Memo 015-2012 Response to your Questions MIAMI BEACH "' 2012 J(' � �:� o. MEMORA (6& I CI fJ 2,01 TO: Jerry Libbin, Commissioner FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager/ DATE: July 24, 2012 SUBJECT: Responses to Your Questions Responses to your questions to Patricia Walker, Chief Financial Officer and Ramiro Inguanzo , Human Resources Director; are offered below. 1 — Risk Mgt Fund — Are the increases also allocated to enterprise funds? Yes, the Risk Management budget is allocated to all funds (including enterprise). 2 - July 9 Finance & Citywide Projects Committee — How was the $1.4 Million Pay—as—you- go allocated to projects? The $1.4M Paygo allocation was provided to General Fund capital projects with 201212013 funding requests that did not qualify for either Quality of Life (to support tourism- eligible capital projects in north, south and mid - beach), Miami Dade County — CDT (municipal resort tax eligible expenditures), on Capital Reserve funding (to support previously approved capital projects with funding requirements due to change orders, over budget bids or unforeseen items). First priority was given to existing neighborhood projects that were previously funded that had 201212013 funding requests: • Neighborhood Right of Way Improvement projects that required additional funding for above ground (millage and resurfacing etc) work that was part of the original scope of the project (Bayshore Central Bid Pack A ($246,006), Bayshore Lake Pancoast BPC ($14,000), Bayshore Neighborh000d Sunset Island 3 & 4 BPD ($745,000). • Property Management Facility - Flamingo neighborhood's request to relocate the Property Management Division outside Flamingo Park ($130,996). Second priority was given to future projects that had already been adopted in the current CIP budget but required funding in 201212013: • Fire Station #2 Training Annex ($82,200) • Polo Park Playground Renovation ($146,500) I • Muss Park Kayak Launch (204, 750) • Seawall Muss Park rehabilitation ($674, 000) We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and.play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 3 — Pension — Did IAFF and FOP have an increase in employee pension cost percentage like everyone else? If not, why? What is a.2% increase in the employee percentage worth? What percentage does each group pay? FOP and IAFF did not have an increase in the employee contribution in the current contract. Their employee contribution percentage is 10 %. A 2% increase for FOP is approximately $823, 000 for 1 year and for IAFF is $443, 000 for 1 year. General employees had an increase of 2% to their employee rate which continues today. Unclassified employee's contribution rate increased January 2010, AFSCME and GSA employees contribution rate increased in July 2010 and CWA employees contribution rate increased in November 20.10. The General employee's contribution percentages increased from 10% to 12% for employees who were generally employed prior to 1993 and from 8% to 10% for employees hired after 1993. 4 — Why was Fire overtime increased by $200,000? Please see attached LTC dated July 24, 2012. 5 — What would be our savings if we did not provide health insurance until an employee passes probation or is here 90 days? Please provide 3 years back info. We analyzed the 90 day waiting period for medical /dental insurance for newly hired unclassified employees (consistent with classified employees). This analysis covered a three year period (2009 -2012) with the average savings over the 3 year period (had we waited the 90 day period) being approximately $27,500 per year. Please see attached Schedules 1 -4. 6- RDA — Assessed values increased this year. How much additional tax will that generate and what will it be used for? The City Center RDA will generate an $1.9 million of the proposed millage rate of 6.1122. RDA tax revenues are used to support RDA related expenses. Remaining revenue over and above RDA expenses is either left in the RDA fund as fund balance or is transferred out to the capital projects fund for use in funding RDA capital projects. 7 — What has been the actual discount taken in our property tax collections over the past 5 years? (2007 — 2011) The actual discounts by year for property tax collections, including delinquencies, value adjustments, etc. are: FY 2006107 6.17 %, FY 2007108 6.28 %, FY 2008109 i 7.2 %, FY 2009110 6.35 %, and FY 20101116.43%. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. I I 8 — Specifically how we get to the different millage levels . See attached spreadsheet Schedule, 5. 9- Fines and Forfeitures are lower this year, why? Fines & forfeitures are lower in several categories, mostly in red light camera revenue, building code violations, code compliance fines, county court fines- parking, fire code violations, and local ordinance fines. 10 — In consideration of the proposal to boot vehicles of those who owe the City money for any reason — How much of what is owed to the City each year is collected ?( Percentage) Please provide 3 years history. Fiscal Year Billings Collections % Collected 2009 $108,236,109 $106,480,497 98% 2010 $114,723,069 $112,792,825 98% 2011 $112,990,335 $108,534,661 96% 11 — What is in Other revenues? Included in Other Revenues are management fees payable to the General Fund, and transfers in from other funds (such as the resort tax fund). 12 —What is this year's projected surplus? - This year's projected surplus will be presented in the quarterly financial update to the Commission which will be completed in the near future. 13 — How much was collected from FOP for take home cars for the last three years? The User fees for FOP Take Home Cars were set by the user's home location as follows: Miami Beach $0 bi- weekly Miami Dade County $25.00 bi- weekly Broward County $30 bi- weekly Palm beach County $75 bi- weekly (currently 3 employees) The amounts collected by the City were as follows: FY 2009110 - $194,4 10 FY 2010111- $264,337 ( includes $7 additional user fee which began in Aug 2010 for 18 months which expired in Feb 2012. FY 2011112 - $161,298 (includes the $7 additional fee for 5 months of this period) i We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. i I 14 — What was the cost to the City for FY 2008/09, FY 2009/10 and FY 2010/11 for gas and what was the usage for those three years? Please see attached Schedule 6 which shows the cost of fuel by month and the total purchased per month for the three year period. Please see Schedule 7 which reflects the volume usage and cost by Department for October 2008. CC: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and the City Commission KGB :PDW:TF Attachments I j We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 188 -2012 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager , DATE: July 24, 2012 SUBJECT: Analysis of Fire Department Overtime and Unanticipated Leave Usage - Quarter 3 FY 2011/12 This Letter to Commission (LTC) provides information regarding Fire Rescue Overtime and Unscheduled Leave Usage. Fiscal Year 2012/13 Overtime Com2arison The budgeted overtime (both regular overtime and holiday overtime) for all divisions in FY 2011/12 was $1.8 million. The following table shows a comparison between the budgeted overtime for FY 2011112 and proposed current service level for FY 2012/13. The overall increase between years is 8 %, with decreases in all categories except Suppression, which is increasing by 85 %. The increase in FY 2012113 overtime in the Suppression Division is based on year to date trends. While there is an increase in overtime from FY 2011/12 to FY 2012/13, - the FY 2012/13 amount is still less than prior year actuals. Proposed Budget CSL Budget FY13 - FY12 Division FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 Difference Ocean Rescue 346,286 193,736 307,031 193,000 (114,031) -37% Suppression 1,184,472 1,142,855 571,610 1,057,918 486,308 85% Rescue 805,898 684,291 629,498 582,687 (46,811) -7% Prevention 110,614 67,078 167,454 72,080 (95,374) -57% Support Services 57,632 29,076 166,750 90,000 (76,750) -46% Total 2,504,902 2,117,036 1,842,343 1,995,685 153,342 8% Fiscal Year 2091/12 Overtime Results to Date for Sulspression and Rescue Results for the first three quarters of FY 2011/12 show that the actual overtime expense for Fire Suppression and Rescue is $1.3 million, which represents 107% of the annual budget of $1.2 million. The table below shows the overtime budget for the two divisions, compared to the actual overtime usage by quarter for the first three quarters of the year. For Fire Suppression the percent used is 142% and for Rescue 75 %. Fiscal Year FY Actual YTD % of 2011/12 Budget I Q1 02 Q3 Q4 Total YTD Bud et Overtime $'s Suppression 571,610 319,522 295,241 194,197 808,960 142% Rescue 629,498 175,930 144,001 150,744 470,675 75% Total 1,201,108 495,452 439,242 344,941 1,279,635 107% Unanticipated leave (hrs) EVAC 1.099 2,239 1.722 5,060 SICK 2,441 2,214 3,058 7,713 Total 3,540 4,453 4,780 12,773 i Analysis of Fire Department Unanticipated Leave Usage and Overtime Quarter 3 FY 2011/12 Page 2of9 Emergency Vacation and Sick time for Suppression and Rescue Divisions Comparing the 3` quarter over the last three (3) years, unscheduled leave usage has fluctuated over the last two years from 197 shifts in FY 2009/10 to 192 shifts in FY 2010/11 to 199 shifts in FY 2011/12. During April and May 2012, the average unscheduled leave use was 1,200 hours of sick time and 500 hours of emergency vacation, which resulted in approximately 1,100 hours of overtime. Conversely, in June, the average unscheduled leave use was approximately 700 hours of sick and 550 of EVAC, resulting in approximately 365 hours of overtime. This drop in sick usage coincides with the graduation of new recruits in late May. This may indicate that the higher number of available personnel allows more flexibility in scheduling approved leave and, therefore, lowers the tendency toward abuse of sick leave. Another trend that is noticeable is that almost 50 percent of the frequent users are personnel in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP). Sick Leave usage and emergency leave usage decreased in each of the first two quarters of FY 2011/12 compared to the prior two years, with the third quarter being similar to the two prior years, with associated decreases in overtime. The analysis of this data demonstrates that the increased staffing, including the three additional firefighter positions added in FY 2010111 as a pilot program, has had an impact in decreasing the overtime expenditure and in the use of unscheduled leave. Further, as shown in the charts on the following pages,. the trend of unscheduled leave being significantly higher on weekends continued, resulting in the continued need for additional overtime to backfill on those days. The tables and graphs on the following pages provide three years of data on overtime, emergency vacation and sick time usage by day of week. Q3 THREE YEAR COMPARISON 01311/12 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 14.8 9.8 3.0 3.2 8.4 13.8 18.8 71,8 SICK 16.5 16.9 17.5 21.9 14.7 20.0 19.9 127.4 Tots! shifts 31:3 26.7 20.5 25 1 23 33 8 38 1 OT 27.9 8.3 5.3 15.3 8.4 25.8 31.9 122.9 Q310 /11 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 13.0 6.6 7.0 9.3 12.5 6.8 23.4 79.6 SICK 21.6 8.0 9.8 15.2 17.5 15.6 25.5 113.2 total s#iifts 34.5 1 16.8 24 4 30:0` 22 1 8 OT 23.5 8.1 16:8 17.1 11.7, 25:6 50.6 153.5 Q3 09/10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 12.9 13.5 7.2 10.3 11.9 17.8 19.0 92.6 SICK 19.5 10.0 11.6 8.0 17.2. 18.0 20.0 104.4 Total shifts 32.4 2 S 2 8 ]1 3 2 1 35 8 33 0 396 9 OT, 21.6 15.7 14.8 8.5 14:5 30:5 3i:9 143.5 I i I I I Analysis of Fire Department Unanticipated Leave Usage and Overtime Quarter 3 FY 2011/12 Page 3 of 9 FY 11/12 0111112 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Yearly Q1- TOTAL Total Q3 EVAC 3.0 7.4 6.3 4.0 2.8 13.7 8.6 4S.8' SICK 13.0 10.9 9.8 11.S 15.8 15.8 .24.9 101.7 Total 26.0 1_8.3 16 1 15 S -18.6 29.5 33 5 1 5 shifts OT 13.2 7.8 12.4 5.8 12.0 20.9 37.6 109.7 Q211/12 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 10.5 9.8 9.6 9:2 5.7 17.6 31.0 93.3 SI 11.4 6.0 11.6 17.7 6.0 21.1 18.5 92.3 *ota! _ shifts 22 9 15.8 21.2 26 L1 7 38 7 4 185.5 OT 22.1 9.9 15.6 15.3 8.4 25.8 31.9 129.0 Q311/12 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 14.8 9.8 3.0 3.2 8.4 13.8 18.8 71.8 210.9 210.9 SICK 16.5 16.9 17.5 21.9 14.7 .20.0 19.9 127,4 321.4 321.4 30tal 31.3 26:7, 20.5, 25251 231 33,8 3 7 1 99 2 shifts 532.3 532.3 OT 27.9 8.3 5.3 15.3 8.4 25:8 31.9 122.9 361.6 361.6 i I Analysis of Fire Department Unanticipated Leave Usage and Overtime Quarter 3 FY 2011/12 Page 4 of 9 FY 1 ®/11 _ Q110 /1i Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Yearly Q1 TOTAL Total Q3 EVAC 18.2 8.0 7.4 3.1 6.5 9.5 19.5 72.2 Sick 24.S 19.3 14.0 13.3 16.2 25.0 34.9 147.3 Iota! 42 7 27 3 214 16.4 22 7 34.5' S4 44 219:4 shifts OT 46.1 20.6 21.8 17.3 17.9 33.9 70.9 228.3 Q210/11 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 18.2 8.0 7.4 3.1 6.5 9.5 19.5 72.2 Sick 24.5 19.3 14.0 13.3 16.2 25.0 34.9 147.3 Total 2 7 27:3 21.4 26.4 2 34 5 44 219 4 shifts OT 46.1 20.6 21.8 17.3 17.9 33.9 70.9 Zy8:3 Q310/11 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 13.0 6.6 7.0 9.3 12.S 6.8 23.4 78.6 223.0 SICK 21.6 8.0 9.8 15.2 17.S 15.6 25.5 113.2 407.7 1'Total 34.6 14:5 36.8 24.4 30:0 22 4,_8 4 191. :4 8 630.7 sh 6T 23.5 8.1 16.8 17.1 11.7 25.6 50.6 153.5 610.1 Q410/11 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL- EVAC 6.6 6.4 4.0 4.0 4.5 13.6 13.0 52.1 275.1 SICK 15.9 13.3 14.0 10.5 12.5 17.2 16.0 99.4 507.1 Total 225 19.7, X18 00 1 5 17.0 30.8 29.0 1515 782.2 shi OT 9.8 6.5 8.7 3.8 12.6 25.6 21.5 88.5 698.6 I i I i. Analysis of Fire Department Unanticipated Leave Usage and Overtime Quarter 3 FY 2011/12 Page 5 of 9 FY 09/10 Q109 /10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Yearly Q1- TOTAL Total Q3 EVAC 13.3 10.5 4.0 6.1 1.7 17.0 18.3 70.9 SICK 23.0 19.0 17.4. 11.4 22.0 35.4 24.5 152.8 Total 36.3 29:5 21:4 57:5 z 52.5 4 8 2 3 7 shifts OT 35.3. 37.3 13.1 17.Z 24.1 53.3 44.4 225.2 Q2 09/10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 19.0 6.1 17.2 6.6 11.4 17.8 29.0 107.2 SICK 16.0 14.0 16.9 10.0 14.2 16.5 14.5 102.2'' Total 35.0 20:2 34:i 16.6 25.6 3 33 209.3 sh ifts OT 28.6 15.5 16.6 12.2 17.3 41.1 34.7 166.0 Q3 09/10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 12.9 13.5 7.2 10.3 11.9 17.8 19.0 92.6 270.6 SICK 19.5 10.0 11.6 8.0 17.2 18.0 20.0 104.4. .359.3 Total _ shifts 32.4 23.5 18:8 18.3 29:1. 3 8 39:0 1 69 9 629.9 OT 21.6 15.7 14.8 8.5 14.6 30.5 37.9 143.5 534.7 Q4 09/10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL EVAC 14.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 6.0 8.0 14.0 59.7 330.3 .SICK 22.3 17.0 18.0 21.4 21.5 27.0 34.8 161.9 521.2 Total 371 22:8 23.1' 27 3 27.5 35 0 g8 221.6 851.5 shifts OT 28.5 29.2 27.6 11.9 22.6 33.9 41.3 195.0 729.7 Analysis of Fire Department Unanticipated leave Usage and Overtime Quarter 3 FY 2011/12 Page 6of9 } Q1 11/12 Unscheduled Q1 11/12 ®T Leave 70 ! 60 100 24 Hour So 1 24 Hour Shifts by 40 Shifts by 60 �'` + Day of 40 Day of 30 s _... Week 20 _f - Week 20 0 , --� 6 - - -1 - s SICK 10 OT > > > > 0 '� r — r o a z0 -a a v 0 EVAC o aa J aa J aa J aa A aa J aa a aa J �n J� 01 e5 e`' JA S Q ty `J t N j Sunday - Saturday Sunday - Saturday t Q2 11/12 Unscheduled Q2 11/12 ®T Leave }} 60 24 Hour 100 ,` E 24 Hour 60 00 ----- - -_.._ ___._.. —� Shifts by 40 + Shifts by . 4C _ Day of 30 Y Week 20 t 0 2 — Week 0 - ---- _, =�-:, ■ SICK 100 m OT m M M m + o a n EVAC z 'A aa a � aa J ba J aa A a 3� � � � Je y eace s ,`rJC � I � � F Sunday - Saturday Sunday - Saturday t Q3 11/12 Unscheduled Q3 11/12 ®T Leave 70 60 �. 100 - 24 Hour SO� I 24 Hour. $0 �`' - - _ — _ ° -- Shifts by 40 i� - - - - -- _ I Shifts by 60 Day of 30 Y �� Week 20 Week 2 Da of 40 _ _ _ 0 -�- 10 o OT 0 w- ■SICK 0 > > > »> > > a f6 a v a v v o EVAC C J J a J > t j a j as �a a s �,a as as a s C 0 N f Sunday - Saturday Sunday - Saturday i Analysis of Fire Department Unanticipated Leave Usage and Overtime Quarter 3 FY 2011/12 Page 7 of g Q1 10 -11 Unscheduled Leave s Q1 10 -11 OT 100' _ _.__ _ _. 70 24 Hour 80 ' i Shifts by 60 t - -° - °--- -- 24 Hour 50 +' Day of 40 __.__ I Shifts by 30 Week 20 Day of a a Sick Week 10 0 - -- --- r - -- � � - -,- —? r3 OT o EVAC I - c cs ° a 3 v -0 to ° u ,° M o r `^ `^ 2 v 4 Sunday -Saturday t I ' Sunday - Saturday Q210 -11 Unscheduled Leave Q2 10 -11 OT ..___._.._...... 100 70 80 } 60 24 Hour g i — 24 Hour 50 i Shifts by 60 Shifts by 40 Day of 40 Da of 30� - -- .� Week y t 20 ■ Sick Week 20 C 0 - - -T [3 10 a OT 4 EVAC "I- 0 N a a aA a 0a a aa J a3 a aa v aa v aa � C 0 v ° LL - I i Sunday - Saturday ' Sunday - Saturday .._ ............... _...._.._.......__......._..._._.............._..._..._.. ._...._.._. :..._.._............ Q3 10 -11 Unscheduled Leave j Q3 10 -11 OT 100 80 70 _ ...... ..... --- ._.._.__ 70 60 Y, 24 Hour 60 50 -' Shifts 40 _ _w_ _ _ _._ 24 Hour 40 # by Day of 30 — Shifts 30 t + Week 20 -■ SICK by Day of 20 ` M 0 O 0 EVAC Week 10 Jcaa� °caaa �� � �yaaJ t.Saa ���aa� 0 - --- � -,- -` F ; J�aaA o�aaA A �yaaA A i\aa Jcaa { Sunday- Saturday E I Analysis of Fire Department Unanticipated Leave Usage and Overtime Quarter 3 FY 2011/12 Page 8 of 9 Q410 -11 Unscheduled Leave Q4 10 -110T 1 °s° 70 24 Hour 8 ) 60 7 24 Hour S0 Shifts by 5 Shifts by 40 Day of q � -- - - - -- Day of 30 Week 1 - -- ■ SICK 20 Week 10 -� OT I _ > > > > > o EVAC 0 _ ---r m a 7 0 a a a v a A c aa , ,aa ,aa yaaa aaA �aa, Sunday - Saturday Sunday - Saturday Q109/10 Unscheduled Leave' Q109/10 0T 100 � 80 — + 24 Hour 24 Hour SO Shifts by 60 Shifts by Day of 40 Day of 30 Week • SICK Week 10 20 ` a EVAC - fa 0T s 0 - - -10 aa� �a a aa a •�a aa � bA ea ya ca Sunday - Saturday Sunday - Saturday L. Q2 09/10 Unscheduled Leave Q2 09/10 OT 100 - 70 80 24 Hour 24 Hour 50 Shifts by 60 - .�.._._.-- Shifts by 40 Day of 40 �r- Day of 30 Week 20 Il a_ _ -- _ a SICK Week 20 � -- - E n OT 0 -,- r —;— - ,-- , =•.•.� a EVAC ( 10 0 a a a a a M a M o c LZ � J�aaa °�aaa ehaaJ eyaaa 1 F��e, J`0 I N �J eaC � Ka ti Sunday - Saturday Sunday - Saturday f w J W 2 U N Z N O M N V)V) c6 N w V J m (D E N_ 0) O CU O � O `- J N V J Z o 0 t U oo co m M 7 Co - m . V 40 Of nj C r L C O n o N O ol N Z N 22 2 S? cccp c ° 2 ° E tn OC 0 O 000 O 00 000 x300 000 (� EEEa E aaEEEOEa EEE a = C2. 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C ' m a N ,-1 m m o m r Ln Lri Ln Ln l`P m LD Ln Ln Ln N 00 N iL d o 7 L m o m > a v v �,ji" .j_ ro v U > 0 u "fi o E E m o m E Q >> to +;' l , o , � n m o m m ai C gI' E N L° v c a m m E v c 4 W v o j 6`• #; a W c v v v E£ v { > t E +' f > v x m t; o m N N m T / UNLEADED FUEL BY MONTH SCHEDULE 6 _ MOM Gallons Amount Per /Gal Sep -11 66,275 $226,248 $3.41 $2,531,505 Total FY 10/11 Aug -11 67,410 $233,424 $3.46 776,615 gallons Jul -11 63,786 $229,804 $3.60 Jun -11 1 63,893 $222,114 $3.48 May -11 67,855 $248,392 $3.66 Apr -11 65,786 $240,966 $3.66 Mar -11 70,670 $236,852 $3.35 Feb -11 61,196 $187,181 $3.06 Jan -11 61,598 $181,994 $2.95 Dec -10 61.704 $179,349 $2.91 Nov -10 61,158 $168,478 $2.75 0ct -10 65 $176,703 $2.71 Sep -10 1 66,335 1$169,893 $2.561 $1,980,375 Total FY 09J10 Aug -10 1 67,071 $172,140 $2.57 773,049 gallons Jul -10 1 66,776 1$171,493 $2.57 Jun -10 64 $166 $2.56 May -10 70,478 1$191,178 $2.71 Apr -10 64 1$175,035 $2.71 Mar -10 67,533 $179,718 $2.66 Feb -10 58,298 $146 $2.51 Jan -10 1 61,721 $151,216 $2.45 Dec -09 60,809 1$148,982 $2.45 Nov -09 59,289 1 $148,223 $2.50 Oct -09 65,168 1$159,662 $2.45 Sep -09 64,823 1$152,334 $2.35 $1,608,608 Total FY 08/09 Aug -09 62,477 j $156,193 $2.50 767,943 gallons Jul -09 66,732 1$153,484 $2.30 Jun -09 64,344 1$160,860 $2.50 May -09 68,732 $147,774 $2.15 Apr -09 64,978 $120,209 $1.85 Mar -09 69,425 $128,436 $1.85 Feb -09 58,439 $102,268 $1.75 Jan -09 63,306 $110,786 $1.75 I Dec -08 60,905 $91,358 $1.50 Nov -08 57,488 $109,227 1 $1.90 Oct-08 66,294 $175,679 $2.65 i SCHEDULE 7 October 2008 by department - -� -_ - -- - Unleaded - Volume Cost DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUM13ER $2.65 City Managers Office 011 - 0310 - 000503 11.25 $29.81 Community Services 011 - 0320 - 000503 193.29 S512.22 Community Relations 011 -0350- 000503 23.50 $62.28 Arts, Culture & Entertainment 011- 0380 - 000503 12.85 $34.05 Water Operation Maintenance 425- 0410 - 000503 2,347.64 $6,221.25 Sewer O peration Maint enance 425- 0420 - 000503 945.51 $2.505.60 Storm Water _ 427 -0427- 000503 29135 S773.14 Sanitation 435 -0430- 000503 3,277.35 $8,684.98 Convention Center 440 -0441- 000503 215.75 5571.74 Parking - A dministration 480 - 0461 - 000503 14.00 $37.10 Parkin - On- Street 480 -0462- 000503 3,563.89 S9,444.31 Parkin - Off Street 480- 0463 - 000503 600.76 S1,592.0 Plan,Dsgn & Hist Pres 011- 0520- 000503 22.70 _$60.16 Economic Development 011- 0530 - 000503 600 S0.60 Neighborhood Services 011- 0560 - 000503 0.00 $0.00 Computers 550 -0630- 000503 19.54 $51.78 Pub Works -Admin 011 - 0810 - 000503 192.10 $509.07 Pub Work- 011- 0815 - 000503 131.39 $348.18 CIP 011 -0820- 000503 220.85 $585.25 Environmental Resource 011 - 0830 - 000503 68.99 $182.82 Pub Works- Streets 011- 0840 - 000503 464.94 $1,232.09 Transportation Concurrence 0 - 0870- 000503 0.00 $0.00 Parks & Recreation Admin 011- 0920 - 000503 19.44 551.52 Bass Museum 011- 0930 - 000503 20.04 $53.11 Parks - Maintenance 011- 0940 - 000503 2 $7,474.75 Parks &'R ecreation 011 -0950- 000503 546.05 $1,447.03 Fire - Ocean Rescue 011- 0960- 000503 884.88 $2,344.93 Miami Beach Golf Ccurse 011- 0970 - 000503 700.00 S1,855.00 Normandy Golf Course 011- 0975 - 000503 0.00 $0.00 Community Resource Dev. 011- 0980 - 000503 6.80 $18.02 Police - Office of Chief 011 - 1110- 000503 1,567.49 $4,153.85 Police - Patrol 011- 1120-000503 29,338.25 $77,746:36' Police - RDA South Pointe 011 -1122- 000503 295.49 $783.05 Police - RDA City Center 168 - 1124 - 000503 53.30 $141.25 Police Support Sery 011 - 1130 - 000503 1,386.28 $3,673.64 Police - Crim Invest 011- 1140- 000503 . 7,252.29 $19,218.57 Police- Technical Services 011- 1150 - 000503 435.09 S1,152.99 Fire_- Suppression 0 11- 1210 - 000503 152.94 $405.29 Fire - Rescue 011 -1220- 00050 244.74 $648.56 Fire - Prevention 011 - 1230 - 000503 685.83 $1,817.45 Fire - Support Sery 011- 1240 - 000503 159.73 $423.28 Office of City Attorney 011 - 1410 - 000503 ' 78.20 $207.23 Building Division 011 -1510- 000503 746.82 S1,979.07 Code Compliance 011 - 1520 - 000503 888.86 52,355.48 Propert Management 520 - 1720 - 000503 2,562.33 S6,790.17 Communications 550 - 1750 - 000503 216.65 $574.12 Central Services 530- 1760 - 000503 102.50 $271.63 Fleet Management 510 - 1780 - 000000 277.24 $734.69 I Risk Management 540- 1790 - 000503 0.00 $0.00 Parkin - RDA City Center 463 - 1990 - 000503 0.00 $0.00 South Beach Service Team 435 - 9962 - 000503 1,463.98 $3,879,55 Property M mt. South Beach 011 - 9964 - 000503 51.85 $137.40 Mid Beach Service Team 435 - 9968 - 000503 0.00 $0.00 North Beach Service Team 435- 9969- 000503 718.05 $1,902.83 66,293.83 $175,678.65