Laura Bruney Resume
Laura Bruney, Executive Director
Arts & Business Council of Miami
As Executive Director of the Arts & Business Council of Miami since 1988, Laura Bruney has helped strengthen South
ABC has become a vigorous and effective catalyst for building wo
partnerships between the corporate & cultural communities. For almost 30 years the Arts & Business Council has been
beneficial partnerships between the private sector and non-profit arts groups, Ms. Bruney has created innovative
programs which leverage expertise, resources and leadership talent from the business world and direct them to the
Recognizing that a strong cultural community is good for busines-
are key contributors to economic development, tourism and our quty of life, the Arts & Business Council promotes
community growth and vitality through the arts.
Ms. Bruney is responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of Council staff, policy and progr
end, she works closely with the boards and executive staff of ov
manages over 50 executive consultants and 2,500 direct service volunteers from the corporate com
Business Council of Miami provides a myriad of volunteer opportu
companies in the arts. These programs include Arts Connection, Business Volunteers for the Arts, Volunteer Lawyers for
the Arts, Miami Arts Marketing Project and Arts Board Match
Ms. Bruney is very active in the community. She serves on the Pr
Additional involvement includes: serving on the Executive Committee of the Arts
South Florida. She is a graduate of Leadership Miami and the Nat
member of the Coral Gables Chamber and is active in the Arts Committee and partners with the Miami
with them on pay equity and arts outreach opportunities. Her other civic leadership includes serving as former Chair of
produces the Miami Beach Festival of the Arts. Ms. Bruney has alant panels for the Miami
Dade Department of Cultural Affairs and the State of Florida.
Ms. Bruney has been honored with an American Red Cross Spectrum for Women award,
Award - Arts & Culture Category, Greater Miami Chamber Spec-
Ms. Bruney received a Masters in Public Administration from the University o
of Science in Communications from the University of Florida. Pri
Bruney worked as Director of Instructional Resources for the University of Miami School of Medici
served as a Medical Television Producer with the Universityi. She worked with CBS Sports on a freelance basis for
several years.