Ad 764 Notice of Special Commission Meeting 2/4/2013THE MIAMI HERALD LOCAL & STATE |THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 2013MiamiHerald.com| 6B H1 FORT LAUDERDALESCOTT ROTHSTEIN CASE A guilty plea in jewelry plot The ex-attorney for sive pens and a pair of moth- Kim Rothstein, wife of er of pearl, diamond and sapphire cufflinks. Ponzi schemer Scott Kim Rothstein, Saidel and Rothstein, pleaded Weisman had planned to guilty to helping hide sell off jewelry through local jewelry from the feds. jeweler Patrick Daoud and BY JON BURSTEIN businessman Eddy Marin, Sun Sentinel according to Saidels plea Kim Rothsteins formerdeal. Weisman would re- attorney pleaded guilty ceive the money and then it Wednesday to conspiring towould be put into a trust ac- help her hide more than $1count administered by Sai- million in jewelry from fed-del, U.S. prosecutors allege. eral authorities.Daoud and Marin have Scott Saidel took off hispleaded not guilty to ob- designer eyeglasses andstruction of justice and per- bowed his head after admit-jury charges related to the ting his role in the doomedjewelry. scheme put together afterAttorneys had been set to the Ponzi scheme of Kimsquiz Scott Rothstein about husband, Scott Rothstein,the 12-carat diamond rings spectacularly collapsed.whereabouts during a June Saidel, Kim Rothstein anddeposition. That prompted WALTER MICHOT/MIAMI HERALD STAFF RESCUING THE BEACH: The massive restoration project on hurricane-ravaged A1A in Fort one of Kim Rothsteins Kim Rothstein, Saidel and under way. The beach will be wider and the road narrower after t friends hid the jewels, in-Weisman to devise a plan to cluding a 12-carat diamondget Scott Rothstein to claim A1A work likely to go quickly ring, from the federal gov-he sold the ring to a man ernment, attempting to se-who recently died, federal cretly sell the pieces, ac-prosecutors allege. cording to Saidels pleaBut that part of Scott BY DAVID FLESHLER along the beach side of A1Abut will remain on the eastmuch less if it is obtainedagreement. Saidel also ac-Rothsteins deposition was Sun Sentinel to support the road. side.locally.knowledged they plotted tocanceled, and he was never By spring break, the hur-The roadbed will be re-persuade the imprisonedquestioned about the ring. Q.Q. ricane-damaged section ofstored with fill. The con-Will the traffic changesWhen will the sand beScott Rothstein to lie underScott Rothstein is serving Q.Q. State Road A1A in northerncrete barrier wall and dam-be permanent?placed on the beach?oath about the rings where-a50-year prison sentence af- Fort Lauderdale will onceaged asphalt will beNot necessarily. The cityAs state transportationabouts. ter pleading guilty in Janu- A.A. again be a normal „ if nar-removed.is seeking ideas from resi-workers complete eachSaidel faces up to fiveary 2010 to five felony charg- rower „ road. The beach,dents and businesses onsegment of A1A, the beachyears in prison when he is es related to his $1.4 billion Q. torn away by waves of aWhat time of day will thehow to configure the futurerestoration crew will followsentenced June 7 for con-Ponzi scheme, the largest in- Q. height rarely seen in Southwork take place?A1A. You can submit ideasbehind them. The work willspiring to commit moneyvestment fraud in South Florida, will be wider, al-From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.at www.restorea1a.com.take four to six weeks and islaundering, obstruct justiceFlorida history. The scam A. lowing people to onceMonday through Saturday,The city wants to postponeexpected to be completedand tamper with a witness.had fueled his meteoric rise again spread blankets alongand 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ondetailed discussions untilin March.Kim Rothstein and herfrom a little-known Planta- the sand.Sunday.the City Commission run-friend, Stacie Weisman, aretion attorney to the head of a Q. Drill rigs went into oper-off election in early March,Whats the long-termset to enter their own guilty70-lawyer firm in Fort Lau- Q. Q. ation last week to break upWhat section of A1A willso the area will be repre-plan for protecting thepleas in the case Friday af-derdale. Q. underground rock alongbe affected?sented by a commissionerbeach?ternoon at the federal court-Kim Rothstein, 38, has the road. Its the first stepFrom Northeast 14thwho can participate in theA major beach-widen-house in Fort Lauderdale.maintained she knew noth- A.A. toward repairing the dam-Court to Northeast 18thdiscussions. ing project, planned longSaidel, 45, told U.S. Dis-ing about her husbands age inflicted in October byStreet.before Hurricane Sandy, istrict Judge Robin Rosen-criminal activities until the Q. Hurricane Sandy, whichWhat will happen to thescheduled to begin in No-baum he expects to lose hisPonzi scheme unraveled in Q. Q. caved in a stretch of theWill the steel sheets bepalm trees at the south endvember. law license. A Florida Bar of-October 2009. Federal au- Q. road and virtually eliminat-visible when the work isof the project?Plans call for placingficial said a guilty plea to athorities quickly seized the ed entire stretches ofdone?They will be left insand in northern Fort Lau-felony charge sets into mo-couples homes, luxury cars, A. beach. No. Although they willplace, unless it appears thederdale, Lauderdale-by-tion the suspension process.cash, jewelry and watches. A. The $8.3 million job „protrude a couple of feetwork will damage them, inthe-Sea and PompanoThe Boca Raton attorneyProsecutors allege Kim with a separate bill for re-above the surface, they willwhich case they will beBeach. The pre-Sandy planalready has paid the federalRothstein lied about the storing the beach „ is ex-be capped, probably withmoved to Snyder Park.called for placing 740,000government about $65,000,missing jewelry in a deposi- pected to be completed byconcrete. Beach goers willcubic yards, enough to wid-and he agreed Wednesdaytion she gave in the bank- Q. April. Heres what the workjust see a low wall along theHow much sand will been the beach by another 25to forfeit an additionalruptcy case of the Rothstein Q. will mean for drivers andsidewalk on which they canadded to the beach?to 50 feet. But new surveys$2,500 in cash, four expen-Rosenfeldt Adler law firm. beachgoers:sit.About 26,400 cubicwill be done to see whats A. yards, enough to create aneeded in light of the ero- Q.Q. HIGHER EDUCATION Will the road be closedWill traffic patternsbeach 30 to 40 feet wide.sion from the storm. Q.Q. for the work?change compared to before Q.Q. Deadline is here for No. A1A will remainthe hurricane?Where will the sandHow can I receive up- A.Q.Q. open through the entireThe road will be res-come from?dates on the road work? A. project.triped to reduce traffic toThe county is talkingSend your email address A.A. Florida Prepaid plan one lane in each direction,with property owners onto Barbara.Kelleher@dot Q. How will the work bewith a center turn lane. Be-the beach in southern Fort.state.fl.us, with A1A Up- Q. done?fore the hurricane, thereLauderdale, which is verydates in the subject line. First, drills will break upwere two lanes in each di-wide, about taking some ofYou can also track progressFamilies interested in alief, Florida Prepaid is not A. the bedrock. One drillingrection. There will also betheir sand. If that doesntat www.fortlauderdaleFlorida Prepaid collegebuying college at todays crew will start at the southnorth and south bike laneswork out, the county will.gov/a1a.htm.plan have until midnightpricesŽ „ rather, families end and work north; anoth-and a sidewalk. obtain it from inland sandThursday to sign up at thisare paying considerably er will start in the middleNorth and south of themines. Either way it will ar-Sources: Florida Depart-years plan prices „ thoughmore than college costs to- and work north.project area the road willrive by truck.ment of Transportation,its important for buyers today, but are betting that col- After that, a crane will behave two lanes running in Broward County Depart-remember that Prepaid islege will be even more ex- Q. set up, along with a ma-each direction. On-streetWhat will it cost?ment of Environmental not the only good option forpensive in the future, mak- Q. chine for pounding 45-footparking on the west side ofAbout $1.3 million if the Protection and Growth saving for college. ing Prepaid a relative A. steel sheets into the groundthe road will be eliminatedsand comes from mines,Management Tax-free 529 collegebargain. plans, which invest moneyFamilies get a bigger sav- in the stock market, offerings from buying a lump- MIAMI BEACH greater flexibility than Pre-sum Prepaid plan, as the paid in both the requiredmonthly installment plans Fund set up for family of chef killed in hit-run monthly contributions asare more expensive over well as the type of collegethe long haul, with a rough- expenses that the plan canly 4 percent interest charge BY MARIA LAMAGNA respected chef, most re-law Eliana Pesce said in anstefanoricciolettifund. be used to pay for. The ad-that is tacked on. For a new- mlamagna@MiamiHerald.com cently working at the Ter-email that she set up theOne donor left a mes- vantage of Prepaid is thatborn child, prepaying in a The family of Southrazza restaurant at thefund because many peo-sage for members of the the benefit is backed by thelump sum for two years of Beach chef Stefano Ric-Shore Club.ple had contacted herchefs family. state of Florida, which pro-community college costs cioletti, killed in a hit-and-He is survived by threewanting to give financialIt said, May God give vides an extra level of secu-$8,331, while four years at a run Monday as he walkedchildren: Jacopo, 18, whoassistance to Ricciolettisyou strength and peace in rity for those who are un-state university costs to work at a nearby hotel,lives in Italy, and Camilla,family rather than sendingthis time of sorrow. Re- comfortable with the risk$53,729. has set up an online fund12, and Filippo, 8, who liveflowers or notes.member the joy and the associated with stock mar-Find more information at in his memory.in the Miami area. The fund is online atbeautiful smile that Stefa- ket investments. myfloridaprepaid.com. Riccioletti was a well-Ricciolettis sister-in-www.giveforward.com/no brought in your life.Ž Contrary to popular be-„MICHAEL VASQUEZ MIAMI BEACH Illegal procedure: pay-to-enter CITYOFMIAMIBEACH NOTICEOFCITYSPECIALCITY Super Bowl party at residence COMMISSIONMEETING PARTY, FROM 1B complaining, we have to do Watson James said € something,Ž Smith said. he was bringing in League) „ said it started as aIt was unclear how the ci- get-together with friends toty learned of the event. luxury cars from watch the Super Bowl andRodriguez said the party Boca Raton, morphed into somethingand the house are under in- bigger.vestigationŽ by the citys le- dancing girls and a Ive been looking at oth-gal and code departments. 25-foot screen on er locations to do events likeCity records show that the this, but the weather in Mi-house has been cited by which to watch the ami Beach right now, Febru-code compliance, or com- big game. ary „ theres just nothingplaints have been registered like it,Ž he said.at that address, 13 times James said he has workedevent as over-hyped.Ž Hesince 1991. for three weeks to put thesaid no one had bought tick-The home, which accord- party together „ bringing inets as of Wednesday evening. ing to county property re- luxury cars from Boca Ra-I really had no idea, and ifcords is owned by Marvin F. ton, dancing girls and athe party is canceled, thenCeder, also was the site of 25-foot screen on which tocancel the problem,Ž he said. the filming of Oxygens Bad watch the big game. Smith, the city attorney,Girls Club Season 5. Calls to He said he didnt know hissaid Miami Beach wouldnumbers listed in Ceders party was prohibited by thesend the organizer a lettername were not answered. city code until he got a callasking him not to have the from a Miami Herald report-party.ŽFollow @Cveigaon er. Then he downplayed theWhen neighbors start Twitter.