Memo 032-2012 Police and Fire Budgets I - ]AM BEA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER. MEMORANDUM, 0 �Jf2 TO-, Ed Tobin, Commissioner: FRONt;: Kathie G: Brooks; Interim City Manager' DATE: Oetober5 2012. SUBJECT: ',Police'. and. Fite- Budgets On September :26 2012 the, Mayor..and ' Commission-: was provided `with a Memorandum (attachment), which included a report of<the .number of sworn vacancies that existed in the, Police Department during each payperiod throughout tl e2011 /2012;fiscal year. This Memorandum .is• to advise the'Mayor and Commission aoout- inadvertent .discrepancies that appeared on the abovementioned.report. ` The: report was, generated through the City's_ enterprise:. system, EDEN, and was geared to:generate, the:' number.. of employees in.each •the: sworn . classifications (Police Chief, Assistant, Police Chief, Police:Nlajor Police Cap tain,.Police Lieutenant, Police Sergeant; and Police, Officer) that were, active, and' were paid .during a, given pay period. It was later- discovered that- when ''the `,report was generated; the system did not adjust to reflect the classification, held, by an employee,. during the specifedaime period, reported.an employee's current position., For example :, if ahem ploy6d ;Was promoted or; leftthe, City, the report no longer reflects the position as. filied:Yor, any pay period even though the ' position was actually filled in that period.. Thus, the furthe, ack the �pay-perioii •rs,in the report,. the more it under - report`s �filled� positions and-overstates : vacancies. Unfortunately, due to the EDEN ;system limitations, it this moment, .it:.is `impossible to correct the discrepancies Dy generating , a - new �eport:froin .the•;system,: Therefore, the Human_ Resources the;:Poliee Department are' ',working :on correcting the discrepancies. manually. Should; you require any additional'information, please feel free,to me: KGB: Attachment C:.'Mayor. and Commission We ore committed to,providing,excetfen public service and safety rc all who live,.work ond:play in_ our, t,',fropi&, historic'communit ,. OFFICE`G>F.tH'E- - ,&rY "i4,A6ER MEMORANDUM; .. • ;' 024 =2012 TO: Ed 'Tobin; Commissioner FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City.`Manager DATE; S4tern6er 26,20 12 -SUBJECT.- P611ic6' and: Fire Budgets Pursuant to your requesf ,- attached pertaining to the budgets'for.the Police and.6re Departments: Attachment 1 includes the number of filled and unfilled :positions.in the-Police Department . for the currenffiscai.year: Machment,2provides detailed analysis oMhe Police Department,budget. It is ir:nportant:to note t hit .the Police Department, budget in the Proposed FY 2012 /'f 3.1tV& arid: Budgetbook was prior giGebacks, and'thus.an additional,column has been added.net.of^the employee.givebacks. . Attachment 3 „provides a s,irhilar.analysis'of;the'Fire Department.budget; clud ng_a breakdown "by: each division .within the Fire - Department. ” Shouid you require' any additional information, please :feel:.free to contact me. KGB /pp Attachments C Mayor acid City Commission „ . f ° r rn r^ 70 4 C5 17 r i P + r. � u;,.t.;•.`n, -- 9.Udge6d Positions FY 201.112012 1 . Attachment `t. • :POLICE CHIEF' ASSTS CHIEF:OF. POLICE 1 ,� POLICE MAJOR.. 5 POLICE CAPTAIN 8 POLICE LIEUTENANT 18 POLICE• SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 284 (includes 2 Grant - funded positions) Total: 312 Filled, Positions by Pay Poriod FY 201112012 Pay Period: 09126%1.1` = '[0109!11: POLICE CHIEF 1 POL`iCE'MA:30R" 4 EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through: Police,'Major vacancy) POLICE. .CAPTAIN X POLICE , LIEUTENANT*` 19 POLICE:SERGEANT' 55 POLICE OFFICER 251. Total Filled: 338 Unfilled: 34 Pay Period: 1011011.1 -_10f 3111 POLICE,:CHIEF 1 POLICE-MAJOW 4 • EMEF2GENCY MANAGER.(Fiinded "1 through;Potice. MajorVacancy)' POLICE, CAPTAIN. 7 ;POLICE LIEUTENANT" 19 POLICESEFtGEANT '55 POLICE' OFFICER 256 Tatal:Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 Pay Period- 10/24111 - 11/06/U POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE'NIAJOR" 4 " EMERGENCY,MANAGER (Funded 1 through;Police *M jor vacancy) - POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE -UEUTENANT -- 19 POLICE :SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 256 Total Filled 343 Unfilled: 29 Pay. Pei•i6d:11 10711.1 — 11/20111 POLICE CN1EF 1 POLICE MAJOR" 4 '''EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through.Pollce major.vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT`" '19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE'OFFICER. 256 Total filled: 343 unfilled: 29 Pay Period, >1 1/21111 - 12104/11 POLICECHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR' 4 EMERGENCY:MANAGER',(Funded 1 throcigh Police Major vacanayl POLICE`CAPTAIN 7 POLICE•LIEUT'E_NANT" 19 'POLICE SERGEANT 55 . POL.ICE; OFFICER 256 Total Filled: 343 unfilled: 29 Pay. Period: 12/05111 - 12118/11 :POLICE,CHIEF' 1 . POLICE: MAJOW- 4 EM.tRGENCY MANAGER.(Funded 1 throvgti P Major._ vacancy) POLICE- CAPTAIN, 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT"' 19 ;POLICE, SERGEANT_ :55 P01ICE OFFICER 266 Total Filled: 343 Unfilled:' 29 Pay:Rerlbd: 1211§111-,01/01112 POLICE CHIEF 1. pOLICE,MAJOW; 4 ''EMERGENCY iV1ANAGER,(Funded through Police tifajor vacancy) POLICE; CAPTAIN' 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT" 19 POLiCE.SERGEANT` 55 , PE}110E :OFFICER 256 Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 Pay'.Period: 01102112.011.15112 - POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR' 4 - E MERGENCY MANAGER,(Funded, 1' through:Police Major vacancy) P. 0 ICE'.CAPTAIN' 7 'POLICE: LIEUTENANT 19. POLICE`SERGEANT 55 POl ICE,QFFiCER. 256 'Total Filled: 343 Unfilled:: 29 Pay Period :01/16(12 - '01129112' POLICE: CHIEF 1 RplL!CE.MAJOR`' 4 . " EIv1ERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 : through.Poli'ce Major vacancy) POLICE 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT 19'. , POLICE SERGEANT 55. . POLICE:OFFICER. 256 ' Total Filled: 343 Unfilled: 29 . 1 - Pay Perlod.'01 130112 - .02/12N2:' POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE_'MAJOR', 4 ",EMER GENCY MANAGER (Funded. 1: througkPolice, Major vacancy) i. (?OLICE CAPTAIN= 7 il .- .POLICE,LIEUTENANT"* 19 , i' : SERGEANT 55 POLICE';OFFiCERi 267 to ta)'Fllled: 354 ' Unfilled: 18 Pay Period: 02/13/12'- 0212M/121 ' POLICE NCH IEF 1. :POLICE W OR *' 4 (` `- EMERGENCY. MANAGER. (Funded 1 ! through:,Police Major vacancy) POLICE'CAPTAIN 7, POLICE Ci,EUTENANT *' 19. ;POLICE SERGEANT ' 55 - P01:ICE: OFFICER; 267 'Total- Filled: 354 - Unfilled:- 18' Pay Period: 02127!12 - 03/11112 POLICE CHIEF 1 POLICE MAJOR *` '4 +: * MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police Major vacancy) : P.OLICE-, CAPTAIN' 7 POLICEI.LIEUTENANT*" .19 POLICE SERGEANT ` 55 ' P.OLICE:OFFICER- .267 Total Filled: 354 Unfilled: 18 ' - Pay Period: 03 /12/12= 03/25112, POLICE;CHIEF 1 POLICE , 4 *'EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 throdghi i>olice Major vacancy)_ ' POLICE CAPTAIN- 7 POLICE LIEUTENANT`* :19 !. POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 267. Total Filled: 354 Unfilled: 18 Pay Period: 43/26/12 44iWIZ POLICE CFIIEF 1- POLiCE'`MAJOR *' 4 EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 > through Folice Major.vacancy) - • I • .POLICE CAPTAIN: '7 - f POLICftIEUTENANT`* 19 ' a . .. POLICE: SERGEANT 55 a POLICE OFFICER' 267 Total Filled: 354 ' Unfilled: 18 p. Pay: Period: _04109112 = 04122112' POLICE.CHIEF 1 k ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 f POLICE'MAJOR 4 EMERGENCY'MANAGER (Funded 1.. 'ihrough` Police;Nlajor vacancy) POLICE- CAPTAIN 7 POLICE: LIEUTENANT** - 19. POLICE .SERGEANT 56 POLICE OFFICER 270 Total Filled: 359: Unfilled: 13: Pay. Period: `04123112.05/061112. POLICE CHIEF - 1 ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* - 4 * 'EMERGENCY MANAGER•(Funded 1 through Police.Nlajor vacancy) !.. POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POLICE` LIEUTENANT ** 19 POLICE�SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 270 Total Filled: 358 s" Enfilled: 14' } Pay Period::05107/12,•,05120/12 POLICE'CHIEF 1 ASST CHIEF'OF POLICE .1. POLICE. MAJOR" 4 it - EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded ., I through.Police;Major vacancy f' POLICE CAPTAIN T r- k° POLICE LIEUTENANT" 19 POLICE..SERGEANT, 55' i. POLICE OFFICER. 270:, I Total Filled: 358 r ' Unf Fled: 14 Pay, Period: 05/21112 = 05/03/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 •ASST CHIEF QF,POLICE 1 POLICE' 'MAJOR' 4 EMERGENCY! MANAGER (F, unded 1 'through Police,.M4or�vacancy) POLICE" CAPTAIN 7 POLICE .LIEUTENANT** 19• POLICE SERGEANT 55. i POLICE OFFICER 270: Total Filled: 358' Unfilled: 14, I r . Pay Period::06 /04/12 ;,06117112. ' POLICE CHIEF 1. ASST ;CH,IEF OF POLICE 1 { POLICE MAJOR * 4 EMERGENCY MANAGER (F_unded 1. through,Po/ice Mdjor vacancy) 'POLICE CAPTAIN " 7' POLICE LIEUTENANT** 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE OFFICER 270 i' Total Filled: 358 Unfilled: 14 Pay.•Period :,0648h2, 07101/12 POLICE CHIEF 1 T ASST'CHIEF OF POLICE' 1•- F POLICEMAJOR* 4 *'EMERGENCY MANAGER .'(Funded 1 1, through_Police Major_ vacancy) F?OLICE.CAPTAIN 7 x POLICELIEUTENANI- 19 'POLICE SERGEANT 55 # POLICE OFFICER 270, Total' Filled: 358 _ Unfilled: 14 Pay Period: - 07/0211 2 - 07/1 5112 POLICE .CHIEF 1 ' ASST -CHIEF OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR *: 4 i *'EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 thraugti Police'. Major vacancy) ' POLICE CAPTAIN 7 - - POLICE LIEUTENANT ** 19 !POLICE SERGEANT 55 j:. :POLICE OFFICER; 271 Total Filled: 359 Unfilled: 13 Pay Period,: 07/16/12 `= :07/29112 POLICE CHIEF 1 ' ASST CHIEF OF POLICE 1 .. POLICE,MAJOR *. 4 EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1, through Police Major.vacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 OOUCE LIEUTENANT''* 19 POLICE. SERGEANT 55 t POLICE• OFFICER 270' Total.Fiiled: 358. lUnfilled: 14 Pay.Period: 0713.0112 08112/12 POLICE..CHIEF 1 - ASST'CHIEF'OF POLICE 1 POLICE MAJOR* 4 * EMERGENCY MANAGER- (Funded 1. :through Police Major vacancy): 'POLICE;CAPTAIN T 'POLICE ELiEUTENANT ` 16. POLICE SERGEANT 55 QI, ICE OFFICER'. 270` Total Filled: $58 Unfilled: 14 Pay 0eriod:= .0811311,2- 08/261 POLICE CHIEF 1 ASST:.CHIEF OF-POLICE POLIGE'MAJOR' 4 - EMERGENCY MANAGER (Funded 1 through Police'Major yacancy) POLICE CAPTAIN 7 POCICEUEt1TENANT*': 19 ;POLICE' SERGEANT 55 POLICE; OFFICER 275 Total filled: 363 Unfilled: :9 Pay Period: 09127,112, 09/091,12 P.OLICE:CHIEF. 1 ASST :CHIEF°OF POLICE 1, POLICE MAJOR* 4 *'EMERGENCY MANAGER' {Funded 1 through Police_ Major vacancy} POCtGE °CA PTA IN POLICE LIEUTENANT" 19 POLICE SERGEANT 55 POLICE, OFFICER*** 275 Total Filled: 10 Unfilie& 9 . Police Lieutenant overage is offset =by a Police. Major vacancy; t: * Police" Officers hired'effective.09 1.18112, bringing total count forP,olice Ofticel"Op. 284 i I-7 7 - ( Attachme POLICE DEPARTMENT Financial Summary 2012" varianw 2013 Pm osed" 2013 Pro osed :Variance Fria` 1z Prows P p, Bw vs evil Accourd Number: 2010 Actual 2011 "at 2012 Adopted Projected Fvt2 sud . ' w/o Givebacks with'Givebacks Bud: 000100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 600111 Salaries and Wages: '36,336,435' 35;866,588` 36,633,896 .36,345,841' (288,049)" 17,606.637 3 &,193;637 (440,253)'_ 000132 : ShNt Differential 383,062' 131,983 489,436 362,986 (106;450) 495,600- 431,600 (57,835) " 000135 Overtime 3,247,170 3;767,635 2,991,000 3.491 :107 560:107 2,790,000 2,790,000 (201',000)' 000136 -' Holiday Pay 823,071 711;665 X54 :534 724,419 (30 751,500 751,500 (3,034j' 000137 'Court Overtime 1,636;796" 1,826,959. 1;666.433 1;647,591 (18,842) 1',673,700 .1,673,700 7,267 600138 4Police_JFire, Education aISupp1 212 28q 213,335 219,895 2D6;7:& (13,173),: 217,000 217 (2,895), 060139 ,V✓ork Above Classification, 22,606 15,818` 23,399 15,792 (7,607) '21,660 21,660 0173411, 006153 Allowances 807,942 789;123 806.456 785,fi96 ' '_.(19,760); 866;456 866;456 0 :000154 Uniforms. 152,103- 149,573 212;840 200,000 (12.640) , 206;000 200;000 (12,840 } - 000159 TrarWers-P.ension Obligatiom. 2,75¢ ;776'. 2,754,266 2,745,580 2,745,580, 0 2,745,580 2,745,580 0 060180 Transfers- Oerr'ton 4011( 26,974- 26 ;316 31,869 .21,387 (10482)_ 26:769 26,769 (5.100) ' 000161 'Redrein&A'Contributroris 15,531 :029 21, 392;447% 22,706,619, 22,706,626 i 24,354,247 24.354.247 1,647,628' " 060162 Health & Lie Insurance 3,609,927 2,317 ;113 4;379,804 4,408,;596; 26,792 4,78( 4,780:871 401,067 066162 Heafih & Lie Insurarx;e'Savings, . , 0. 0" `(742,698). (767,066) (24,368) (30,400) (30,400) 712,298 000163 ,Workmen's Compensati6ri Pay , 65.859 ; 31,459 31,459 31,460 1 31,104 31,104, (355). 600.164 .FICA 18,613 16,343 26,521 10,886 (15,635) 26:596 26,596 75 '0061'65 SociaiSe;urityMedicare 630.596 625;388 626,007 656,714 32;707, , 547,083 547,083 (78,924) 000166 FICA 27,121 27,178: 39,447. 39;408.. (39) 40,647 40,647 1,200 Total Personnel Services 66,296,356 70;963,389 73,642,491 73,654;739. 12,248 •77,021,050 75,608,050 1,965,559• 000300 OPERATING EXPENDITURES. 000311 Temporary Labor 193826 193,976 225.834 225,834 0 229:000 229,006 3,166 _ 000312: Professional ;Services 298,767 197,298 -. 549,546 315 (234:433) 525,675 525;875 (23.671) 006314 Electricity 16,281 15,874- 18,665 13,526 (5,137) 19,000 19,000 335' 000316 Telephone' 45,280 41,851 51;340 44,320 (7,020) 45,000 45,000 (6.340) 000319 Sanitation_ 38,400• 38,400 38,400 38,406 0 38',400 38,460 0 6D0321 Postage &Handling 1,407.' 1,938 3,950- .3,100 (850) 3,500 3 :500 {450)- 000323 ,Rent- suildiri 8,E4uipment 455,385, 378,035' 481,886 473,316 (8,570) 509,098 509,098 127,212 00032A .1 4152` 10 16.560 15,500 (1,(X0)' 56,500 16,500 0 000325 Contra4 Mairitenarxe' 90,238 103,471 •188:100 159,007 (29,1393) 178,500 178,500 (9;600). 060327 Advertising 2,169 2;740 9,852 .1;250 (8,602) 9,852, 9,852 0 006341 Office Supplies _ 68,844 74 - , 48 85,895 78,595 (9,300) 81,375 81,375 (4,520) 000342 AepairslMaintenance Supply 37,3i6 29,983' 113,338 64,172 (49,166) 106,500. 106,500 (6',838)' 006343 Other Operating Expenditures 276.676: 312,768 483,910 394,296 (89,614) 483,545 483,545 (365) 000349 -0tfier Contractual Services 880,498: 853,197 762,560' 830,154 '67,594 844,747 844,747 82,187 000351 Engine Fuel & Lubricants 944, 1 :219: • 2,200 2000 (200} • 4,000 4,000 1:800 0357` "Contingency. IT 97 903 903 903- 00 ' 000358 'Sub 63 scriptions 8,0' 8,200 15,385 11,993 (3,392) 15,269 15,269 - (116) 606361 Dues & Memberships 7,719 9,325 15.309 13,864 (1,445) 14,563 14:563 , (746) 000363 Travel 9 ;196: 4,754' 22,442_ '26,642 4:200 22,000 22,000 (442) 000367 _Training zot 0 6,800 8`,800 OL 8,800 8,800 0 000368 Taxes &Licenses 279: 854 1.50 11560 0 1:500 two 0 Total O perating Expenditures' 4435;440 - Z270,919 3,09!;412 2;719 (375,931) 3,157,927. 3,157,927 62,515 000500 INTERNAL CHARGES 000501 ,Central Services•Intemal Svc 130,297.. 181,626 120,306 120,306 0, 128;851 .128,853 :8,547 000502 Property,Mgmt- internal Svc 610,287 503,427' 599,531, 599,531 0 654,717 654;717 55,186 600503 FleeiManageme - i- lnlenial'Svc 3,671 ;189 4;336,475 4.108,120. 4,106,120 :0 4,298,533 4,298,533 192,413 05 0064 Co�mmunicati6ns- Infernal Svc, 1,892,894 1,;860,710, 1,920,588 1,920,588: 0 1,901,659 1.901,659 (18,929} 000505 Self tiistiianbe Intemal'Svc, :3,4$0 :906 0 5,233,402 5,233;402' 0: 5.562:638' 5,562,638 329236 000566 :Computers- IntematSvc 2,150,108 2;153,858 2,313,298 2:313,298 0 2.412 :154 2412,154 96,856, 000507 ,:Radios- intemai Svc 278,853 291,523 299;739 299;739 0 345,174 345,174 45,435 060608 Prnp Mgmt'= Construction 10,643 2,910 48,329 48,329 0 48,329 48;329 0 000512 PropfEtei .4 Contracts -Intl SVC - 538,778 602,342_ 554,825 .554.825 0 584.868 584:868 30.043 000513 Fleet`Accldenis- lritemafSLc 84 066' 92,515° 58566 58,500 0' 74 000' 74,060 15500. To tal Interrial Charges • '47,848 ' 14 749 796 � 15 254,638. 15 254,838 `0 16,010,925 - 16,010,925 � 756,2 000600. CAPITAL,EXPENDITURES'; 000671 Furniture '& Equipment 0, 0 0 0 10 0 0: 0 000672 Capitalized ftem_s- Fixed, Assets 6 128,141 0 18,760 .18,70 18:780 16,780 16,780 000673 'M66iVehicles 0 0' 0 .0 0. 7,880 7,$80 7,880 000674 Ma chin ery &,Equipment 9.397 26 ;300 0 0 .0 - 161,126 161,120 161,120 000494 Tiaitsfer.to DebtSery ce; 0 0: 0 0 0 318 318 318 600676 .' RerroPat ors '81.593 0 Q 11,442 11,442 - 0 0 0 Total 'Capita[ 'Expenditures 90,990 154,441, 0 30,142 30142' - 186098 186,098 '186,098 TotaUGF` T ' M.670.807-'•' 88146.605'- T 91.992.541- 91,M, 0W (333.541) 96,376,000. .94.963.000 2,970,459_ , RDA .2 2 754 374 '3A13,695 ' 3,313A45 (100,250) 3,741, 000 3,681,000 267,3 Grand Total 84124 484 913 900 979 95 406236' 94 072 445 ' (433 791k 100,1 t7,000 98,644,000 - • 3,237,764 Budgeted Positions;' 510.004. 14 PT W8.00,+ 15 508.00 + 15 PT 524.00 +.-16.PT 524:00 + 16 PT 16.00 + 1 PT IVtr.' Special events prevtuosiy'captured In Citywide acconuts now captured in Resort Tax funds. i i . Ponce 1}epaitnsent , , _ . RDA City Center - 168.112.0 Givebacks 2013` Adopted 2013 afterlst P - _ �.. ropored Variant* FY13 Budget pY,11h12' :Proposed wfo Budget With Bud vs. FY12 AccountNumtfer Actual 2011 Actual 2011 2012 FY12 Proj Variance Givebacks Heating Ghwa cks Bud 000100 PERSONNEL'SERVICES 406111 'Salariesand•Wages- 725,051 795,975 1;081,436 1,018,890 (62,546} 1,125.241 (60,000) 1,065,241, (16 195), 000132 Shift Differential t1,053 21,221 30,284' 19,668' (10,616) 30,000 30,000: (284), 000155 Overtime . 161;344 ° 350,676 4501000 380,883 (69,1 17) 350,000 350,800 (104,000) 000136 koidayPay_. 18,523 18,456 16,523 23:140 4,617 19,000 19,000, 477 000137:- Court Overtime. 24,146 43.395 ' 45,800 52,564 6,764 55.6DD 55,000; 9,200 600138' P64celfi a Educatlonal Suppl 4;754 5,814 5,004 7,372. 2,368' 7,500 7,500 2,496 OOOi39 WortiAboveCbssifcatio,n 954 967 3,188 4,156' 970 4,ODp 4,060: 612 000153 Allowances 19,549 20,845. 23,146 25,554 2,408 23;146 23,146; - 000154, Unffoiins 1,541 2,632 ,• 12,000 2,000- (10,000) 12,000 12,000' 000159. Teal s eiis=Penslon Oblgat�_ rr 0 : 000160"`transfers- Pertsion40tK. 0 - 000161 - Retirement Contributions 673,011, 690,055 737,674 737,674 829,038- 829 ;038 91,364" 000162 14ealiti' &Life Insurance - 96,875 '49,699 180,942 142,522. (38,420) 147,821 147,821 (33,1.21) , 000162 ;1-I6atth& L96lnsuianceSavings d - (21,669) (26,668) (4 J9} 21.669; 000183 Workmen's'Cornp'ensatron Pay - 0 '000164 FICA 0 _ '000165 S"fSeaurftyMedic6re; 14,806, 16,473 19,110 22,088 2,978 16,890: 16,890 (2,220) 000166 -' FICA Aftamative (457) 0 452, 452. - ;000167OPEBContrit;i6is' 71:000 170,940 34:349 188,000 153,651 207.000 207000 172651 : Totaf Personnef Services - 1,822',607 2186 748 2 2 598,297 (21'490) 2,826,636 (60 000) 2,766 146,849 000300 -OPERATING EXPENDITURES, ' ` • :' "000311 • Temporary t8bor 0 _ ., _ _ - - 000312' ProfessionalSerAces D 000314° Electricity p 000316',7eleph6ne 4,644` 4;154 8,112 1 (6,292)' 5,000 5 (3;112) . 000319,. San0a13on 0 .: 000321. Postage.& Kiindling 0 000323, Rent- Hu8d3ng 8 kquipmeni' 6,114 4,090 9,212 9,000'' "(1,212) 7,560 7,560' (1;652) 000324' - PArak g ..; : 0 600325 Contract Maintenance: 9,727; -8,135 18,550 10,000 (8,550)' 15,DOO 15„000 '- 000341.:O#ce Supplies -583' 209 2,500. 20 (2,480} 21500 2,500 000342 RepafrWaintenan6oSuppIy ,6,952 3,500 27,280_ 28,000. 720 28,000, 28.000 720_ 060343, OtherOperat;ng Expenditures 419' 687 35,509 38,504. 2,995 35,000 35,000 (509) 000349 OttrerCon'tr'actualServices 250,670, 329,809 423,905 359,884 (64,021) 498,574 498,574 74,669, 000351 'Engine Fuel B' Lubricants. 0 - - Qd03m .. t ontingency 587 587 587 000357 - Empbyee Benefits .498- 214 000358. Subscriptions 0 442 (442) 442 442 000361 L Dues & Memberships 0' 000363 Travel 0 000367: Training, 8,093 42,000 (42,000) 15,000', 15,000 (27,000) 000368 Licenses. 01 -Total Operating F_iipenditures:. 287,900, 350,798 567,510 446,228 (121,282) 607,663 0 607,663 40,153` 000500 ' INTERNAL CHARGES 000501 - Central 'Semices- lntemalSvc 0 000502 'Property Mgmt- Intemal Svc 0 :0005d3 -Fleet Management= lntemaLSve 82 ,699 75,202 36,671 77488 '"40,617 34,194' 34,194 (2,477) 000504.: Communlcatkans-inteinef Svc 49,784- 275 276 1 43,619 43,$13 43,5311 000505 Self ins6ra6ce4ntemaiSvc 138,519 131,198. 136,140 136,140 165,324 165,324 29,184, 000506 Computers internal Svc 56;56-0• 54,025 54;025 54;025' 000567 jRadios-inteinaiSLc. 8.246', ,6,626 6,812 '6;812 7,845; 7,845 1 .033° 000508 Prop Mgmt- CConstr6ctlon ;0: 51 d002 Prvp/EIeC, &'ContractslrttlSvC. 0. - 000513 Fleet Acobents Srttemal Svc : `358 3,802 1,5w 3,4G4 1,904 1,6d0 - 1,500 . 'Total Internal Charges 336,170. 216,828 181,398 223,920 42,522' 306,701 0 306,701 125,303 000600` CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ' 000671 Furniture & Equipment 7,000' ' 000673 Motor Vehicles 0 ; 000674 Machinery & Equipment• 0 45,000 45.000 (45;000) 000676 Renovations' 0 Total Capital Expenditures 7,000 0 45,000 4S,000 0' 0, 0 0 (45,000)' Grand Total, „ . 2,453,677 2,754,374 3,413,695 3,313;44S :_ (100,250) 3,741,000 (60,000) 3, 681,00 0.. 2 6 7, 305. " I t� Attachme 3 i FinanciaYSummaty SIRE DEPARTMENT Variance FY 12 , Variance FY 13 2012 Pro), vs FY12. 2013 Proposed w76 2011 Proposed w/ Prop.'Vs. FY12 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Adapted Projected 'Bud: Glvebacks Givebacks Buda Account Number . . 400100 „PERSONNEL SERVICES 000111 Saler s S; 26;101, $,25,842,098 5,26.653,203 '$ 26,551268 $ (101,935) $ 27201.426 '$ '26,190A26 S •(463.177) 000135 Overt me 1,551;034 1,459,952 1.047,095 1,254,813 207,718 1,314,561 1374561 267,466 .000136 Hol*Pay, 953,86& . 657,083 795248 651,094 (144,154) 661;124 681,124 (114,124] .000137 'Court"ovetinie r._ ; 000139 ' ,WarkAbove Cdass"don, 187,587 204,808 186,021' 194.928 8,907 200,298 268298 14,Zh OOOt53 'Allowances 419,598: 464,191 404,116 414,311 10195 457,358 457,358 53 060154 U'd 78,426 181,438 206.499 216,303. 9,804 252,063 252,03 45564: (X10159 TranstersPensionCUO - lion 1;799,226 1,799,013 1,791222 1,793,222 .1,793222 1;793222 000160 pension401,A,; - 11,912 - (11,912) 9 - 092 (2,820) 000161 RetirementContribu0ons .'10973:939 14,995,604 15.994,783 15.994,783)• 18,540,928 18,540928 2,546,145; 000162 Health' &'L8@Instrance, 2,262,197 2;536,834 2,917 2;591;616 (325,763) 2,912,224 2,912224 (5,155) 000162 Health & Life ins Credit (937,998) (323,161) (346,409) (23,248) .323,161' 000163 Workmen's Compensation 61,390. 29,066 29,068 25.639 (3;427) 29,061, 29,061 (5) 00185 Social Security Medicare : 370762, 365,160 387,153 404,8 17,690 394,886 394,886 "7,733_ 000166 FICA m Aheadve 28,470 _39,780 31 39,352 235 ,8• 35.920 35.920 4,803 000138, "elFire Educadi"Supply $2,175 85.024 79,620 85.671 ' ,AM 86,822 8¢,822 7,02' 000164 FICA - 102 Total Personnel Costs S 44,269,887' $ 47,722,051 :$ 50 $' 49,871,434. (342,039) $'; 53,908,985 $ 52,897,585 , $ 2,684,112, 000300 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 000311 Temp6rary.Labor 20;000 10,000' (10,006) 10,000 10000 (10,000) 000312 Professional Services 120.689 . 129,179 235,555 158,93E ; (76.623) 138,132 '138,132 (97,423) 04 Electricity 146,096 141594 145,341 145,310 (31) 150498 150.898 :5,557 000315 Gas 1`9000 7,345 8,007 12,469 7,418 (5,051) 8.000 ` 8,000 (4,469)' 09 0316, Tolc^ne• 44,401 41,578 72,120 39,326,' (32794) 58.900 58.900 (13.220) 000319' Sanitation Fees 4,160. 4,160 4.160 4,160 4,160 4,160 000323 . Reii 8uaEo'u1g & Ectuipmerlt 224,286. 169;626 89,945 89,945 13,733 13,733 (76;212) 000314 ?rirYmg. 8:900. 8,500• (400) 8,500 $50 (40), 00325 Cormactbtaitltenance 109,344 72,018 142,5fQ 119,910, 0 (22.650)' 132,044 132ty34 f10.516y 000327; Advertising X 890 1,729 17,0 3,500' ' (13.500) 7,000 7,000 (10,900) 000341 Office Supplies 2502 '23,638 29,490 28,080 ` (1.410)• 28,400 28,40 (1,090) 03 0042 Repairs& Maintenance 192.666 ':261,341 296,517 293,290. (3.3 281,700 281,700 (14,817) 00343 .00w Operating Expenses '577,116 625,252 676,766 676,654 (112) 687,796 •687,196 11;030 000358' Subscriptions . 4.493 .3.223„ 11,693 11,608' (85) 8.093 BA93 (3.600) 00361,' Dues &Membershp3 4,327 '7,396 9,637 .10,197 560, 10,353 10363 716' 000383 Travel 8.182 6,162 22,406 21,1096;. (1:310) 21,906 21,906 (500) 00367. TraedngandAwards, 83,514 101,042 101.465 96,980 (4,485) 113.79p Ii3.796 12.325' 00362- Proinotioh 5,485 4,263 720 7,06 (200) 7.00 7,00 (200) 00351' Engine, Fuel and Lrtincanrts 7948.7 11948.$2 13000 .16984 3984 _ 13,0()q 13,00 000368' Taxes & Lienses 210 16130 1275 1275 1,275 1,275 bept Savir,4&cohGngency 420 420 420 Transfer to Debt Service 10102 `10102 70,702 Total Operating Expenses $ 1,546,128 $.1,622,286.,$ 1.917 99 $ 1;754,147..$ (167,424] $ - 1,715202 4 1. 7 15 ,202 i� - ,(202,297)' 000500' INTERNAL CHARGES 100501 Ce;" Services - int. Sry 1. 56.236 45,845: 38,256 .38,256 - 40,351 40,351 0 2095 0502 PrapertyMgmr4= tnt.5}vs 91.1,329 717,449 1.039510 1,039,510 - 784244, 784;244 (255,268); 060503 Fleet Miinagement- inl: Srvs.. 558,552 675;428 473,394. 473,394 1,071,490 1,071,490 598096 ' 00504; communications -Ili Srm 978,566 1,164,098 1,157,984 1,157,984 1,197563 1,197,563 39,579 000505' Sell lh {4 suran6ti- iresnii.. 2,1 ,219 2,325,636' 2.502.953 2.502,953" _ 2,854553 2,854;553 351.60• 000506, - Computers -.Int Srrs. ; 11168,744. 1,137,854 1414.447 1;414,447 4;527253 1,527,253 112:806 . ,0005071 Radios int Servs. 117283 116;499; ' 119,784 119;784 137284 137,284 17,500 000508: Property M�r1rd- Constriction 15556 6;793 0 0"'. - 00512 Prop)Elec & Contratifs- iii Srvs: 24,954 34,613 24,193 24,143 13,464, 13,464 (16,729)' `0611513 Fleet Accldentswk - Sms ' 24152 12,523 1000• 1,000 15 '15,00 1400 Total - internal Service Costs $ 5,969,591 $ '6,555,837 $ 6,771,521 $ 6,771,521 $ $ 7,641,202 $ 7,641,202 4 869,681 000600 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES' 006671 FurNtuie and Fixhire_s 539 385 1,398 '2,398 'A,00 1:398 1,398 090673 Wo Vetvdes 1,094 - - 3,500 3,50r 0 - - 3,500 3,5 0(10674', Machlnei ,, &'Et. 55,884 3,513 35:000 (35,00) 4,713 4,713, (30,287) �0QD676 .Rehnovations` 45599. - - Total Capital Expenses' - 3 :103,065 $ 3,898 tt 39,898 S 5 $ (34,D0) $ 9 '$. - 9 S (30,287) - TOTAL $ 51,888,672 $'55,904,073 $58,442391 $.58;403,100 $ - (5 S' . 63275000 $ 62,263,600 $' `3,321,209' -' Budgeted Positions " 307 - +48 PT 303 +48 P7 303 +48 PT 303 +48 PT. 303 +48 PT . 0 Fjna,riciel5urnmarV FIRE DEPARTMENT Variance FY t2 Variance FY 13 _ 2012. Prof. vs FY12 .2013 Proposed w10 2013 Proposed wl 'Prop. Vs. FY12 4010 Actual; 2011 Actual .2012 Adopted Projected Bud, 'Givebsacks G*etiacks 13ud. 960,0cean Rescue 6XPEN=URES _ 111 Salaries - $ ,5,023,770; S' 4,981,827 S• 4.905,341 S 4,898,629: (6,712): S 4,908,358 $ `4,908,358 3,017` , 135. Overtime $ 119.954 $ 79,385. 80,699 83,000 2.301 83.OW 83,00D 2,301 136 Holiday Pay $ 226,332 $- 114,351, 226,33.2 110,000 '(116,332) - 110,000 110,000 (Ile=) ' 139 Work Ahove ClassOroaaon $ 19,275 $ 22,425 21017 26,000 (1,117).. 20.000 20=' (1,117) 153 . AtlowarKes' " $ 79' $ .2,600 2,6(X 154 Urii6nns $ .17,535' .$' 17,836 50.608 . 50081 50,609 .50,608' <159 Trarufersfiension OtrBga S 4,264. $' 4,264 4;264 4,264' 4,264 4,264 161 Re5remeidCoiitx6ioa>s $ 1,285;303' $ 871,139 1,065279' 1,065,279 1200,677, 1,200,677 135,380 162 HeaIM & Life tnsurarrce' S 333,104 $' 403,315 424,591 404,902' (19,679)' 459286 459266• ;34.685 • 162 Heaitri &'Life tns Credit. $' 163' Workmen'sCompensabon $ 10,983- $ 5,204 5,204: 4.515 (889) 5,204 5204 165. Soci.alSee vritV are $ :64,873" $ - 62,517 71,810 71,030 - (780) 71,636 71,638: (172) 1e6 '21.521 S 22 15197 19419 •4,222' 20000 20.000 4,803` total Personnel Coats $ 7126,994 $:6585,129 $ 6,$73,032 3 6,734,246 138786 $ 6,933,015 $. 6,933,015 i 59,983 312 Protessianal5er4ioes 10,000: 19,100 25,800 25,800 10,000 10,000 (15,800) . 374- ElectrfiitY 11,031, 11,148 11,031 11,000' (31) 11000 11',000 1 376 ' Teleptmnp 2.219; '_1,837. 11;731 - 2,000 '(9,731y 2,0f02,000 (9,731) 319 Sardtation Fern 380'. 360 380 ' -360: 360 360 323 Rena 6uddrrg 8 S4biprndcd � 1,636 1,660 3,649 3,649. 3,649 3,649 324 Prinang 400 (400)' ., ; (400) 326 CcnVactMaintanaiue' 142 9,250 8,050: (1.2x1): 9,250 9,2W 327 AdvatOsing 890- 614 2,000 1,0001 (1,0(10) - 2,000 2,000 341 OBke "Sctpies 2,197 .2,414, 3,093 3,000 {93): 3,000 ; 3;000 (93)' 3M12 Repa65 b Maintenance 3,870 1 4 DO A.�O (100) 4,000 4,000 (100) 34$ Otter Operating Expenses 34,161 47,916 39,249 40,000: 751' 40,000 40,OOD 751 357 Employee Fringe Benefit's 358 Subscript ons 50 :50' S0 50 361 Dues 8Memberstkps 171Q 2,440 2,756 2 2.750 2 363 Travel 1:696 3.400 3,400 3A00, 3,400 387 Training and Awards 3229. 1307 4.500 4,560 4.500 4,500 TotalOparating Expenses S. 72,999 $. :80,428 $- 121-A31 $ 109,559 .$ 11,804 $ 95959 . #' 95,959: '$ 25,404 • 501 Central Sefvicas- lne Srvs, 'S.891 - 4,503 4,626 4,626 - 4,567 (4,626) 502 Property Mgmnt- int SniS. 714;472 502, 168 737,118: 737,118 460,929 460,929 (276.189) 503 Fleet Man agement= lnGSivs. 221,877 197,060 151,021' ` 151,021 283.412. 283,412 132,391 504 Coira 6a5en5 lnt,Srvs. 115.278 3fi9,892 348,540 348,540 362,544, .362.544 ;14.004 505 San lnsu nce- Int Snrs: 352,087 386,395 375,443 375,443 439,413 439,413 63.970 5 06 Computers= Mt Siva. 162,495 '432.045 412,786 412,786 459,598 459,598 46.812, 507 Rad as a i. Serve. 28,710' .33,680' 34,629 34.629 - 39,878'- 39.878 5,249 508 Pro* MBmrrt- Constartion 14;813 206 612 ProplElec B Contracts - trti Sivs. 18;867' 19 ;358 10,177 - 10,177 - (10.177) 513 Flee! Accidents Ink. Sm. 18 570 2,879 1.000 1.066 15 000 15.000 14000 Total Internal Service Costs ' . $ 1,653,060 $ .1,948,185' 'S 2,075.340 $ 2,075,340 .S - S X 2,865,341 S 2,060;774. Motor Verities 1,094 3,500 3.500 3,500 3,500 Fixrdtuiie'aild Fizlures , i 000 '1 000: . 0 Total Capital Expenses $ 1,094 S = S 3,500 $ - . 4,500 ' S 1000' $ 3,500 $ -- 3,5010 $ Total '$' 8,654;146 S 8,613,742 $ 9.073,235 $ e,923, ,E ,(149,50: $-. '9,097,815. •S 9 ,093,24$ `$ 20,013 Positions - ,76 +48 PT 76 +48 PT 96 * da PT 76'148 PT 76 +48 PT Financiaf Sumniary FIRE DEPARTMENT r Variance FY 12 Variance FY 13 2052 Proj, vs F,Y 12 2013 Proposed wlo 2613 Proposed , w/ Prop, Vs. FY12, 2010Actual- '2011'Aetual .2012 Adopted Projected Bud. Givebacks. Glvebacks- Bud. - _ - ' 1210 SUPPRESSION " E%P.ENDITURES 11! Salaries 11,597,510 $ . 11,J8J,599 $ 12.026,989 $ 12.181,033 154;044, $' ' 12,056.300 $ 11,484,306 (542.689) 135', overtime. 734,668 :799,728 214,442" ,694,292 479,850 694,292 .694,292 479,850 136 Holidaypay 449,8{!4 343,127 357;168. 353,035 (4,133) 363:626 363,626 6.458 137' Court Overtime 0 0 . 138: - Pokers Educational Supply 48,543 52,357 - 48 51,732 3,682 53,052 53,052 5.002 139 Work Above Classitka5on 131,665 132,&52 125.304; 128,927 3,623 .131.148 -131,148 5.844 153. 'Alkmmes. 241,525 275,344 223.409 253,496, 30,087 280,000 280,000 56,591 15'4 Umbrins - 0 0 159, Tran ion sfers - Pens Obligation 946,289 946,076 940265 940288 840,285 940,285 160 Pension 4014'- _ 0 6 -181 •, •' Re6rarnen1 ContriWiSor> 1,696,560 8,175,211 8,766;156: 8,766,156 9,779,567 9,779,567 1,411,411 162 Heatdt &Ufeinstuaitoe 7,115,416 1203,410 1,374,004 1,243,000 (131,004) 1,303,739 1,303,739 (70265) 162: Heaf h Life Ins Croa (532,367) (191246) (196,607) : (5,361)' 191,246, 163. Workmen's Comperrsa4an 20 0 9,505 9,505 8.650 (855)_ 9.500. 9,500 (5) .164: - .FICA"..... .. 69 . 0 - 0 . 1 165' S"I Security .Medicare 167,761 '172,020 174,391 198,106 23,715 .174,816 174618 425' 66 :1 FICA'Altemat»ie, - :6.949 16.914 15.920 19,933 4,013 15,820 ,15 920 74talipersonnaicosts $-20,156759 $ 23,381,775. $'24,086,377 '$ 24,644,039 '$ 557,662 $. 25602,24540 $ :25,230,245.00 S 1,143,866, 311 Temporary tabor 10400, - ,(10,000) 0 0 (10,000} 312:; Professiorei Services 63,482 72.872 162.548 85.925 (76,623), 80,925 80,925" 314 'ElwAcity 135,067 130,446 134,310 134,316 139.898 139,898 5.588 315 Gas 'Fuel 09 7,345 8;007 - 12,469 7,418 (5.051) 8.000 8,060 (4,468) :316 .Telephone - 25,889 26,655 20;467 21,426 939 25,000 25,000 4,513 319 :Saretallon Fees 3;600 3.800 3,800 - 3.800 3,800 3.800 323! •R6nt,'BuilsingBEquipment' - 221,690 .162,147 80,150 80,150 - •,3,738 3,736 (76,412) 324' Printing 8.500 8.5(0 8,500 8.500 325 Contract Maintenance 45,567 23,273 43,320, 49,320 6400 89.000 59,000 15,610 :327 Advertising, 1,115' 15,000 2,500 (12,500), 5,000 5,000 (10,090) 341 `Offce'Supples ' 10,905 11,182 15397 15.000 '(997) 15,000 „ 15,060 (997) , .342 Repairs'& Malydenance, 925 1,602 13,017 10,000 (3,017) 10,000 10,000 (3417) 343 OtllerOperatingExpenses :71,174 79,863 63412 64,710 898 74,000 74400 10,188 356. Subscription 539. 275 1,205 1,205' 2205 1205 361: Dues &' Mgnbersh ps 1,060 3,325. 4,430 4,430 4,434 4,434 4 363 Travel 1,835 6,162 15,996 15.996 15,996 15,996 367 Trairmtg and Awar6 5.741 10,610 9,225 9225. 9225 9,225 7ransterto' Debi Service 10102 10.102 ' 10102 Total Operating Et2penses $ 597 019 $r.. 540 332 • $'. 614,266 • $ 513 915 $ ji0aU11 $ 473 823.00 #. 47382300 : $ . , 150 54 501 central Services• Mt. Sivs. 6,649 7,494 5,522 : 5,522 - 6423 ' , 6,523 1,00 7. ' ' rn 502 Property Mgnt- Iid. Srv3. 196,857 215.281 302.392 302.392 321,315 321,315 18,923 503 Fleet Marragament- Int. Srvs. - 82,082 183,976 73,294 73,294' 410,340 410,340 337,046 504 Comniuncaticns -b `.Srvs. A49.25 . 4, 45 22,388 402,772 402,77.2 460,767 460,767 "57,995' 505 "SeltUuurance LSt.Srvs.. 891,150 1,018,463 1,149,837 1,149,837 1,315,654 1,315,654 165,817. 506 Computers Litt'Snrs 518,711 516,588 496,327 496,327, 5,83.251 583.251 716.924' 507 Radioslra,Se!vs: 22.60f 20,987. 2S,5T2 •21;572 24,188 24;188 2,615` :508 Property Mg rnnt- Construction 743- 5,588' 0 0 512 ProplElec 3'Candacts• K Sm. 6,087 15,255. 14.016 14,016 13AU 13.464 (552) 513 FleetAt,6aw S- Int. Srvs. 1.748 255 - - . 0 `0 Total Internal Service Costs 2,173,852' $ 2,416,269 2,465,732 2,465,732 3,135,502 3035,502' " 669,770 674 Mactur`tery.8'Equptnent 51,085 3.513 - 0 0 - 676 Rehnovatlon 29,540 0 6 *661Cap6al_Expenses' $ '80,624 '$:. 3,513 $ $ $ . _ $ $ 70te1 5 23408284. $ 26.341.889 $ $ 27,623,686 $ 457,317 #_ 29,411;570 '$. 28,839,570' $ 1,663.093.4 Positions • 118 '118. 118:. 118 118 - :Financial Sumrliary FIRE, dEPARTMENT - VarianceFY42. Variance FY, 13 2012 • Proj. vs FY12 ' 2013 Proposed w)6 2013 Proposed wf Prop: Vs: Fl12 RESC 2010Acivai °20l1AcWat 2012 Ad ProJectod Bud: Givebacks Giwbaciis' Bud: EXPENDfTU fti Salaries - 6.952,786 $ 6,862,866 3 7;192,'71 S .6.ke.000: (266,771) ,S 7,650,791 $ 7,237,291. 44,520 :132 SNR Differential S $ ' 135 Overtime_ - 537;427 489,046. 425,000 .'378,189, (46;811) 378,189 378,189 (46,811) 136 Holiday l?ay 268.470 195245 204,49$ '186,459 (16,039) 204.498- . 204,498 - 138 PoticalFite Educational Supply, 28,509 26.841 26,000 28,2x1 2,201 26,ODO 28,000 2.000 139 Worh'A.Classlfica5 - 30,937 45,968 33,600 41096 7,496, 43,150 43,150 9.550 ' 153 I4101tiances I 139,080 154,345' 149506 '129,520 (19,986) 149,506 .149,506 354 tlriforms'. 159 Transfers - Pension Obligation 644,338 641.338 644.338 .644.338' 644 .644,338 " 160 401A Penslon Contrlbutions 2,820 (2,820) (2,820) -161. RebrementConhlbutions 3,231,781 5,066,322 5,167,704 5;167,704 - 6,414;759 - 6.414;759' "1,247,055 162 fieatfh b life krsurenca 632.270' 704.664 683,682 720,405'; (163:677) 879,642 879,642 (4,040) . .162 Health b'tlta his Credit, (3fi4,303j _ (118,016) (134;540) (16,524) 118,016 163' Worinerts Compensation 27,144- 12,878 12,878 11,161 '(1,717) 12,878 12,878 164 FICA' 72, 165 Social Security Medicare 105,457 100,452 104,295 i60.436, (3,865) 110,356 110,356 6,061 166 FICA'Aaemative Total Personnel Costs $12.6%.272' $ 13.740.661 S 14 729,076 '.S 14,198563',,$ '. 530513 E' 16,476,107 S 16,102,607• S 1,373,531 312. Protessionet Services 47 207 .47,207 47,207. 47.207 47,207 (4720) .314 EJedil* . 316 Telephone 2,265 2,037 2,502 2,5W, (2) 2,5 2,500. .(2) 349 'SantlabonFees 323 Reim,136fidrg b E9uorem 273 .1,636 1,836 1,836 :1,638 1,836 324 Priming 325 CompactMak"nanee. 40,193 31076 39,540 39,540 40,794 40,794 1,254 327 AdverOsirg' ' 341 Office "S,upplies , 4,445 2,594 2,900 2,900 (400) .2.90 .2.900 .. •' 342 Repairi_bMalriterwice &9,16 8,767 9,700 9.560 - (200) 9,700. ,9,7M :343 Other O ierabrg Enerrses • -244.234 280,327 305,000 305,000 305,000, 305,000• . 1 358 Subscriptions 626 '393 393 393: 393' 393 361; Dues b Membere"s - ,264 484 484. 484 484, ' Travel 2,010 1500 , (510j 2 010 2,610 ;367 Tr lnirrgaidAwards 26,075 19,912, 26,520 26,000' (520) 38,845, ` 38&15 12,325 368, Taxes bLicerr,'es' 210 70,130` 1273.00 1275 ' 1$75 '1,275` = Total Operating Expenses $ 374,443 S 405,041 $ 439,367 S' 437.735 S: 1,632 ) S • 452,941 $ 405,737 S 33,630 - 501 Central Services- IM:Srvs,' 9,446 5,963 6,,300 6.300' 6,065 6,065 (235) 502 Poperty Mgrtfnt- kit.• Srvs: z.o� 2, 2.000, b03 Fleet Management -pH Srvs. 118,352 ;166,369 105,478 105,478 263,105. 263,105 157,627 504; Communications- bit. Srvs. 281,959 266,097 276,656. 276,656. 242,931 242,931. (33,725) =505' Self insurance= V¢. Srvs. 801,032 649,444 711,982 711,962 806,832 806'832 94,850 606' Computers- wt. Srvs. 324;810 326.469 337,327 337,327. 307,994 307.994 (29,333) 507 Radios kA:Servs: 17;715 18220 18,734 18YU 21573 21,573 2,039 508 Property Mgmnt- Construction 512; Prop/Else 8 Contracts- IM. Sm. • • - ' 613 Fleet Accidents• tr i. Sm. 959 Total tnteruil Service Casts, 5 1,354,273 $ 1,432,563' S 1,456,477. $ 1'456,477' - E •'$ - .1,656,500 S 1650,500' $ 194,023 Furniture b Rictures (214;589)s MacNikry &'Etlydpment :4,809 35,000 (214;589) '4,713 (30,287) (65,287)_ Renovations (214,589 Total,CapOal Expenses S . 4,809' ' 5. $ 35,000. $ S 1643,76 . `S 4,713 $ (30,2871 $ 65 287 Total, $ 14,329,797. $ 15,578,265' $'16,659,920 $ 16,092,775 $ (1,175,912)_ $ 18,5$6264 $ t8,128,557 $ 1,468,637 Positions T6' 76. .76 76 76' .. s+ _ Financial Sunirtiar4 FIRE DEPARTMENT Variance FY 12 Variance FY 13 2012 Proj. vs FYt2 2013 Proposed wto 2013 Proposed w7 Prop - Va FYi2 - 2010 Actual 2011 "Actual 2012 Adopted Projected Bird. Givebacks Gtvebaclrs Bud. • 1230 PREVENTION 1 EXPENDITURES' 111., Salaries 1,760,1311 S: 1;589,869 'S 1,678,08 $ 1,521,936 (156,146) S 1,651,401+ $ 1,617,701 460,381) 135, Overdme ',101,35? 65;429 16OX4 69,080 (91,124) 69,Q80 89,080- (91;124) 136_ HoOdayPay 9,262' 1,649 7250 1;600 (5,650) 3,000• 3,000 (4250) 138' PoliceFire Educational Suppl 1,595 3,249 3,240 3,240 3240' 3240 139' wo* Above Classitica ion .2,521 2,122 :2,500 2,OOD (500) 2,500. 2500 153` AlloKaiices 17,522 .14,477 .28.601 14,DD6 (14,601) 13,157. 13,157' (15.444) - 154' Unilomiss 159 Transfers- Pension Obligation 131,908 131,908 131,908 131.906. - 131.908 131.908 160 401A Pension Obligation 9.092 (902) 9,092 9.092 '161 Retirement Contributions 742,991' 499,567 538,087 538,067 594,661 594,681 56.574' i62° Heatihatifehistaartce 118,956 137,398 147,6D1 126,106, (21501) 165,308 165,308 17,707.' 182 Hea6 6 info Ins Credit (118,520) (6,280) :(6,840) (564); 6.280 163 YVarkmerfs66nlpersation :1,674 7711` 771 666: (102) 771 771, :164 FICA • 30 .162 Social Security Medicare 24223 21.602, 24,332 22468 (2264) 23.945' 23,945' .(387) 166.' FICAAftemative Total Personnel Costs' S '2.915A44 S 2,449,521 .S 2,725,388 - S 2,423,648 'S^ (301,%0) S 2,668,063 $ 2,634,363. 1- 911,025 .312x Profesikmat,Services <3'14: Electricity' _ .316` Teleptiono 13,644 11;296 21,000 13,000 (8,000)" 131000 13,000` (8,OD0) 31'9 Sanitation Fees, 323 ' Ren a"ldhg & Equipment' 273, 1,620 1,620 1,620 1,620. 1,620 - 324 PdnSng'" 325 Contract Maintenance 327 - . . Advertising - - 341 Office Supplies_, 4,63 4,598,' 5,060' 5,060 80 6.000 :5 342" Repatis &Mantenance 343 w Ppersting Experms 3,723 17,693 22561 20.000, 29,(31; 29,131 6,570 <358 Subscriptions :22 1,638 8,365 8,300 • (85). 4,785 4,785 (3.600) ,361 Dues ,8 Memberships 1,318 1,000 1,340', 1,900 560 1.910 ' 1,910, 570; 362 Promotwn, 5,485 4263 7,200 7,000 (200). 7,000 7.000 , ;(200) '363 Traj e! 1,006 200 (800) ,500. 500 (500) 367 Trairtlng and Awards 9.878 20:388 23.965 20,000' . (3,965)' 23.965" 23.985 Total Operating .Expenses :S 41 $ 52495 f 92,075. $ 77,100-:$ 14,971 -$ 86,911 S 86,911 $ 5,160 ;501 Central Services- int.-Sm. :31,085 25;421 16;363 16,363 20,745 20,745 4,382 502' Praperly -ht M. - - - . 503 Fleet M"jeinem- k Srvs., 163,461 91,897. 110,594 110,594, 65,428 85,428; (25,iG6) 504 CammuNcations- Int- Srvs. 162,052 98,007 101,276 101,276 102,284 102,284 1.008, 505, Selfhiscranct IntSrvs 162;105 162,203 146.733- 146,733 161;716 '161',716, 14,983 - 506 Computers- hti.`Srve. 129,203' 12 ?,219 131,439 131;439 138;199 138.199 6,766 ' 507" „ Ri dios'lrit.'Servs. 15 ;i82 14.355 15,329 15.329. 17,651 17,651 2,322 . 508 � Property,Mgmnt- ;Cansinxdlon - - - � . 514 Prop/Ele6 8 Contacts- InL Srvs.' 513 Fleet Accdents IM Srn 2,709 5953" Total Iii" IServ6c*'Sts S 546497 S- 525,055 S. 521,734 S ._" 521,734 S _ - S' 526,023 $ '526.023 'S. _. :4289: 671 Fumiiwe S. Fixtures y 672 Capitalized tterris= Fiices Assam . 67,4 Machinery 8 Equipmnt e - - '-676 RerrWVations - - TotalCapitaIExpenses .S - S - S S •'.S - .S $ .Total $ 3,502,748 1 ':3,037,072 S 3,339,!93 '$ 3,022,682 $ 316,511 $ 3280.997 S , 3,247297 5 91,896 Positions; 26 1 22 22' 22 22 ' Financial Summary :FIRE DEPARTMENT Variance FY 12- Variance FY-/3 2012 4 6j: vs FY12 207 3 Proposed wlo 2013,Proposed wl Prop: Vs- FY12 , 2010 Ac_tlrai ' 2011 Actual 2012 Adopted Projected Bud. Glvebacks Givebacks •B 1240 SUPP<1RT EX @ENDtTURES t!!- Salares` 767,;125 .$ 819.937. ,Si 850.020, $' .911,016 60 $ 974576; $ 942,376' 92,356 `735.. C)verMr 57.632 26.364, 166750 30,252` ( 136,4 9D.090`' 90.000' (78,750 ie oli ) Hday Pay 2.711 138'. PokwTire Educetior?al Sirpgy 2,528 2.576 2,536 2,496 {32} 2,530 .2,530 f39- W 3.190 1,440 3,50 2.905- (595) 3,500 3.506, 153r _ IAliowanc6s (, ;21,392' 20,026 14,695 • 74,695, 14,695 14,695 14,695_ 1544 LIMfamis 60,891; 163,602 155,891 165,695 9864, 201;455` . 201,455 45.564 - •159' Transfers- Paiuim bbl Rattan 72,427 72;427. 72,427 72 427 72.427 72,427' - 16 ReBremer4Cordriliikota 41,304 381,365. 455.557 455,557 551,264 551.26,4' 95,707 162 ;;0x10; a Life lnstxarce 62 451' 88.047, 87,511 97,609. 10,098 . ,104,269 104,269 1058 .162 Heaiiti & We Ins Credit; '(22,808) (7,619) (8.231 (804} 7,619 163'' " workmen's Compensation 1:430. 708: 708 644 65: (64) 70$ 708' = 1 SogO Secu* Medcate , :8,448 8,569' 12,325 • 13,249 884; 14,131 14,131 t,806 166 FICA At &native " � . - . Total06rsonnif6c4ts $. 1,474,818. $- 1,564,966 '$''1,799,600' $ '1,758;084. $ - 41.516 .$, = 2D29,555. 5. 1,997,355 $ 197,755 311' ten!P-tY Labor I 10.600 10,000 10,000 10.000 312 Professlonat Services 314 F.lectrtity 316 Telephone 384.. 754. 16,400 406 (16,000) 16,460 x6.400, `3i4 a S$4aaon Fees 323 Rent: Bw7dytg $'Equ p"rner"t 415., 2563 2.690 2,690' 2,6� 2,896 200 324 Frinfing :325, Contract Ma ntanance 23 584; 16,825; 50,450 23,000. • (27,450) 23,606 23.000' (27,450} 327 Advet$sitg, 341. OfBceSuppliei 2848' 2,857 2,500 2,500 2.500 1 2,500 342. Repairs & MaWenance 170.96' 249;472 269,706, 269:700. 256,060 258.000 01.700) 343' Ovier:Op Uig`Expenses 223;824 199.459'. 246,!44 246.944. : 800 234,665 I M.665 351 Engin�FUelatMLubricants 7949' 'I 949 13,000 ' 16,984 3984 13,000. 13,000 `358' Subscriptions 1.079' 917 1,660 1.660', 1,660' 1,660 367. [bees 3 l+teinbers>ups 239 3SB 633 633 - 775. 775 142 363' Travel 2,651. 367: TranGgand,Awards 18,591 48.8`11' 37,255• 37,295. 37.255, 37,255, ` Dept SavingslCenlingency _ - - 420 - .420 420 _ - - Total Operating Expenses 460,462 533989 - 650 432 611 766 ,666 , 605,565 605,565 44;867 .501 Central Services- W- 'Srvs:, 3,166 2,563 5.445 SA45; ' „ 2,451 2,451 (_2,954) :502 Prope.rt ',IM,Stps: . _ .. .:603. Fleet Management -Ant. Srvs; 32,780 26,126 33,067 33.007 29.205 29,205 (3,8021 604• ' Communications- Int. Srvs: ' 30.023- 27.7.14 28,740'; 28,740 29:037 29,037, 297 505` SeN Irmuratice - im Srvs. 107,845 103,131 118,058 118,958 130.938 130,938 41:W- Sis Campuiers- ,IRSm.. 35.525 *AP 36,568 36.568- 38.211 36.211, 1,643. 507. Radios kit- Servs. 32375 2 29,520 29,520. 33,994- 33,994 4;474' . ' r509 Prope!ty,Mgq?M- Constnebon; - .0 :D -(0) 512 Pro 8'CorWacts - N5 - - 6: _ 513. Fleet 'ACC3i18tit5- `krt:'SNSr. . 1653.435 '0 6 - - D Total liaer Service Costs' 24!.879 - 233,765 252,238 -. 252,238 263 836 463 77,598 671 Furrdus &'Fixtures' 539 385 1.398 11398' 1.398 1,398 " '6T4: mw4gnery & Equipment :, _ 676 Removatora, 15999 Totel,CaPlta[ Expenses . 16,538 395 1,398 -7,398 7398 1 396 • Total; $':2,193'597 $�' Z 33105 _$ 2,703,668• '$. 2,623,486 .$ 80,182 - S 2,90D,354 'S 2.868.54 -$ 164456 " Positions