TO: Mayor Matti H. Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager Z/;L -
DATE: December 20, 2012
SUBJECT: Vacation
Please be advised that I will be out of the office on personal vacation from Friday, December
21, 2012, through Wednesday, January 2, 2013; 1 will be back in the office on Thursday,
January 3, 2013.
In my absence, I have appointed Acting Assistant City Manager Max Sklar to act on my
behalf. Max may be reached at the following numbers: Extension 6116 and cell phone 786
229 -3906; his assistant Althea Peacock may be reached at extension 6513. You may also
contact Special Projects Administrator Carla Gomez at cell phone number 954 -670 -3724.
If you need to reach me in the event of an emergency, please feel free to contact me on my
cellular phone at 786- 236 -0696.
Thank you.
KG B1pw
Electronic copy: Executive Staff
Management Team
f: /cmgrl$all /Kathie Brooks /memos /vacation -Dec12
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