Jane D. Gross ApplicationCITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM GrossJaneD NAME: First Name Last NameMiddle Initial FL33140 HOME ADDRESS : 2900 Flamingo DriveMiami Beach Home No./StreetState Apt No.City Zip Code jdgross@hotmail.com 305-535-2900305-321-0597 PHONE : WorkEmail Address HomeFax Business Name: N/A Position: Miami BeachFL Address: State No. CityZip Code Street Florida Real Estate License9/30/2014 Expires: Attach a copy the license Professsional License (describe): Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an indi   months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest Yes No Yes Middle Beach circle one): I am now a resident of:  Experience and knowledge of historic preservation for 30 plus ye No 123Please note that only three (3) Please list your preferences in order of ranking [] first choice [] second choice, and [] third choice. choices will be observed by the City Clerk’s Office. (Regular Boards of City) Affordable Housing Advisory CommitteeLoan Review Committee Art in Public Places CommitteeMarine Authority Beautification CommitteeMiami Beach Commission for Women Board of Adjustment*Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council Budget Advisory CommitteeMiami Beach Human Rights Committee Capital Improvements Projects Oversight CommitteeMiami Beach Sister Cities Program Committee for Quality Education in MBNormandy Shores Local Gov’t Neigh. Improvement Committee on the HomelessParks and Recreation Facilities Board Community Development AdvisoryPersonnel Board Community Relations BoardPlanning Board* Convention Center Advisory BoardPolice Citizens Relations Committee Debarment CommitteeProduction Industry Council Design Review Board*Safety Committee Disability Access CommitteeSingle Family Residential Review Panel Fine Arts BoardSustainability Committee Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT)Tennis Advisory Committee Golf Advisory CommitteeTransportation and Parking Committee Health Advisory CommitteeVisitor and Convention Authority Health Facilities Authority BoardWaterfront Protection Committee Hispanic Affairs CommitteeYouth Center Advisory Board [1]Historic Preservation BoardYouth Center Advisory Board Housing Authority Note : If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your aff 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: No Years of Service: if yes, please list the names of your children, their No 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your chil ages, and which programs. List below: Age:Program: Child's name: Age:Program: Child's name: No Have you ever been convicted of a felony:If yes, please explain in detail: Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach code No If yes, please explain in detail: No Do you currently owe the City of Money Beach any money:If yes, please explain in detail: Yes Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees:If yes, which board? Wish to continue serving on Historic Pres. Board What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently h Miami Design Preservation LeagueBoard Member Name:Title: Miami Beach Botancial GardenMember Name:Title: List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are loca 2900 Flamingo Drive No I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach:Which department? Pursuant to City code Section 2-25(b): do you have a relative who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the departme The following information is voluntary and is neither part of yo being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting r Gender:Female Ethnic Orgin: Check one only (1) No Physically Challenged: Homemaker Employment Status: NOTEIf appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which :   These laws include, but are not limited to, the following: Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Co o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served o Beach Code section 2-26). Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (M o (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee):  prohibiti from having   any interest in or receiving any benefit from Co or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the “I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the applica VII – of the City Code “Standards of Conduct for City Officers, I Jane Gross agreed to the following terms on 12/4/2012 5:41:56 Received in the City Clerk's Office by:Date: / /2012Control No.Date: / /2012 Name of Deputy Clerk Jane D. Gross - 2900 Flamingo Drive - Miami Beach, FL 33140 305-535-2900 - 305-321-0597 (cell) jdgross@hotmail.com In September 1982 Jane was hired by Andrew Capitman and Mark Sha Deco District, to assist in the first hotel restoration of the C marketing background and willingness to work for a room at the V and a ridiculously small salary, as well as her knowledge and lo changing move. After this, and because of her relationships wit campaigned for City Commission) and Leonard Horowitz ( establish -1201 Washington Avenue), the first commercial historic restoration in the district. The owner serve was interested in developing in the Art Deco District and Jane, appointed as the liaison to all potential investors. Jane assist premiere nightclub, Club Z (now, after many incarnations, Moving from the Victor to the Amsterdam Palace (now the Versace apartments (CafŽ Des Arts building) Jane got rent reduction if s further south on Ocean Drive. On the construction side, Jane wa documents on both renovations and n before. She also held positions for DACRA Development, working serving on the Young Professionals Board of the City of Miami Be Since 1988, J Project Isaiah which raises 2 tons of food each year for the Dai shirt drive for the Community Partnership for the Homeless). Cer adult literacy (currently Project LEAD). Reads weekly for WLRN R st of absence to volunteer for 1 grade/Kindergarten reading tutoring in Miami Beach) was vice Pr Board of Cushman School Parent Association. Participates ongoin drives, backpack and school supply drives for needy children. A e. She strongly promotes random acts of kindness such as driving elderly or domestic help home or to bus stops with her son, Jon. Homeless Shelter with her son and sister the summer of 2003. (pr -Miami Beach career included: Assistant Corporate Controller at Danbury, CT. where she was charged with computerizing all depts. systems in east coast home center chains. Manager of Sales Serv Ponds Corp. (Aziza Cosmetics and Fragrances); Marketing Consulta money market software system that revolutionized the trading flo all necessary cable work for trading floor installations. Vario manuals, product descriptions, instruction booklets, assembly in comedy. Education: B.A. Western Connecticut University; State of Fla. R Associations: Executive Board Member Miami Beach Community Healt Miami Design Preservation League, Founding Member Woman 2000, Bo PACT representing Temple Beth Sholom. Preservation, Dade Heritage Trust, Urban Environment League, Amn Greenpeace, Miami Beach Garden Conservancy, Women for Women Inte -Continued on page 2- PCommunity Service etc. Jane Dee Gross 2900 Flamingo Drive, Miami Beach FL 33140 305-535-2900 (h) 305-321-0597 (c) jdgross@hotmail.com Board of Directors - Miami Beach Community Health Center 6 years; Secretary of Board of Directors MBCHC 3 years Neighborhood Police liaison 2 years; Co Chair Project Isaiah for Temple Beth Sholom (food drive benef for 9 years Board Member, Miami Design Preservation League for many years an WLRN Radio Reading Service on air newsreader 10 years plus (serv Board Member PACT (People Acting for Community Together) a socia Sholom) 5 years. PACT reps 100,000 people in Miami Dade County stth Literacy Volunteer for Miami Dade Public Schools (Kindergarten/1 grade at Mt. Sinai satellite as well as one year 4 grade at North Beach Elementary); Vice President Parent Association at Cu school 3 years; Classroom volunteer Hebrew Academy 2 years; Clas sports teams 12 years plus. Book, Food and Video drives to benefit Community Partnership for Life member NCJW; Founding Member Women 2000 Conference, local HIV/AIDs social events (including resident ass Education/Certification: BA Western Connecticut State Universi Academy Graduate. �A` 1 �l G 4 4''7i o o - O - .r; I: - _ r H - t a ;:U?<.��::::_>��;---�:•:, '•N`�s� ��..� �. �+ .� -o ,prys - �` M HH '� how -;a 'Jz FR Ma - � : L21 -.. H LZJ �.- 1 2012-2013 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Olga Vieira DADE FIRST VICE PRESIDENT/ 0 IIIEPITJ TREASURER TRUST . Brian Alonso SECOND VICE PRESIDENT/ MEMBERSHIP Judy Pruitt . . SECRETARY Francena Koch AT LARGE Dotty Macintyre Enid C.Pinkney December 13,2012 PAST PRESIDENT Mayor Matti Bower Bertram"Chico"Goldsmith City Commissioners TRUSTEES 1700 Convention Drive Marcia Anderson Miami Beach,FL 33139 Federico Fernandez Joseph Furst Matthew Greer Dear Mayor Bower and Commissioners, Linda Collins Hertz Dwight Hill Dade Heritage Trust,the largest nonprofit historic preservation Ruth Jacobs Megan Kelly organization in Miami-Dade County,enthusiastically endorses the re- Lois Randall appointment of Jane Gross to the Miami Beach Historic Preservation Vinson Richter Board. Susan Shelley Scott Silver Sandra Suarez Jane has excellent preservation credentials and has served ably with great VennyTcrre diligence and insight into the complicated issues confronting preservation. Todd Tragash She has been a great resource to our organization,as well, keeping us Lilian Waiby B.R."Randy"Witt informed on important preservation matters. Aymee V.Zubizarreta ADVISORS Jane Gross will serve the community well and should be asked to continue Walter Alvarez to serve. Gay Bondurant Ann Marie Clyatt Sincerely, Gary Held Adolfo Henriques Jorge Hernandez ( � Sallye dude Penny Lambeth Nancy Liebman Becky Roper Matkov,CEO Bruce Matheson Thomas J.Matkov William Murphy George Neary Leslie Pantin Larva Moore Parks Rafael.Penalver Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk Jeanette Poole Norah Schaefer Dan Slesnick 11 Herb.Sosa Ellen Uguccioni Mary Young CEO 19A S.E.12th Tdrrace,Miami,FL 33131 •Phone(305)358-9572•Fax(3015)358-1162 Becky Roper Matkov aadeharit ge a dht.comcastbiz.net www.dadeheritagetrust.org