Mihaly Lenart Resume{wš©· .zšt Dr. Mihaly Lenart is retired Professor from the University of Kassel, Germany. He has studied in Hungary obtaining M.S. in architecture and earned his doctorate at the Uni- versity of Stuttgart, Germany, also in architecture. He started his carrier in Hungary as building supervisor and then as architect. Af- ter moving to Germany in 1976, his interest turned to theoretical aspec Studying and using mathematical methods in design, in particular and operation research, took him beyond architecture, and he has published extensively on such applications in general. Mathematical design methods lead to computer appli- cations. He became interested in CAD and design related Artificial Intelligence (AI). He wrote a book on expert systems in design that was published in 1991 by Birkhäuser Verlag (subsidiary of Springer). His interests in AI lead to related research areas, such as data acquisition and knowledge elicitation. These research areas are closely related to User Centered Design leading to his current interest in Design Cognition. He is working currently on philosophical aspects of design cognition, in particular on a constructivist view of design cognition. Constructivist theories are useful for dealing with complex cognitive phenomena such as emotions and decisions making that play a central role in design. His teaching experience involves architectural design, descriptive geometry, computer programming, and CAD for students in architecture and civil engineering. Af- ter retiring from Germany, he was teaching with Dr. Peter Tarjan design and entrepre- neurship for biomedical engineering students at the University of Miami. He also taught CAD methods for hotel and restaurant design at Florida International University. He lives in the US since 1983, first in Pittsburgh, where he spent 3 yet- ing scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, and since 1986 in Miami. He has been living on Miami Beach since 1990 and also active in the local community. He has founded the Bayshore Home Owners Association together with Jorge Exposito, who is now commis- sioner. He is still an active board member of this organization and member of the Sus- tainability and the Transportation Committees of Miami Beach United, a non-profit or- ganization representing Miami Beach residents. His special interest, that he has been studying and promoting for the past decade, is traffic calming and biking.