Kimberly B. Eve ResumeKIMBERLY BROWN EVE 155-5 North Shore Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33141 (305) 968-2543 ¥ kimbeve@aol.com EDUCATION UMSL, Coral Gables, Florida NIVERSITY OF IAMI CHOOL OF AW Juris Doctor, May 2007, summa cum laude GPA: 3.94 / 4.00 Class Rank: 1/376 Honors: DeanÈs Merit Scholarship; Abadin, Jaramillo, Cook, & Heffernan Scholarship; and Lawrence B. Rodgers-M. Minnette Massey Scholarship recipient Dean's Certificates in: Legal Research & Writing; Property; Environmental Law; Small Claims Court Seminar; and Federal Legal Research Seminar West Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Award 2004-2005 Activities:University of Miami Moot Court Board: Member University of Miami Law Review: Articles and Comments Editor Legal Research & Writing DeanÈs Fellow appointment SIO,UCSD, La Jolla, California CRIPPS NSTITUTION OF CEANOGRAPHY Master of Science in Oceanography Honors: Regents Fellowship recipient; Joint Oceanographic Institutes Fel Activities:Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant (Geochemistry, Geology, CC, New York, New York OLUMBIA OLLEGE Bachelor of Arts in Geology BAR MEMBERSHIP Florida Bar, October 8, 2007 (Environmental and Land Use Section member) EXPERIENCE USDC, SDF, Miami, Florida NITED TATES ISTRICT OURTOUTHERNISTRICT OF LORIDA Career Law Clerk for the Honorable Barry L. Garber, August 2010 Ã Current Review and summarize case files. Research the relevant law and d cases involving civil, criminal, and procedural issues. W& C, LLP, Miami, Florida HITE ASE Associate, August 2007 Ã May 2010 Summer Associate, Summer 2006 Drafted memoranda concerning: environmental issues; trust and es; property disputes; commercial transactions; and other contract r of exhibit strategy for complex contract dispute. Researched cli contracts, settlement agreements, and estate planning documents. Drafted pleadings. FTDCA, Miami, Florida LORIDA HIRD ISTRICT OURT OF PPEAL Judicial Intern for the Honorable Linda A. Wells, Summer 2005 LOMJ. S, P.A., Miami, Florida AW FFICES OF ICHAEL CHLESINGER Clerk, Summer 2004 TSI., TPR EST ERVICES NCHE RINCETON EVIEW Assistant Director, Director, then Regional Vice President, California & Florida, 2000 Ã 2003 WS, Savannah, GA ILDERNESS OUTHEAST Naturalist and tour leader Full-time between college and graduate school; part-time during college and graduate school. Developed and led eco-tourism and educational programs in Belize, British Virgin Islan Guatemala, and Southeastern U.S.