Memo 002-2013 Proposed Gun Buy-Back Program MIAMIBEACH
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager
DATE: January 15, 2013
SUBJECT: Proposed Gun Buy -Back Program
This memorandum is in response to a number of inquiries received regarding the proposed
Community Gun Buy -Back Program. Attached, please find additional information regarding this
Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.
F: \cmgr \$ALL \MEMOS \Memo Proposed Gun Buyback Program 1- 15- 13.docx
TO: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager
FROM: Raymond A. Martinez, Chief of Police
DATE: January 15, 2013
SUBJECT: Proposed Community Gun Buy -Back Program
This memorandum concerns the January 16, 2013 City Commission discussion item
regarding the establishment of a Community Gun Buy -Back Program.
In an effort to assess the feasibility of implementing a Community Gun Buy -Back Program,
the Miami Beach Police Department has researched local and nationwide police agency gun
- buy -back programs. Following are recommendations on implementation of a similar
program for the City of Miami Beach.
The intent of this program is to remove guns from the streets by exchanging firearms for
financial incentives, which can be provided in various forms including, gift cards or cash, or
some combination thereof. The Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) would have full
control and responsibility for the administration of this program. Funding for these types of
programs is established through government funding (state and /or local), private donations,
or a combination of both. Proposed funding for this program would. come from State
confiscated funds in the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, which is statutorily permitted under
Florida Statute Chapter 932. In order to encourage community participation, a public
information campaign utilizing print and electronic media must be established.
The gun buy -back would need to take place at a City facility, such as the Miami Beach
Convention. Center, which could accommodate a number of participants, provide adequate
parking and allow for the logistics required in receiving the firearms. The (MBPD) is
suggesting that this program be held in March 2013.
Similar to other programs, a process would be established to manage the intake of the
firearms, ensure their security and place a value on the major types of firearms such as
revolvers, semi - automatic handguns, rifles and assault rifles. It would be the policy of the
program that participants are not required to provide their name or address in order to
neither exchange the firearms nor explain the circumstances as to how they came in to
possession of the firearm.
As part of MBPD's due diligence, similar programs at the following jurisdictions have been
reviewed: Los Angeles, CA; Camden, NJ; Oakland, CA; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA;
New York, NY; Opa Locka, FL; and Miami -Dade County, FL.
Gun Buy -Back programs remove guns from the street that could have otherwise been used
to commit a crime or injure someone accidentally. The success of a Gun Buy -Back program
is often quantified by the number of firearms taken off the streets.
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Below is a table that represents the performance of similar programs in other jurisdictions:
Agency Number of Firearms Funding Exchange
New York City Police 85 Government Cash
Department fundin
Opa Locka Police Event #1 — 55 Government Cash
Department Event #2 —103 fundin
Seattle Police 1,700 1992 event Gift cards
Department funded by the
Centers for
Disease Control
2013 event
funded through
p rivate donations
Camden Police 1,137 State funding Cash
Los Angeles Police 2,037 Private donation Gift cards
Bridgeport Police 104 Government Cash and gift
Department funding and cards
private sector
Oakland Police 400 Private donation Cash
The most recent local police agency Gun - Buy -Back program was conducted by the Opa-
Locka Police Department in December 2012. Their program, which has had two recent
events, has netted 158 firearms. In addition, the City of Miami Police Department (MPD)
has recently announced that they will be holding three (3) events as part of their Gun Buy -
Back program, to be held on January, 19, 26 and February 2, 2013, at various locations
throughout the City of Miami. The City of Miami will be giving out gift certificates in
exchange for the firearms.
Based on the experience of other agencies, we expect that a single event may yield
approximately 50 to 75 firearms, with a value of $50 -$300 for each firearm (depending on
the type of firearm). As a result, it is recommended that $10,000 be set aside for the City of
Miami Beach Gun - Buy -Back program to cover all contingencies.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
C: Mayor Matti Bower and Members of the Miami Beach City Commission
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.