Memo 016-2012 Proposed FY 2012/13 Police {
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager
DATE: July 27, 2012
SUBJECT: Proposed FY 2012/2013 Police Department Enhancements
This memorandum is in response to requests made at the July 25, 2012, Finance and
Citywide Projects Committee meeting (FCWPC) by Commissioner Libbin and Commission
Aides Commissioners Tobin and Wolfson regarding the supporting financial documentation
pertaining to the proposed FY 2012/2013 Police Department enhancements. Upon further
review with the Police Department, we have refined these estimates to include a correction
to the Internal Affairs Enhancement and the exclusion of new vehicles, fuel and
maintenance and depreciation costs for the additional Police Department union positions•
being proposed (these costs will not impact the FY.2012/2013 budget since the additional
Police Department union positions will not be eligible to be issued a . vehicle until the
successful completion of his /her probationary period). Please note that the vehicle costs will
impact subsequent years. These longer -term cost impacts associated with the issuance of
vehicles are now reflected in the attached spreadsheet.
Based upon the aforementioned revisions, the new total for the FY 2012/2013 proposed
Police Department enhancements is $1,310,000.
If you need clarification on any of these items, please feel free to contact me.
C: Mayor Matti Herrera_Bower and City Commissioners
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We ore committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Police Department
Proposed Enhancements for FY12/13
The purpose of this reorganization is to enhance the level, quality and integrity of Internal Affairs Investigations. A Sergeant has already been assigned to the FBI. 1 Sergeant will be
assigned to the Crime Suppression Team for the Entertainment District and 2 will be dedicated to Crime Investigations. These enhancements would be offset by the elimination of 1
Public Safety Specialist, l Lieutenant underfilling a vacant Major position (through attrition) and 1 Sergeant (through attrition), as well as a $79,000 reduction in overtime. Due to the
reorganization process, there is currently 1 Lieutenant under filling a vacant Major position. Once this Lieutenant overage is eliminated through attrition, the Major position would be
eliminated (7 months of savings in FY 2012113).
Add the following Personnel:- Positions
1Investigator 011- 1110 - 000111 Salary 86,528.00
Supervisor 011- 1110 - 000165 Medicare @ 1.45% 1,254.66
011- 1110-000162 Health Insurance 5,657.00
011. 1110-000323 Leased vehicles 7,800.00
011.1110000343 Ammunition and other Police Supplies 1,300.00
011- 1110-000674 Laptop 2,662.00
011 - 1110-000674 Motorola Hand -Held Radios 5,500.00
011- 1110-000674 Sig Sauer Pistol 620.00
Expense 111,321.66 112,000 1
Eliminate the Following Personnel: -
1 Major (for 7 months 011- 1120-000111 Salary (58,515.33)
in FY 2012113) 011 - 1110-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% (848.47)
011- 1110 -000162 Health Insurance 3,299.92
Saving 62,663.72 62,000 1
Total Expense 48,657.93 50,000
Add the following Personnel:-
5 sworn Investigators 011 - 1110000111 Salary 392,184.00
011- 110 -000135 Overtime (79,000.00)
011. 1110-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% 5,686.67
011 - 1110000162 Health Insurance 28,285.00
011 - 1110-000323 Leased vehicles 39,000.00
011- 1110000343 Ammunition and other Police Supplies 6,500.00
011- 1110000674 Laptop 13,310.00
011 - 1110-000674 Motorola Hand -Held Radios 27,500.00
011 - 1110-000674 Sig Sauer Pistol 3,100.00
Expense 436,565.67 437,000 5
1 Office Associate V 011 - 1110000111 Salary 46,633.60
011 - 1110-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% 676.19
011- 1110000162 Health Insurance 5,657.00
Expense 52,966.79 53,000 1
Eliminate the Following Personnel: -
011- 1110-000111 Salary (40,976.00)
1 Public Safety
Specialist 011 - 1110-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% (594.15)
011 - 1110-000162 Health Insurance 4,537.00
Expense (46,107.15) 46,000 1
1 Sergeant 011-1110-000111 Salary (105,033.00)
011- 1110-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% (1,522.98)
011- 1110000162 Health Insurance (15,214.00)
011 - 1110-000343 Ammunition and other Police Supplies (1,300.00)
011 - 1110-000674 Laptop (2,662.00)
011- 1110000674 Motorola Hand -Held Radios 5,500.00
Savings (131,231. ) (131,000 1
Total Expense 312,193.32 313,000 4
GrandTotalta +lb 360,851.26 363,000 4
2. Add 2 ATV Police Officers in the North Area working 2200 hours to 0800 hours (10pm to 8am) to implement and enforce the Beach Closure.
Justification: In combination with proposed beach access control gates, additional ATV officers will provide police presence on the beach, which is the City's most popular destination for residents and
tourists. Additional police presence will help eliminate much of the beach thefts, robberies and other violent crimes that have occurred over time. This will in turn help reduce the Citys crime rate,
particularly in the category of larcenies. Larcenies have been the biggest driver in the Citys crime rate in recent years. Comparing January to June 2011 to the same period in 2012, beach thefts have
increased from 360 to 404, or approximately a 12% increase.
011 - 1120-000111 Salary 111,132
011 - 1120-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% 1,611
011 - 1120 -000162 Health Insurance 20,600
011 - 1120-000343 Ammunition and other Police Supplies 2,600.00
011 - 1120-000674 Laptop 5,324.00
011- 1120- 000674 Motorola Hand -Held Radios 11,000.00
011- 1120-000674 Sig Sauer Pistol 1,240.00
011- 1120-000343 Base Standard Equipment 11,000.00
Sub Total 164,507 165,000 ==2j
Future recurring costs for two (2) vehicles; annual fuel and maintenance and depreciation for future replacement are estimated at approximately $76,000.
3. Add 4 Police Officers in the South & Citywide to form an additional Crime Suppression Team (Sergeant for the squad would be assigned from the IA
Justification: Provide a dedicated unit to enforce and address all vice and narcotic related crimes, with an emphasis on the Entertainment and hotel areas (east of Collins Avenue). Allows the
department to continuously address by conducting short-term street level, covert investigations. This team would be available to other areas in the City for special investigations as needed. This
enhancement would be offset by the elimination of $100,000 in overtime. ( N.B:1 Sergeant from the Internal Affairs Reorganization will work with this Team)
011- 1120-000111 Salary 222,264
011- 1120 - 000135 Overtime (100,000)
011- 1120-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% 3,223
011 - 1120-000162 Health Insurance 41,200
011- 1120 - 000343 Ammunition and other Police Supplies 5,200.00
011 - 1120-000674 Laptop 10,648.00
011 - 1120-000674 Motorola Hand -Held Radios 22,000.00
011- 1120 - 000674 Sig Sauer Pistol 2,480.00
011- 1120-000343 Base Standard Equipment 22,000.00
Sub Total 229,015 230,000 4
Future recurring costs for four (4) vehicles; annual fuel and maintenance and depreciation for future replacement are estimated at approximately $152,000.
4. Add 6 Police Officers in the South Area for a Walking Beat along Washington Avenue.
• 2 Police Officers to be assigned from 5th Street to Lincoln Road from 1400 to 2400 hours (2pm to midnight)
4 Police Officers to be assigned along Washington Avenue from 2200 hours to 0800 hours (10pm to 8 am)
Justification: Washington Avenue continues to bean area of focus for the community. The additional walking beats will assist in addressing street level crimes, and improve MBPD's ability to address
quality of life issues. Walking Beat Officers establish a high profile presence, which will act as a deterrent to crimes of opportunity. 79% of all robberies over the last 6 months occurred in this area.
011 - 1120-000111 Salary 333,396
011- 1120-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% 4,834
011- 1120-000162 Health Insurance 61,800
011- 1120- 000343 Ammunition and other Police Supplies 7,800.00
011- 1120 - 000674 Laptop 15,972.00
011 - 1120-000674 Motorola Hand -Held Radios 33,000.00
011 - 1120 - 000674 Sig Sauer Pistol 3,720.00
Sub Total 460,522 461,000 6
5. Add 1 Detention Officer to augment current staffing levels.
Justification: Cost effective means of maintaining a constant prisoner transport detail, and will allow officers to remain in their respective areas and facilitate the transportation and processing of
criminals. With the anticipated increase in arrests resulfing from additional units citywide, there will be an increased need for this type of support for officers in the field.
011- 1120-000111 Salary 41,444.00
011 - 1120-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% 600.94
011- 1120 - 000162 Health Insurance 10,300.00
011 - 1120-000343 Ammunition and other Police Supplies 1,300.00
011- 1120 -000674 Motorola Hand -Held Radios 5,500.00
011 - 1120-000674 Sig Sauer Pistol 620.00
011- 1120- 000343 Base Standard Equipment 5,500.00
Sub Total 65,264.94 66,000 1
Future recurring costs for one (1) vehicle; annual fuel and maintenance and depreciation for future replacement are estimated at approximately $38,000.
6. RECORDS UNIT ENHANCEMENT- With the increased automation achieved through the implementation of CAD -RMS /New Word, it was expected that less personnel resources would be required in
the Records Unit. However, the Records Unit has seen an increase of public records requests, which have caused an increase in overtime costs in the unit. With the implementation of AVL in Police
vehicles, it is expected that public records requests will continue to increase, as has been experienced in other agencies that have implemented AVL. It is expected that an additional Records
Technician and Data Entry Clerk will reduce the need for overtime in the unit b $80,000.
Add: The following Personnel:-
1 Records Technician 011 - 1150-000111 Salary 36,046.40
011- 1150-000165 Overtime (80,000.00)
011 - 1150-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% 522.67
011 - 1150 -000162 Health Insurance 5,657.00
Expense (37,773.93) (38,000) 1
011- 1150 - 000111 Salary . 36,046.40
1 Data Entry Clerk 011 - 1150-000165 Medicare @ 1.45% 522.67
011- 1150- 000162 Health Insurance 5,657.00
Expense 42,226.07 43,000 1
Total Expense 4,452.15 5,000 2
1 7. Overtime • Increased Homeless Outreach missions in corporation with outreach teams. 20,000 -
GRAND TOTAL 1,310,000 19