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Memo 029-2012 Police and Fire Budgets
'B E A OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM 029 -2012 TO: Ed Tobin, Commissioner FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager DATE: September 26, 2012 SUBJECT: Police and Fire Budgets Pursuant to your request, attached is information pertaining to the budgets for the Police and Fire Departments. Attachment 1 includes the number of filled and unfilled positions in the Police Department for the current fiscal year. Attachment 2 provides a more detailed analysis of the Police De partment. budget. It is important to note that the Police Department budget in the Proposed FY 2012/13 Work Plan and Budget Book was prior to employee givebacks, and thus an additional column has been added net of the employee givebacks. Attachment 3 provides a similar analysis of the Fire Department budget, including a breakdown by each division within the Fire Department. Should' you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me. KGB /pp Attachments C: Mayor and City Commission ::3 ci < 4 Budgeted Positions FY 2011/2012 Attachment 1 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 #. POLICE MAJOR 5 POLICE CAPTAIN 8 POLICE LIEUTENANT 18 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 284 (includes 2 Grant - funded positions) Total: 372 Filled Positions by Pay Period FY 2011/2012 Pay Period: 09/26/11 - 10/09/11 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 _ * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** .19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 251 Total Filled: 338 Unfilled: 34 Pay Period: 10/10/11 - 10/23/11 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 256 Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 Pay Period: 10124/11 - 11/06111 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE "LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 256 Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 Pay Period: 11/07/11-11/20/11 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 256 Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 Pay Period: 11/21/11 - 12/04/11 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 256 Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 Pay Period: 12/05/11 - 12/18/11 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 256 Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 Pay Period: 12119/11 - - 01/01/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 256 Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 i Pay Period: 01/02/12 - 01/15/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 256 Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 Pay Period: 01/16/12 - 01/29/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 i - POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 256 ' i Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 4 t { . i Pay Period: 01/30/12 - 02112/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 267 Total Filled: 354 Unfilled: 18 Pay Period: 02/13/12 - 02/26/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 :POLICE MAJOR* 4 j *.EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 } POLICE OFFICER 267 Total Filled: 354 ' Unfilled: 18 _ Pay Period: 02/27/12 - 03111/12 - POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 267 E Total Filled: 354 Unfilled: 18 i Pay Period: 03/12/12 - 03/25/12 I POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 j through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 267 Total Filled: 354 Unfilled: 18 Pay Period: 03/26/12 - 04/08/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) I POLICE CAPTAIN 7 F j POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 i POLICE OFFICER 267 Total Filled: 354 Unfilled: 18 I I j Pay Period: 04/09/12 - 04/22/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 I * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 56 POLICE OFFICER 270 E Total Filled: 359 i Unfilled: 13 I Pay Period: 04/23/12 - 05/06/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER - (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 I POLICE OFFICER 270 Total Filled: 358 Unfilled: 14 t Pay Period: 05/07/12 - 05/20/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 270 I Total Filled: 358 Unfilled: 14 r Pay Period: 05/21112 06/03/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 270 Total Filled: 358 Unfilled: 14 Pay Period: 06/04/12 - 06/17/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 j ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 270 } Total Filled: 358 Unfilled: 14 Pay Period: 06118/12 - 07/01/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 j POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 270 Total Filled: 358 Unfilled: 14 Pay Period: 07/02/12 - 07/15/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 ? ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 a POLICE OFFICER 271 Total Filled: 359 Unfilled: 13 Pay Period: 07/16/12 - 07/29112 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1, through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 270 Total Filled: 358 Unfilled: 14 Pay Period: 07/30/12 - 08112112 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT * *" 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 ' POLICE OFFICER 270 Total Filled: 358 Unfilled: 14 Pay Period: 08113112 - 08126/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT * *. 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 275 Total Filled: 363 Unfilled: 9 Pay Period: 08127112 - 09109/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER * ** 275 Total Filled: 363 Unfilled: 9 ** Police Lieutenant overage is offset by a Police Major vacancy * ** 9 Police Officers hired effective 09/18/12, bringing total count for Police Officers to 284 P - 1 i Attachm 2 POLICE DEPARTMENT Financial Summary 2012 variance FY ro Pro variance FY . 12 Proj vs. 2013 Proposed 2013 Proposed Bud vs. FY12 Account Number 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Adopted Projected FY12 Bud w/o Givebacks with Givebacks Bud, 000100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 000111 Salaries and Wages 36,336,435 35,866,588 36,633,890 36,345,841 (288,049) 37,606,637 36,193,637 (440,253) 000132 Shift Differential 393,062 431,983 489,436 382,986 (106,450) 431,600 431,600 (57,836) 000135 Overtime 3,247,170 3,767,835 2,991,000 3,491,107 500,107 2,790,000 2,790,000 (201,000) 000136 Holiday Pay 823,071 711,665 754,534 724,419 (30,115) 751,500 751,500 (3,034) 000137 Court Overtime 1,636,796 1,826,959 1,666,433 1,647,591 (18,842) 1,673,700 1,673,700 7,267 000138 Police /Fire Educational Suppl 212,280 213,335 219,895 206,722 (13,173) 217,000 217,000 (2,895) 000139 Work Above Classification 22,606 15,818 23,399, 15,792 (7,607) 21,660 21,660 (1,739) 000153 Allowances 807,942 789,123 806,456 786,696 (19,760) 806,456 806,456 0 000154 Uniforms 152,103 149,573 212,840 200,000 (12,840) 200,000 200,000 (12,840) 000159 Transfers - Pension Obligation 2,754,776 2,754,266 2,745,580 2,745,580 0 2,745,580 2,745,580 0 000 Transfers-Pension 401 K 26,974 26,316 31,869 21,387 (10,482) 26,769 26,769 (5,100) 000161 Retirement Contributions 15,531,025 21,392,447 22,706,619 22,706,620 1 24,354,247 24,354,247 1,647,628 000162 Health & Life Insurance 3,609,927 2,317,113 4,379,804 4,406,596 26,792 4,780,871 4,780,871 401,067 000162 Health & Life Insurance Savings 0 0 (742,698) (767,066) (24,368) (30,400) (30,400) 712,298 000163 Workmen's Compensation Pay '65,859: 31,459 31,459 31,460 1 31,104 31,104 (355) 000164 FICA 18,613 16,343 26,521 10,886 (15,635) 26,596 26,596 75 0001'65 Social Security Medicare 630,596 625,388 626,007 658,714_ 32,707 547,083 547,083 (78,924) 000166 FICA Alternative (457) 27,121 27,178 39,447 39,408 (39) 40,647 40,647 1,200 Total Personnel Services 66,296,356 70,963,389 73,642,491 73,654,739 12,248 77,021,050 75, 608 050 1 965,559- 000300 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 000311 Temporary Labor 193,826 193,976 225,834 225,834 0 229,000 229,000 3,166 000312 Professional Services 298,767 197,298 549,546 315,113 (234,433) 525,875 525;875 (23,671) 000314 Electricity 16,281 15,874 18,665 13,528 (5,137) 19,000 19,000 335 000316 Telephone 45,280 41,851 51,340 44,320 (7,020) 45,000 45,000 (6,340) 000319 Sanitation 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 0 38,400 38,400 0 000321 Postage & Handling 1,407 1,938 3,950 3,100 (850) 3,500 3,500 (450) 000323 Rent - Building & Equipment 455,385 378,035 481,886 473,316 (8,570) 509,098 509,098 27,212 000324 ,Printing ' 4,152 10,448 16,500 15,500 (1,000) 16,500 16,500 0 000325 Contract Maintenance 90,238 103,471 188,100 159,007 (29,093) 178,500 178,500 (9,600) 000327 Advertising 2,169 2,740 9,852 1,250 (8,602) 9,852 9,852 0 000341 Office Supplies 68,844 74,648 85,895 76,595 (9,300) 81,375 81,375 (4,520) 000342 Repairs /Maintenance Supply 37,316 29,983 113,338 64,172 (49,166) 106,500 106,500 (6,838) 000343 Other Operating Expenditures 276,676 312,768 483,910 394,296 (89,614) 483,545 483,545 (365) 000349 Other Contractual Services 880,498 853,197 762,560 830,154 67,594 844,747 844,747 82,187 000351 Engine Fuel & Lubricants 944 1,219. 2,200 2,000 (200) 4,000 4,000 1,800 000357 Contingency 97 97 903 903 903 000358 Subscriptions 8,063 8,200 15,385 11,993 (3,392) 15,269 15,269 (116) . 000361 Dues & Memberships 7,719 9,325 15,309, 13,864 (1,445) 14,563 14,563 , (746) 060363 Travel 9,196 4,754 22,442 26,642 4,200 22,000 22,000 (442) 000367 Training 0 0 8,800 8,800 0 8,800 8,800 0 000368 Taxes &Licenses 279 854 1,500 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0 Total Operating Expenditures 2,435,440 2 278 979 3,095,412 2 719 481 (375,931) 3,157,927 3 157 927 62,515 000500 INTERNAL CHARGES 000501 Central Services- Internal Svc 130,297 131,626 120,306 120,306 0 128,853 128,853 8,547 000502 Property Mgmt - Internal Svc 610,287 503,427 599,531 599,531 0 654,717 654,717 55,186 000503 Fleet Management-Intemal Svc 3,671,189 4,336,475 4,106,120. 4,106,120 0 4,298,533 4,298,533 192,413 000504 Communications - Internal Svc 1,892,894 1,860,710 1,920,588 1,920,588 0 1,901,659 1,901,659 (18,929) 000505 Self Insurance - Intemal Svc 3,480,906 4,774,410 5,233,402 5,233,402 0 5,562,638 5,562,638 329,236 000506 Computers - Intemal Svc 2,150,108 2,153,858 2,313,298 2,313,298 0 2,412,154 2,412,154 98,856 000507 Radios - Internal Svc 278,853 291,523 299,739 299,739 0 345,174 345,174 45,435 000508 Prop Mgmt - Construction 10,643 2,910 48,329 48,329 0 48,329 - 48,329 0 000512 Prop /Elec & Contracts -Intl Svc 538,778 602,342 554,825 554,825 0 584,868 584,868 30,043 000513 Fleet Accidents - Internal Svc 84,066 92,515 58,500 58,500 0 _ 74,000 74,000 15,500 Total Internal Charges 12,848,021 14,749,796 15,254,638 15,254,638 0 16,010,925 16,010 925 756,287 000600 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 000671 Furniture & Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000672 Capitalized Items- Fixed Assets 0 128,141 0 18,700 18,700 16,780 16,780 16,780 000673 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 7,880 7,880 7,880 000674 Machinery & Equipment 9,397 26,300 0 0 0 161,120 161,120 161,120 000494 Transfer to Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 318 318 318 000676 Renovations 81,593 0 0 11,442 11,442 0 0 0 Total Capital Expenditures 90,990 154,441 0 30,142 30,142 186,098 186,098 186,098 Total GF 91,670,807 88,146,605 91,992,541 91 659 000 (333 541) 96 376 000 94,953,000 2,970,459 RDA 2,453,677 2 754 374 3,413,695 3 313 445 (100,250) 3,741,000 3,681,000 267,305 Grand-Total 84,124,484 90,900,979 95,406 236 94 972,445 (433,791) 100,117,000 98,644,000 3,237,754 Budgeted Positions ' 510.00 + 14 PT 508.00 + 15 PT 508.00 + 15 PT 524.00 + 16 PT 524.00 + 16 PT 16.00 + 1 PT Nb. Special events previuosly captured in Citywide acconuts now captured in Resort Tax funds. Police Department RDA City Center - 168.1124 Givebacks 2013 Adopted 2013 after 1st Proposed Variance FY 13 Budget F Proposed w/o Budget with Bud vs. FY12 Account Number Actual 2011 Actual 2011 2012 FY12 Proj Variance Givebacks Hearing Givebacks Bud 000100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 000111 Salaries and Wages 725,051 795,975 1,081,436 1,018,890 (62,546) 1,125,241 (60,000) 1,065,241 (16,195) 000132 Shift Differential 11,053 21,221 30,284 19,668 (10,616) 30,000 30,000 (284) 000135 Overtime 161,344 350,676 450,000 380,883 (69,117) 350,000 350,000 (100,000) 000136 Holiday Pay 18,523 18,456 18,523 23,140 4,617 19,000 19,000 477 000137 - Court Overtime 24,146 43,395 45,800 52,564 6,764 55,000 55,000 9,200 000138 Police /Fire Educational Suppl 4,754 5,814 5,004 7,372 2,368 7,500 7,500 2,496 000139 Work Above Classification 954 967 3,188 4,158 970 4,000 4,000 812 000153 Allowances 19,549 20,845 23,146 25,554 2,408 23,146 23,146 - 000154 Uniforms 1,541 2,032 12,000 2,000 (10,000) 12,000 12,000 000159 Transfers- Pension Obligation 0 - - - - - 000160 Transfers- Pension 401 K 0 - - - - - - 000161 Retirement Contributions 673,011 690,055 737,674 737,674 829,038 829,038 91,364 000162 Health & Life Insurance 96,875 49,899 180,942 142,522 (38,420) 147,821 147,821 (33,121) 000162 Health & Life Insurance Savings 0 - (21,669) (26,668) (4,999) - - 21,669 000163 Workmen's Compensation Pay 0 000164 FICA 0 - - - - - - 000165 Social Security Medicare 14,806 16,473 19,110 22,088 2,978 16,890 16,890 (2,220), 000166 FICA Alternative (457) 0 - - 452 452. - - - 000167 OPEB Contributions 71,000 170,940 34,349 188,000 153,651 207,000 207,000 172,651 Total Personnel Services 1,822,607 2,186,748 2,619,787 2,598,297 (21,490) 2,826,636 (60,000) 2,766,636 146,8 000300 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 000311 ' Temporary Labor 0 - - - - 000312 Professional Services 0 000314 Electricity 0 000316 Telephone 4,644 4,154 8,112 1,820 (6,292) 5,000 5,000 (3,112) 000319 Sanitation 0 - - - 000321 Postage & Handling 0 - - - - - 000323 Rent - Building & Equipment 6,114 4,090 9,212 8,000 (1,212) 7,560 7,560 (1,652) .000324 Printing - 0 - - - - - 000325 Contract Maintenance 9,727 8,135 18,550 10,000 (8,550) 15,000 15,000 (3,550) 000327 Advertising 0 - - - - - 000341 Office Supplies 583 209 2,500 20 (2,480) 2,500 2,500 - 000342 Repairs /Maintenance Supply 6,952 3,500 27,280 28,000 720 28,000 28,000 720 000343 Other Operating Expenditures 419 687 35,509 38,504 2,995 35,000 35,000 (509) 000349 Other Contractual Services 250,870 329,809 423,905 359,884 (64,021) 498,574 498,574 74,669 000351 'Engine Fuel & Lubricants 0 - - - - - - 000356 Contingency 587 587 587 000357 Employee Benefits 498 214 - - - - 000358 Subscriptions 0 - 442 (442) 442 442 000361 Dues & Memberships 0 - - - - 000363 Travel 0 - - - 000367 Training 8,093 42,000 (42,000) 15,000 15,000 (27,000) 000368 Licenses 0 - - - - Total Operating Expenditures 287,900 350,798 567,510 446,228 (121,282) 607,663 0 607,663 40,153_ 000500 INTERNAL CHARGES 000501 Central Services - Intemal Svc 0 - - - - - - 000502 Property Mgmt - Internal Svc 0 - - - - - - 000503 Fleet Management-Internal Svc 82,699 75,202 36,671 77,288 40,617 34,194 34,194 (2,477) 000504 Communications - Intemal Svc 49,784 - 275 276 1 43,813 43,813 43,538 000505 Self Insurance-Internal Svc 138,519 131,198 136,140 136,140 165,324 165,324 29,184 000506 Computers - Intemal Svc 56,564 - - - 54,025 54,025 54,025 000507 Radios - Intemal Svc 8,246 6,626 6,812 6,812 7,845 7,845 1,033 000508 Prop Mgmt- Construction 0 - - - - - - 000512 Prop /Elec & Contracts -Intl Svc. 0 - - - - 000513 Fleet Accidents - Intemal Svc 358 3,802 1,500 3,404 1,904 1,500 1,500 Total Internal Charges 336,170 216,828 181,398 223,920 42,522 306,701 0 306,701 125,303 000600 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 000671 Furniture & Equipment 7,000 - - - - - - 000673 Motor Vehicles 0 - - 000674 Machinery & Equipment 0 45,000 45,000 (45,000) 000676 .Renovations 0 - Total Capital Expenditures 7,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 0 0 0 (45,000) Grand Total 2,453,677 2 754 374 3,413,695 3,313,445 (100,250) 3,741,000 (60,000) 3,681,000 267,305 i Attachment 3 Financial Summary FIRE DEPARTMENT Variance FY 12 Variance FY 13 2012 Proj.vs FY12 2013 Proposed w/o 2013 Proposed w/ Prop. Vs.FY12_ 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Adopted Projected Bud. Givebacks Givebacks Bud. Account Number 000100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 000111 Salaries $ 26,101,202 $ 25,842,098 $ 26,653,203 $ 26,551,268 $ (101,935) $ 27,201,426 $ 26,190,026 $ (463,177) 000135 Overtime 1,551,034 1,459,952 1,047,095 1,254,813 207,718 1,314,561 1,314,561 267,466 000136 Holiday Pay 953,868 657,083 795,248 651,094 (144,154) 681,124 681,124 (114,124) 000137 Court overtime - - - - - - 000139 Work Above Classification 187,587 204,806 186,021 194,928 8,907 200,298 200,298 14,277 000153 Allowances 419,598 464,191 404,116 414,311 10,195 457,358 457,358 53,242 000154 Uniforms 78,426 181,438 206,499 216,303 9,804 252,063 252,063 45,564 000159 Transfers - Pension Obligation 1,799,226 1,799,013 1,793,222 1,793,222 - 1,793,222 1,793,222 - 000160 Pension 401 A - 11,912 - (11,912) 9,092 9,092 (2,820) 000161 Retirement Contributions 10,373,939 14,995,604 15,994,783 15,994,783 18,540,928 18,540,928 2,546,145 000162 Health & Life Insurance 2,262,197 2,536,834 2,917,379 2,591,616 (325,763) 2,912,224 2,912,224 (5,155) 000162 Health & Life Ins Credit - (937,998) (323,161) (346,409) (23,248) - - .323,161 000163 Workmen's Compensation 61,300 29,066 29,066 25,639 (3,427) 29,061 29,061 (5) 000165 Social Security Medicare 370,762 365,160 387,153 404,843 17,690 394,886 394,886 7,733 000166 FICA Alternative 28,470 39,780 31,117 39,352 8,235 35,920 35,920 4,803 000138 Police/Fire Educational Supply 82,175 85,024 79,820 85,671 5,851 86,822 86,822 7,002 000164 FICA 102 - - Total Personnel Costs $ 44,269,887 $ 47,722,052 $ 50,213,473 $ 49,871,434 $ (342,039) $ 53,908,985 $ 52,897,585 $ 2,684,112 000300 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 000311 Temporary Labor - - 20,000 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 10,000 (10,000) 000312 Professional Services 120,689 129,179 235,555 158,932 (76,623) 138,132 138,132 (97,423) 000314 Electricity 146,098 141,594 145,341 145,310 (31) 150,898 150,898 5,557 000315 Gas Fuel Oil 7,345 8,007 12,469 7,418 (5,051) 8,000 8,000 (4,469) 000316 Telephone 44,401 41,578 72,120 39,326 (32,794) 58,900 58,900 (13,220) 000319 Sanitation Fees 4,160 4,160 4,160 4,160 4,160 4,160 000323 , Rent, Building & Equipment 224,286. 169,626 89,945 89,945 - 13,733 13,733 (76,212) 000324 Printing - 8,900 8,500 (400) 8,500 8,500 (400) 000325 Contract Maintenance 109,344 72,016 142,560 119,910 (22,650) 132,044 132,044 (10,516) 000327' Advertising 890 1,729 17,000 3,500 (13,500) 7,000 7,000 (10,000) 000341 Office Supplies 25,032 23,638 29,490 28,080 (1,410) 28,400 28,400 (1,090) 000342' Repairs & Maintenance 192,608 261,341 296,517 293,200 (3,317) 281,700 281,700 (14,817) 000343 Other Operating Expenses 577,116 625,252 676,766 676,654 (112) 687,796 687,796 11;030 000358 Subscriptions 4,493 3,223 11,693 11,608 (85) 8,093 8,093 (3,600) 000361 Dues & Memberships 4,327 7,398 9,637 10,197 560 10,353 10,353 716 000363 Travel 8,182 6,162 22,406 21,096 - (1,310) 21,906 21,906 (500) . 000367 Training and Awards 63,514 101,042 101,465 96,980 (4,485) 113,790 113,790 12,325 000362 Promotion 5,485 4,263 7,200 7,000 (200) 7,000 7,000 (200) 000351 Engine Fuel and Lubricants 7948.7 11948.82 13000 16984 3,984 - 13,000 13,000 000368 Taxes & Lienses 210 10130 1275 1275 - 1,275 1,275 - Dept Savings/Contingency 420 420 420 Transfer to Debt Service 10,102 10,102 10,102 Total Operating Expenses $ 1,546,128 $ 1,622,286 $ 1,917,499 $ 1,754,147 $ (167,424) $ 1,715,202 $ 1,71 $ ( 202,2 9 7) 000500 INTERNAL CHARGES 000501 Central Services-Int. Srvs. 56,236 45,945 38,256 38,256 40,351 40,351 2,095 000502 Property Mgmnt- Int. Srvs. 911,329 717,449 1,039,510 1,039,510 784,244 784,244 (255,266) 000503 Fleet Management- Int. Srvs. 558,552 675,428 473,394 473,394 1,071,490 1,071,490 598;096 000504 Communications - Int. Srvs. 978,566 1,184,098 1,157,984 1,157,984 1,197,563 1,197,563 39,579 000505 Self Insurance - Int. Srvs. 2,114,219 2,325,636 2,502,953 2,502,953 2,854,553 2,854,553 351,600 000506 Computers- Int. Srvs. 1,168,744 1,437,854 1,414,447 1,414,447 1,527,253 1,527,253 112,806 000507 Radios Int. Servs. 117,283 116,499 119,784 119;784 137,284 137,284 17,500 000508 Property Mgmnt- Construction 15,556 5,793 0 0 - - (0) 000512 Prop/Elec & Contracts- Int. Srvs. 24,954 34,613 24,193 24,193 13,464 13,464 (10,729) 000513 FleetAccidents- Int.Srvs. 24,152 12,523 1,000 1,000 15,000 15,000 14,000 Total Internal Service Costs $ 5,969,591 $ 6,555,837 $ 6,771,521 $ 6,771,521 $ $ 7,6 $ 7,641,202 $ 869,681 000600 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 000671 Furniture and Fixtures 539 385 1,398 2,398 1,000 1,398 1,398 - 000673 Motor Vehicles 1,094 - 3,500 3,500 - 3,500 3,500 000674 Machinery & Equipment 55,894 3,513 35,000 - (35,000) 4,713 4,713 (30,287) 000676 - Rennovations 45,539 - - Total Capital Expenses $ 103,065 $ 3,898 $ 39,898 $ 5,898 $ (34,000) $ 9,611 $ 9,611 $ (30,287) TOTAL $ 51,888,672 $ 55,904,073 $ 58 942,391 $ 58,403,000 $ (543,463) $ 63,275,000 $ 62,263,600 $ 3,321,209 Budgeted Positions 307 +48 PT 303 +48 PT 303 +48 PT 303 +48 PT 303 +48 PT 0 Financial Summary FIRE DEPARTMENT _ Variance FY 12 Variance FY 13 2012 Proj. vs FYI 2013 Proposed w/o 2013 Proposed w/ Prop. Vs. FY12 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Adopted Projected Bud. Givebacks Givebacks Bud. 960 Ocean Rescue EXPENDITURES 111 Salaries $ 5,023,770 $ 4,981,827 $ 4,905,341 $ 4,898,629 (6,712) $ 4,908,358 $ 4,908,358 3,017 135 Overtime $ 119,954 $ 79,385 80,699 83,000 2,301 83,000 83,000 2,301 136 Holiday Pay $ 226,332 $ 114,351 226,332 110,000 (116,332) 110,000 110,000 (116,332) 139 Work Above Classification $ 19,275 $ 22,425 21,117 20,000 (1,117) 20,000 20,000 (1,117) 153 Allowances $ 79 $ - 2,600 2,600 (2,600) 154 Uniforms $ 17,535 $ 17,836 50,608 50,608 50,608 50,608 159 Transfers- Pension Obligation $ 4,264 $ 4,264 4,264 4,264 4,264 4,264 - 161 Retirement Contributions $ 1,285,303 $ 871,139 1,065,279 1,065,279 1,200,677 1,200,677 135,398 162 Health & Life Insurance $ 333,104 $ 403,315 424,581 404,902 (19,679) 459,266 459,266 34,685 162 Health & Life Ins Credit $ 163 Workmen's Compensation $ 10,983 $ 5,204 5,204 4,515 (689) 5,204 5,204 165 Social Security Medicare $ 64,873 $ 62,517 71,810 71,030 (780) 71,638 71,638 (172) 166 FICA Alternative $ 21,521 $ 22,866 15,197 19,419 4,222 20,000 20,000 4,803 Total Personnel Costs $ 7,126,994 $ 6,585,129 $ 6,873,032 $ 6,734,246 $ (138,786) $ 6,933,015 $ 6,933,015 $ 59,983 312 Professional Services 10,000 9,100 25,800 25,800 - 10,000 10,000 (15,800) 314 Electricity 11,031 11,148 11,031 11,000 (31) 11,000 11,000 (31) 316 Telephone 2,219 1,837 11,731 2,000 (9,731) 2,000 2,000 (9,731) 319 Sanitation Fees 360 360 360 360 360 360 323 Rent, Building & Equipment 1,636 1,660 3,649 3,649 - 3,649 3,649 324 Printing 400 - (400) - - (400) 325 Contract Maintenance - 142 9,250 8,050 (1,200) 9,250 9,250 327 Advertising 890 614 2,000 1,000 (1,000) 2,000 2,000 341 Office Supplies 2,197 2,414 3,093 3,000 (93) 3,000 3,000 (93) 342 Repairs & Maintenance 3,870 1,502 4,100 4,000 (100) 4,000 4,000 (100) 343 Other Operating Expenses 34,161 47,910 39,249 40,000 751 40,000 40,000 751 357 Employee Fringe Benefits - - - 358 Subscriptions - - 50 50 50 50 361 Dues & Memberships 1,710 2,440 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 363 Travel 1,696 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 367 Training and Awards 3,229 1,301 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Total Operating Expenses $ 72,999 $ 80,428 $ 121,363 $ 109,559 $ (11,804 $ 95,959 $ 95,959 $ 25,404) 501 Central Services- Int. Srvs. 5,891 4,503 4,626 4,626 4,567 - (4,626) 502 Property Mgmnt- Int. Srvs. 714,472 502,168 737,118 737,118 460,929 460,929 (276.189) 503 Fleet Management- Int. Srvs. 221,877 197,060 151,021 151,021 283,412 283,412 132,391 504 Communications- Int. Srvs. 115,278 369,892 348,540 348,540 362,544 362,544 14,004 505 Self Insurance- Int. Srvs. 352,087 386,395 375,443 375,443 439,413 439,413 63,970 506 Computers- Int. Srvs. 162,495 432,045 412,786 412,786 459,598 459,598 46,812 507 Radios Int. Servs. 28,710 33,680 34,629 34,629 39,878 39,878 5,249 508 Property Mgmnt- Construction 14,813 206 - 512 Prop /Elec & Contracts- Int. Srvs. 18,867 19,358 10,177 10,177 (10,177) 513 Fleet Accidents- Int. Srvs. 18,570 2,879 1,000 1,000 15,000 15,000 14 000 Total Internal Service Costs $ 1,653,060 $ 1,948,185 $ 2,075,340 $ 2,075,340 $ $ 2,065,341 $ 2,060,774 $ (14,566 Motor Vehicles 1,094 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,000 1,000 - 0 Total Capital Expenses $ 1,094 $ - $ 3,500 $ 4,500 $ 1,000 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ Total $ 8,854,146 $ 8,613,742 $ 9,073,235 $ 8,923,645 $ (149,590) $ 9,097,815 $ 9,093,248 $ 20,013 Positions 76 +48 PT 76 +48 PT 76 +48 PT 76 +48 PT 76 +48 PT Financial Summary FIRE DEPARTMENT Variance FY 12 Variance FY 13 2012 Proj.vs FYI 2013 Proposed w/o 2013 Proposed w/ Prop. Vs.FY12 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Adopted Projected Bud. Givebacks Givebacks Bud. 1210 SUPPRESSION EXPENDITURES 111 Salaries 11,597,510 $ 11,787,599 $ 12,026,989 $ 12,181,033 154,044 $ 12,056,300 $ 11,484,300 (542,689) 135 Overtime 734,668 799,728 214,442 694,292 479,850 694,292 694,292 479,850 136 Holiday Pay 449,804 343,127 357,168 353,035 (4,133) 363,626 363,626 6,458 137 Court Overtime - - - 0 0 138 Police /Fire Educational Supply 48,543 52,357 48,050 51,732 3,682 53,052 53,052 5,002 139 Work Above Classification 131,665 132,852 125,304 128,927 3,623 131,148 131,148 5,844 153 Allowances 241,525 275,344 223,409 253,496 30,087 280,000 280,000 56,591 154 Uniforms - - 0 0 159. Transfers - Pension Obligation 946,289 946,076 940,285 940,285 940,285 940,285 160 Pension 401A 0 0 161 Retirement Contributions 4,696,560 8,175,211 8,768,156 8,768,156 9,779,567 9,779,567 1,011,411 162 Health & Life Insurance 1,115,416 1,203,410 1,374,004 1,243,000 (131,004) 1,303,739 1,303,739 (70,265) 162 Health & Life Ins Credit - (532,367) (191,246) (196,607) (5,361) - - 191,246 163 Workmen's Compensation 20,069 9,505 9,505 8,650 (855) 9,500 9,500 (5) 164 FICA - - 0 0 - 165 Social Security Medicare 167,761 172,020 174,391 198,106 23,715 174,816 174,816 425 166 FICA Alternative 6,949 16,914 15,920 19,933 4,013 15,920 15,920 Total Personnel Costs $ 20,156,759 $ 23,381,775 $ 24,086,377 $ 24,644,039 $ 557,662 $ 25,802,245.00 $ 25,230,245.00 $ 1,143,868 311 Temporary Labor - - 10,000 - (10,000) 0 0 (10,000) 312 Professional Services 63,482 72,872 162,548 85,925 (76,623) 80,925 80,925 (81,623) 314 Electricity 135,067 130,446 134,310 134,310 139,898 139,898 5,588 315 Gas Fuel Oil 7,345 8,007 12,469 7,418 (5,051) 8,000 8,000 (4,469) 316 Telephone 25,889 25,655 20,487 21,426 939 25,000 25,000 4,513 319 Sanitation Fees 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 - 3,800 3,800 323 Rent, Building & Equipment 221,690 162,147 80,150 80,150 3,738 3,738 (76,412) 324 Printing - 8,500 8,500 - 8,500 8,500 325 Contract Maintenance 45,567 23,273 43,320 49,320 6,000 59,000 59,000 15,680 327 Advertising 1,115 15,000 2,500 (12,500) 5,000 5,000 (10,000) 341 Office Supplies 10,905 11,182 15,997 15,000 (997) 15,000 15,000 (997) 342 Repairs & Maintenance 925 1,602 13,017 10,000 (3,017) 10,000 10,000 (3,017) 343 Other Operating Expenses 71,174 79,863 63,812 64,710 898 74,000 74,000 10,188 358 Subscriptions 539 275 1,205 1,205 - 1,205 1,205 - 361 Dues & Memberships 1,060 3,325 4,430 4,430 4,434 4,434 4 363 Travel 3,835 6,162 15,996 15,996 15,996 15,996 367 Training and Awards 5,741 10,610 9,225 9,225 9,225 9,225 Transfer to Debt Service 10,102 10,102 10,102 Total Operating Expenses $ 597,019 $ 540,332 $ 614,266 $ 513,915 $ 100,351) $ 473,823.00 $ 473,823.00 $ (150,545 501 Central Services- Int. Srvs. 6,649 7,494 5,522 5,522 6,523 6,523 1,001 502 Property Mgmnt- Int. Srvs. 196,857 215,281 302,392 302,392 321,315 321,315 18,923 503 Fleet Management- Int. Srvs. 82,082 193,976 73,294 73,294 410.340 410,340 337,046 504 Communications- Int. Srvs. 449,254 422,388 402,772 402,772 460,767 460,767 57,995 505 Self Insurance- Int. Srvs. 891,150 1,018,463 1,149,837 1,149,837 1,315,654 1,315,654 165,817 506 Computers- Int. Srvs. 516,711 516,588 496,327 496,327 583,251 583,251 86,924 507 Radios Int. Servs. 22,601 20,981 21,572 21,572 24.188 24,188 2,616 508 Property Mgmnt- Construction 743 5,588 - 0 0 512 Prop /Elec & Contracts- Int. Srvs. 6,087 15,255 14,016 14,016 13,464 13,464 (552) 513 FleetAccidents- Int.Srvs. 1,748 255 0 0 Total Internal Service Costs 2,173,882 $ 2,416,269 2,465,732 2,465,732 3,135,502 3,135,502 669,770 674 Machinery&Equipment 51,085 3,513 - 0 0 - 676 Rennovatons 29,540 0 0 Total Capital Expenses $ 60,624 $ 3,513 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total $ 23,008,284 $ 26,341,889 $ 27,166,375 $ 27,623,686 $ 457,311 $ 29,411,570 $ 28,839,570 $ 1,663,093 Positions 118 118 118 118 118 Financial Summary FIRE DEPARTMENT Variance FY 12 Variance FY 13 2012 Proj. vs FYI 2013 Proposed w/o 2013 Proposed w/ Prop. Vs. FY12 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Adopted Projected Bud. Givebacks Givebacks Bud. 1220 RESCUE EXPENDITURES 111 Salaries 6,952,786 $ 6,662,866 $ 7,192,771 $ 6,926,000 (266,771) $ 7,610,791 $ 7,237,291 44,520 132 Shift Differential $ $ 135 Overtime 537,427 489,046 425,000 378,189 (46,811) 378,189 378,189 (46,811) 136 Holiday Pay 268,470 195,245 204,498 186,459 (18,039) 204,498 204,498 - 138 Police /Fire Educational Supply 26,509 26,841 26,000 28,201 2,201 28,000 28,000 2,000 139 Work Above Classificaflon 30,937 45,968 33,600 41,096 7,496 43,150 43,150 9,550 153 (Allowances 139,080 154,345 149,506 129,520 (19,986) 149,506 149,506 154 Uniforms - - 159 Transfers- Pension Obligation 644,338 644,338 644,338 644,338 644,338 644,338 160 401A Pension Contributions 2,820 - (2,820) . (2,820) 161 Retirement Contributions 3,231,781 5,068,322 5,167,704 5,167,704 6,414,759 6,414,759 1,247,055 162 Health & Life Insurance 632,270 704,664 883,682 720,005 (163,677) 879,642 879,642 (4,040) 162 Health & Life Ins Credit (364,303) (118,016) (134,540) (16,524) - 118,016 163 Workmen's Compensation 27,144 12,878 12,878 11,161 (1,717) 12,878 12,878 164 FICA 72 - - - 165 Social Security Medicare 105,457 100,452 104,295 100,430 (3,865) 110,356 110,356 6,061 166 FICAAltemative - Total Personnel Costs $ 12,596,272 $ 13,740,661 $ 14,729,076 $ 14,198,563 $ 530,513 $ 16,476,107 $ 16,102,607 $ 1,373,531 312, Professional Services 47,207 47,207 47,207 47,207 47,207 (47,207) 314 Electricity - - - - 316 Telephone 2,265 2,037 2,502 2,500 (2) 2,500 2,500 (2) 319 Sanitation Fees - - - 323 Rent, Building & Equipment 273 1,636 1,836 1,836 1,836 1,836 324 Printing - - - - 325 Contract Maintenance 40,193 31,776 39,540 39,540 40,794 40,794 1,254 327 Advertising - 341 Office Supplies 4,445 2,594 2,900 2,500 (400) 2,900 2,900 342 Repairs & Maintenance 8,916 8,767 9,700 9,500 (200) 9,700 9,700_ 343 Other Operating Expenses 244,234 280,327 305,000 305,000 - 305,000 305,000 358 Subscriptions 626 393 393 393 393 393 361 _ Dues & Memberships - 264 484 484 484 484 363' Travel - 2,010 1,500 (510) 2,010 2,010 367 Training and Awards 26,075 19,912 26,520 26,000 (520) 38,845 38,845 12,325 368, Taxes & Licenses 210 10,130 1,275.00 1,275 - 1,275 1,275 - Total Operating Expenses $ 374,443 $ 405,041 $ 439,367 $ 437,735 $ 1,632) $ 452,944 $ 405,737 $ (33,630 - 501 Central Services- Int. Srvs. 9,446 5,963 6,300 6,300 6,065 6,065 (235) 502 Property Mgmnt- Int. Srvs. 2,000 2,000 2,000 503 Fleet Management- Int. Srvs. 118,352 166,369 105,478 105,478 263,105 263,105 157,627 504 Communications- Int. Srvs. 281,959 266,097 276,656 276,656 242,931 242,931 (33,725) 505 Self Insurance- Int. Srvs. 601,032 649,444 711,982 711,982 806,832 806,832 94,850 506 Computers- Int. Srvs. 324,810 •326,469 337,327 337,327 307,994 307,994 (29,333) 507 Radios int. Servs. 17,715 18,220 18,734 18,734 21,573 21,573 2,839 508 Property Mgmnt- Construction _ 512 Prop /Elec & Contracts- Int. Srvs. 513 Fleet Accidents- Int. Srvs. 959 Total Internal Service Costs- $ 1,354,273 $ 1,432,563 $ 1,456,477 $ 1,456,477 $ $ 1,650,500 $ 1,650,500 $ 194,023 Furniture & Fixtures - - (214,589) - Machinery & Equipment 4,809 35,000 (214,589) 4,713 (30,287) (65,287) Rennovations 214,589 - Total Capital Expenses $ 4,809 $ $ 35,000 $ $ (643,767) $ 4,713 $ (30,287) $ (65,287) Total $ 14,329,797 $ 15,578,265 $ 16,659,920 $ 16,092,775 $ (1,175,912) $ 18,584,264 $ 18,128,557 $ 1,468,637 Positions 76 76 76 76 76 Financial Summary FIRE DEPARTMENT Variance FY 12 Variance FY 13 2012 Proj.vs FY12 2013 Proposed w/o 2013 Proposed w/ Prop. Vs.FY12 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Adopted Projected Bud. Givebacks Givebacks Bud. 1230 PREVENTION EXPENDITURES 111 Salaries 1,760,011 $ 1,589,869 $ 1,678,082 $ 1,521,936 (156,146) $ 1,651,401 $ 1,617,701 (60,381) 135 Overtime 101,352 65,429 160,204 69,080 (91,124) 69,080 69,080 (91,124) 136 Holiday Pay 9,262 1,649 7,250 1,600 (5,650) 3,000 3,000 (4,250) 138 Police /Fire Educational Suppl 4,595 3,249 3,240 3,240 - 3,240 3,240 139 Work Above Classification 2,521 2,122 2,500 2,000 (500) 2,500 2,500 153 Allowances 17,522 14,477 28,601 14,000 (14,601) 13,157 13,157 (15,444) 154 Uniforms 159 Transfers- Pension Obligation 131,908 131,908 131,908 131,908 131,908 131,908 160 401A Pension Obligation - 9,092 - (9,092) 9,092 9,092 161 Retirement Contributions 742,991 499,567 538,087 538,087 594,661 594,661 56,574 162 Health & Life Insurance 118_,956 137,398 147,801 126,100 (21.501) 165,308 165,308 17,707 162 Health & Life Ins Credit (18,520) (6,280) (6,840) (560) ' - - 6,280 163 Workmen's Compensation 1,674 771 771 669 (102) 771 771 164 FICA 30 - - 165 Social Security Medicare 24,223 21,602 24,332 22,068 (2,264) 23,945' 23,945 (387) 166 FICA Alternative Total Personnel Costs $ 2,915,044 $ 2,449,521 $ 2,725,388 $ 2,423,848 $ (301,540) $ 2,668,063 $ 2,634,363 $ (91,025) 312 Professional Services - - - 314 Electricity - - 316 Telephone 13,644 11,296 21,000 13,000 (8,000) 13,000 13,000 (8,000) 319 Sanitation Fees - - 323 Rent, Building & Equipment 273 1,620 1,620 1,620 1,620 1,620 324. Printing - 325 Contract Maintenance 327 Advertising - - - - 341 Office Supplies 4,637 4,598 5,000 5,080 80 5,000 5,000 342 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - - 343 Other Operating Expenses 3,723 17,693 22,561 20,000 (2,561) 29,131 29,131 6,570 358 Subscriptions 2,249 1,638 8,385 8,300 (85) 4,785 4,785 (3,600) 361 Dues & Memberships 1,318 1,000 1,340 1,900 560 1,910 1,910 570 362 Promotion 5,485 4,263 7,200 7,000 (200) 7,000 7,000 (200) 363 Travel 1,000 200 (800) 500 500 (500) 367 Training and Awards 9,878 20,388 23,965 20,000 (3,965) 23,965 23,965 Total Operating Expenses $ 41,206 $ 62,495 $ 92,071 $ 77,100 $ (14,971) $ 86,911 $ 86,911 $ (5,160 501 Central Services- Int. Srvs. 31,085 25,421 16,363 16,363 20,745 20,745 4,382 502 Property Mgmnt- Int. Srvs. - - 503 Fleet Management- Int. Srvs. 103,461 91,897 110,594 110,594 85,428 85,428 (25,166) 504 Communications- Int. Srvs. 102,052 98,007 101,276 101,276 102,284 102,284 1.008 505 Self Insurance - Int. Srvs. 162,105 162,203. 146,733 146,733 161,716 161,716 14,983 506 Computers- Int. Srvs. 129,203 127,219 131,439 131,439 138,199 138,199 6,760 507 Radios Int. Servs. 15,882 14,355 15,329 15,329 17,651 17,651 2,322 508 Property Mgmnt- Construction - - 512 Prop /Elec & Contracts- Int. Srvs. - 513 Fleet Accidents- Int. Srvs. 2,709 5,953 - Total Internal Service Costs $ 546,497 $ 525,055 $ 521,734 $ 521,734 $ $ 526,023 $ 526,023 $ 4,289 671 Furniture & Fixtures - - - - 672 Capitalized Items- Fixes Assets 674 Machinery & Equipment 676 Rennovations Total Capital Expenses $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total $ 3,502,748 $ 3,037,072 $ 3,339,193 $ 3,022,682 $ 316,511 $ 3,280,997 $ 3,247,297 $ 91,896 Positions 26 22 22 22 22 Financial Summary FIRE DEPARTMENT Variance FY 12 Variance FY 13 2012 Proj.vs FYI 2013 Proposed w/o 2013 Proposed w/ Prop. Vs.FY12 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Adopted Projected Bud. Givebacks Givebacks Bud. 1240 SUPPORT SERVICES EXPENDITURES 111 Salaries 767,125 $ 819,937 $ 850,020 $ 911,016 60,996 $ 974,576 $ 942,376 92,356 135 Overtime 51,632 26,364 166,750 30,252 (136,498) 90,000 90,000 (76,750) 136. Holiday Pay 2,711 - - - 138 Police /Fire Educational Supply 2,528 2,578 2,530 2,498 (32) 2,530 2,530 139 Work Above Classification 3,190 1,440 3,500 2,905 (595) 3,500 3,500 - 153 Allowances I 21,392 20,026 - 14,695 14,695 14,695 14,695 14,695 154 Uniforms 60,891 163,602 155,891 165,695 9,804 201,455 201,455 45,564 159 Transfers- Pension Obligation 72,427 72,427 72,427 72,427 - 72,427 72,427 161 Retirement Contributions 417,304 381,365 455,557 455,557 - 551,264 551,264 95,707 162 Health & Life Insurance 62,451 88,047 87,511 97,609 10,098 104,269 104,269 16,758 162 Health & Life Ins Credit (22,808) (7,619) (8,423) (804) - - 7,619 163 Workmen's Compensation 1,430 708 708 644 (64) 708 708 165 Social Security Medicare 8,448 8,569 12,325 13,209 884 14,131 14,131 1,806 166 FICA Alternative - Total Personnel Costs $ 1,474,818 $ 1,564,966 $ 1,799,600 $ 1,758,084 $ 41,516) $ 2,029,555 $ 1,997,355 $ 197,755 311 Temporary Labor 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 312 Professional Services - 314 Electricity - - - - 316 Telephone 384 754 16,400 400 (16,000) 16,400 16,400 319 Sanitation Fees 323 Rent, Building & Equipment 415 2,563 2,690 2,690 2,890 2,890 200 324 Printing - - 325 Contract Maintenance 23,584 16,825 50,450 23,000 (27,450) 23,000 23,000 (27,450) 327 Advertising - 341 Office Supplies 2,848 2,851 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 342 Repairs & Maintenance 178,896 249,472 269,700 269,700 258,000 258,000 - (11,700) 343 Other Operating Expenses 223,824 199,459 246,144 246,944 800 239,665 239,665 (6,479) 351 Engine Fuel and Lubricants 7,949 11,949 13,000 16,984 3,984 13,000 13,000 358 Subscriptions 1,079 917 1,660 1,660 1,660 1,660 - 361 Dues & Memberships 239 369 633 633 775 775 142 363 Travel 2,651 - 367 Training and Awards 18,591 48,831 37,255 37,255 37,255 37,255 Dept Savings /Contingency 420 420 420 Total Operating Expenses 460,462 533,989 650,432 611,766 (38,666 ) 605,565 605,565 1 44,867) 501 Central Services- Int. Srvs. 3,166 2,563 5,445 5,445 2,451 2,451 (2,994) 502 Property Mgmnt- Int. Srvs. - - - - - - 503. _ Fleet Management- Int. Srvs. 32,780 26,126 33,007 33,007 29,205 29,205 (3,802) 504 Communications- Int. Srvs. 30,023 27,714 28,740 28,740 29,037 29,037 297 505 Self Insurance- Int. Srvs. 107,845 109,131 118,958 118,958 130,938 130,938 11,980 506 Computers- Int. Srvs. 35,525 35,533 36,568 36,568- 38,211 38,211 1,643 507 Radios Int. Servs. 32,375 29,263 29,520 29,520 33,994 33,994 4,474 508 Property Mgmnt- Construction - 0 0 (0) 512 Prop /Elec & Contracts- Int. Srvs- - - - - 513 Fleet Accidents- Int. Srvs. 165 3,435 0 0 0 Total Internal Service Costs 241,879 233,765 252,238 252,238 263,836 263,836 11,598 671 Furniture & Fixtures 539 385 1,398 1,398 1,398 1,398 674 Machinery & Equipment - - - 676 Rennovations 15,999 - Total Capital Expenses . 16,538 385 1,398 1,398 1,398 1,398 - Total $ 2,193,697 $ 2,333,105 $ 2,703,668 $ 2,623,486 $ 80,182 $ 2,900,354 $ 2,868,154 $ 164,486 Positions 11 11 11 11 19 $