Special Finance & Citywide Projects Committee 5.22.2013THE MIAMI HERALD|MiamiHerald.com SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2013|
Bail bondsmen operating outside legal norms
Howard Finkelstein, theHe added that the bailto apprehend them evenbeen kidnapped in Westthey imported their cowboy
Broward public defenderbond agents, along withby breaking and enteringVirginia by bounty hunterstactics to South Beach, to a
aprivate gym and pullwho has tangled with thetheir extra-legal powers,the individuals home in theand hauled across the stategym with a decor described
back the shower curtainsbail bond industry over ahave a reputation for em-middle of the night, and toline.in Miami.com as a Moroc-
and point Tasers at nakednumber of legal issues (in-ploying fellows whose résu-transport them back toAmong the worlds judi-can-Tunisian dreamscape
men without breaking thecluding bail bondsmensmés would not get themcourt in other states with-cial systems, only the U.S.against a backdrop of
law.years-long campaign to getpast a police agencys em-out extraditionand the Philippines employthumping club music and
Nor was the managementrid of the pretrial interven-ployment office. Many ofproceedings.alegal construct in which adim lights. There are dress-
of the David Barton Gymtion programs that cut intothese people, on their bestTwo 19th century deci-defendant, presumed in-ing room lights, cracked
and Spa managementtheir profit margins).days, are sketchy. sions by the U.S. Supremenocent, must pay a for-mirrors, black tile mosaics
pleased that bail bondsmenHe explained that bailIn 2009, the New YorkCourt seem to have exempt-profit enterprise a nonre-and huge walnut benches.
would send their comman-bondsmen a sexist mis-University Review of Lawed bail bond agents fromfundable fee to get out ofTen roomy treatment
dos into those ritzy envi-nomer, given that 40 per-and Social Change pub-legal restraints faced by lawjail while hes waiting trial.rooms are clean and rather
rons on a busy evening tocent are women operatelished a legal analysis of bailenforcement. An 1872 deci-
Four states Illinois, Ken-masculine, but not cold.
nab a couple of fugitives.
under a peculiar theory ofbond agents who havesion held that defendantstucky, Oregon and Wiscon-Members in such a place
The company issued acontract law that suggests abeen a part of the Americansurrender their civil rightssin have abolished bailcant easily comprehend
statement after the raid,defendant has agreed tocriminal justice landscapewhen a bondsman bailsbondsmen. Not, of course,this strange legal construct
complaining, They simplysurrender his rights to thesince the 18th century.them out of jail. In 1888,Florida. This is just a weirdthat allows a squad of pri-
ignored our normal securi-bail bond agent. SomehowRebecca B. Fisher wrote,after hearing a case thatthrowback to another era,vate gun thugs to storm
ty measures, including thethat status gives bail bonds-They are empowered tocame out of the notoriousFinkelstein said.their private environs, roust
building security guard onmen and their agents ex-engage in various levels ofHatfields and McCoys feudFolks in South Floridasthem naked from their
duty. We feel that they puttraordinary latitude whenintrusion upon privacyin the Appalachian Moun-poorer precincts are plentyshowers and hold them in
our members and staff atthey go out to retrieve somewhich the law forbids thetains, the court decidedfamiliar with the roughlockdown. We cant stand
risk needlessly.AWOL client. The policepolice and private citizensKentucky courts could tryways of bail bondsmen,for this, Linnen insisted.
Actual police officers,could never just breakfrom making. Since themembers of the Hatfieldunfettered by the civil rightsBut an anachronism of
actual government agents,down my door or comecountrys founding, courtsclan on murder chargesniceties most of us take forAmerican justice insists we
actual public employeesthrough my window with-have upheld bounty hunt-though the defendants hadgranted. But on Tuesday,must.
would have surely beenout a warrant. Or storm intoers right to pursue bail
more circumspect. Cops
agym, Finkelstein said.skippers across state lines,
would have needed a war-
rant to raid a private club.
The School Board of Broward County, Florida
But licensed bail bondsmen
Notice of Committee Meeting
operate in a kind of legal
Eliminating the Schoolhouse to Jailhouse Pipeline
netherworld, along with
June 12, 2013
12:00 p.m.
their agents (known vari-
KCW Building/Board Room
ously as skip tracers, bail
600 Southeast Third Avenue
recovery agents, fugitive
Fort Lauderdale 33301
recovery agents and some-
times as bounty hunters,The School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any polic
in discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender
though Florida law does not
national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, or sexual
allow the industry to em-
to Ð le a discrimination and/or harassment complaint may call th
ploy that particular term).
& EEO Compliance at 754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754-3
The Constitution
with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans
Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), may call Equal Educational Oppor
doesnt apply to them.
754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754-321-2158.
Thats what most people
Notice is hereby given that two or more Board Members of the Sch
dont understand, said
County, Florida, may be participating.
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City Commission of the City of
Miami Beach, Florida, will hold a Special Finance and Citywide
Projects Committee Meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2013
at 3:00 p.m., in theThird Floor Training Room,1755 Meridian
Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida, discuss the Miami Beach
Convention Center Proposals and the Miami Beach Convention
Center Master Plans.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Inquiries concerni
at (305) 673-7010.
Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
City of Miami Beach
To request this material in accessible format, sign language
interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilitie
or any accommodation to review any document or participate in an
ve days in advance
at (305) 673-7411(voice) or TTY users may also call the Florida
Service at 711.
Ad # 782
5/22/13ESE Advisory Council MeetingPiper High School, Small Auditorium
6-9 pm8000 SW 44 Street, Sunrise
5/29/13ESE By-Laws CommitteeNorthwest Regional Library
10 am-1 pm3151 N. University Dr.,Coral Springs
5/31/13ESE By-Laws CommitteeNorthwest Regional Library
10 am-1 pm3151 N. University Dr.,Coral Springs
6/3/13Technology Advisory Committee (TAC)BECON - MGM Room
2:30-4:30 pm6600 SW Nova Drive, Davie
6/3/13ESE Advisory Council MeetingKCW Bldg., 10 Fl. Conf. Room
10 am-12 pm600 SE 3 Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/5/13(QSEC) Review of Contractors Sawgrass Tech Park, Bldg H,
9:00 amPre-QualiÐ cation Applications1643 N. Harrison Pkwy., Sunrise
6/5/13ESE By-Laws CommitteeNorthwest Regional Library
10 am-1 pm3151 N. University Dr.,Coral Springs
6/5/13District Advisory Council (DAC)TBA
6:30 pm-Steering Meeting
6/6/13Diversity Committee - School Site Visitation Sub-CommitteeKCW Bl
4:30-5:30 pm600 SE 3 Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/6/13Diversity Committee - Indicators Revision Sub-CommitteeKCW Bldg.
5:10-6:15 pm600 SE 3 Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/6/13Diversity Committee - Textbooks, Technology, Media Center KCW Bldg., Board Room
5:30-6:30 pmSub-Committee600 SE 3 Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/6/13Diversity Committee - SpeciÐ c Diversity Issues Sub-CommitteeKCW
5:30-6:30 pm600 SE 3 Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/6/13Diversity Committee - Student Discipline/ Suspensions KCW Bldg., Board Room
5:30-6:30 pmSub-Committee600 SE 3 rd Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/6/13Diversity CommitteeKCW Bldg., Board Room
6:30-8:30 pm-General Meeting600 SE 3 Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/6/13Facilities Task ForceDillard High School
7-10 pm-Sub-CommitteeRoom 209
-General Meeting2501 NW 11 th Street, Ft. Laud.
6/10/13Diversity Committee - School Site Visitation Sub-CommitteeKCW Bl th Fl., #607
1-3 pm600 SE 3 Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/13/13District Advisory Council (DAC)TBA
6:30 pm-Steering Meeting
6/17/13Diversity Committee - Chair, Vice-Chair & Staff Member MeetingKC Fl., #607
11 am-12 pm600 SE 3 rd Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/17/13Diversity Committee - Revision Indicators Sub-CommitteeKCW Bldg.th Fl., #607
12-1 pm600 SE 3 Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/17/13Diversity Committee - School Site Visitation Sub-CommitteeKCW Bl Fl., #607
1-3 pm600 SE 3 Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/19/13SuperintendentÈs Insurance Advisory CommitteeKCW Bldg., Board Ro
10 am600 SE 3 rd Avenue, Ft. Laud.
(Purpose: Evaluate responses to RFP 14-010P Group
Term Life & Accidental Death and Dismemberment and
any other matters the Committee deems important.)
6/20/13Audit CommitteeKCW Bldg., TBA
12:30 pm600 SE 3 rd Avenue, Ft. Laud.
6/26/13SuperintendentÈs Insurance Advisory CommitteeTSSC Annex Bldg. (L
10 amof America)
7770 W. Oakland Pk. Blvd., Sunrise
(Purpose: Evaluate responses to RFP 14-004P Group
Medical BeneÐ ts for School Board Employees and
any other matters the Committee deems important.)
The School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any polic age, color,
disability, gender identity, gender expression, national origin,dividuals who wish to
Ð le a discrimination and/or harassment complaint may call the Er Teletype
Machine (TTY) 754-321-2158. Individuals with disabilities requesmendments
Act of 2008 (ADAAA), may call Equal Educational Opportunities (E
Notice is hereby given that two or more Board Members of The Sch