhibit 2002 Marilys R. Nepomechie FAIA 6 Service Academic University(cont.) Selected Academic Committees(Florida International University) The Wolfsonion-FIU Museum,Executive Committee,Academic Advisory Council 2000-Present Academy for the Art of Teaching,Advisory Council,FIU 2003-Present President's Advisory Committee on Women, FIU 2001-Present University Honors and Awards Committee, FIU 2005-2007 University Graduate Council, Evaluation of Graduate Degrees/Programs, FIU 2004-2006 College of Architecture+The Arts Promotion I Tenure+Curriculum Committees 2006-Present School of Architecture Academic Standards Committee Chair 2006-Present School of Architecture Representative,College Curriculum Committee 2006-Present Graduate Admissions Committee,School of Architecture 1997--Present Chair:Search,Tenure,Promotion Committees: Architecture,Landscape,Interiors Ongoing University Faculty Senate/Senate Nominating Committee:Member,then Chair, FIU 2000-2002 University Library Committee: Collection Development/Acquisitions,FIU 2000-2003 Inaugural Director, Florida International University Professional Program,Architecture 1997-2000 Service Public( Community Selected Community Boards and Service Miami-Dade County Cultural Arts Council:Grants Panelist 2000- City of Miami Beach Architectural Design Review Board 2002-2003 The Arango Design Foundation/Design+Architecture Days: 2000-2001 Chair/Curator Intercollegiate Student Design Charrettes,Exhibitions,Symposia Architecture In the Public Realm and Rethinking MiMO(Miami Modern) City of Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board 1999-2001 City of Miami Urban Development Review Board 1999-2000 Fundraising US Department of Energy 2011 Solar Decathlon: 2010-2011 Professional Services: Architecture,Structural Engineering,MEP,General Contractor I CM In-kind Materials/Services:IKEA,SolarUS,Sunpower, NanaWall, Diakin,Tridium,and others. Project budget: Approximately$500,000 (in progress) Teaching Teaching Areas Architectural Design+Thesis; Sustainable Design;Building Systems Integration History I Theory:Modernism+Tourism:La Habana I Miami; Research Methods in Architecture Sustalnability I Green Design:Co-Founder,Interdisciplinary Certificate Program for Sustainable Construction w/College of Engineering (Departments of Architecture,Landscape Architecture, Interior Design,Mechanical Engineering,Environmental Engineering,Construction Management) Principal Investigator ( Lead Faculty Advisor US Department of Energy 2011 Solar Decathlon:FIU PerFORM[D]ance House 2009-2011 www.solardecathlon.gov and htto://solardecath(on.fiu.edu Student Exhibitions,Presentations,Awards[Selected]: Presentation: Miami-Dade County Public Schools"Sustainable Design Education" 2011 Presentations:Miami-Dade County Public Schools Engineering Expo 2011 Exhibition: Coral Gables Museum 2011 Paper Selected for Presentation:NAHAB International Builders Show 2011 Exhibition: NHAB International Builders Show 2011 Exhibition: National Education Association, Chicago 2011 Exhibition:National Building Museum,Washington DC 2010 Exhibition l Presentation: Future of Florida High Tech Expo,Florida Chamber 2010 Exhibition: National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL) 2010 Exhibition: Arts Preview, Phillip+Patricia Frost Art Museum 2010 Finalist,Sustainable South Florida Award,Miami Chamber of Commerce 2010 Award: Excellence in Student Design,AIA Miami 2010 Exhibition: 2010 AIA Miami Design Awards 2010 Exhibition: Perkins+Will 751h Anniversary Gala 2010 Doctoral Dissertation Committee, College of Health and Urban Affairs Public Policy Garzon,Zhayda, "Housing Partnerships" 2008-2011 Faculty Advisor and Research Associate, University Honors College Thomas Pupo, "Midcentury Modernism: La Habana,Cuba" 2010-2011 Professional Registration Llcensure Registered Architect,State of Florida: AR#1 1 173 Registered Interior Designer,State of Florida:ID #3942 National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) Professional Organizations Affiliations I Positions Professional Affiliations I Positions Architectural Record Magazine Editorial Advisory Board 2009-201 1 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture,National I ACSA Co-Chair,ACSA 92nd Annual Meeting: Archipelagos: Outposts of the Americas 2004 Representative to NAAB Accreditation Review Conference EAM Task Force 2008 Chair: Social Responsibility Task Force:NAAB Accreditation Review Conference 2007 Marilys R. Nepomechie FAIA 7 Professional Organizations(cont.) Affiliations+ Positions Professional Affiliations I Positions Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture,National I ACSA,(cont.) Faculty Councilor,School of Architecture 2003-2008 Chair,Nominating Committee,ACSA 2005 SE Regional Director 2005 Jury Member,ACSA/AIA Topaz Medallion 2005 Architecture Accreditation Board,National I NAAB Accreditation Team Chair and Member(See 'Academic Service',above) 2003- Preparation for the 2008 ARC: Emerging Accreditation Models 2008 Innovative Models of Accreditation: Subcommittee Co-Chair American Institute of Architects,National ( AIA National Knowledge Leadership Assembly/Advisory Group,SPP 2007-201 1 Director I Advisor, National Small Projects Awards Program 2010 Chair,Small Projects Practice Advisory Group 2010 Vice-Chair,Chair-Elect Small Projects Practice Advisory Group 2009 AIA National 2030 Steering Committee 2009- AIA National Small Firms Task Force 2009- AIA 2009 The Architects Challenge 2009 AIA 2009 National Convention Education Advisory Committee 2008 AIA 2009 National Strategic Advance 2008 AIA 150 Design Charrette Team Leader: Everglades Greenway 2007 AIA College of Fellows,Inducted 2005 2005- AIA Board of Directors,Miami Chapter 1987+2000 DOCOMOMO Florida Board of Directors 2006-2008 Blenal Miami+Beach International Interdisciplinary Design Exposition,Competitions+Symposia Board of Directors 2007- �? MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.aov CITY CLERK Office CityClerkCmiamibeochfl.gov Tel:305.673.741 1 , Fax: 305.673.7254 Acknowledgement of fines/suspension for Board Members for failure to comply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Code Provision Code Section 2-11.1(i) (2) Board Member name: MeA&itv O M L GN C understand that no later than .July L of each year all members of-Boards and Committees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a purely advisory nature, are required to comply with Miami-Dade County Disclosure Requirements. This means that the members of City Advisory Boards, whose sole or primary responsibility is to recommend legislation or give advice to the City Commission, must file, even though you may have been recently appointed. You must file one of the following with the City Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, by July 1 each year. 1. A "Source of Income Statement'.(attached) or 2. A"Financial Statement' (attached( or] 3. A Copy of the person's current Federal Income Tax Return Failure to file, according to the Miami-Dade County Code Chapter 1, General Provision, Section 1-5 may subject the person or firm to a fine not to exceed $500.00 or by imprisonment in the countyJail for a period not to exceed sixty days, or both. Signature: 60 te: M I A M I•DADE ® SOURCE OF INCOME STATEMENT Please Print or Type First Name Middle Name/Initial Last Name Disclosure For Tax Year Name: L S /� '0/`1�GL�7 Ending: loll Mailing Address: Ir D S e5,rlt-Ard lit+ fjX - �p City/State/Zip: /Ll I�► M/ 33/ 3 3 Social Security Number: Filing as a: ® County Employee: ® Municipal Employee of: Position held or sought: All Board where serving: D,P is Term or Employment Began on: Department where employed: Work Address: /Y4 O ��✓ ��`sT /''I/A�l�r �L 3�/� If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to ; `J /r 90��5� Florida Statutes§119.07 please check here(read instructions): ® Work Telephone: Home Address: Street Address City State Zip Code Please list below in descending order with the largest source first, the name, address and principal business activity of every source of your income including public salary you received or any person received for your benefit or use during the disclosure period. The income of your spouse or any business partner need not be disclosed. If continued on a separate sheet, check here: Description of the Principal Name of Source of Income Address Business Activity �rr�-� QS ES �•o I hereby swear(or affirm)that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. Signature of person disclosing Date signed