Memo 025-2012 Request for Building Department - ® MIAMI BE
TO: Commissioner Jerry Libbin
FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager
DATE: September 11, 2012
SUBJECT: Request for Building Department Revenue and Expenditures
This memorandum is in response to your request of September 10, 2012 for a comparison of
the Building Department's revenue and expenditures for the adopted FY 2011/12 budget and
the FY 2012/13 proposed budget, including enhancements.
Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions.
C: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
KGB /cg
F: \cmgr \$ALL \MEMOS \Memo Commissioner Libbin Building Department Revenues and Expenditures 9- 11- 12.docx
City of Miami Beach
Building Department
Response to Request for Information
FY 12/13
FY 11/12 Adopted Proposed Increase
Revenue Budget Revenue Budget (Decrease)
9,187,413 11,100, 000.0 1,912,58
FY 12/13 Proposed Enhancements
(No increase in positions. Funds for Temp. Labor /Prof. Services only) Amount
Increase temporary labor to provide support in the violations section of 106,000
department to become more proactive in. addressing construction without
permits and unsafe structures.
Improve inspection and plan review services by adding an inspector due to 149,000
increased demand.
Add plan review position to continue to evaluate where permit fees appear to 149,000
be in excess of 10 percent of the job value - this position will be done on
contract rather than hiring a full -time employee.
Add a contracted Sr. Mechanical inspector and a contracted Sr. Building 298,000
inspector to respond to increasing demand - contracting these positions rather
than hiring full time employees provides for improved flexibility in response to
market demands.
Tota 1 702,000
FY 12/13
FY 11/12 Adopted FY 12/13 CSL Proposed Budget
Expenditure Area Budget Budget
Salaries and Benefits 7,230,902 7,592,000 7,591,000
Operating 1,165,107 1,092,000 1,794,000
Internal Services 1,579,038. 1,666,000 1,672,000
Capital - - -
Total 9,975,047 10,350,000 11,057,000
* FY 12/13 Proposed includes department enhancements and impact of
enhancements in Internal Service Depts.
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