Memo 036-2012 ReorganizationMIAMIBEACH MEMO # 036 -2012 MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioner Edward L. Tobin FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager, DATE: November 27, 2012 SUBJECT: Reorganization of Classifications in the Fire Department Follow -up Request #2 This memorandum is in response to your request from November 12, 2012 Committee of the Whole, for an update of staffing numbers associated with the reorganization of classifications in the - Fire- Department. - The table below summarizes the number of currently filled positions for classifications that are covered by the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) bargaining unit, as well as the unclassified management positions (classifications that are not part of the IAFF bargaining unit) in the Fire Department. This information is presented in a similar manner as it was provided in the two previous memorandums of September 7, 2012 and September 10, 2012: * Although accounted for above in the classification of Fire Captain for 10/1/12 and 11/27/12, pursuant to the IAFF Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Union President shall not count against minimum staffing or the organizational chart. Therefore, there are currently"25 Captains plus one detached Union President who is currently ranked as a Fire Captain, thus reflecting a total of 26 as of 11/27/2012. rr r FY Actual FY Actual FY Actual Actual Final Number 2009/10 FY 2011/12 as of 2012/13 on on (per 7 /14/10 Budgeted 2009/10 Budgeted 8130/12 Budgeted 10/01/12 11/27/12 Commission Positions Positions Positions Memo) Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Not Addressed Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Not Fire Chief Addressed Division Chiefs 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Not Addressed Shift Division 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Not Chiefs Addressed (Previously Battalion - Chiefs ) - Captaln 8 8 8 7 28 27* 26'" 22 Lieutenant 20 20 20 18 35 31 30 29 Firefighter 11 50 50 50 42 0 5 5 0 Firefighter 1 112 120 112 134 127 132 130 139 Total 199 199 199 210 199 204 199 Not Addressed * Although accounted for above in the classification of Fire Captain for 10/1/12 and 11/27/12, pursuant to the IAFF Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Union President shall not count against minimum staffing or the organizational chart. Therefore, there are currently"25 Captains plus one detached Union President who is currently ranked as a Fire Captain, thus reflecting a total of 26 as of 11/27/2012. rr r Please note that there is currently one vacancy in the classification of Division Chief. Based upon the active DROP list for Fire and Police, three (3) Captains will be separating from employment with the City effective January 31, 2013, due to DROP expiration. Two of these Captain positions will attrition out and will not be filled. The rank of Division Chief includes the Fire Marshall as well as the Division Chiefs over the Operations, Rescue and Support Services Divisions. The Administration has already forwarded information and continues to work with the City's actuary, Mike Tierney with Actuarial Concepts, on the estimated long term pension impacts. If you have any further questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. C: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission KGB /CG F: \cmgr \$ALL \MEMOS \Memo Reorganization of Classifications in the Fire Department Follow - up 09- 10- 12.docx