Memo 018-2013 Examples of Regular RatesMemo #018 -2013 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Tel: 305 - 673 -7010 , Fax: 305 - 673 -7782 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manage DATE: June 24, 2013 SUBJECT Examples of Regular Rates of Pay for Employees Covered by the Fraternal Order of Police and the International Association of Fire Fighters The purpose of this memorandum is to respond to your request for an explanation of the difference between an employee's base rate of pay and the regular rate of pay used for the computation of overtime. For illustrative purposes, we selected several employees from each of the following bargaining unit classifications: Fire Fighters I and II; Fire Lieutenant; Fire Captain; Police Officer; Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant. Because many variables affect earnings, including longevity, we separated the information for each classification into three separate reports labeled: "Entry Level (In- Class) "; "Mid- Career (In- Class)"; and "End -of- Career (In- Class). Sometimes we found substantial differences and sometimes we did not. We are comfortable in the knowledge that as presented, these reports portray an accurate and balanced picture of the effect of our contractual obligations and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). If you have any questions or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Attach nts JLM /K /SC -T Jonah Wolfson, Vice Mayor Jorge Exposito, Commissioner Michael Gongora, Commissioner Jerry Libbin, Commissioner Edward L. Tobin, Commissioner Deede Weithorn, Commissioner Jose Smith, City Attorney Kathie G. Brooks, Assistant City Manager Ralph Granado, City Clerk Sylvia Crespo- Tabak, Human Resources Director ease nourly rate y2J.4b31; u,2bt.bu Di- wreeKly Employee on 24 -nour snit. Works ee pours per pay penod. Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: NEGOTIATED SUPPLEMENTAL PAY THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY Collective Bargaining Base hourly rate $23.45 Required by Required Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 5% after 10 years of employment Article 7.3 Uniform cleaning allo -nce per hour $0.24 7.5% after 15 years of employment Paramedic pay per hour $2.20 Agreement Article 39% Article $0.12 Section by Fair Out of classification pay per hour $0.66 (Lieute- Education supplement per hour $0.53 Hourly regular rate of pay $27.72 Vacation Leave Accruals: Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 More than 20 years of service Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Sick Leave Accrual Rate: Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Fire Fighter Off -Duty Cleaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out of Driver Classification Hire Dale Accreditation (time an (do uble Rescue Certification Certification Classification Incentive Pay Work Pl a lvwance Supplement one half) time) Pay Bonus Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Fighter 2/22/2011 $1,300 $6,336 $600 $1,320 $5,404 $269 $5,484 $300 $0 $0 $0 Sol $0 $1,644 $0 ease nourly rate y2J.4b31; u,2bt.bu Di- wreeKly Employee on 24 -nour snit. Works ee pours per pay penod. Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Longevity Increases: Base hourly rate $23.45 2.5% after 7 years of employment Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 5% after 10 years of employment Difference Uniform cleaning allo -nce per hour $0.24 7.5% after 15 years of employment Paramedic pay per hour $2.20 10% after 20 years of employment 39% Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 11 % after 25 years of employment Out of classification pay per hour $0.66 Education supplement per hour $0.53 Hourly regular rate of pay $27.72 Vacation Leave Accruals: 6.00 shifts annually (5.53 hours bi- weekly) Less than 10 years of service 8.50 shifts annually (7.84 hours bi- weekly) More than 10 years of service, but less than 20 11.00 shifts annually (10.14 hours bi- weekly) More than 20 years of service Sick Leave Accrual Rate: 6.00 shifts (5.53 hours bi- weekly) Sick leave accrual rates do not increase 'Shift calculations based on 24 -hour shift assignments. Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, of the employee. In the Fire Fighter I example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Fighter I could depend on a bi- wreeldy basis throughout the year. Memo #018 -2013 Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter I did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees) Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft -(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $58,539 $81,196 $22,657 39% Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter I did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees) Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft -(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate - $34.6634; $3,327.69 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $34.66 Required by Required Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour Article 7.3 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Longevity pay per hour $4.05 Out of classification pay per hour $0.18 Collective Bargaining $2.84 Article $45.99 Section by Fair (Lieute- Agreement Article Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Promotion Fire Fighter Off Cleaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out of Driver Classification Date Accre tli[a[ion Work Supplement (time and (double Pay Bonus Resc ue Pay Certification Certification Pay Cl si assification Incentive Pay Pl a lvwance one half) time) Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Fighter 11 4/5/2010 $1,300 $4,283 $600 $0 $8,310 $474 $8,419 $300 $0 $7,088 $0 $0 $10,102 $459 $0 Base hourly rate - $34.6634; $3,327.69 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $34.66 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour $3.37 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Longevity pay per hour $4.05 Out of classification pay per hour $0.18 Assignment pay per hour $2.84 Hourly regular rate of pay $45.99 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Fighter II example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Fighter II could depend on a bi -weeMy basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter II did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum off —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $86,520 $127,854 $41,334 48% Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter II did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum off —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $36.3715; $3,491.66 bi- weekly Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. Difference Required by Required between total Salary Article 7.3 earnings and Difference base salary Collective Bargaining $107,497 Article 18% Section by Fair (Lieute- Agreement Article Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Promotion Fire Fighter Off Cl eaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out Driver Classification Accre tli[a[ion Work Allowance Supplement (time and (double Pay Bonus Rescue Pay Certification Certification Pay si Classfica[ion Incentive Pay Pay one half) time) Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Lieutenant 9/30/2012 $1,300 $1,168 $600 $0 $45 $0 $8,477 $300 Sol $0 $0 $2,119 $2,127 $578 $0 Base hourly rate $36.3715; $3,491.66 bi- weekly Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Note: All current Fire Lieutenants were promoted on September 30, 2012, as a result of the Fire Department reorganization. Therefore, senionty for the purposes of this report, is determined based on original hire date. Base hourly rate $36.37 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour $3.40 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Instructor certification pay per hour $0.85 Longevity pay per hour $0.85 Out of classification pay per hour $0.23 Hourly regular rate of pay $42.58 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Lieutenant example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Lieutenant could depend on a bi- weekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Lieutenant did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total of three employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum off —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $90,783 $107,497 $16,714 18% Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Note: All current Fire Lieutenants were promoted on September 30, 2012, as a result of the Fire Department reorganization. Therefore, senionty for the purposes of this report, is determined based on original hire date. Base hourly rate $36.37 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour $3.40 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Instructor certification pay per hour $0.85 Longevity pay per hour $0.85 Out of classification pay per hour $0.23 Hourly regular rate of pay $42.58 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Lieutenant example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Lieutenant could depend on a bi- weekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Lieutenant did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total of three employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum off —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $44.2357; $4,246.63 bi- weekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $44.24 Required by Required Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour Article 7.3 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Instructor certification pay per hour $1.08 Longevity pay per hour $5.24 Collective Bargaining $0.70 Article $56.44 Section by Fair (Lieute- Agreement Article Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Promotion Fire Fighter Off Cl eaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out Driver Classification Accre tli[a[ion Work Allowance Supplement (time and (double Pay Bonus Rescue Pay Certification Certification Pay si Classfica[ion Incentive Pay Pay one half) time) Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Captain 5/9/2011 $1,300 $0 $600 $0 $8,236 $514 $10,745 $300 Sol $0 $0 $2,686 $13,0761 $1,744 $0 Base hourly rate $44.2357; $4,246.63 bi- weekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $44.24 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour $4.30 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Instructor certification pay per hour $1.08 Longevity pay per hour $5.24 Out of classification pay per hour $0.70 Hourly regular rate of pay $56.44 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Captain example, onlythe out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Captain could depend on a bi- weekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Captain did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $110,412 $149,613 $39,201 36% Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Captain did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Base hourly rate $29.9463; $2,874.84 bi- weekly Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: NEGOTIATED SUPPLEMENTAL PAY THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY Collective Bargaining Base hourly rate $29.95 Required by Required Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 5% after 10 years of employment Article 7.3 Uniform cleaning allo -nce per hour $0.24 7.5% after 15 years of employment Education supplement pay per hour $0.53 Agreement Article 30k Article $2.97 Section by Fair Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 (Lieute- Longevity pay per hour $1.64 Out of classification pay per hour $0.82 Vacation Leave Accruals: Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 More than 20 years of service Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Sick Leave Accrual Rate: Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Fire Fighter Off -Duty Cleaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out of Driver Classification Hire Dale Accreditation (time an (do uble Rescue Certification Certification Classification Incentive Pay Work Pl a lvwance Supplement one half) time) Pay Bonus Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Fighter 9/7/1999 $1,300 $4,109 $600 $1,320 $334 $0 $7,408 $300 Sol $0 $0 $0 $4,103 $2,057 $575 Base hourly rate $29.9463; $2,874.84 bi- weekly Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Longevity Increases: Base hourly rate $29.95 2.5% after 7 years of employment Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 5% after 10 years of employment Difference Uniform cleaning allo -nce per hour $0.24 7.5% after 15 years of employment Education supplement pay per hour $0.53 10% after 20 years of employment 30k Paramedic pay per hour $2.97 11 %after 25 years of employment Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Longevity pay per hour $1.64 Out of classification pay per hour $0.82 Vacation Leave Accruals: Driver incentive pay per hour $0.23 6.00 shifts annually (5.53 hours bi- weekly) Less than 10 years of service Hourly regular rate of pay $37.02 8.50 shifts annually (7.84 hours bi- weekly) More than 10 years of service, but less than 20 11.00 shifts annually (10.14 hours bi- weekly) More than 20 years of service Sick Leave Accrual Rate: 6.00 shifts (5.53 hours bi- weekly) Sick leave accrual rates do not increase 'Shift calculations based on 24 -hour shift assignments. Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, of the employee. In the Fire Fighter I example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Fighter I could depend on a bi- wreeldy basis throughout the year. Memo #018 -2013 Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter I did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees) Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft -(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $74,746 $96,851 $22,105 30k Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter I did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees) Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft -(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate - $34.6634; $3,327.69 bi- weekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $34.66 Required by Required Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour Article 7.3 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Assignment pay per hour $2.90 Inspector certification pay per hour $1.72 Collective Bargaining $0.86 Article $4.34 Section by Fair Hourly regular rate of pay $49.02 (Lieute- Agreement Article Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Promotion Fire Fighter Off Cleaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out of Driver Classification Date Accre tli[a[ion Work Supplement (time and (double Pay Bonus Resc ue Pay Certification Certification Pay Cl si assification Incentive Pay Pl a lvwance one half) time) Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Fighter 11 3/25/2002 $1,300 $0 $600 $0 $0 $0 $8,575 $300 $0 $7,243 $4,287 $2,144 $10,838 $551 $0 Base hourly rate - $34.6634; $3,327.69 bi- weekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $34.66 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour $3.44 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Assignment pay per hour $2.90 Inspector certification pay per hour $1.72 Instructor certification pay per hour $0.86 Longevity pay per hour $4.34 Out of classification pay per hour $0.22 Hourly regular rate of pay $49.02 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Fighter II example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Fighter II could depend on a bi -weeky basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter II did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oftwo(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $86,520 $122,358 $35,838 41% Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter II did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oftwo(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $36.3715; $3,491.66 bi- weekly Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. Difference Required by Required between total Salary Article 7.3 earnings and Difference base salary Collective Bargaining $141,735 Article 56% Section by Fair (Lieute- Agreement Article Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Promotion Fire Fighter Off Cl eaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out Driver Classification Accre tli[a[ion Work Allowance Supplement (time and (double Pay Bonus Rescue Pay Certification Certification Pay si Classfica[ion Incentive Pay Pay one half) time) Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Lieutenant 9/30/2012 $1,300 $3,700 $600 $0 $15,467 $1,066 $8,477 $300 $5,196 $0 $4,238 $2,119 $8,057 $432 $0 Base hourly rate $36.3715; $3,491.66 bi- weekly Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Note: All current Fire Lieutenants were promoted on September 30, 2012, as a result of the Fire Department reorganization. Therefore, senionty for the purposes of this report, is determined based on original hire date. Base hourly rate $36.37 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour $3.40 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Fire rescue pay per hour $2.08 Inspector certification pay per hour $1.70 Instructor certification pay per hour $0.85 Longevity pay per hour $3.23 Out of classification pay per hour $0.17 Hourly regular rate of pay $48.68 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Lieutenant example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Lieutenant could depend on a bi- weekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Lieutenant did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oftwo(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $90,783 $141,735 $50,952 56% Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Note: All current Fire Lieutenants were promoted on September 30, 2012, as a result of the Fire Department reorganization. Therefore, senionty for the purposes of this report, is determined based on original hire date. Base hourly rate $36.37 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour $3.40 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Fire rescue pay per hour $2.08 Inspector certification pay per hour $1.70 Instructor certification pay per hour $0.85 Longevity pay per hour $3.23 Out of classification pay per hour $0.17 Hourly regular rate of pay $48.68 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Lieutenant example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Lieutenant could depend on a bi- weekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Lieutenant did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oftwo(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $46.4474; $4,458.95 bi- weekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $46.45 Required by Required Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Education supplement pay per hour Article 7.3 Paramedic pay per hour $4.60 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Longevity pay per hour $5.34 Collective Bargaining $0.36 Article $57.87 Section by Fair (Lieute- Agreement Article Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Promotion Fire Fighter Off Cl eaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out Driver Classification Accre tli[a[ion Work Allowance Supplement (time and (double Pay Bonus Rescue Pay Certification Certification Pay si Classfica[ion Incentive Pay Pay one half) time) Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Captain 7/28/2010 $1,300 $1,798 $600 $600 $5,096 $0 $11,489 $300 Sol $0 $0 $0 $13,334 $887 $0 Base hourly rate $46.4474; $4,458.95 bi- weekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $46.45 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Education supplement pay per hour $0.24 Paramedic pay per hour $4.60 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Longevity pay per hour $5.34 Out of classification pay per hour $0.36 Hourly regular rate of pay $57.87 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Captain example, onlythe out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Captain could depend on a bi- weekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Captain did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $115,933 $151,338 $35,405 31% Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Captain did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator ease nourly rate y2a.a4bJ; y2,e14.e4 Di- wreeKly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allowance per hour Paramedic pay per hour Paramedic bonus per hour Inspector certification pay per hour Instructor certification pay per hour Longevity pay per hour Out of classification pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay tmployee on 24 -nour snit. Works ee nours per pay penod. NEGOTIATED SUPPLEMENTAL PAY THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY Collective Bargaining $29.95 2.5% after 7 years of employment Total Required by Required Salary $0.24 7.5% after 15 years of employment Article 7.3 $2.97 10% after 20 years of employment base salary $0.12 11 %after 25 years of employment $104,093 Agreement Article 39% Article $0.74 Section by Fair $3.77 Vacation Leave Accruals: (Lieute- 6.00 shifts annually (5.53 hours bi- weekly) Less than 10 years of service $39.93 8.50 shifts annually (7.84 hours bi- weekly) More than 10 years of service, but less than 20 11.00 shifts annually (10.14 hours bi- weekly) Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Fire Fighter Off -Duty Cleaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out of Driver Classification Hire Dale Accreditation (time and (do uble Rescue Certification Certification Classification Incentive Pay Work Pl a lvwance Supplement one half) time) Pay Bonus Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Fighter 3/30/1987 $1,300 $0 $600 $0 $4,439 $0 $7,408 $300 $0 $0 $3,704 $1,852 $9,410 $335 $0 ease nourly rate y2a.a4bJ; y2,e14.e4 Di- wreeKly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allowance per hour Paramedic pay per hour Paramedic bonus per hour Inspector certification pay per hour Instructor certification pay per hour Longevity pay per hour Out of classification pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay tmployee on 24 -nour snit. Works ee nours per pay penod. 'Shift calculations based on 24 -hour shift assignments. Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, of the employee. In the Fire Fighter I example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Fighter I could depend on a bi- wreeldy basis throughout the year. Memo #018 -2013 Longevity Increases: Difference $29.95 2.5% after 7 years of employment Total $0.52 5% after 10 years of employment Salary $0.24 7.5% after 15 years of employment Difference $2.97 10% after 20 years of employment base salary $0.12 11 %after 25 years of employment $104,093 $1.48 39% $0.74 $3.77 Vacation Leave Accruals: $0.13 6.00 shifts annually (5.53 hours bi- weekly) Less than 10 years of service $39.93 8.50 shifts annually (7.84 hours bi- weekly) More than 10 years of service, but less than 20 11.00 shifts annually (10.14 hours bi- weekly) More than 20 years of service Sick Leave Accrual Rate: 6.00 shifts (5.53 hours bi- weekly) Sick leave accrual rates do not increase 'Shift calculations based on 24 -hour shift assignments. Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, of the employee. In the Fire Fighter I example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Fighter I could depend on a bi- wreeldy basis throughout the year. Memo #018 -2013 Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter I did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees) Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft -(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $74,746 $104,093 $29,347 39% Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter I did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees) Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft -(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate - $34.6634; $3,327.69 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $34.66 Required by Required Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Education supplement pay per hour Article 7.3 Paramedic pay per hour $3.44 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Longevity pay per hour $4.09 Collective Bargaining $0.14 Article $43.73 Section by Fair (Lieute- Agreement Article Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Promotion Fire Fighter Off Cleaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out of Driver Classification Date Accre tli[a[ion Work Supplement (time and (double Pay Bonus Resc ue Pay Certification Certification Pay Cl si assification Incentive Pay Pl a lvwance one half) time) Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Fighter 11 9/30/1991 $1,300 $280 $600 $1,320 $3,431 $1,625 $8,575 $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,197 $352 $0 Base hourly rate - $34.6634; $3,327.69 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $34.66 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Education supplement pay per hour $0.53 Paramedic pay per hour $3.44 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Longevity pay per hour $4.09 Out of classification pay per hour $0.14 Hourly regular rate of pay $43.73 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Fighter II example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Fighter II could depend on a bi -weeMy basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter II did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $86,520 $114,500 $27,980 32% Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Fighter II did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft —(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $36.3715; $3,491.66 bi- weekly Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. Difference Required by Required between total Salary Article 7.3 earnings and Difference base salary Collective Bargaining $135,621 Article 49% Section by Fair (Lieute- Agreement Article Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Promotion Fire Fighter Off Cl eaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out Driver Classification Accre tli[a[ion Work Allowance Supplement (time and (double Pay Bonus Rescue Pay Certification Certification Pay si Classfica[ion Incentive Pay Pay one half) time) Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Lieutenant 9/30/2012 $1,300 $280 $600 $1,320 $14,117 $0 $8,665 $300 Sol $0 $4,332 $2,166 $10,1891 $1,569 $0 Base hourly rate $36.3715; $3,491.66 bi- weekly Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Note: All current Fire Lieutenants were promoted on September 30, 2012, as a result of the Fire Department reorganization. Therefore, senionty for the purposes of this report, is determined based on original hire date. Base hourly rate $36.37 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Education supplement pay per hour $0.53 Paramedic pay per hour $3.47 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Inspector certification pay per hour $1.74 Instructor certification pay per hour $0.87 Longevity pay per hour $4.08 Out of classification pay per hour $0.63 Hourly regular rate of pay $48.57 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Lieutenant example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Lieutenant could depend on a bi- weekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Lieutenant did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oftwo(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $90,783 $135,621 $44,838 49% Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Note: All current Fire Lieutenants were promoted on September 30, 2012, as a result of the Fire Department reorganization. Therefore, senionty for the purposes of this report, is determined based on original hire date. Base hourly rate $36.37 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Education supplement pay per hour $0.53 Paramedic pay per hour $3.47 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Inspector certification pay per hour $1.74 Instructor certification pay per hour $0.87 Longevity pay per hour $4.08 Out of classification pay per hour $0.63 Hourly regular rate of pay $48.57 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Lieutenant example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Lieutenant could depend on a bi- weekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Lieutenant did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total ofthree employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oftwo(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $46.4474; $4,458.95 bi- weekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $46.45 Required by Required Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Education supplement pay per hour Article 7.3 Paramedic pay per hour $4.60 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Fire rescue pay per hour $0.36 Collective Bargaining $2.30 Article $1.15 Section by Fair Out of classification pay per hour $0.50 Hourly regular rate of pay (Lieute- Agreement Article Article 7.27 6.12 Article 6.7 633.382, Labor Article 7.11 Article 7.4 Article 7.17 nants and Article 7.3 Article 7.5A Article 7.513 Article 7.8 Article 7.7 Florida Standards Captains Statutes Act (FLSA) Only) Uniform Promotion Fire Fighter Off Cl eaning Education Overtime Overtime Paramedic Paramedic Fire Assignment Inspector Instructor Longevity Out Driver Classification Accre tli[a[ion Work Allowance Supplement (time and (double Pay Bonus Rescue Pay Certification Certification Pay si Classfica[ion Incentive Pay Pay one half) time) Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Fire Captain 6/12/2006 $1,300 $0 $600 $1,320 $7,129 $0 $11,489 $300 $892 $0 $5,745 $2,872 $10,5651 $1,248 $0 Base hourly rate $46.4474; $4,458.95 bi- weekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $46.45 Accreditation pay per hour $0.52 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.24 Education supplement pay per hour $0.53 Paramedic pay per hour $4.60 Paramedic bonus per hour $0.12 Fire rescue pay per hour $0.36 Inspector certification pay per hour $2.30 Instructor certification pay per hour $1.15 Longevity pay per hour $4.23 Out of classification pay per hour $0.50 Hourly regular rate of pay $61.00 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. Employee on 24 -hour shift. Works 96 hours per pay period. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Fire Captain example, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Fire Captain could depend on a bi- weekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Captain did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total of three employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft -(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue Difference Base Annual Total between total Salary Earnings earnings and Difference base salary $115,933 $159,393 $43,460 37% Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Fire Captain did not earn: Article 7.2 Air room technicians 2.5% incentive pay awarded to one Air Room Technician per shift (total of three employees), in addition to 5% driver incentive pay Article 7.18 Court time Minimum offour(4) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one halfwhen employee reports to court outside of his/her regular shift, except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule. if contiguous, minimum oft -(2) hours of pay at the rate oftime and one half Article 7.19 On -call pay $100 per month when employee is on -call Article 7.20 Shift training coordinator $300 per year for one employee per shift performing as Training Coordinator Article 7.22 Rescue out of class Additional $2.00 per hourfor employees temporarily assigned to Fire Rescue ease nourly rate: yeti.IUbb; y2,14s. is Diweeay Employee on iu -nour snips; worong eu hours per pay period Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: NEGOTIATED SUPPLEMENTAL PAY THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY Longevity Increases: Base hourly rate $26.80 2.5% after 7 years of employment Required by Articles 8.6 & Required by Fair Uniform cleaning allo -nce per hour $0.35 7.5% after 15 years of employment Quality of life pay per hour $0.84 11 % after 25 years of employment Collective Bargaining Agreement Article $0.92 Hourly regular rate of pay Fair Labor Standards Act 8.20 (Double Labor Standards Required by 9.60 shifts (96.00 hours) Less than 10 years of service Article Article 8.22 Article 11.4 (FLSA) and Time) and Article Act (FLSA) and Section 943.22, Article 8.22 Article 8.4 Article 8.11 8'19 Article 8.5 Aricle 8.5 (Shift 8,5 (Shift Article 8.10 Florida Statutes Differential) Differential) (Court Time) CALEA Overtime (time Overtime Court Overtime SCFLE Classification Hire Dale Certification Off -Duty Clothing and one half) (double time) (time and one Education Certification Longevity Out -of- Quality of Shift Differential Supplement Work Allowance Including Shift Including Shift half) Including Supplement Supplement Classification Pay Life Pay Differential Differential Shift Differential Police Officer 6/13/2011 $1,040 $1,435 $720 $1,323 $2,239 $2,205 $0 $260 $0 $0 $1,742 $1,903 ease nourly rate: yeti.IUbb; y2,14s. is Diweeay Employee on iu -nour snips; worong eu hours per pay period Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Longevity Increases: Base hourly rate $26.80 2.5% after 7 years of employment Accreditation pay per hour $0.63 5% after 10 years of employment Uniform cleaning allo -nce per hour $0.35 7.5% after 15 years of employment Quality of life pay per hour $0.84 11 % after 25 years of employment Shift differential pay per hour $0.92 Hourly regular rate of pay $29.52 Vacation Leave Accrual Rates: 9.60 shifts (96.00 hours) Less than 10 years of service 13.60 shifts (136.00 hours) More than 10 years of service, but less than 20 17.60 shifts (176.00 hours) More than 20 years of service Sick Leave Accrual Rate: 9.60 shifts (96.00 hours) Sick leave accrual rates do not increase 'Shift calculations based on 10 -hour shift assignments. Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, of the employee. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Police Officer did not earn: Article 8.12 Standby Pay One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50%) special assignment pay Article 8.25 CJSTC Police Instructor Incentive Pay Biweekly payment of two and one -half percent (2.50 %) of employee's base pay (maximum of fifty (50) officers may receive this benefit) Memo #018 -2013 Difference Base Annual Salary Total Earnings between total earnings and Difference base salary $55,737 $68,603 $12,866 23% Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $39.6009; $3,168.07 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $39.60 Required by Articles 8.6 & Required by Fair $0.35 Education supplement per hour $0.66 Out of classification pay per hour $0.19 Quality of life pay per hour $0.84 Shift differential pay per hour $0.65 Hourly regular rate of pay Fair Labor g 20 (Double Labor Standards Required by Collective Bargaining Article 8.22 Article 11.4 Standards Act Time) and Article Act(FLSA)and Section 943.22, Article 8.22 Article 8.4 Article 8.11 Article Article 8.5 Agreement Article (FLSA) and 8'19 Aricle 8.5 (Shift g,5 (Shift Article 8.10 Florida Statutes Differential) Differential) (Court Time) Overtime (time Overtime Court Overtime Promotion CALEA Off -Duty Clothing and one half) (double time) (time and one Education SCFLE Out -of- Quality of Shift Differential Classification Date Certification Supplement Work Allowance Inclutling Shift Inclutling Shift half) Inclutling Supplement Certification Supplement Longevity Classification Pay Life Pay Differential Differential Shift Differential Police Sergeant 1/2/20121 $1,0401 $3,952 $7201 $6,4441 $1,6091 $4,2921 $1,366 $260 $0 $388 $1,742 $1,349 Base hourly rate $39.6009; $3,168.07 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $39.60 Accreditation pay per hour $0.63 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.35 Education supplement per hour $0.66 Out of classification pay per hour $0.19 Quality of life pay per hour $0.84 Shift differential pay per hour $0.65 Hourly regular rate of pay $42.90 Employee on 10 -hour shifts; working 80 hours per pay period Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee." In the Police Sergeant example above, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Police Sergeant could depend on a biweeky basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Police Sergeant did not earn: Article 8.12 Standby Pay One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Article 8.25 CJSTC Police Instructor Incentive Pay Biweekly payment of two and one -half percent (2.50 %) of employee's base pay (maximum of fifty (50) officers may receive this benefit) Difference Base Annual Total Earnings between total % Difference Salary earnings and base salary $82,370 $105,532 $23,162 28% Base hourly rate $43.6458; $3,491.66 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allowance per hour Education supplement per hour Longevity pay per hour Police instructor incentive pay per hour Quality of life pay per hour Shift differential pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay Employee on 10 -hour shifts; working 80 hours per pay period $43.65 $0.63 $0.49 $0.69 $3.26 $0.25 $0.84 $0.80 $50.61 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Poli. Article 8.12 Standby Pay Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance e Lieutenant did not earn: One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Memo #018 -2013 Difference Required by Articles 8.6 & Required by Fair % Difference Salary earnings and base salary $90,783 Fair Labor g 20 (Double Labor Standards Required by Collective Bargaining Agreement Article Article 8.22 Article 11.4 Standards Act (FLSA) and Time) antl Article Act(FLSA)and Section 943.22, Article 8.22 Article 8.4 Article 8.25 Article 8 Article 8.5 Aricle 8.5 (Shift g,5 (Shift Article 8.10 Florida Statutes Differential) Differential) (Court Time) Overtime (time Overtime Court Overtime Classification Promotion CALEA Certification u[y Off-Duty Clothing and one half) (double time) (time and one Education Certification Longevity CJSTC Police Instructor Quality of Shift Differential Date Supplement Work Allowance Including Shift Including Shift half) Including Supplement Supplement Incentive Life Pay Differential Differential Shift Differential Police Lieutenant 7/31/2011 $1,0401 $10,5541 $1,0201 $14,250 $5931 $9,8931 $1,440 $2601 $6,787 $5241 $1,742 $1,667 Base hourly rate $43.6458; $3,491.66 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allowance per hour Education supplement per hour Longevity pay per hour Police instructor incentive pay per hour Quality of life pay per hour Shift differential pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay Employee on 10 -hour shifts; working 80 hours per pay period $43.65 $0.63 $0.49 $0.69 $3.26 $0.25 $0.84 $0.80 $50.61 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Poli. Article 8.12 Standby Pay Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance e Lieutenant did not earn: One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Memo #018 -2013 Difference Base Annual Total Earnings between total % Difference Salary earnings and base salary $90,783 $140,552 $49,769 55% ease nourly rate: yJb.83bb; y2,e14.e4 D-eay Employee on iu -nour shirts; mrong eu hours per pay period Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: NEGOTIATED SUPPLEMENTAL PAY THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY Longevity Increases: Base hourly rate $35.94 2.5% after 7 years of employment Required by Articles 8.6 & Required by Fair Uniform cleaning allo -nce per hour $0.49 7.5% after 15 years of employment Education supplement per hour $0.58 11 % after 25 years of employment Collective Bargaining Agreement Article $2.67 Out of classification pay per hour Fair Labor Standards Act 8.20 (Double Labor Standards Required by 9.60 shifts (96.00 hours) Less than 10 years of service Shift differential pay per hour $0.90 Article Hourly regular rate of pay $42.15 Article 8.22 Article 11.4 (FLSA) and Time) and Article Act (FLSA) and Section 943.22, Article 8.22 Article 8.4 Article 8.11 8'19 Article 8.5 Ancle 8.5 (Shift 8,5 (Shift Article 8.10 Florida Statutes Differential) Differential) (Court Time) CALEA Overtime (time Overtime Court Overtime SCFLE Classification Hire Dale Certification Off -Duty Clothing and one half) (double time) (time and one Education Certification Longevity Out-of- Quality of Shift Differential Supplement Work Allowance Including Shift Including Shift half) Including Supplement Supplement Classification Pay Life Pay Differential Differential Shift Differential Police Officer 2/12/1996 $1,040 $2,170 $1,020 $35,460 $3,318 $2,744 $1,200 $260 $5,556 $240 $1,742 $1,872 ease nourly rate: yJb.83bb; y2,e14.e4 D-eay Employee on iu -nour shirts; mrong eu hours per pay period Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Longevity Increases: Base hourly rate $35.94 2.5% after 7 years of employment Accreditation pay per hour $0.63 5% after 10 years of employment Uniform cleaning allo -nce per hour $0.49 7.5% after 15 years of employment Education supplement per hour $0.58 11 % after 25 years of employment Longevity pay per hour $2.67 Out of classification pay per hour $0.12 Vacation Leave Accrual Rates: Quality of life pay per hour $0.84 9.60 shifts (96.00 hours) Less than 10 years of service Shift differential pay per hour $0.90 13.60 shifts (136.00 hours) More than 10 years of service, but less than 20 Hourly regular rate of pay $42.15 17.60 shifts (176.00 hours) More than 20 years of service Sick Leave Accrual Rate: 9.60 shifts (96.00 hours) Sick leave accrual rates do not increase 'Shift calculations based on 10 -hour shift assignments. Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. In the Police Officer example above, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Police Officer could depend on a biweekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Police Officer did not earn: Article 8.12 Standby Pay One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Minimum oft- (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Article 8.25 CJSTC Police Instructor Incentive Pay Biweekly payment of two and one -half percent (2.50 %) of employee's base pay (maximum of fifty (50) officers may receive this benefit) Memo #018 -2013 Difference Base Annual Salary Total Earnings between total earnings and Difference base salary $74,746 $131,367 $56,621 76% Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $41.5961; $3,327.69 biweekly Employee on 10 -hour shifts; working 80 hours per pay period Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $41.60 Accreditation pay per hour $0.63 by Articles 8.6 & Required by Fair $0.69 Longevity pay per hour $1.88 Out of classification pay per hour $0.47 Quality of life pay per hour Collective Bargaining Shift differential pay per hour $0.79 Hourly regular rate of pay Far Lab or Fair F Lab St s Act 8.20 (Double Labor Standards Required by Article Agreement Article Article 8.22 Article 11.4 FLSA) ( FLSA) and Time) and Article Act(FLSA)and Section 943.22, Article 8.22 Article 8.4 Article 8.11 8'19 Article 8.5 Ancle 8.5 (Shift 8,5 (Shift Differential) Article 8.10 (Court Time) Florida Statutes Differential) CALEA Overtime (time Overtime Court Overtime SCFLE Classification Promotion Date Cert ification Off -Duty Work Clothing Allowance and one half) Including Shift (double time) Including Shin (time and one half) Including Education Supplement Certification Longevity Outof- Classification Pay Quality of Life Shift Differential Pay Supplement Differential Differential Shift Differential Supplement Police Sergeant 7/17/2006 $1,040 $37,040 $720 $49,948 $6,533 $9,786 $1,440 $260 $3,902 $971 $1,742 $1,637 Base hourly rate $41.5961; $3,327.69 biweekly Employee on 10 -hour shifts; working 80 hours per pay period Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $41.60 Accreditation pay per hour $0.63 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.35 Education supplement per hour $0.69 Longevity pay per hour $1.88 Out of classification pay per hour $0.47 Quality of life pay per hour $0.84 Shift differential pay per hour $0.79 Hourly regular rate of pay $47.23 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee." In the Police Sergeant example above, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Police Sergeant could depend on a biweeky basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Police Sergeant did not earn: Article 8.12 Standby Pay One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Article 8.25 CJSTC Police Instructor Incentive Pay Biweekly payment of two and one -half percent (2.50 %) of employee's base pay (maximum of fifty (50) officers may receive this benefit) Difference Base Annual Total Earnings between total % Difference Salary earnings and base salary $86,520 $201,538 $115,018 133% Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $48.1476; $3,851.81 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allowance per hour Education supplement per hour Longevity pay per hour Police instructor incentive pay per hour Shift differential pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay Employee on 10 -hour shifts; working 80 hours per pay period $48.15 $0.63 $0.35 $0.35 $3.72 $1.21 $0.91 $55.31 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Poli. Article 8.12 Standby Pay Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance e Lieutenant did not earn: One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Minimum oft— (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Difference Required by Articles 8.6 & Required by Fair % Difference Salary earnings and Collective Bargaining base salary $100,147 Fair Labor Standards Act 8.20 (Double Labor Standards Required by Article Agreement Article Article 8.22 Article 11.4 (FLSA) and Time) and Article Act (FLSA) and Section 943.22, Article 8.22 Article 8.4 Article 8.25 8'19 Article 8.5 Ancle 8.5 (Shift 8,5 (Shift Article 8.10 Florida Statutes Differential) Differential) (Court Time) Off -Duty Overtime (time Overtime Court Overtime Promotion CALEA Work /Off- Clothing and one half) (double time) (time and one Education SCFLE CJSTC Police Quality of Shift Differential Classification Date Certification Duty Allowance Including Shift Including Shin half) Including Supplement Certification Longevity Instructor Life Pay Supplement Coordinator Differential Differential Shift Differential Supplement Incentive Police Lieutenant 9/1/2009 $1,040 $30,267 $720 $17,679 $1,443 $12,064 $720 $260 $7,739 $2,517 $0 $1,896 Base hourly rate $48.1476; $3,851.81 biweekly Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allowance per hour Education supplement per hour Longevity pay per hour Police instructor incentive pay per hour Shift differential pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay Employee on 10 -hour shifts; working 80 hours per pay period $48.15 $0.63 $0.35 $0.35 $3.72 $1.21 $0.91 $55.31 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Poli. Article 8.12 Standby Pay Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance e Lieutenant did not earn: One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Minimum oft— (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Difference Base Annual Total Earnings between total % Difference Salary earnings and base salary $100,147 $176,491 $76,344 76% ease nourly rate: yJb.83bb; y2,e14.e4 D-eay Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allowance per hour Education supplement per hour Longevity pay per hour Out of classification pay per hour Quality of life pay per hour Shift differential pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay Employee on iu -nour shifts; mrong eu hours per pay period NEGOTIATED SUPPLEMENTAL PAY THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY $35.94 2.5% after 7 years of employment $0.63 5% after 10 years of employment Required by Articles 8.6 & Required by Fair 11 % after 25 years of employment $3.92 $0.43 Vacation Leave Accrual Rates: $0.84 Collective Bargaining Agreement Article $0.66 13.60 shifts (136.00 hours) More than 10 years of service, but less than 20 $43.30 Fair Labor Standards Act 8.20 (Double Labor Standards Required by 9.60 shifts (96.00 hours) Sick leave accrual rates do not increase 'Shift calculations based on 10 -hour shift assignments. Article Article 8.22 Article 11.4 (FLSA) and Time) and Article Act (FLSA) and Section 943.22, Article 8.22 Article 8.4 Article 8.11 8'19 Article 8.5 Aricle 8.5 (Shift 8,5 (Shift Article 8.10 Florida Statutes Differential) Differential) (Court Time) CALEA Overtime (time Overtime Court Overtime SCFLE Classification Hire Dale Certification Off -Duty Clothing and one half) (double time) (time and one Education Certification Longevity Out -of- Quality of Shift Differential Supplement Work Allowance Including Shift Including Shift half) Including Supplement Supplement Classification Pay Life Pay Differential Differential Shift Differential Police Officer 1/5/1987 $1,040 $24,503 $1,020 $20,665 $518 $13,078 $840 $260 $8,148 $895 $1,742 $1,368 ease nourly rate: yJb.83bb; y2,e14.e4 D-eay Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allowance per hour Education supplement per hour Longevity pay per hour Out of classification pay per hour Quality of life pay per hour Shift differential pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay Employee on iu -nour shifts; mrong eu hours per pay period Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, of the employee. In the Police Officer example above, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Police Officer could depend on a biweekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Police Officer did not earn: Article 8.12 Standby Pay One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Article 8.25 CJSTC Police Instructor Incentive Pay Biweekly payment of two and one -half percent (2.50 %) of employee's base pay (maximum of fifty (50) officers may receive this benefit) Memo #018 -2013 Longevity Increases: $35.94 2.5% after 7 years of employment $0.63 5% after 10 years of employment $0.49 7.5% after 15 years of employment $0.40 11 % after 25 years of employment $3.92 $0.43 Vacation Leave Accrual Rates: $0.84 9.60 shifts (96.00 hours) Less than 10 years of service $0.66 13.60 shifts (136.00 hours) More than 10 years of service, but less than 20 $43.30 17.60 shifts (176.00 hours) More than 20 years of service Sick Leave Accrual Rate: 9.60 shifts (96.00 hours) Sick leave accrual rates do not increase 'Shift calculations based on 10 -hour shift assignments. Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee for the normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, of the employee. In the Police Officer example above, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Police Officer could depend on a biweekly basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Police Officer did not earn: Article 8.12 Standby Pay One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Article 8.25 CJSTC Police Instructor Incentive Pay Biweekly payment of two and one -half percent (2.50 %) of employee's base pay (maximum of fifty (50) officers may receive this benefit) Memo #018 -2013 Difference Base Annual Salary Total Earnings between total earnings and Difference base salary $74,746 $148,824 $74,078 99% Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $41.5961; $3,327.69 biweekly Employee on 10 -hour shifts; working 80 hours per pay period Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $41.60 Accreditation pay per hour $0.63 Required by Articles 8.6 & Required by Fair $0.29 Longevity pay per hour $4.53 Out of classification pay per hour $0.07 Quality of life pay per hour $0.84 Shift differential pay per hour $0.07 Hourly regular rate of pay Fair Labor g 20 (Double Labor Standards Required by Collective Bargaining Article 8.22 Article 11.4 St Act Time) and Article Act(FLSA)and Section 943.22, Article 8.22 Article 8.4 Article 8.11 Article Article 8.5 Agreement Article (FLSA) and 8'19 Aricle 8.5 (Shift g,5 (Shift Differential) Article 8.10 (Court Time) Florida Statutes Differential) CALEA Overtime (time Overtime Court Overtime SCFLE Classification Promotion Date Certification Off -Duty Work Clothing Allowance and one half) Including Shift (double time) Including Shin (time and one half) Including Education Supplement Certification Longevity Out -of- Classification Pay Quality of Life Shift Differential Pay Supplement Differential Differential Shift Differential Supplement Police Sergeant 2/21/1997 $1,040 $12,125 $1,020 $15,810 $753 $0 $600 $260 $9,432 $150 $1,742 $152 Base hourly rate $41.5961; $3,327.69 biweekly Employee on 10 -hour shifts; working 80 hours per pay period Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate $41.60 Accreditation pay per hour $0.63 Uniform cleaning allowance per hour $0.49 Education supplement per hour $0.29 Longevity pay per hour $4.53 Out of classification pay per hour $0.07 Quality of life pay per hour $0.84 Shift differential pay per hour $0.07 Hourly regular rate of pay $48.52 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee." In the Police Sergeant example above, only the out of classification pay was non - recurrent. Everything else is remuneration upon which the Police Sergeant could depend on a biweeky basis throughout the year. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Police Sergeant did not earn: Article 8.12 Standby Pay One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Biweekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to work five (5) days per week /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Article 8.25 CJSTC Police Instructor Incentive Pay Biweekly payment of two and one -half percent (2.50 %) of employee's base pay (maximum of fifty (50) officers may receive this benefit) Difference Base Annual Total Earnings between total % Difference Salary earnings and base salary $86,520 $129,604 $43,084 50% Memo #018 -2013 Base hourly rate $48.1476; $3851.81 biweeldy Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allo —nce per hour Education supplement per hour Longevity pay per hour Police instructor incentive pay per hour Quality of life pay per hour Shift differential pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay Employee on 10 -hour shifts; —rking 80 hours per pay period $48.15 $0.63 $0.35 $0.35 $4.88 $1.06 $0.84 $0.37 $56.60 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Poli. Article 8.12 Standby Pay Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance e Lieutenant did not earn: One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Bi%veekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to —rk five (5) days per —ek /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Difference Required by Articles 8.6 & Required by Fair % Difference Salary earnings and Collective Bargaining base salary $100,147 Fair Labor Standards Act 8.20 (Double Labor Standards Required by Article Agreement Article Article 8.22 Article 11.4 (FLSA) and Time) and Article Act (FLSA) and Section 943.22, Article 8.22 Article 8.4 Article 8.25 8'19 Article 8.5 Aricle 8.5 (Shift g,5 (Shift Article 8.10 Florida Statutes Differential) Differential) (Court Time) Overtime (time Overtime Court Overtime Promotion CALEA Off-Duty Clothing and one half) (double time) (time and one Education SCFLE CJSTC Police Quality of Shift Differential Classification Certification Work Allowance Including Shift Including Shift half) Including Supplement Certification Longevity Instructor Life Pay Supplement Differential Differential Shift Differential Supplement Incentive Police Lieutenant 2/16/20071 $1,040 $731 $7201 $15,6881 $1,349 $337 $720 $2601 $10,1451 $2,2011 $1,742 $761 Base hourly rate $48.1476; $3851.81 biweeldy Regular rate of pay required by FLSA includes: Base hourly rate Accreditation pay per hour Uniform cleaning allo —nce per hour Education supplement per hour Longevity pay per hour Police instructor incentive pay per hour Quality of life pay per hour Shift differential pay per hour Hourly regular rate of pay Employee on 10 -hour shifts; —rking 80 hours per pay period $48.15 $0.63 $0.35 $0.35 $4.88 $1.06 $0.84 $0.37 $56.60 Per the FLSA, overtime rate is based on the regular rate of pay, not the base hourly rate. The regular rate of pay is the hourly rate actually paid the employee forthe normal, non - overtime workweek. The Act requires inclusion in the regular rate "all remuneration paid to, or on behalf, ofthe employee. Other negotiated pay supplements this particular Poli. Article 8.12 Standby Pay Article 8.13 Call -In Pay Article 8.14 Sunglasses & Prescnption Glasses Article 8.15 Field Training Officer Article 8.17 Special Assignment Allowance e Lieutenant did not earn: One -half (1/2) of regular base for a maximum of eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period Minimum oftwo (2) hours at the rate oftime and one -half (x1.50), except when contiguous to employee's regular schedule Maximum reimbursement of $60.00 annually per employee forthe purchase or replacement of glasses Bi%veekly payment of $114.94 for employees assigned as Field Training Officers (FTO's) Employees on permanent motorcycle assignment receive five percent (5 %) special assignment pay Employees assigned to —rk five (5) days per —ek /eight (8) hours per shift receive two and one -half percent (2.50 %) special assignment pay Difference Base Annual Total Earnings between total % Difference Salary earnings and base salary $100,147 $135,841 $35,694 36%