DS-DE 6 Appointment of Treasurer LET MIAMI BEACH DECIDE APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN �' o DEPOSITORY FOR ) POLITICAL COMMITTEES -° T1 _... . -(Sections 106.011(1)and 106:021(1); F:S:)- - -._... -------..-------- -r C n ^►i CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: 5, 0F EE USE ONLY Original Appointment of Treasurer ® Reappointment of Treasurer ® Deputy Treasurer 1. Committee or Organization 2. Telephone Let Miami Beach Decide (305 ) 593-2644 3. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer 4. Email (optional) 5. Telephone (optional) Carlos M. Trueba 6. Mailing Address 1985 NW 88th Ct Suite 101 Doral, FL 33172 7. Street Address 1985 NW 88th Ct Suite 101 Doral, FL 33172 8. The following bank has been designated as the Primary Depository ® Secondary Depository 9. Name of Bank 10. Street Address Wells Fargo Bank N.A. 750 Arthur Godfrey Road 11. City 12. State 13.Zip Code Miami Beach FL 33140 14. Signat re o hairman 15. Name of Chairman (Print or Type) x Jonah Wolfson Campaian Treasurer's Acceptance of ADDointment Carlos M. Trueba do hereby accept the appointment as (Please Print or Type) treasurer or deputy treasurer for Let Miami Beach Decide (Committee or Organization) UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT AND THAT THE F TS STATED ARE RUE. 4/4/13 x Date Si nature of Cam ai n Treasurer or DeLuty Treasurer DS-DE 6(Rev.7/10)