Mance E. Buttram resumeMANCE E. BUTTRAM CURRICULUM VITAE ARSH | Center for A pplied R esearch on S ubstance Use and H ealth Disparities Nova Southeastern University th 2 NE 40 Street, Ste. 404 Miami, FL 33137 305.571.2774 mance.buttram@nova.edu EDUCATION 2014 (Exp) Doctor of Philosophy, Sociocultural Anthropology Florida International University, Miami, Florida 2009 Master of Arts, Comparative Sociology Florida International University, Miami, Florida 2007 Master of Arts, Latin American Studies, Concentration: Anthropol University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Thesis: Completing the Circle: Garifuna Pilgrimage Journeys from Belize to Yurumein 2002 Bachelor of Science, Public Relations John Brown University, Siloam Springs, Arkansas EXPERIENCE Research 2012  Co-Investigator, A Self-Administered Intervention for Young Adult Polydrug Users, National Institute on Drug Abuse 2012  Co-Investigator, Risk Reduction for Urban Substance Using MSM, Na Institute on Drug Abuse 2012  Senior Research Associate, Case Management Alternatives for Afr American Women at High Risk for HIV, National Institute on Drug Abuse Academic 2011  Associate Scientist and Project Director ARSH | Center for A pplied R esearch on S ubstance Use and H ealth Disparities Nova Southeastern University, Miami, Florida 2009  2011 Research Assistant Center for Drug and Alcohol Studies University of Delaware, Coral Gables, Florida 2005  2007 Research Assistant Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 2004  2005 Instructor Student Development Program St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College, Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies 2003  2004 Full-time Teacher Information and Computer Technology Emmanuel High School, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Professional 2008  2009 Geographic Information Systems Technician Geographic Information Systems Center Florida International University, Miami, Florida 2008  2009 Research Associate Institute for Homeless Studies, Miami, Florida 2008 & 2009 Archaeologist Office of Cultural Resources Everglades National Park, Homestead, Florida 2003  2005 Community Educator HIV/AIDS and Health Ministry of Health, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies Involvement and Service 2008  2009 President Sociology and Anthropology Graduate Student Association Florida International University 2004  2005 Member Student Development Program Planning Committee St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College 2003  2005 Community Development Volunteer U.S. Peace Corps St. Vincent and the Grenadines Mance E. Buttram 2 July 2013 FELLOWSHIPS and GRANTS 2013 ARSH Early Career Investigator Award 2005  2007 Peace Corps Graduate Fellowship 2007 The University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Travel Grant 2006 Tinker Summer Field Research Grant MEMBERSHIPS 2013  College on Problems of Drug Dependence 2012  Society for Prevention Research 2011  International AIDS Society 2011  American Public Health Association 2005  Society for Applied Anthropology 2007  Latin American Studies Association 2006  2007 High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Articles Buttram, Mance E., Steven P. Kurtz, Hilary L. Surratt, and Maria A. Levi-Minzi. Health and Social In Press Problems Associated with Prescription Opioid Misuse Among a Dive- Using MSM. Substance Use and Misuse. Buttram, Mance E., Hilary L. Surratt, and Steven P. Kurtz. Resilience and Syndemic Risk Factors In Press Among African American Female Sex Workers. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 2013 Levi-Minzi, Maria A., Hilary L. Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz, and Mance E. Buttram. The Under Treatment of Pain: A Prescription for Opioid Misuse among the Elderly. Pain Medicine. DOI: 10.1111/pme.12189 [Epub ahead of print]. 2013 Kurtz, Steven P., Ron D. Stall, Mance E. Buttram, Hilary L. Surratt, and Minxing Chen. A Randomized Trial of a Behavioral Intervention for High Risk Substance-Using MSM. AIDS and Behavior. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-013-0531-z [Epub ahead of print]. 2013 Friedman, Mackey R., Steven P. Kurtz, Mance E. Buttram, Chongyi Wei, Anthony J. Silvestre, and Ron Stall. HIV Risk Among Substance-using Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women (MSMS): Findings from South Florida. AIDS and Behavior. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-013-0495-z [Epub ahead of print]. Mance E. Buttram 3 July 2013 2013 Buttram, Mance E., Steven P. Kurtz, and Hilary L. Surratt. Substance Use and Sexual Risk Mediated by Social Support Among Black Men. Journal of Community Health. 38(1):62-69. 2013 Kurtz, Steven P., Hilary L. Surratt, Mance E. Buttram, Maria A. Levi-Minzi, and Minxing Chen. Interview as Intervention: The Case of Young Adult Multidrug Users in the Club Scene. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 44(3):301-308. 2013 Buttram, Mance E. and Steven P. Kurtz. Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Gay Neighborhood Residence. American Journal of Mens Health. 7(2):108-116. 2012 Kurtz, Steven P., Mance E. Buttram, Hilary L. Surratt, and Ron Stall. Resilience, Syndemic Factors, and Serosorting Behaviors Among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Substance-Using MSM. AIDS Education and Prevention. 24(3):193-205. Research Reports 2011 Carr Ethan, Elaine Jackson-Retondo, Len Warner, Mance E. Buttram, and Melissa Memory A Cultural Resource Assessment of the Mission 66 Developments of EvergladesNational Park, Homestead, Florida. 2009 Buttram, Mance E. and Melissa Memory A Cultural Resource Assessment of Florida Bay Interagency Scienc Station Site. Everglades National Park, Homestead, Florida. 2009 Buttram, Mance E., Christine Trebellas, and Melissa Memory A Cultural Resource Assessment of the Old Ingraham Highway and Homestead, East Cape, and Buttonwood Canals. Everglades National Park, Homestead, Florida. 2007 Stoffle, Richard, Nathaniel OMeara, Rebecca Toupal, Mance E. Buttram, and Jill Dumbauld Bandelier National Monument: A Study of Natural Resource Use Among Culturally Affiliated Pueblo Communities. Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, Tucson, Arizona. 2006 Stoffle, Richard, Nieves Zedeño, Richard Arnold, Kathleen Van Vlack, Mance E. Buttram, Heather Fauland, Aja Martinez, Rebecca Toupal Dá Me Na-Nu-Wu-Tsi: All of Our Relations Mother Earth, Timber Mountain Caldera Report. Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. PEER REVIEW Peer reviewer for submissions to the following journals: American Journal of Mens Health, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, and Qualitative Health Research Mance E. Buttram 4 July 2013 PRESENTATIONS 2013 Kurtz, Steven P., and Mance E. Buttram. Invited presentation: HIV Prevention for Men Who Have Sex With Men. HIV Prevention Conference, Hohhot, Inner Mon-7. 2013 Kurtz, Steven P., Mance E. Buttram, Ron D. Stall, and Hilary L. Clinical Trial of Two Interventions to Reduce HIV Risk and Substance Use th Vulnerable MSM. 7 International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treat and Prevention, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 30-July 3, 2013. 2013 Kurtz, Steven P., Hilary L. Surratt, and Mance E. Buttram. Poste th Populations and Illicit Markets for ARVs: Potential Implications International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatand Prevention, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 30-July 3, 2013. 2013 Kurtz, Steven P., Mance E. Buttram, Hilary L. Surratt, Catherine OGrady, and Shenika Moraldo. Poster: Emerging Synthetic and Natural Psychoactive Drugs in So: Users Demographic and Health Risk Profiles. Global Addiction and EUROPAD Joint Conference, Pisa, Italy, May 7-10. 2013 Buttram, Mance E. and Steven P.Kurtz. Poster: Social and Environmental Predictors of Resilience Among Young Adult Multidrug Users in Miamis Nightclub Scene. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, March 19-23. 2013 Kurtz, Steven P. and Mance E. Buttram. Presented paper: Predic Young Adult Multidrug Users in Miamis Club Scene. Multidisciplinary Research Centers International Conference, Tel Hai College, Israel, January 6-7. 2012 Buttram, Mance E. and Steven P. Kurtz. Poster: Results of a Randomized Intervention Trial to Reduce HIV Risk Behaviour and Substance Use and Increase Social Support Among Vulnerable African American/Black Men. XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC, July 22-27. 2012 Friedman, M., Ron Stall, L. Heerten, Mance E. Buttram, and StevePoster: HIV Risk Behaviour Among Substance-using Men Who Have Sex With Men and Women (MSMW): Findings from Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC, July 22-27. 2012 Stall, Ron, Friedman M., Steven P. Kurtz, and Mance E. Buttram. Poster: Party, Play and Pay: Associations Between Transactional Sex and High-risk UAI Among Substance-using MSM in South Florida. XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC, July 22-27. 2012 Stall, Ron, Friedman, M., Steven P. Kurtz, and Mance E. Buttram. Poster: Syndemic Associations of HIV Risk Among Sex-working MSM in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, USA. XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC, July 22-27. 2012 Buttram, Mance E. Presented paper: Neighborhood Influence on Substance Use and HIV Transmission Risk in South Florida. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, March 29-April 2. Mance E. Buttram 5 July 2013 2011 Buttram, Mance E. Presented paper: Using geographic information systems to understand spatial distribution of substance use and HIV transmission risk among MSM in South Florida. Symposium for Research on Substance Use, Nova Southeastern University, Coral Gables, Florida, December 9. 2011 Buttram, Mance E. Presented paper: Migration-related health risks and adverse aspects of social capital among MSM in South Floridas drug-sex scene. Symposium for Research on Substance Use, Nova Southeastern University, Coral Gables, Florida, December 9. 2011 Buttram, Mance E. and Steven P. Kurtz. Presented paper: The geography of risk factors and protective characteristics of HIV transmission and substance use. Ontario HIV Treatment Network, Toronto, Ontario, November 14-15. 2011 Kurtz, Steven P., Mance E. Buttram, Ron Stall, Hilary L. SurrattPresented paper: Migration-related Health Risks and Adverse Aspects of Social Capital among th South Floritdas Sex-Drug Scene. 139 Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, October 27-November 2. 2011 Buttram, Mance E., Steven P. Kurtz, and Khary K. Rigg. Poster: Racial/Ethnic Differences in th Annual Meeting of Social Environment and Health among Urban Substance Using MSM. 139 the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, October 27-November 2. 2011 Buttram, Mance E., Steven P. Kurtz. Presented paper: Using Geographic Information Systems to Understand Spatial Distribution of of Substance Use and HIV Tamong MSM in South Florida. AIDS Impact, Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 11-15. 2011 Kurtz, Steven P., Mance E. Buttram, Ron Stall, Hilary L. SurrattPresented paper: Difference in Health Behaviors between HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative substance-using MSM. AIDS Impact, Santa Fe, NM, September 11-15. 2008 Buttram, Mance E. Presented paper: Garifuna Pilgrimage and Identity Performance. Southeastern Conference on Latin American Studies, Tampa, Florida, April 17-19. 2007 Buttram, Mance E. Guest Lecture: Identity in the Caribbean. Course Number: ANTH 203, Caribbean Transformation: From Cannibals to Reggae, The Univer, October 20. 2007 Buttram, Mance E. Presented paper: Completing the Circle: Garifuna Pilgrimage from St. Vincent and Yurumein. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, March 27-31. 2006 Buttram, Mance E. Presented paper: The Making of Garifuna Pilgrimage. Tinker Symposium, The University of Arizona, November 3. Mance E. Buttram 6 July 2013 2006 Buttram, Mance E. Presented paper: Puha Path: From Tippipah Village to Scrugham Peak. Great Basin Anthropology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 19-22. 2006 Buttram, Mance E. Poster: Traditional Ethnogeological and Ethnobotanical Resource Use of Bandelier National Monument. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 28-April 2. Mance E. Buttram 7 July 2013