Memo 005-2013 Status Update on Parking Mobile Applications &% I B EAC OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM //005 -2013 TO: Jerry Libbin, Commissioner FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager A ll ' DATE: January 25, 2013 SUBJECT: Status Update on Parking Mobile Applications In response to your inquiry, attached is a memorandum from Parking Department Director Saul Francis providing information on the status of the Parking Mobile Applications: Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. KGB /pp Attachment c: Mayor and City Commission Patricia Walker, CFO Raul Aguila, Chief Deputy City Attorney Saul Frances, Parking Department Director 0 We are committed to Providing e public service and safety to oil who live, wok, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. M '. MI AMIBEACH DEPARTMENT Division MEMORANDUM TO: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager FROM: Saul Frances, Parking Director'f DATE: January 24," 2013 a ` SUBJECT: Status Update on Parking Mobile Application The,following� is a status report regarding Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 32- 10/11, for Mobile Applications Developers for Municipal Parking, Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Special Events, and Other City Services.. Currently, Parking in Motion, LLC (n /k/a "Park Me "), the`firm awarded RFP No. 32- 10/11 is reviewing the final draft of the Agreement and we are awaiting final comments. The agreement provides for launch of the mobile app within sixty (60) days after execution of the agreement. In regards to the delay in completing this project, the following two factors have caused significant delays: Issue No. 1 This project was initially intended to provide mobile app services for the City's . Parking System and other City services, including Parks and Recreation and Special Events among others. Upon award of the RFP to Park Me, numerous negotiation meetings were held with Park Me as well as internal meetings with Parks and Recreation; Tourism and Cultural Development; Information Technology; and the City Manager's Office. After much discussion and consideration, it was determined that the mobile app for Parking should proceed as a standalone project since the Park Me mobile app is specifically designed . to provide parking related information and services. It was further agreed that.a mobile app for other City services would need to be developed as a separate project. Although Park Me has the technical capability to. provide these services and is willing to do so, their expertise lies with parking related services. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. Issue No. 2 The drafting and legal review of the mobile application agreement was further 9, pp g delayed due to the volume of contract work assigned to the City Attorney's Office. This delay was exacerbated when the City Attorney's Office played a key role in supporting the Procurement Division immediately following the termination of the former Procurement Director. As a result, Raul Aguila, Chief Deputy City Attorney took on an expanded role supporting the Procurement Division. Unfortunately, this increased his workload and furthered the backlog of agreements and contracts. This backlog was addressed on a priority basis. At this time, the Park Me's legal counsel has the final draft of the agreement and we are awaiting their final "comments.._ KGB /PD /RA/SF f.1ping1$all�saul obile appYfcat, rfpljan20l3status.kgb.mem.docx r We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.