Emily E. Eisenhauer ResumeCurriculum Vitae
Emily Eisenhauer
1130 11 St. Apt. 2A
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Phone: (786) 543-7087
Email: Emily.Eisenhauer@fiu.edu
Research Experience
Research Assistant, NSF/Ultra Urban Long Term Research Area-Exploratory project, Gail
Hollander-PI, Florida International University, August 2011 – August 2013.
Collaborated with interdisciplinary teams of natural and social science researchers and
engineers exploring coastal vulnerabilities. Established contacts and conducted interviews
with local non-profit and government agencies working on climate change adaptation.
Presented at regional and national conferences and workshops. Co-authored paper with
P.I. (in process) and completed research towards PhD dissertation: The Construction of
Socio-ecological Vulnerability to Climate Change in South Florida.
Research Associate, Research Institute for Social and Economic Policy, Center for Labor
Research & Studies, Florida International University, May 2006 - July 2011.
Conducted applied social science research on issues of economic security, environmental
justice, and social services with local non-profit and community based organizations.
Supervised field research teams, performed statistical and qualitative data analysis, and
authored research reports. Substantially contributed to grant proposals bringing in
$257,757 for our organization and $475,000 for community partners. Managed institute
grants and budget, and communications.
Education Positions
Teaching Assistant, Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies, Florida International
University, Fall 2012.
Course: Economic Geography
Adjunct Professor, Honors College, Florida International University, Spring 2009.
Course: Honors Leadership Seminar
Adjunct Professor, Center for Labor Research and Studies, Florida International University, Fall
2007, Fall 2008 and Summer 2009.
Course: Introduction to Labor Studies
Adjunct Professor, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Nova Southeastern
University, Spring 2007.
Course: Social Problems
Adjunct Professor, Florida International University, Fall 2007, Summer 2007.
Course: Student Life Skills
Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Florida International University,
Course: Introduction to Anthropology
English Instructor, VEN-USA College, Mérida, Venezuela, 2004
Taught English classes to students in an intensive English program affiliated with
Tompkins Community College, SUNY. Improved Spanish language skills through
language exchange partnerships.
Instructional Assistant II, Miami-Dade College, InterAmerican Campus, Miami, Florida 2003
Supervised tutors in a Title V grant funded tutoring program. Facilitated tutor training
workshops, covering topics such as questioning, listening skills, and difficult tutoring
Peace Corps Volunteer, TEFL program, Qing Yang Teacher's College, Gansu, China 2000-2002
Taught 530 hours of English conversation, writing, and culture classes to English majors
at a teachers’ college. Designed and facilitated training sessions in teaching methodology
for rural high school English teachers.
Communications Learning Specialist, Brevard Community College, Palm Bay, Florida, 1999-
Tutored Communications I and II students, developmental, disabled and ESL students in
writing and reading. Designed, created, and maintained the on-line tutoring site, the
PhD in Global and Sociocultural Studies, Florida International University, May 2014 (expected)
M.A. in Comparative Sociology, Florida International University, May 2006
B.A. in Honors, Humanities and German, Stetson University, May 1999
Junior Year Abroad, Albert-Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg, Germany 1997-98
Peer Reviewed Publications
Smith-Cavros, E.M. and Eisenhauer, E. (2013). Overtown: Neighborhood, Change, Challenge
and “Invironment.” Local Environment. Forthcoming.
Eisenhauer, E. and Nissen, B. (2011). University Based Research for Social Change: Lessons
Learned. Theory in Action 4(2): 21-30.
Eisenhauer, E., Angee, A., Barclay B., and Cogua-Lopez, J. (2008). Community Knowledge and
Attitudes toward Refugees and Asylees in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties: An Analysis for
the International Rescue Committee. NAPA Bulletin 27(1):224–236
Awards and Honors
2013 J.X. Kasperson Award for student paper "The Construction of Socio-ecological
Vulnerabilty to Climate Change in Miami Beach," from the Hazards, Risks & Disasters Specialty
Group of the Association of American Geographers.
Dissertation Evidence Acquisition Fellowship, Florida International University Graduate School,
Spring 2013.
Second Place, National Association for the Practice of Anthropology Student Award, 2005.
“Community Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Refugees and Asylees in Miami-Dade and
Broward Counties: An Analysis for the International Rescue Committee.”
Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Florida International University, 2006
Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Stetson University, 1999
Inducted Phi Beta Kappa, 1999
Writer of the Year, The Stetson Reporter, 1999
Professional Presentations
Presentation to City of Miami Beach Sustainability Committee, “The Vulnerable, Sustainable
City: Miami Beach and Global Climate Change,” July 16, 2013.
Eisenhauer, E. (2013). "The Construction of Socio-ecological Vulnerabilty to Climate Change in
Miami Beach." Presentation at 2013 J.X. Kasperson Award winners session, Association of
American Geographers, Los Angeles, April 10, 2013.
Eisenhauer, E. (2013). "The Sustainable, Vulnerable City: Miami Beach and Global Climate
Change." Poster presentation at Miami Beach Design Challenge 2100: A Workshop on Sea
Level Rise and Planning for Resilience. FIU School of Architecture, March 28, 2013.
Eisenhauer, E. (2012). Socio-ecological Vulnerability to Climate Change in South Florida.
Poster session presented at Risk and Response: Sea Level Rise Summit the Future of Florida and
the Coast. June 20-22, Boca Raton, FL.
Hollander, G., Harlem, P., Ross, M., Gladwin, H. Hall, B., Mic, S., and Eisehnauer, E. (2011).
Anticipating Sea Level Rise: Looking to the Past and the Future in Miami-Dade. Poster session
presented at: State University System Climate Change Workshop, November 14-15, 2011,
Gainesville, FL.
Eisenhauer, E. (2010). Building a Fair Recovery: Jobs and Housing in Miami. Presented at
Organizing the Recovery: State-Based Activism on the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009, May 10-12, 2010, Washington, D.C.
Eisenhauer, E. (2009). Assuring Equity in State Spending of Federal Recovery Dollars.
Presented at the Economic Analysis and Research Network annual conference, September 21-23,
2009, Detroit, Michigan.
Smith-Cavros, E. and E. Eisenhauer. (2008). “Overtown: Neighborhood, Change, Challenge and
‘Invironment’” on the panel “Green Lifestyles, Green Commodities, and Grassroots
Environmentalism.” American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 2008.
Eisenhauer, E. (2008). “Participatory and Collaborative Research Strategies,” Supporting Social
Movements conference at American University, October 31-Nov. 1 2008.
Peer reviewed conference presentation, “Homestead, Florida: Immigrant Workers Tell Their
Stories Through Photography,” United Association for Labor Educators annual conference,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 12, 2008
Research Reports and Policy Briefs:
State of Working Florida 2011 (September 2011)
Issue Brief: Unemployment Compensation (February 2011)
State of Working Florida 2010 (September 2010)
Recovering from Crisis: A review of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Florida’s
economic recovery (June 2010) co-authored with the Kirwan Institute for Race and Ethnicity at
Ohio State University.
Beyond the Quick Fix: ARRA Contracting, Jobs, and Building a Fair Recovery for Florida
(January 2010) co-authored with the Kirwan Institute for Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State
How Fair is Florida? Recession, Recovery, Equity, and Opportunity in Florida (October 2009)
co-authored with the Kirwan Institute for Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University
State of Working Florida 2009 (September 2009)
Securing Florida’s Future: Job loss in the recession and job creation for a sustainable economy
(June 2009)
Portrait of Women in Miami-Dade: Economic Security (2009)
The State of Working Florida 2008 (September 2008) co-authored with Bruce Nissen and
Marcos Feldman
Love and Respect for Self and Community: Struggles for Justice in Miami-Dade Neighborhoods.
Report on participatory action research project funded by Dade Community Foundation. (July
The Challenge of Housing for Former Foster Youth (July 2008, unpublished)
The Growing Divide: Income Inequality and Its Effects on Florida's Families (April 2008) co-
authored with Marcos Feldman, and Bruce Nissen
State of Working Florida 2007 (September 2007) co-authored with Bruce Nissen
Immigrants in Florida: Characteristics and Contributions (May 2007) co-authored with Alejandro
Angee, Cynthia Hernandez and Yue Zhang
Issue Brief: Proposed Changes to Florida's Property Tax System (April 2007)
Issue Brief: Paid Sick Leave for Florida Workers (February 2007)
Healthy Work: What are the consequences of not providing health insurance on two county GOB
projects? (August 2006)
Promoting Diverse Work: The benefits of using minority contractors on two county GOB
projects (August 2006)
Healthcare Coverage and Employment Status in Florida (June 2006) co-authored with Bruce
Nissen and Yue Zhang
Workshops and Outreach activities
Panelist at Arthur R. Marshall Foundation for the Everglades Sea Level Rise Symposium, Boca
Raton, FL, July 26, 2013.
Panelist at “Getting Traction on Climate Policy Initiatives” workshop convened by South Florida
Climate Action Partners in Boca Raton, FL, March 2, 2013.
Eisenhauer, E. “Vulnerability, Resilience and Building a Movement for Climate Justice,”
Empowering Capable Climate Communicators workshop, Mar. 31, 2012. University of Miami.
Intro to Climate Change, Community Workshop at the Miami Workers Center, Miami, FL. April
12 and 26, 2012.
Comments on South Florida Climate Compact Draft Action Plan submitted for public comment
period, March 18, 2012.
Activist Conversation on Climate Change, the Miami Workers Center, Miami, FL, June 8, 2012.
Conferences and Professional Development
“Adaptive Planning for Coastal Change: Legal Issues for Local Government,” Florida Sea Grant,
April 19, 2013.
National Climate Assessment Southeast Regional Town Hall, Tampa, FL February 19, 2013
South Florida Regional Climate Change Compact 4 Annual Climate Leadership Summit, Dec.
6-7, 2012, Key Largo, FL.
Risk and Response: Sea Level Rise Summit the Future of Florida and the Coast. June 20-22,
Boca Raton, FL.
Adaptation Futures, 2012 International Conference on Climate Adaptation, May 29-31, 2012,
Tucson, AZ.
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Feb. 24-28, 2012, New York City.
Empowering Capable Climate Communicators workshop series, Feb. 4, 11, and Mar. 31, 2012.
University of Miami.
South Florida Regional Climate Change Compact 3rd Annual Climate Leadership Summit, Dec.
8-9, 2011, Key Largo, FL.
State University System Florida Climate Change Task Force Workshop, Nov. 15, 2011,
Gainesville, FL.
Economic Analysis and Research Network annual conference, 2008-2011
President, Sociology and Anthropology Graduate Student Association, Florida International
University, 2005
Training Workshops Given
Strategic Planning for AFSCME local 1184
Using Census Data in your Research Papers
Study Skills: Time-Management
Study Skills: Note-taking
Study Skills: Preparing for Exams
Study Skills: Effective PowerPoint Presentations
Relevant Computer Skills
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, FrontPage
Fluent German
Conversational Spanish
Basic Chinese
Community Involvement
Board member, Florida New Majority Education Fund, 2012- present.
Mentor, Educate Tomorrow, 2011-present.
President, Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of South Florida, Inc., 2007-2012. Member since
Steering Committee, Women’s Movement Now, Miami Chapter, 2007.