March 13, 2013 Commission Meeting MARCH 13, 2013 COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS Q�A a.e n d a ;;;Time certain 9--§U-pplemental Materials ❑ Speaker's List rnvocator memo ❑ Presentations &Awards list N ❑ A dendum Second Addendum Z 1 ❑ Notice of closed executive session D*fteraction Report Consent-Originals manila folder egular-Originals ❑ Redevelopment Agency Agenda materials andouts folder obbyist Log (See Handoutsblic Hearing Notice Ads (See Handouts Fol o of Proceedings electronically recorded notes �edrope files kof �VD Burned - (See DVD File by Commission date) riginal Contents list to City Clerk DVD I of -9 from Office of Communications obbyist List (New) FOLDER PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: DATE: Nla F:ICLERI$ALLILILLYICONTENTS.FLD12 1313- -2013 COMMISSION WORKSHOP.docx