Kenneth R. Bereski II ResumeKenneth R. Bereski II KenB@BikeAnotherDay.com (786) 548-BIKE EXPERIENCE: SOBEMAC Miami Beach, FL Owner 9/2006-present ¥ Administered Macintosh server and client workstations for Dade Provided one on one personalized training sessions, assisting cl Serviced Apple and related technology hardware and software to e Focused on top notch customer service and relations to build a l APPLE COMPUTER, INC. Boston, MA & Miami, FL Mac Genius 2/2005-9/2006 ¥ Performed Macintosh software and hardware support with an emph ¥ Personalized one on one troubleshooting and training for custo ¥ Recommended and sold personalized solutions to customers Mac Specialist 5/2003-2/2005 ¥ Promoted and sold Apple solutions in the Chestnut Hill Mall Ap ¥ Demonstrated Apple solutions to customers, including personali HARVARD UNIVERSITY CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION INFO TECH Cambridge, MA 2/2005-6/2005 Customer Service Representative, Computer Product and Repair Cen ¥ Demonstrated Apple and IBM hardware and software solutions to ¥ Led classes and presentations on Mac OS X, iLife and other App KENCO CONSULTING Brighton, MA Owner 6/2002-6/2005 ¥ Provided technical consulting services to businesses, educatio ¥ Responsible for all aspects of business, including development VOLT TECHNICAL RESOURCES, LLC Chestnut Hill, MA Apple Campus Representative à New England Region 2/2001-2/2005 ¥ Organized group training sessions for New England reps and ser ¥ Promoted and sold Apple solutions to members of academic commu ¥ Demonstrated Apple hardware and software solutions to campus a ¥ Led classes, presentations and seminars on Apple hardware and BOSTON COLLEGE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Chestnut Hill, MA 9/1999-12/2002 User Assistant, Student Learning and Support Center ¥ Administered a campus network of 70 Macintosh computers, inclu ¥ Assisted with IT projects including testing and deployment of ¥ Performed end-user technical support for Windows and Macintosh EDUCATION BOSTON COLLEGE, College of Arts and Sciences Chestnut Hill, MA December 2002 Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy ACTIVITIES Apple Campus Group Advisory Board (CGAB) Chestnut Hill, MA Founding Member11/2002-6/2005 ¥ Promoted the existence of user groups on college campuses. ¥ Developed resources to assist campus group leaders with starti ¥ Served as a liaison to AppleÈs user group program on behalf of Macintosh Users Group of Boston College (BCMUG) Chestnut Hill, MA Apple Ambassador/ Vendor Relations9/2002-6/2005 ¥ Served as a liaison to AppleÈs user group program. President, Co-founder9/1999-8/2002 ¥ Organized and ran the daily operations of a student run Macint ¥ Responsible for broadcast communications, club website and pro ¥ Organized iMovieFest at Boston College, an event in which fres