Marina S. Novaes ResumeMARINA NOVAES AP 7921 BYRON AV T 307 –MIAMI BEACH, FL 33141 –marinanovaes360@msn.com–cell (786) 985-0671 EDUCATION -SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ARTAND DESIGN (SCAD), Savannah, GA. Master of Arts, Historic Preservation; 2007-2008. Artistic Honors Fellowship -FACULDADE DE BELAS ARTES DE SAO PAULO, SAO PAULO, SP BRASIL. Bachelor of Arts, Architecture and Urbanism; 1990-1995. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE -CITY OF MIAMI –SPECIAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR, Miami, FL. Historic Preservation Office (Jan. 2011 -present) In Progress –researching and evaluating for possible historic district nomination (NRHP) as “Traditional Cultural Property” the area known as “Little Havana” in Miami, FL. In Progress –Researching for historic designation the “Coconut Grove Cemetery” in Coconut Grove, FL. Prepared the Cityof Miami’s“Historic Preservation Guidelines” http://www.historicpreservationmiami.com/pdfs/2012%20updates/GENERAL%20DESIGN%20GUI DELINES_02272012.pdf Surveyed and updated the “Downtown Miami Historic District” (NRHP) Wrote designation reports of: ”Eunice Watson Liberty House”–Miami, FL ”Water Pump House”–Miami, FL ”Evangelist Street/Charles Avenue”–Coconut Grove, FL •Created innumerous Florida Master Site Files for the state of Florida SHPO Evaluated properties for historic designation. DAILY WORK Assist the general public issuing COAs, CTDs, and COEs. Review building permits ofhistoric properties. Historic Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB)liaison and meetings preparation:Staff Reports, Agendas, Minutes, Letters, Resolutions. Meet with architects and developers to discuss undertakingson projects that affect historic sites. Section 106 reviews. Create educative flyers, and factsheets. Answer general inquiries. -MIAMI-DADE COUNTY –INTERN, Miami, FL Historic Preservation Office (May 2010–November 2010) Record and data organization. Architectural Pictographic Surveyof Dade County’s designated sites. 1 -STATE OF ARIZONA HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) –INTERN, Phoenix, AZ Historic Preservation Division (November 2008 –June 2009) Review National Register Nominations. Property eligibility evaluations. Data organization. -ARIZONA CAPITOL MUSEUM –INTERN, Phoenix, AZ Collection Assistant (July 2008 –November 2008) Artifact registration Artifact condition report Data entry using Past Perfect Computer Program. CONTINUING STUDIES -LINCOLN INSTITUTE (online courses) •Comprehensive Planning –Introduction and Planning Principles (2011). •Planning Fundamentals (2010) COMPETITIONS -Resilientcity.org 2010 –Competition Finalist “Building Urban Resilience where you live with what you have.” Miami Beach Blog http://www.historicpreservationmiami.com/pdfs/2011%20designation%20reports%20updates/Eunic e_Watson_Liberty_Home.pdf VOLUNTEER WORK -Habitat for Humanity Helped on the construction of affordable houses in Phoenix, AZ -Arizona Parks and Recreation. Certified Steward –monitoredArizona’sarchaeological sites. 2